Time for you newbies to do some homework (Community)

Time for you newbies to do some homework // Community

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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 6:10pm
More of the same Marcus, LOL blah blah blah and no action unless it suits
them. They sure acted when I put signs on a cit owned world to get me banned
for 9 days, responded to that 1 persons complaint, but they can't do the
same if someone puts porn on their own worlds, wonder what would happen if
they put that energy into actually making AW a safer and better place, gee
what a freaking concept instead they like chasing after me with a PK to get
me banned which took them a grand total of 3 days to accomplish, you are
right Marcus it does tell you where their priorities are, up their ass.
Facter is just spewing more of the we can't be held responsible for it crap,
it's just a cop out.

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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 6:20pm
uh huh and when I sent private correspondence to people that work directly
for AW.com about being harassed on numerous occassions by a certain
individual they told me to politely kiss off. What makes you think the same
thing won't happen again to Marcus, he told many people, it might not have
been you because you are always so adement about telling us all what you
don't do, how was he to know that you are the director of porn removal now,
you people are really amazing, sending their NG grunt out to clear up their
messes, you guys are a real class act I tell ya, lol

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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 6:24pm
That's the spirit Marcus, you are finally catching on to what I have been
saying all along. lol Everyone wants to ridicule you for something you did
not do when in actuality you exhausted every avenue and got nowhere, now if
you try to fight back they will find a way to ban you for harassing them for
having porn in their worlds, they have time to ban people that get no
results from their inactions.

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Jun 4, 2001, 6:38pm
Ahh Marcus. If you didn't know about GET, that is your fault...
syntax at swcity.net

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Jun 4, 2001, 6:45pm
This idea sounds good, Marcus. Since you are so up for this idea, do you
think you could scan the perimeter of SW City for us on, oh I don't know, a
monthly basis. 800x500 coords, should only take you about 3 hours. Thanks!
If you would like the job, just reply.
syntax at swcity.net

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Jun 4, 2001, 6:53pm
Lets put it this way. (I am not comprehending WHY my Windows registry is not functioning properly, stupid HD)

My server. My rules. There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of domain names out there. AWCI is supposed to screen them ALL for
pornographic content? Maybe when you're god, but not now.

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 6:55pm
If people are forced to know GET before they report porn, then you are
subject to porn in AW which is what the GET area is supposed to stop. If
PK's just told me, I would have.

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 6:56pm
I did my area, I don't know what is so hard about it.

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Jun 4, 2001, 6:56pm
Suck filter.

Anyway, I think I'll coin a phrase: You just pulled a JFK2! It'll be hereafter defined as changing the subject to something totally unrelated to the original post and repeating previous posts by yourself.


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Jun 4, 2001, 6:57pm
There are three idiots in here that are absolutely missing the point. jfk, chuck and m o r o n. (Not to single you out, but I can't
think of anything fitting for chuck and jfk)

One sentence that you three should all read and take to heart. I'll even use short words for you.

The world is not your toy.
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Jun 4, 2001, 6:59pm
Yeeeeeees, and the Wing complex. An irregularly shaped mass of land starting on Neo Highway 30500 coords north of GZ and exanding
exponentially to the west. Feel free to check out my borders as well.
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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:03pm
They pass the buck around until someone with the control can do something
according to their subjective criteria. Until then, emails aren't addressed,
and the citizen's interests aren't even questioned.

A $20 citizen account can only get them so far.

Where is the founder of this AW? Did he intend for it to be so fucked up?

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run facter run

Jun 4, 2001, 7:07pm
[View Quote] *sigh*

We remove porn whenever we are notified of it, or whenever we find it in
Alphaworld, it is not permitted, nor do we allow it to remain IF we are
actually *notified* about it. If we feel it violates the guidelines of use
in alphaworld, then it is removed.

End of story.


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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:08pm
example 1 of how to pass the buck on to someone else without doing the job
yourself. See wing's post for example 2

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:08pm
example 2 of how to pass the buck on to someone else without doing the job
yourself. See syntax's post for example 1

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run facter run

Jun 4, 2001, 7:09pm
> Facter is just spewing more of the we can't be held responsible for it
> it's just a cop out.

No I am not, I believe I have been very succinct and very thorough in my
explaination of the matter, if you want to see the illuminati and conspiracy
theories in your own head, then there isnt much I can do about that.

I will continue to tell the truth, and be honest, regardless of whether you
believe it or not - thats my job.


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run facter run

Jun 4, 2001, 7:12pm
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Would someone be able to scan my area for me ?

Its a mass called Alphaworld, it reaches from say, oh, roughly 32000 nsew
and contains roughly 80 million objects or so, should only take a few years
to go through and look at every object individually =)

Please email me if interested !


ps - in case anyone is confused, this is a lighthearted, humourous post =P

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:14pm
I don't know what you really do behind that monitor of yours, but I am
assuming it's tech related. Go back to doing it please, some of us are are
trying to remove porn from Active Worlds and you don't appear to be helping.

