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Michael Jackson

Mar 18, 2005, 7:33pm
Oh my GOD binaryBUD has turn INTO VEGER.

- MR

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Builderz Memoirs

Mar 19, 2005, 12:46pm
Just think.. I spend upto 18 hours a day programming and people say that its
ME who is sad.

- MR

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Goober Zone!

Apr 19, 2005, 6:28am
Of course he does: Badly. :)

*best dancer I know*

- Mark Randall

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OH-UH! Evo!

Mar 20, 2005, 5:16am

Guess I should add that =) I draw no comparisons to the X1 or any other bot,
appart from saying it is the best at what it does, in my experience.

- MR

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Alphaworld servers lately....

Mar 22, 2005, 10:24pm
Nope - AW Server is being completly screwed, sometimes its taking 10 or 11
seconds to send all of the avatar event data, and response times on messages
to it via SDK are upto 5 or 6 seconds.

Oh, and random near-perminant WFS's every so often.

- MR

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On the lighter side from the Boston StPatric's day parade

Mar 24, 2005, 11:35pm
Hahaha! Andras joins the dark side :)

- Mark R

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Mar 28, 2005, 5:50pm
Both of you.. shaddup.

- Mark R

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Apr 4, 2005, 8:07pm
I am sick to death of this constant stream of absolute crap filling the
newsgroups from Linn, I read through about 200 posts a day and she is the
most irritating thing in any of them.

- Mark Randall

class 3 is a homosexual Pk

Mar 27, 2005, 6:04pm
That spelling is aweful -_-

- Mark R

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Terrain Choices

Mar 28, 2005, 9:34pm
1 byte - 8 bits, 256 combinations.

rotation = 4 combinations, 2 bits required.


Now 6 bits remain for texture, 'hole' uses 1, so thats 63 remaining. Dunno
about the last one.

- Mark R

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Terrain Choices

Mar 29, 2005, 2:20am
Solutions simple, you dump an extra byte on the end up with over 2000

- Mark R

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GO PKs!!

Mar 30, 2005, 2:42pm
.... Class 3 is part of the PK Core..

Really only AWI should be able to do this, as PK's have no actual
represented standing in AW/

- MR

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GO PKs!!

Mar 30, 2005, 5:11pm
Correction of my self, Class 3 isnt core, he is SRT leader... Who took over
from Baron... so I would have thought that made him core.. but it doesnt,
because Baron still is o_0

My bad

- MR

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PK Guidelines broken by Core

Mar 30, 2005, 7:12pm
To add my contribution:

Belfalest: Take care all, im off to round up a beer i
Peacekeeper 5: see ya Bel
m0e: later bel
Peacekeeper 5: im headin out soon to i have a howler
Strike Rapier: okayyy then, time for Mark to go watch Sir Alan kick ass on
the apprentice, AFK :)

<< at this point I go down to watch BBC news at 10 and The Apprentice >>

Peacekeeper 5: LOL okies =)
Linn: you cant say that
m0e: lol .... time for me to go off and play in the garden ..... enjoy the
day :-))
The Looney: Fancy that
Peacekeeper 5: see ya m0e =)
Linn: yea
Linn: nothing fair here at all
Linn: ok PK get him outta here
Peacekeeper 5: sorry?
"RLS0812": ah, look at me, no longer a CTI
Linn: rscroll
"RLS0812": CIT
Peacekeeper 5: yes
Linn: scroll
Linn: well?
Linn: whats fair for one should be for the other
The Looney: o you mean the rear word
Linn: yes and the OTHER meaning of it
Linn: im offended
Peacekeeper 5: im sorry about that
Linn: me too since YOU are not doing your job

<< I return about 15 minutes later to find myself ejected with no notice
given >>

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from aw


Mar 31, 2005, 5:39pm
Making more threads about the same topics o_0

- MR

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Tonight! - SW City's 6th Birthday Bash

Apr 2, 2005, 10:52pm
Office note: This place has some AMAZING attractions and events, my face
almost fell off looking at them.

- MR

[View Quote] Below is the full schedule for the next two days in which the Bash will run.
I highly recommend you stop by and try some of the attractions we have this
year as they are all original.

