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Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 6:20pm
> Mind releasing the source to make sure you're not trying to get PPW's
> from people?

Yes, I do mind :)

> You never know, it may be an eleborate trick just to see how many you
> can get (you may not do anything with them). Better to be safe than
> sorry, though.

People who do not have explicit trust in me need not apply.

- MR

Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 6:25pm
I wish.... Class 3 managed to kill it twice.

- MR

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Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 6:52pm
Erm... Echelon is a personal bot... its never been released... noone else
has ever got their hands on it... and I havent used it for the past year and
a half because it was outdated and resides on my source code disk

Just because your resentful to any upcoming programmers that will
(potentially) be outcoding you at the other side of a programming masters
degree in a few years dosent mean everyone else resents them.

- MR

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Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 7:57pm
> One thing I learned in the past that you try to be honest and don't "show

A few years ago there were so many programming opertunities going, and
everyone and everything wanted a programmer working for them. Since then
however it has been a case that the bubble has unreservedly popped and now
programming work is becoming scarcer, especially in an time when software
houses regually fail to produce software on time / at all etc and people are
moving away from having software designed.

Ive been coding for the last god knows how many years to better myself, but
now im moving on to try and make something from it (gotta pay for uni
somehow!) and I have found that (from friends experience) you have to put
yourself and the front of the queue, and if that means that you try and make
everyone and everything know that you are a good coder then that must be the
objective, otherwise the little work that is available; you get trampled on
in the line for it.

Also people with high public profiles tend to attract greater attention to a
project, regardless of the reputation of their profile and in the days of
marketing being everything having that extra exposure is a key ingredient to
any development (or that could just be my 4+ years of business studies

You previously brought up the naming of my bots, I consider the name of
great importance as something that defines the bot as what it is... Zeus
(because it generally rules everything, a ECS / WMS or whatever the hell you
wanna define it as), Echelon (because echelon was the name of a huge data
processor in a book I saw and the entire point of Echelon was to keep and
manage huge databases on everyone it came into contact with, and ZeTech also
being what I call all of my products by), and most recently Eclipse (I
designed it to be stealthy and dark, to provide as much information about
others and as little about itself as possible.), the Ill-Fated Andrasta (God
of Invisibility?, operated in global without state-change - Canty remember
so well now). I put quite a lot of thought into the names because I like to
have a good firm foundation of which to base the bot around, all of your
program names are exactly what it contains in the tin, but not what I would
imagine would look particually good on the front of a box on a store shelf.

I do notice a lot of the 'beating down' of younger coders by certain older
programmers on here, I myself try to help as many coders as possible in any
way I can, however my time is limited and I often get quite annoyed when I
recieve 20 telegrams from someone who dosent know any coding what-soever,
but wants to know how to make a bot with the kinda of DBMS's that it took me
2 years to learn properly and they dont want to spend time and patience on
it... they want to make one NOW, thats really the only time I lose my rag
because I put litterally hundreds upon hundreds of hours learning how to
program (after I first got VB I used to spend 6 hours a night for about 5
months just experimenting and reading books / websites on it, and I also had
one of the best teachers you could ever hope to have).

I try to establish myself by creating bots that will have some significance
or will leave an impression (I enter AWTeen, look around a few seconds, and
one of the first things I see is a advert for Demeter, containing terrain I
made a program to design [since when I have given brant the source code]).

I consider this a very active market, if you place yourself right, and I
also know that if you do create certain things you need to protect yourself
from people directly copying your work (ie if I released source code on
Eclipse) as that took me my entire holiday + more to create, and I am all
for joint projects but giving away code for the amount of dedication that
bot has taken for such little reason is pointless and stupid.

Im not here to go competing against any individuals... I am here to be the

- Mark Randall

Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 9:32pm
[View Quote] And one with any common sense would realise that alphaworld GZ would be the
perfect area for testing such a bot due to the high amount of users
entering/exiting and moving about, coupled with a usual high chat content
which was essential when checking the syth voice playback overnight... ('The
Lady Says Good Morning') is a scary thing to hear when you first wake up at

- MR

Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 24, 2004, 9:34pm
> And one with any common sense would realise that alphaworld GZ would be
> perfect area for testing such a bot due to the high amount of users
> entering/exiting and moving about, coupled with a usual high chat content
> which was essential when checking the syth voice playback overnight...