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facter facter@awsupport

Jun 4, 2001, 7:16pm
[View Quote] They are answered IF you send them, once again, I have absolutly *no* record
of any email you have sent me on this issue. I will once *again* state that
*every single* email pertaining to support in AW that comes by me, addressed
to support, is answered - I know very well what my job pertains to, and take
offence to anyone thinking that each and every email that comes past my eyes
is any more or less important than another persons.

I received no email from you on this, so therefore you never got a reply.

I'm sorry if this was the case.


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captain mad mike

Jun 4, 2001, 7:17pm
Good god marcus...we've heard it. Lets see...1 man is going up against
999999999999999999999999999 (don't give me greif about that number, its an
exaggeration but it just shows how many there are) porno sites on the net.
Dude, is it AW's INTENT to share porno? No. In fact, as far as I know most
people on AW just pictures for non-porno uses (well, at least in AW's real
towns like SW City, Rosewood, etc.). But some users chose to do that. This
is almost like the Napster case. In my eyes, Napster was created to allow
anyone to share any music, and the courts beat them up for the copyright
stuff but they changed so they wouldn't get taken off the net. Even though
they still fight back I guess I could say it was NOT their INTENTION to
"pirate" copyrighted music, thats what the users did.
Hell I'll go even broader. Was the Internet created to share porno? No,
it was created to share INFORMATION. But some wierd person decided to share
some naked pictures of his girlfriend on it.

Key phrase here: "IT WAS NOT AW'S INTENTION TO SHARE PORNO." And besides, AW
is what we could call a "small company," as in it doesn't really have
offices all over the globe, and big company-like stuff. Its a company,
operating out of Newburyport, MA, with servers in Seattle. We're not talking
about Microsoft here, they could probably afford to screen out all the porno
sites on the internet for all I know (but probably not because the internet
is quite big). So dude, just drop it.


m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:17pm
That is a good way to pass the buck, you are number 3, search this NG for
the other 2.

Thank you for showing your inactiveness here at inactiveworlds.

Also note, people build within AW, so you wouldn't have to check all of it.
Each person checks their area.

Bite size pieces, why can't you people conceptualize that.

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run facter run

Jun 4, 2001, 7:19pm
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Is it just me or doesnt anyone else see the humour here in Marcus's posts ?
He's stating im inactive, yet I'm a very active, and contributing part of
this whole conversation.

Strange really =)


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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 7:21pm
ok I did see the humor in that, LOL So I say fine, and Marcus you work with
Facter on the known places where porn is obviously known to be by you to
have it removed. If he says he will do it then put him to the test and have
him help you get rid of it. He's offered a hand in this to help you I say
you need what little help you are going to get in all this, lol Work with
him and see what can be done. I am starting to become a bit more enlightened
and optomistic but I won't hold my breath just yet, lol

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:23pm
And you are wrong if you expect me to believe your story. I notified all I
could at the time about this before going to the server that held the porn.

And frankly, I don't care about coming to Active Worlds again about this
type of problem unless the server that holds the porn keeps it there. It's
too much trouble. You people don't act on your words, and if you are taking
full responsibilty for not deleting the porn in the first place, then I know
who to complain about when the chance comes to file a report to Active
Worlds's representives interested in listening to my side of the story.

Til then, this is all bullshit and ka ka. I was witness to your inaction
then and another servers Action.

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:24pm
1 man? try 1 Big server teaching Active World's community a lesson. They
removed the account holding the porn. Enough said.

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:27pm
And you are removing porn while posting here? you must be talented. Go do
your job for once if you are in fact the right source to remove porn.

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m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:28pm
No use, there needs to be someone higher up to dictate to this vegetable how
to run a decent service which does not accept porn.

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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 7:33pm
now you know why they call him capt MAD mike, LOL Hmm AW is alot closer to
home than I thought, good thing the servers were in a safe bldg during that
quake we had, LOL I bet they did alot of shakin and rattlin tho, lol They
might even be in Bill Gates basement, who knows, lol

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Jun 4, 2001, 7:41pm
Have you ever seen the little GET Garbage Can at AWGZ? There it is, right
in your face telling you about GET. Take some responsibility. Research
before rant. etc. :-P
syntax at swcity.net

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Jun 4, 2001, 7:45pm
Now you are just being stubborn and hard-headed. Facter is TRYING his
hardest to make you happy on this porno deal. If your not happy, stop
complaining and don't log into AW if there is so much porno. If you can't
take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Or in this case, if you cant take
the porn, get out of the AW. :-P
syntax at swcity.net

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