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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:00pm
.... sais it and opens the next page in Rodneys book ...

pip a:=b: avatars.dat ? I have to look, I somewhere had a MSDos
version of pip, maybe I can still find it, I will send it to
you then. But I'm afraid it is on an ESDI drive that I cannot
connect to any computer anymore.

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:20pm
wasn't that "hard sectored" ?

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 5:25pm
Sorry, cannot find pip for dos anymore, I checked all drives but
it seems to be gone

Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 6:42pm
pip works like an assignment,


means you want to assign b:avatars.dat to drive a:
(same name as there was no different name given)

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eep pre-beta source in basic

Dec 21, 2000, 4:33am
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captain mad mike schrieb:
> Though really IMHO if that was supposed to be more like eep instead of
> getting stupider it would cuss and lash out at the user a lot more as you
> converse with it.

it does - read through and you will find it near the end.

To your prev. question : Not sure what basic dialect this is but I had
it running on a C64 long time ago, it is easy to adapt. It was not
exactly this version that I used, but reading through all these old 160k
disks - no way - I searched and found this version on the web.
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adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:02pm
not everyone used Z80 or 8080 - so you could well have been serious

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Learn to program bots!

Apr 19, 2001, 11:14pm
Define "really old" - if it's less than 20 it doesn't make me
wonder that you never heard about 8" and hard sector floppies.

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<no subject>

Nov 20, 2000, 11:46pm
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If you had watched the thread tree you would have seen that Imagine did
not reply your message
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adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


VB installations using a 3rd party installer-tool

Apr 18, 2001, 11:54am
No idea what to distiobute, but regsvr32.exe should be the
program that you need to call to register the controls.

It is part of windows and should be found along the path.

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Help needed.

Apr 30, 2001, 5:41pm
Not true vor VS : moving a VC++ project works by just copying,
you just have to "make all".

It might be different for VB although I can hardly imagine that
this is the case. Microsoft does a lot of idiotic things but
I think this is not one of them.

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Jan 4, 2001, 9:01pm
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I think you're wrong

milenko schrieb:
> Who cares? I dont think anyone REALLY took offense when you called xelag a
> prick
> ----------
> In article <3a19b516 at>, "lanezeri"
[View Quote] begin:vcard
adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


Little Help, Big Thanks

Apr 26, 2001, 9:46pm
I already told you it is not an error in GD.

Check the syntax of gdImageSX(), the argument is not of
the required type. It needs an image handle I think, not
an integer.

loaded = gdImageGetPixel(in, gdImageSX(int(current->x/78.125)),
gdImageSY(int(current->y/78.125)) );

this makes not too much sense. I can only guess what you want
to do, maybe something like this :

loaded = gdImageGetPixel(in, int (gdImageSX(in) / 78.125),
int (gdImageSY(in) / 78.125) );

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Little Help, Big Thanks

Apr 26, 2001, 10:39pm
From gd.h :

#define gdImageSX(im) ((im)->sx)
#define gdImageSY(im) ((im)->sy)

This clearly tells me that these two macros want a
gdImageStruct pointer, not an integer as you supply it.

The two macro functions return the total size of the
image and do not know anything about your x and y.

Reading your description it sounds as if you should
have written it like this :

loaded = gdImageGetPixel(in, int(current->x/78.125),
int(current->y/78.125) );

The total size of the image is supplied in the first
argument of gdImageGetPixel(), this information is part
of the (gdImageStruct *) in - at least "in" should be
of this type.

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Wisper targets

May 13, 2001, 7:24pm
A confusing question, the one who can hear the whisper is
the whisper target I think. I don't know the VB wrapper
but I don't think that it will (can) handle this different.

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VB sdk source code

Nov 28, 2000, 9:19pm
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you're serious ?

Try an absolute URL and it might work
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Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger
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adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


VB sdk source code

Nov 29, 2000, 4:23am
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lol - you misunderstood - what I mean is that Twist's hyperlink will not
work as it is relative to the current location

The result is

but should be

the derek schrieb:
> or
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adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 21, 2000, 4:27am
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Learning a language and leaning a compiler can be done separate.

The language is for free and there are free compilers for it.
Best known one is the one that comes with Linux (GNU C) and this is also
available in a free PC version - but you will find several more :

trekker schrieb:
> LMAO, Crazy do u know how much C++ cost?
> its about $200 bucks $$$
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email;internet:vha at


Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 21, 2000, 11:55am
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DJGPP is a GNU compiler (

twisted horizon schrieb:
> Another well known free compiler is DJGPP, but I don't have the url. If you
> get a compiler I'll teach you the language.
> -Twist
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adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 23, 2000, 7:35pm
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Right, Borland was first. According to my informations Microsoft started
with MS/C 6.0 - all previous MS compilers actually were Lattice
compilers (not sure about 5.1). At this time Borland already had much
experience with compilers, starting with the nearly legendary Turbo
Pascal, that already existed on CP/M 80.