As long as it keeps its digital mouth firmly shut and dosent actually act on
what it observes.

- MR

Looking for BETA testers for Eclipse

Apr 25, 2004, 5:13pm
Looking for about 3 or 4 more people.

Once I have decided on the list I will contact each of you with download
details for the setup file.

- MR

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Eclipse BETA 3.5.1 Available

Jul 1, 2004, 4:59pm
For details, please read

Sorry for the long delay on this update, there are plenty of fixes /
updates. As usual the main required files are in the main download, with the
latest application exe in the update zip.

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA 3.5.1 Available

Jul 1, 2004, 8:37pm
I appologise for the suspension of downloads.

I have recently become aware of several problems where the program would
only run on a system with a development environment installed (because of
the shell files) I am currently writing a proper installer and update client
for this, to avoid future problems.

Thankyou for your consideration,

- Mark

Eclipse BETA 3.5.1 Available

Jul 1, 2004, 9:00pm
Unfortunatly the situation has grown worse (what good marketing I run...) I
have discovered several critical problems with the Eclipse code since
installing VBSP6, this is going to take me serious time in the IDE to work
out why all my functions are suddenly acting like they are ByRef instead of

Sorry, news wil be posted once I have sorted this problem.

- Mark Randall
*Groans* Gawd damnit why now

Eclipse BETA 3.5.10 Available

Jul 3, 2004, 7:29am
For details, please read

The file now comes as a single download, with automatically generated folder
setups and a default profile set for Active Worlds ( on
5670) to make first-time users have an easier ride.

To download the bot, click on the 'download' link under the 'eclipse beta'
heading on the right navigation bar and follow the instructions.

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA 3.5.10 Available

Jul 5, 2004, 8:42pm
Hi Everyone,

Several users have made note that the bot fails to load when the voice
interface is generated, thanks to a lot of help from SC.Davena I have
tracked it down to the default INI entry I produced along with the bot. This
sets the default voice as 1, while this is perfect for me (or anyone with
more than the base SAPI installed) the SAPI 5.1 interface only includes 1
voice, Microsoft Sam.

To fix this please do the following (to avoid another lengthy download)

Open the folder you unziped Eclipse to, you will see a folder in it called
'profiles', in that folder you will see a file called 'sapi.ini' this is the
main voice configuration file.

Open this file and look for the line that says


and change it to


This will make the system use the primary voice, Microsoft Sam, instead of
waiting indefinatly for the SAPI server to return a none-existant response.
Simply save the sapi.ini file with the changes and reload the bot.

Happy BETA'ing

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA 3.5.20 Available

Jul 7, 2004, 4:02pm
For details, please read

Random features:
- Fully enabled voice readout of chat and events
- Better reports
- First / Last seen awareness
- Extended user lists
- Minimize to tray
- Various bugfixes

To download the bot, click on the 'download' link under the 'eclipse beta'
heading on the right navigation bar and follow the instructions.

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA 3.5.20 Available

Jul 7, 2004, 6:09pm
Also, please make use of the 'update' feature on the help menu to find out
if there are new versions... saves flooding the NG with every new build.

- MR

Eclipse BETA 3.5.20 Available

Jul 8, 2004, 12:01am
Hi Folks,

I am currently after any ideas you may have for features to add that are not
already included (except direct scripting / surveying - theyre planned for
later). If you do have any ideas either post them as a reply to this thread
or email them me. This bot is designed to work for you, let me know any
ideas you have.

- MR

AWCamp Bot Class

Jul 7, 2004, 8:16pm
Thats all dependant on what time it is...

I could teach Preston, Xelagot, Eclipse, whatever.

- MR

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Eclipse BETA 3.5.30 Available

Jul 10, 2004, 1:55am
For details, please read (I promise I will
update it soon!)

Random features:
- Citizen lookup
- World lookup (UniCT)
- Universe Report
- World Rights Edit / Report
- Universe Options (Read-Only)
- Follow mode
- Various other things

To download the bot, click on the 'download' link under the 'eclipse beta'
heading on the right navigation bar and follow the instructions.

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA 3.5.30 Available

Jul 10, 2004, 2:26am
This will be the last update on the newsgroup for a while... As Tony has
told me I do seem to be flooding the group, lol...

The update option on the about menu does now work, please use it, often! The
bot sends its build number to tell you if there is an update or not.

