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Aug 13, 2001, 2:17pm
Programmer is a idiot, you'll have to excuse him.

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AW Ear

Aug 13, 2001, 5:36pm
Bz.. Programmer can't stick to one thing.. where is the Omicron Realms?
They were in the process of being made but got cancelled.. this "thing"
won't be updated for a LONG time.. Programmer is a numbnut.. he don't know
how to make things that work.. his "weather bot", his "realms", all of it
got "cancelled".. I don't see ANY future of this "program"..

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Everyone BEWARE

Aug 13, 2001, 2:21pm
King Brian K's hosting services suck, he runs on Windows 98 (SE which is
totally fucked compared to the first edition) therefore a UNstable OS.. then
his service blinks all the damn time (see below). He has nothing for
hosting.. I went in as a person whom wanted my world hosted and asked what
all he had to offer and it was all crap.. he had crap to offer.. so the
point of this post is to tell the people who have him host their world that
they are idiot..

Blink - When the ISP (somewhat) stops for a very short period of time.

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Everyone BEWARE

Aug 19, 2001, 4:53pm
If you host, you should have a diff computer to play games on, NOT the
hosting computer, that way you don't screw up the hosting service..

Everyone BEWARE

Aug 20, 2001, 5:58pm
Then don't tell us it's your computer's fault your hosting sucks, it's your
fault for playing games while hosting.

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Aug 13, 2001, 7:10pm
Without Eep what is this NG? You are why -I- torment people.. idiots.. Eep
brings.. what's the word.. excitement to the NG.. he makes it un-boring..
without him it would be full of newbies who didn't know what to do.. at
least he helps them when they fuck up.. he just adds spice to it..

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Aug 13, 2001, 9:29pm
Been on same IP all day..

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Ergant Notice!

Aug 21, 2001, 9:05am
I'm not sure if we host worlds in universes other than AW, but give Builderz
a telegram, I'm sure Stuff-X should host em'.

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 7:31pm
Techno, the place where only 3 out of 6 people do anything :-)

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 1:32am
KAH, there IS logic, just open your eyes to see it.

Why have a second account, you don't need, and pay $20 more? It seems
pointless to me. I'd rather only to get my world without the cit for $20
less than a world with a cit I won't use.


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 1:17pm
Never mind.. I'm changing.. this will just screw that up..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Aug 27, 2001, 6:00pm
I think it's funny how the 3.2 browser is downloadable to anyone.. they
should make it private or tell the people NOT to tell others.. yes, you need
a beta name, but that could be fixed..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 12:14pm
Hey buddy.. I don't care if u post in HTML, it don't bother me at all..
actually.. I don't know why people bitch about it.. but.. I guess thats just
me.. anyway.. u weren't a menace lol.. trust me..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 12:15pm
Did Eep reply to you?! I can't see it if he did


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 11:10pm
Hey, he tried to apologize, and you jump down his throat? Be nice for


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Sep 2, 2001, 1:20pm
Okay.. I'm changing, but I'm still going to tell everyone when they do
something wrong, but I'm going to do it without the bullshit I usually add
to it.

So from now on it will be a word or two that states what is wrong with the
post, as below goes for KAH's.



Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Sep 12, 2001, 9:24am
I know how ya feel Wing.. he -was- a friend of mine back when Utopia was
around, then he thought he was god and screwed himself out of a lot of
friends. I remember when he knew "everything" about VB (as he thought),
then a while ago, he asked this:

How do you get "bob" out of "bob:123"

That made me think less of what I used to. I grammed him a little after
Baron posted about the trojan, and he said "what makes you think I would do
something like that?" and then I said "read the NG and you'd know you were
caught." It's funny how someone thinks they can get away with things.. I
agree with ya about the parents thing too.


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 15, 2001, 9:43pm
Bodhi.. your free speech was lost when you said it three times, so therefore
(like Agent1 said) this isn't a post of Free Speech.. if you'd read the
Amendment instead of just think you can say anything you want, you'd know


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Custom Bots

Oct 4, 2001, 9:18am
Depends on the type of bot.. I refuse to do Paintball bots.. if it is a bot
I've already created you'll have to talk to Builderz about getting it.. but
if it isn't a hard bot I'll do it for free.. but a huge bot like a networked
world controller bot, with millions of commands.. you'll be charged..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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KAH Town 1 year

Oct 6, 2001, 1:17pm
Congratulations! :-)


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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What does it take?

Oct 10, 2001, 8:35pm
Stop complaining.. either call them or send the info thru E-mail.. I've sent
my information through e-mail before to her.. she is a very nice person, as
I talked to her for a minute or two.. credit card fraud is very illegal and
very traceable.. calm down and think about it.. would you use someone else's
CC info to buy something? Most people who do get caught..


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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Happy B'day Andras !

Oct 16, 2001, 9:27am
Happy Birthday Andras! :-)


Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

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-= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-

Oct 27, 2001, 2:04pm
He needs sympathy, so he insults everyone he can think of a idiotic reply to
and tells us information we don't care about..

Hey IA.. I'm straight..

You don't care do you? Exactly.. we don't care either..


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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Tag Tournament in Techno!

Nov 19, 2001, 9:27pm
We are holding a tag tournament in Techno this weekend! To participate in
this event just show up! The completed Tag bot will be up for people to see
as well! We don't plan to have any prizes, because it's the first event,
but if enough people show up this time, we will be giving out prizes at the
next one.


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

[cross-post] Scrambler Tournament!

Nov 24, 2001, 10:29pm
I have had many complements for the (old) ScRaM! Bot. Due to the fact I
lost the source code to the last one, I created another one, renamed as
Scrambler! This coming Saturday we will have a Tournament in Techno!

I will create a small list, if the participants want this to be a longer
game, which would be a better game IMO, I will need a list of words,
although, users who e-mail me lists, will not be able to participate. And
users who post lists, their lists will not be used as the community would
have a copy of the list.

Send lists to rlipe at, lanezeri at, or lanezeri at

Sorry about the cross-posting, I never do this but I figured it was a good

Hope to see you all there!


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

Is "damn" a cuss word ?

Dec 30, 2001, 9:09pm
I agree with you here. Someone could say (and not pointing this at anyone):

Go to Hell!

then on the other hand someone could say:

Hell, I was joking. (as with Damn it could "Damn, I was just joking")


Ricky Lipe

Degtur Solutions at
Stuff-X at

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Jan 10, 2002, 12:26am
Don't make conclusions, that could be it but it might not be.
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