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Changing GZ Without Changing GZ

Mar 10, 2005, 12:30am
If its not at GZ... it aint GZ.

- MR

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Re: Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 12:30am
Ok... you are all just getting irritating now...

Double line spacing between paragraphs, no indentation and for the love of
sweet jesus don't post the same post 3 times :)

Thankya kindly.

- MR

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Re:Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 8:49pm
No you couldent.

You cannot have your Active Worlds Account revoked for anything you host on
servers etc, unless of course you happen to be training terrorists in an
Al-Queda world in the AW universe.

Has to be a violation inside AW.

- MR
WTF, Quote to Post Ratio??

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Buyer Beware!

Mar 11, 2005, 9:20am
No, you don't get the scale of it.

They don't send out a few thousand a week, they send out a few MILLION a

- Mark R

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Storage's 8th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 11, 2005, 5:22pm
I must still be banned for using andras's own technology to cheat again :(

- Mark R

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Ferru and Taun's Hard Work Copied

Mar 10, 2005, 9:56pm
Its intellectual property - have GET delete it.

- Mark R

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Ferru and Taun's Hard Work Copied

Mar 11, 2005, 9:18am
Ferr's PPW, tough.

- MR

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The Cy Awards

Mar 11, 2005, 5:20pm
Thats a fricken annoyance >_< If we had known I could have put together an
extreemly strong team for it.

- Mark R

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The Cy Awards

Mar 12, 2005, 12:49am
Please don't comment on what you don't know about Drew :)

After having my telegrams list scrolling for the last 2 hours - Things are
looking like there is another possibility that lets us maintain our CY
awards... but help is needed! Plans are being concopted as I type.

After deliberating with Lady Teal for a good hour and a half we have
identified several critical failures that can be fixed efficently with the
correct people helping.

First of all the main problem is the voting system; simply put this is
static web based, we can fix this easily using some slightly modified bot
technology and a decent database. Proper technological support.

Secondly we identified a lack of hosts, to this end I have asked Poseidon to
be a presenter, I am also trying to contact IHNK, a CY mainstay, to see if
he is available.

Thirdly, security and organisation - We have already identified several PK
people this last hour who could provide good mannered security, and at the
same time assist in making sure people are where they need to be. This can
be supported by technology.

Building, I am sure the likes of Ferruccio, Digigurl, and other builders
would be more than happy to vaulenter their time to creating an amazing
setup for us.

We have audio available to us from AWRadio, as Goober K has expressed strong
interest in hosting the audio for it.

Lady Teal may not have as much time as she could possibly have for it, but
she is still the best forefront we have available for it, and I know
perfectly well from my extensive time in AW that there are people in AW
(some given above) that have the skill to do what we need to get this up and
get it going with enormous success.

We have got this together in just 2 hours (with multitasking), because the
main thing it takes is communication, and if I can put something together to
take on what CY means then I will sure as hell do it. Thats where everyone
else comes in.

What do you want to be involved in, do you want to submit ideas, places or
people for awards, do you want to provide extra events or services? What the
heck are waiting for? Lady Teal wasnt aware of the level of support that
could be put into the CY's from other people, and now she is - So get off
your arses and lets do it.

Also, we need 5 people, hard workers - who could help index the nominations,
I assure you with advanced technology playing its role this will go at light
speed, but the human touch is always needed.

CY Awards doesnt mean a lot to some people, but I am one of the people who
has wanted one since I started doing something in AW, in my case working in
AWTeen, support, and making bots. Yes we could have a new awards event, but
the CY's actually MEAN something to the people who want to earn them...

1 idea, upto 50 designers, developers, assistants and managers, upto 600
visitors, a futher 500 reading about the night afterwards... does that sound
good to you all? Because thats what I think we should aim for.

- Mark R

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The Cy Awards

Mar 12, 2005, 1:42am
Therefore, how do you say to someone, that they have perminantly lost their
chance to win a CY, something that they have perhaps been aiming towards for
maybe 5, 6 years.

If you have a CY awards, you have a chance of winning one, bear in mind that
a lot of these awards are for achievement as judged by the general AW
communnity, I certainally do not want to go appointing 10 judges to decide
who's achievement in something is better than someone elses.

Then of course we have those for effort and community, really, how can
anyone else judge a persons effort? Simple answer is you can't, but what you
can express by voting for someone is how that person's effort has benefitted
you. A large community may win an award, and granted, a smaller, newer
community may not, because it will not have advanced as much, but if there
is a CY award the year after, and the year after that then what was that
smaller community, will have grown and may then be the one to win the votes.

Its human nature to compete.

- Mark R

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Red Nose Day 2005!

Mar 11, 2005, 6:53pm
Evening all! :)

For all the UKians (and even those of you who are not) I hope you all show
your support for Red Nose Day 2005, on BBC1 right now, which has already
reached close to £8,000,000 in 2 hours for aid and support in Africa.

Watch RND live:

- Mark R

Red Nose Day 2005!

Mar 11, 2005, 8:45pm
By 'childrens crap' I presume you mean the adverts of the kids dying, and
the pictures of the graves?

- MR

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Red Nose Day 2005!

Mar 11, 2005, 10:10pm
*sigh* thats replaced the Dick and Don in da bungalow.. same timeslot, same

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Red Nose Day 2005!