- Mark

Eclipse BETA - Requesting Specialist Testers

Jul 27, 2004, 10:07pm
Hi Everyone,

I have just finished the implimentation the scripting interface into my
Eclipse Nightwing bot using Visual Basic Script as the primary language. I
have done some testing and have created a few random scripts, and a
paintball script.

However, I would like some other people who have experience with VBS to try
a special BETA build and give the scripting system some hammer.

I have put some documentation up at and other
information under the "scripting sdk" header. It is pretty heavy, but if you
think you are capable of testing it, please contact me (reply to post or
reply via email) and I can set you up with the Beta.

Example Script:

Cheers :)

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA - Requesting Specialist Testers

Jul 29, 2004, 5:54pm
I did wonder who was accessing the site from their HDD... lol..

I started thinking of / implimenting features like that are in Eclipse about
2 years back, however this is the first time I've done so in a released bot.

- MR

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Eclipse BETA - Requesting Specialist Testers

Jul 29, 2004, 10:09pm
I scan switch the VBScript interface to JavaScript at the push of a button
*Adds code to make it selectable*

- Mark

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Eclipse BETA - Requesting Specialist Testers

Jul 29, 2004, 11:23pm
Expiring here didnt stop me... simply slowed me down a bit.

- MR

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Eclipse BETA - Requesting Specialist Testers

Jul 30, 2004, 12:10am
If you want to release your code, sure go for it. Personally im using
Eclipse as my first real CY effort (Source folder is 2MB of Code).

I origionally started writing things like it because I wanted to write
something to move beyond Botweiler (sp?) because Baron was the person who
really got me going in the right direction with programming, and I wouldent
have ever got to making this bot without him, so seemed fitting to test
myself with my first public release, with something that I hope will
eventually pass beyond it (and dare I say it, every other bot).

With the addition of pure VBScripting and the huge list of classes and
functions I've added to it instead of people needing to write bots taking
them hours, its now possible to make them in minutes having a very stable
base platform in Eclipse
( - took betwen 5 and 30
minutes each).

Uh... cant think now.

- MR

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a bit offtopic but maybe someone can help

Aug 5, 2004, 2:21am
You need to make a server app, have a server to run it on, locatable IP for
the server, and a client, and a protocol to communicate between the 3.

- MR

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a bit offtopic but maybe someone can help

Aug 5, 2004, 3:31am
Its 6:15 am and ive been working on Eclipse for 18 hours... but being so
early i think ill have to skip sleep for tonight...

As for VB / C++... all depends, C++ is a lot harder to get the basics going
than VB (Ive never got a hang of it myself) but for small stuff VB is all
you need, if you intend to go into like 50 or so sim connections you need
Winsock 2 and C++.

Then again some good WS2 direct API in VB...

- MR

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a bit offtopic but maybe someone can help

Aug 5, 2004, 4:08am

As for BitBlt it all depends what kinda caching you do, DirectDraw is best
for that, but its a pain to sort out.

As for VB and DirectX, DX is direct video access, but still runs faster in
compiled EXE form.

- MR

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Eclipse BETA Build 95 (RC)

Aug 17, 2004, 3:47pm
For details, please read

Random features:
- Full Scripting (+4 Bonus Scripts)
- New Handling of Disconnections
- Better GUI (No more horrid frames!)
- Avatar Setting
- 5+ Teleport abilities!
- Botgrams

To download the bot, click on the 'download' link under the 'eclipse beta'
heading on the right navigation bar and follow the instructions. This is an
RC build, it should be stable and work well for you. Please report any bugs
to me via email.

- Mark Randall

Eclipse BETA Build 95 (RC)

Aug 17, 2004, 5:26pm
I am very sorry my last post over a month ago, which will have been
disgarded by most OE newsreaders now on default settings upsets you Bowen...
(No, honestly, I am! lol) However personally I only see 6 threads?

- Mark

Eclipse BETA Build 95 (RC)

Aug 17, 2004, 6:51pm
[View Quote] Thoese 5 threads were before I added a option to the actual software to
check for an update :) Its taken me over a month to upgade the bot to its
new state with scripting and 3.6 features, hence I thought it suitable to
make a seperate post about it.

- MR

missing aw.dll

Aug 27, 2004, 11:54pm
Although thats a really bad idea because they are all named the same and you
could get conflicts between the build versions... Although putting the COM
wrappers (VBAWSDK) in your system folder works :)

- MR

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