1st place: $30
2nd place: $15
3rd place: $10

- Friday, April 1st, 2005 -

Birthday Bash Opening Ceremonies - 9PM VRT
The opening will take place at Town Square. Town square will always have a
teleport pointing to the active event plus the building contest area. We'll
DJ music and chit chat for 5 minutes before starting the first event.

Starts at: April 1st, 9:00 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

East Ending Nougat Hunt - 9:05PM VRT
A nougat hunt is the equivalent to an easter egg hunt in SW City. Search
around the urban streets of East Ending looking for them. Scores will be
controlled by php scripting, so no need to write down keywords this time.
Hosted by Syntax.

There will be 5 to 10 minutes of grace time (depending on the show up) to
load the area and read the instructions.

Starts at: April 1st, 9:05 PM
Location: AW 1655.1S 4779.1E -

1st place - 20 points
2nd place - 15 points
3rd place - 10 points
4th, 5th, and 6th place - 5 points

The SW Amazing Race 3 - 10PM VRT
This year's amazing race will be hosted by Espilae. Race around the city
following the clues. The race is divided into 3 legs.

Starts at: April 1st, 10:00 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

1st place - 20 points
2nd place- 15 points
3rd place - 10 points
+5 points for every leg complete

SW City Tour 2005 - 11:30PM VRT
A tour of the latest and greatest builds since the 2004 bash. Hosted by SW
City Staff

Starts at: April 1st, 11:30 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

Closing Ceremonies: Day 1
After all the events are over, feel free to hang out with the gang at the
building contest area. You can check out the talk about the entries there
before they close the next day.

Starts at : Whenever the tour ends
Location: AW 2541S 3817E 150 -

- Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 -

Opening Ceremonies: Day 2 - 9:00PM VRT
The opening for the second day of the Bash will take place at Town Square.
There will be music and chit chat for 15 minutes before starting the first

Starts at: April 2nd, 9:00 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

Pipe Plunge - 9:15PM VRT
Players jump down a pipe and must navigate the drop without touching the
sides. The race will be divided into multiple 300m drops. Hosted by SW

Starts at: April 2nd, 9:15 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

1st place - 20 points
2nd place - 15 points
3rd place - 10 points
4th, 5th, and 6th place - 5 points

Mango Land Game Night - 9:45PM VRT
SUNDAY SUNDAY SOMEDAY! (Saturday actually). Mango Land opens its gates, no
ticket required! Players are free to play the new attractions in Mango Land
such as Citrus Shocker, Mango Monstrosity, and the trio of Nougat Games -
Nougat Blaster, Nougeville, and Mech Nougat. Hosted by SW City Staff.

Starts at: April 2nd, 9:45 PM VRT
Location: AW 2077S 3567E -

Participates get 10 points (note: simply showing up does not count as

AWIA Infiltration Debut - 10:15PM VRT
Players sneak around, and battle their way through the AWIA head-quarters to
investigate some suspicious activities. Sniping guards, dodging security
cameras, collecting items and solving puzzles are only a few things you can
do on this gigantic adventure. One of AW's finest games, you won't want to
miss this one. Players meet at town square, where a teleport will be

Starts at: April 2nd, 10:15 PM VRT
Location: AW 2217.4S 3609.8E 90 -

Closing Ceremonies - 11:45PM VRT
Closing ceremonies will take place at City Hall front plaza where we will
announce the building contest winners and the overall Birthday Bash winners.
Possible fireworks display as well.

Starts at: April 2nd, 11:45 PM VRT
Location: AW 2292S 3670E -

Industrial Building Contest
There is still time to enter the contest! This year's theme in Industrial.
Like previous years, SW City likes to pick unique themes instead something
like residential, which has been done time and time again. As industrial is
a rarely used theme throughout AW, the experience field should be pretty
level. Players will pick a lot in Hyokia Industrial Sector.

For players who have no idea how to build industry in AW, they are
encouraged to explore the nearby industrial areas, as well as teleports to
other industrial sectors in SW City. Judging and specific rules can be
found at the site itself.