Mar 12, 2005, 11:52am
Yay :) We raised over £38,000,000 (£38 Million) for aid in the UK and

- MR

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Red Nose Day 2005!

Mar 12, 2005, 1:23pm
... 38 million in 9 hours, and the UK raised 200 million for the Tsunami
appeal in 10 weeks.

- MR

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The Cys Can No Longer Exist

Mar 12, 2005, 1:36pm
How dare you claim that you own the CY Awards, you were their main
representative, you cannot own a community activity unless you are every
single aspect of it, and you are being thick headed and arrogant to think
you have the right to destroy a huge portion of this community at your whim.

I have seen thousands of hours be spent on the CY awards by hundreds of
people and you are now saying you reserve the right to terminate them as you
wish? That is an unrespectable, offensive and utterly arrogant descision,
hell lets all remember the CY Awards as ending on one persons whim because
they had a problem letting anyone else take over, even when they chose that
person themself. Hell while we are at it lets take all the statues and
rename them alphabit awards, one person, nomatter how good, isnt a community
so if you own them the very principle that its a community award is

If its turned negative its because YOU have made them negative.

You remember that.

Consider your legacy, as of this post, destroyed.

- MR

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The Cys Can No Longer Exist

Mar 12, 2005, 2:46pm
Well... on behalf of everyone that has been screwed by this, and all of
those people who have come to me saying how the termination of CY's will
extensivly damage this community - I would like to take this opportunity, to
award Alphabit Phalpha with the award for:

~~ Community Destruction, 2005 ~~

Congratulations! :) Commiserations to everyone else who ever put their time
into these events to see the legacy you built wiped out at the push of a

.... now in closing of this award ceromony... I will end, with a quote, from
the CY Awards website...

We wish to also thank AWCom, Inc.
and their staff
for initially creating
The Cy Awards,
and contributing all that is necessary for us to continue this Community

Thankyou for comi... wait... wait... this says AWI created the CY Awards???
Even before JP became community liasons... dear god what will the lawyers

- Mark R
As usual I have more information than I should have, I am sure at some point
you may share it with the rest of the community and let them in on the real

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The Cys Can No Longer Exist

Mar 13, 2005, 2:13pm
>_< From day one, there has been no dispute, whatsoever - Lady Teal would
>remain the CY manager, and yes, she is fantastic, just like Alphabit was in
>her effort for the CY's in times gone past...

But look at what we are putting together for that, a team thats unrivaled,
with more project experience between them than any one person could ever
match, Alphabit lacked any faith at all that Teal, and the rest of us could
pull it off without being Alphabit clones, but thats not the case.

The CY's have been tremendously damaged by what happened, and I hope if I
talk to JP during the week we can get something sorted out.

- MR

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Since AlphaBit Phalpha requested not to receive any moe emails

Mar 13, 2005, 2:16pm
I would have to dissagree alex, I think the strong emotions put forward
about this show just how dedicated some people are...

You have already won a CY award, the highest 'honour' AW has to offer built
up over years of tradition... Do you not think it unfair that others would
be denied that same privilege for their equally hard work?

- Mark R

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Since AlphaBit Phalpha requested not to receive any moe emails

Mar 15, 2005, 10:31am
I wasnt aware of me sending any obnoxious telegrams to be quite honest -_-

- MR

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Since AlphaBit Phalpha requested not to receive any moe emails

Mar 16, 2005, 12:53pm
This picture says different:

- MR

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Since AlphaBit Phalpha requested not to receive any moe emails

Mar 18, 2005, 11:20pm
Nah, but im finding that happens more and more these days.

That was actually taken about 4 or 5 seconds after the uniserver was fixed,
I was the first one back in! Others would have beat me, but I think they got
a little bored of trying after the Universe crashed every 2 or 3 minutes or

- MR

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SW City 6th Birthday Bash

Mar 14, 2005, 6:26am
Sweet Jesus, did you get a framerate in the negative numbers taking that?

- Mark R

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Yes, Isolation already started 1 hour ago

Mar 13, 2005, 5:38pm
I did warn you...

and psttt, only takes 5 or 6 seconds to set up a seekerbot.

- MR

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1 Successful night in the chamber

Mar 14, 2005, 7:09pm

Kill it

- MR

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Free hosting for Magland ??

Mar 16, 2005, 9:59am
From a company that doesnt even know who they are???? *clicks who we are

You are insane!

- Mark R

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Michael Jackson

Mar 17, 2005, 12:35am
Uh... its never really been the PK's before. 99% of the time PK service is
inpeccable, up till about a week ago.

- Mark R

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Michael Jackson

Mar 17, 2005, 12:54am
Guilty - and even if he is not he is f**ked anyway, hurrar for the Media!

- MR

Michael Jackson

Mar 17, 2005, 5:38pm
To my knowledge, all AWI GZ's have been G rated - Of course, this has never
ever been enforced in AWGZ in light of it being the main chat location for
longer-term cits who deserve a bit more leeway.

- Mark R

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Michael Jackson

Mar 18, 2005, 12:04pm
I think thats just it, its hardly ever been enforced at AW. In AW We are not
trying to not scare customers away like the GKs do (yes, you read that
right), so its natural we would represent the more mature area there.

- MR

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