I think there is not one "best compiler" - it always depends on what you
plan to do. I prefer Watcom C when I write programs that do not need a
GUI (DOS, Win32-Console or DLL) as it produces highly reliable, compact
and fast code but it has only an IDE that is not worth to mention. And
last but not least it is a cross platform compiler!
For own Windows GUI applications I use MS, but only because I have a
licenced version of the MS compiler here. Some of my projects were made
with Borland and I did not have trouble with that compiler either.
Switching between MS and Borland is not too hard, if you are experienced
with one of them it is easy to use the other one too.
So between these two compilers it is just a question of the price, check
for availability of a cheaper educational version for example.
Especially for Bots that usually do not need too much GUI either of the
two compilers should do.

(GUI=Graphical User Interface)

twisted horizon schrieb:
> However, I forgot to include... This is entirely opinion. I've tried both
> and like Microsoft better and would recommend it, although I believe Borland
> came first and therefore would be more developed. Although they are the
> major compilers, however, neither of them were the first. Pretty much any
> compiler you can find is just fine for doing bots, though.
> -Twist
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email;internet:vha at


MS Source Code

Jul 6, 2001, 8:10pm
um - and what about the main loop?

This is nothing but the inner part, the enclosing

for (;;)

round the whole thing is missing, it is a fake version as
it will run only once.

Oh, and someone removed this old IBM copyright for some parts
of this software.

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I'm looking for a coplier or what ever you call them....

Dec 24, 2000, 3:53am
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Crazy, you should have followed the thread that you started tuesday

Sigh, we will never know what happens when Twist tries that - he will
sure be found in a river or dangling from his rooms ceiling or something
like that before he can tell us. Twist, have fun with your offer ;)

crazy glue il schrieb:
> And i haven't found any for the PC not unix or mac or what ever PC(Microsoft
> based :o)
> Need help
> Twist didnt you say that you would teach me as soon as I gota complier?
> ~Crazy
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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 8, 2001, 4:01pm
The system commands are


and (newer commands) :



and can be found in the kernel DLL

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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 8, 2001, 7:28pm
sorry, no VB here, but maybe the C version helps :

Write into the INI file :

WritePrivateProfileString ("settings", "windows", "yes",

read with :

anz=GetPrivateProfileString ("settings", "windows", "no", buffer,
buffersize, "settings.ini")

The "no" is the default value that is retrieved if no
entry can be found. The result in Anz contains the number
of characters read.

The location of the INI file :

It is searched in the currend directory, in windows
and windows system and on the path, so it would be
better to have a unique name.

I usually choose the name of my .exe file and replace the
extension by ".ini".

If you want to make sure that the file isn't taken from
a different location, specify it with the complete path.

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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 9, 2001, 3:47am
Windows caches the file and keeps track, at least as long
as no normal file functions are used on INI files.

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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 14, 2001, 3:45pm
Good programs don't use this piece of M$ shit (sorry)

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A nice simple INI Module!!!

Jul 14, 2001, 9:13pm
I ment the registry, VB seems to be good for people who
don't need to go deeper into programming.

But the registry is a central ressource that should not be
used by individual standalone programs. Overuse of the
registry slows down the system and makes it harder to move
the program. Stuff that only this one program needs belongs
into a local config file, especially if there is no uninstall
program for the application.

After some months the registry usually contains more junk
than stuff that is needed, actually it does that already
after installing windows.

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SDK and Dev-C++

Jul 21, 2001, 11:14am
Free borland, dev-shed, openwatcom or Gnu, the problem with
the MFC will be the same. You need to find the SDK then you
should be able to compile with any compiler, maybe with
minor modifications.

I know the Watcom quite well and it is a very good compiler
with not so good GUI (but who needs that;). Most borland and
M$ plain C sources can be compiled with Watcom.

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weird stuff...

Jul 22, 2001, 7:13pm
I don't know VB but :

1. you should have different messages for this test,
to see which of your conditions fails

2. maybe you should combine your conditions with "or"
later so you have a bunch of long lines less

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weird stuff...

Jul 22, 2001, 7:24pm
hm, maybe I have an idea what it could be, an empty
action field could be "like" any string, that's how
Clipper handled it, not sure about VB but maybe.

That would mean already the first condition would
always be true and you had to do something like

if ( (sdk.AwObjectAction <> "") and
( (sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*create sound*") or
(sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*activate sound*") or
(sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*bump sound*") or
(sdk.AwObjectAction Like "*adone sound*") ) ) then

sdk.AwCitizenAttributesByNumber sdk.AwObjectOwner

QueryConsole "Found music object! (location: " & Str((sdk.AwObjectZ
/ 1000)) & "N/S " & Str((sdk.AwObjectX / 1000)) & "W/E " &
/ 1000)) & "a.) action field: " & sdk.AwObjectAction & " (owner
of object: "
& sdk.AwCitizenName & ")"
End If

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weird stuff...

Jul 27, 2001, 7:05pm
(pssst - don't let my boss know)

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