Starts at: March 20th, 9:00 PM VRT
Ends at: April 2nd, 10:15 PM VRT
Location: AW 2541S 3817E 150 -

1st place - 40 points
2nd place - 30 points
3rd place - 20 points
4th, 5th, and 6th place - 10 points

Tonight! - SW City's 6th Birthday Bash

Apr 2, 2005, 11:48pm
I burst through the vent, C4 explodes behind me and the whole building
shakes as I acomplish the mission... what else can I say?

My hat comes comes right off for you guys.

Welcome back Customs Aide

Apr 2, 2005, 7:33pm
:( at no bots anymore

- MR

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To our community catholics...

Apr 4, 2005, 7:55pm
Please... get a room... or... uh... different news server... whatever

- Mark Randall

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Numa Numa Radio

Apr 4, 2005, 6:56am
You cannot defeat the powerrrr, of the AWR side.

- Darth Mark

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 6:53am
*looks at contacts list* You look online to me. 8 months don't just
disappear, phone them up.

- MR

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 11:45am
Listen... if you want to go on a rampage about Linux is soooooooooo much
better than windows, piss off! No one gives a flying feck if you don't know
how to setup an operating system to work right. You bought a product 'aw' to
work on a platform 'windows', nowhere does it say it is for anything else
(Except certain server components).

I for one am so sick of walking adverts for Linux that seem to exist these
days, You have mentioned that you use Sloppyware in every single post you
have made.

Now just to ram it in a little more, meet my friend 'Hypertext Markup
Language' which is, would you believe it, used on hundreds of millions of
PC's running windows without problems.. although I dare say, should you try
it on XP you would probably get a general protection fault from trying to
rewrite the kernel in cgywin.

Do you have any measily idea how many different user bases AW actually has
not in this universe?

chmod 777 /
rm -r x /

Please do...


- Mark R

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 2:30pm
- Mark Randall
[View Quote] > My server's current uptime:
> [jerme at www ]$ uptime
> 09:43:13 up 314 days, 15:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> Let me see your windows machine do that....

The question is, why? I go to bed at night, I like quiet, I very rarley need
to leave my workstation on, if I need to leave it on, usually its only for a
few days. Ive gone for weeks just kicking it into hibernate mode at night
without problem.

> My expirence shows that on identical/equivalent hardware, windows machines
> will need to be rebooted at least once a week to maintain stablility.
> After about a week (depending upon load/use), memory leaks and corruption
> take over... Where as on Linux, the machine can run indefinitly.

Try mapping the NT Kernel memory usage, if you were talking about 9x I would
agree with you wholeheartedly, it was a piece of shite. My old school left
its Windows 2K boxes running for weeks at a time.

> I have yet to *ever* see a windows machine with an uptime of over a year.
> This is due namely to the fact that everytime you install a security
> update or a new piece of software, you have to reboot the whole system.
> However, on linux it's not uncommon for most machines to have uptimes of a
> year or more.
> Don't get me started on performance and security.... Microsoft looses
> hands down, anyway you look at it.

Have to love ye olde 9 bit security attributes on linux and unix eh?
Compared to MS's PID EFS cert system, a full set of primary and operational
rights... It literally blows Linux out the water. I mean, of course its
going to be more secure if it has 3 pesky little rights associated with it,
and not 15. Windows and Linux are different kinds of locks; Linux is just a
padlock with a big key, Windows is a 10 digit keypad that opens different
doors, Linux is all very well for just dedicated tasks (webhost) otherwise,
in a workplace situation.. its crap.

Linux is good for one thing... PHP / MySQL web page hosting. Even then,
findings show that Windows .NET Server beats it in almost every situation.

- Mark R

> -Jeremy
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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 2:34pm
- Mark Randall
[View Quote] The latest research shows that medium businesses are turning away from OS,
who could blame them really, if you use software from a company you have
rights... if you get it for free.... well, you dont. At all...

> Indepent research suggests that the most popular web server in use today
> is Apache running on (surprise!) linux..... Eat that microsoft and IIS.

So how come about 80% of corpate enterprise systems run on ASP or JSP?

