
I'm looking for a coplier or what ever you call them.... (Bots)

I'm looking for a coplier or what ever you call them.... // Bots

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crazy glue il

Dec 24, 2000, 12:44am
And i haven't found any for the PC not unix or mac or what ever PC(Microsoft
based :o)
Need help
Twist didnt you say that you would teach me as soon as I gota complier?


Dec 24, 2000, 3:53am
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Crazy, you should have followed the thread that you started tuesday

Sigh, we will never know what happens when Twist tries that - he will
sure be found in a river or dangling from his rooms ceiling or something
like that before he can tell us. Twist, have fun with your offer ;)

crazy glue il schrieb:
> And i haven't found any for the PC not unix or mac or what ever PC(Microsoft
> based :o)
> Need help
> Twist didnt you say that you would teach me as soon as I gota complier?
> ~Crazy
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Dec 24, 2000, 4:30am
c-o-m-p-i-l-e-r :)

- Tony56 (chandler56 at
"Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
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twisted horizon

Dec 24, 2000, 11:04am
You'd actually be surprised.... At least I was, when I pulled off teaching a
10-year-old C in 2 days at about an hour a day. Of course, I doubt this will
happen again, but I think I'll be able to teach someone old enough to be in
AW (Probably not including the scarce population of under-11s)

As for a compiler, DJGPP works, but it is kind of confusing to download. It
is the free one, though. If you go to a Best Buy, they usually carry a book
about learning to program in C which comes with a CD that has DJGPP on it.

If you have a bit more money, Borland or Microsoft compilers are the
preferred choice of most people, but I don't want to get into a fight again
about which one is better. I'll leave you with this: I've tried both and I
use Microsoft.
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