
-=[ATTENTION]=- (Bots)

-=[ATTENTION]=- // Bots

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Nov 20, 2000, 8:34pm
First off.. I did not tell XelaG he was a prick.. I told someone else what I
thought of him.. and if XelaG would have told you the whole story you would
know it..

I asked how to make the bot respond to a certain word.. (and AL that was for
your world.. I was going to make it eject on the hearing of bad words..)

and he told me.. "I am tired of people asking me these questions. Look at
the help files and if it isnt there that is all I have to give. Maybe from
lack of experience or time."

and I said.. "Ok.. you took the responcibility of answering questions when
you made the bot."

and then he said something and I said.. "well I thought you could answer a
simple question like that.

So that is what happened.. as for the whole prick thing.. that has nothing
to do with this subject.. and if it was said.. it is none of his business
because it was said to someone other than him.. so that has no influence...
and as for my using your bot.. I love the Xelagot.. it is the best bot so
far I have found but why didnt u at least tell me "I dont have the time." or
"I don't know." instead of all the other stuff?

Now for C o y o t e.. how can you judge me by what you have heard? I asked
you a question.. that is all I have ever spoken to you.. as I thought, by
the reference of Anduin Lothar, you would have it. You had the chance to
send me a virus in a .dll format but I trusted you. And now you try to say I
am a "butt"? I think you need to get to know me yourself before judge me by
others' comments.


Nov 20, 2000, 9:06pm
Well, did you first look at the help files or were you just too lazy to type a URL and click a couple of times? If you DID look, maybe you could have told Xelag.


[View Quote]


Nov 20, 2000, 9:34pm
I did look at the help files.. I searched them like 5 times.. and a couple
weeks earlier I thought I saw it in there but I couldnt find it this time..


Jan 4, 2001, 8:50pm
Who cares? I dont think anyone REALLY took offense when you called xelag a

In article <3a19b516 at>, "lanezeri"
[View Quote]
> I did look at the help files.. I searched them like 5 times.. and a couple
> weeks earlier I thought I saw it in there but I couldnt find it this time..


Jan 4, 2001, 9:01pm
Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
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I think you're wrong

milenko schrieb:
> Who cares? I dont think anyone REALLY took offense when you called xelag a
> prick
> ----------
> In article <3a19b516 at>, "lanezeri"
[View Quote] begin:vcard
adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at



Jan 5, 2001, 3:03pm
I have to apologize for my friend... He was the one that posted the
message.. He has a personality that makes him, well, strange sometimes... He
apologize for doing what he did. Milenko didnt have enough information, and
he was wrong to post that. Please, all, forgive him.

Joeman (Dictating for Milenko)

[View Quote]


Jan 5, 2001, 7:59pm
np Joe.. hehe

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