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strike rapier // User SearchPeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)May 10, 2005, 1:29pm
You know,
After working in AWTeen for 4 years, monitoring most the GZ's via 'methods' etc its very rarley a tourist that needs help, as long as they know 'OMG someones deleting my box house!' isnt grounds for eject. Ive sat, watching 2 or 3 GZ's at once... and calling a PK / GK / CT as required... AWI hosting a global bot that simply detects 'PK Help' and notifies the PK of the coordinates would be fine. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] ;o))May 8, 2005, 11:30pm
Lady M must get some utter crap through her email :O -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] ;o))May 9, 2005, 3:08am
Therefore... you must be getting some absolute crap through yours too!
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] ;o))May 9, 2005, 1:24pm
Psssh, but its funny to see Suzan in the morning :O
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] support for swf filesMay 9, 2005, 11:01am
Bush HackersMay 9, 2005, 11:14am
-- - Mark Randall MutationMay 11, 2005, 9:12pm
Ombre and Miles moved house, and it got expensive to run.
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Xelagot 3.611 - terrain bugfixMay 25, 2005, 8:02pm
That is strange - even if an applications window is hidden via API, windows
never actually loses its window pointers - they are stored beyond explorer... so it should still be able to popup the window. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] AW Failure and Damages - Users and Owners Petition -May 26, 2005, 7:41am
But whoever wrote that thread should not get it for having apocalyptic
spelling. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Re: I Can't hear Midi With Midi On in SettingsMay 27, 2005, 12:30am
Plug your speakers in.
Turn the volume up. Wait for one of AWI to see you still have BETA rights... -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] > > You should fix the problem > > I think My Active worlds Browser is 567 of aw 3.6 is broken or something > Streaming MediaMay 28, 2005, 11:23am
Eh? To record vid's in AW use Snagit. Playback its best to make em 256 x 256
(or any factor of 2) -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] To AWI: Remove JacobMay 28, 2005, 10:27pm
He is making a mockery of you, and everyone else who has ever been on that
team. -- - Mark Randall To AWI: Remove JacobMay 28, 2005, 10:44pm
The guy doesn't get the principle of window focus... what more can you say.
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] To AWI: Remove JacobMay 29, 2005, 1:32am
You dont go on BETA to have the basics of windows explained to you Jag...
You go on it to report prospective errors, in detail, to the developers, preferably with any suggestions if you have any... Now that newsgroup has the archive of all of the development on it (except for the privates) and it needs to avoid being filled with nonsensical rubbish. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] To AWI: Remove JacobMay 29, 2005, 9:10pm
*Looks at BETA*
Oh for the love of sweet Jesus its not even funny in a 'thank God I am not him' kinda way anymore. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 1, 2005, 4:18pm
[View Quote]
Are you SURE thats a good idea?.... think 'all' organisations and
communities. -- - Mark Randall Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 1, 2005, 7:50pm
.... and we all know how effective AW's current vaulentary groups are at
doing that... -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Universal Chat Channel for Active Worlds?Jun 1, 2005, 9:07pm
You have eject dont you? Abuse it for the good of the universe... we won't
blame you for taking all 3 of them out for the next 100 years. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Working, yet undocumented action command: CursorJun 9, 2005, 10:00pm
VWTVJun 13, 2005, 12:46am
ah so.. its not dead.. just.. in a perpetual comma? :P
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] VWTVJun 13, 2005, 5:27am
Play it at full volume. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] VWTVJun 15, 2005, 10:13pm
You need decent quallity speakers, and its a pretty low note (turn off your
graphic equaliser etc) -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] VWTVJun 15, 2005, 10:15pm
Oh yes.. and uh, actually stand infront of the speaker >_< if you are sat
under a desk or a few meters a way its obviously not going to work, as the sound has to get to your middle in its pure form. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] My babyJun 15, 2005, 8:49pm
Congrats. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] Eclipse Evolution (Build 95 - RC2)Jun 21, 2005, 9:18am
Origionally Posted in: Bots
--------------------------- I am glad to release a new update to Eclipse Evolution, to build 95 (Release Candidate 2) I have made several major internal modifications to try and provide a more stable system, as well as changing internal file organisation and database formats. Changes in Build 95: - Mapping and Graphics - Dialog enhancements, dedicated whisper boxes - New world and avatar related commands - XML based database technology - Build 41 SDK More information about changes can be found at: Unfortunately, due to a major database upgrade old databases will be incompatible with the new bot unless you choose to manually transfer the data. It is recommended that you unzip the program into a new folder. Although this is an RC, any errors or questions should be directed towards markyr at Download Link: -- - Mark Randall Re: Eclipse Evolution (Build 95 - RC2)Jun 22, 2005, 8:08am
Required update (from version 95) to version 95a available now at: This fixes the database fields flaw causing a messagebox to appear when avatars enter / exit. Users should upgrade to 95a to ensure correct operation of the bot. To upgrade, visit the downloads site and place the new EXE in the previous application folder, overwriting the origional EXE. Sorry for missing this one. -- - Mark Randall Contacts online list not behavingJun 25, 2005, 2:11am
Feature suggestionJul 1, 2005, 8:52pm
Actually the size thing is part of Rich Edit Controls (the ones that display
different fonts and colours etc). It does not work on normal text boxes. -- - Mark Randall [View Quote] So how about those clouds?Jul 1, 2005, 3:30pm
But boooo 4 rediculous backdrop that doesnt match the rotational speed.
-- - Mark Randall [View Quote] |