> -Jeremy

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 7:12pm
> This just in from bowen:
> "Feel free to post this from me, if I recall correctly, my 233 MHz machine
> that I put mandrake 10 on had an uptime for about 346 days before a
> thunderstorm tore it down. Try to do that with windows. ;)"

Sorry, I don't have time... I prefer using my computer, and turning it off
when im not... I don't have a year to spare :)

- MR

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 9:11pm
We agree.

- Mark Randall
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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 4, 2005, 10:16pm
Add to that several hundred per-seat to train each user. You will find that
MS does do bulk buys, site licenses and so on, these do work out a lot
cheaper than you would expect.

Regardless, a cheaper distrobution is still useless if it doesnt have
support, doesnt provide everything you need, doesnt have as much software
for it.

- Mark Randall

> TCO Windows Initial Seat no more than one from 99.00 to 399.00 depending
> on theOS of cxhoice
> TCO Linux 0 to 100.00 max. Per seat, some Distros are Not free.
> This is PEr Seat, can Windows make this claim?

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 10, 2005, 2:17pm
Customs Aide ejects for ' ass ', not '*ass*' (wildcards)

- Mark R

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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 10, 2005, 11:51pm
The Bi could be her girlfriend or boyfriend.. we don't know, Except that its
rumoured to also be BIsexual.

PS: Does anyone really get offended by 'badass' as long as its not abused?
Hell its the name of something over here saying "George Bush" is looked down

- MR

- Mark Randall
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Leaving AW Soon

Apr 11, 2005, 7:21am
Oh please, lets be honest here...

A LOT of the 30+'s in AWGate are simply there because they have nothing to
better to do, a large number of them spend the day complaining about
physical ailments for some thing or another.

IF IT has got to the point where some morons who, lets face it, are bound to
be American, most likely from the bible belt and fully believe in the
apocolypse take offense to 'hell' and 'damn' and personally it highly
offends ME that 2 words which I use a lot (damn is VERY common in English

EVERYONE is going to get offended by something, E N Z O deleted a thread on
Yassa Arafat's death that I posted a few months a go because it was
'insulting' to certain people because of acts he had taken a part in, yet
world leaders are at the time praising him for actually holding his country
together. Now I cannot think of anything thats more of an 'insult' to him,
me, and all of you in terms of these newsgroups than having someone make
their mind up about someone for you (sorry, Rick).

WHEN will people actually realise though, this is the internet and unless
someone is horrendously naive they will realise that other people will make
comments that may not be suitable for all ages; but kids probably know more
of this stuff than the parents do! Its like the latest Dr. Who on TV now
(BBC1) in the UK; when this show was first made people would cower in
absolute terror at 'robots' who were just people with face masks on... now
the average 12 year old looks at it... goes "what?????" and if faced by one
of these 'robots' in real life would probably drop kick them in the groin.
This isnt the 1980's anymore.

AS FAR as I am aware someone has yet to actually post what G rating is
actually defined as by the film standards council or equivilent. But one
thing is for certain; Bamby doesnt sell any more but a 1 on 1 between
Scarface and Simba does; it reflects the changing culture and, to be
frank... the people who still prefer bamby are most likely to die sooner or
later anyway and to a lot of people the exessive censorship in AWGate can,
at times, be sickening.

THERE is no swearing, no debating, no talk of religion, no mention of moral
practices, no breathing...? It seems to me if you are __trying__ to sell a
__chat__ platform then you want to show new users.. uh.. chat! If the first
impression people get is 'you cannot talk about the world here, unless it is
the weather' then they will not return because people, in this day and age,
want to talk about the world and what goes on in it and I am fully up for
them doing so, provided they are not making a point of it to offend a
person, and then - I think the elder generation either don't have, or have
lost the ability to debate a point and this makes them weaker than someone
who could debate something that potentially offends them.

I THINK George Bush is a renegade lunatic with a brain the size of a wallnut
controlled by very clever people who, above all else, know how to manipulate
American's (don't get me started on how you wave patriotism in front of
someones face and they will do whatever you say - i'll go through that one
later... or in AWGate, again) mindset.

OH NO! I just offended approximatly 51% of the United States... The rest of
the planet agree's with me.

- Mark Randall

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