Why is there so much hate here? (Community)

Why is there so much hate here? // Community

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Jun 4, 2001, 4:28am
"Opinion are like armpits; most everyone has them... most of them stink."

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 5:21am
just in, nice to hear from you. I don't know if you are going to read this
and don't expect a response after this cause chances are, I won't read your
response if you choose to make one here. Nothing against you personally,
but I normally post once or twice and then move on to more current threads.
I just can't sleep now so I decided to sift through the sea of the NG abyss.

I don't know what your role in removing garbage is. You have on the url
posted, "Garbage Elimination Team". I suspect from that, you are part of a
team that eliminates garbage.

Ok, but let's read further. "We are not peacekeepers and only handle
requests for deletion concerning vandalism". That is interesting, since I
spent a whole month requesting smut to be removed, and I received no help.
Ok, I am still open let's look more and see if there are any more clues.

Ahh, "We do our best, although not affiliated with the Peacekeepers, to work
with them to make AW a happy place for everyone."

Then why may I ask are PK's the a prominent entity at the AW world, the most
populated world in Active Worlds?

The reason for this is, if certain people have to make decisions regarding
Active World's members, I can understand that. But why the red tape? Why
can't someone who is representing Active Worlds in ANY capacity take it upon
themself to go to the right source and notify them about this? I did my
part by notifying over a dozen Peacekeepers, and then after no success, I
went to the Gatekeepers. I tried to get the word out to as many people as
possible, hoping that what is solicited in the site you mentioned would
happen. It didn't, I didn't see anyone working with each other to get rid
of the porn I was reporting.

After this I decided to contact people on my contact list. I told them the
coordinates, which I first did not do hoping Active Worlds would do their
job. Then I got a response from one of my contacts on the list to notify
the server holding the porn. A group of us did that, and fairly quickly
something has been done.

Now looking back, when I read "Garbage Elimination Team", I don't see any
team of Active Worlds doing any eliminating of garbage. People who
represented Active Worlds just passed the buck around to someone else to
deal with it or they simply ignored it.

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Jun 4, 2001, 7:25am
Obviously you don't spend too much time at GZ or in Alphaworld PERIOD.
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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 7:38am
I don't know how this got started in this thread to begin with but here it
goes, lol Marcus consider the source ok, lol JI only likes porn where they
haven't reached the age to even grow pubic hair ok, lol I have said it
before and I will say it again, AW.com does not care about keeping Citizens
safe from anything unless it suits them and by the sound of it they must
have enjoyed what they saw or they would have had it removed. If it was male
porn with guys screwing each other and in sexual positions they more than
likely would have had it removed alot quicker and probably would have done
something about it. My guess is you were talking to straight men trying to
get them to remove nude women in sexual positions, once again we have our AW
double standard for what they deem fit for people to view in AW owned worlds
and obviously it was not a priority to them like they try to lead the entire
community to believe. If they enjoy it why destroy it, that's their attitude
about it. Alpha World even has it's own set of nude female pics in it's
texture library, people can say oh that's not porn, well it sure looks like
the women are spread and ready to do something in those pics and it doesn't
look like they are taking a nap ok, lol And I quote from Webster's New World
dictionary the deffinition of pornography: writings, pictures ect. intended
primarily to arouse sexual desire. Now if you follow that to a T the
pictures would not even necessarily need to be completely nude but they are
and for a young adult straight male or lesbian female those pictures could
be considered pornographic. So what makes 1 picture pornographic and one
not? If I remember correctly before I ever saw my first "pornographic
magazine" I found anything nude or some positions that people put themselves
in fully clothed to arouse sexual desire and things went SHWING! lolol So
obviously the pictures you tried to get removed made the people you were
reporting it to go SHWING! too LOL So next time if there is female porn find
a straight female and you might have better results and male porn find a
straight male and you might have better results as well. This is only my
opinion but what else am I suppose to believe when absolutely nothing was
done about something that was clearly pornographic and on pict objects in
full view to anyone that may have come across them with absolutely no
warning to the viewer. AW.com get your sh*t together and stop ignoreing
obvious breeches in AW's rules when they are reported to you. Family
oriented my a$$, you could give 2 sh*ts about what young children see in AW
owned worlds. That's all I have to say on the subject, NEXT CASE! lol


Jun 4, 2001, 9:13am
How are those programming classes coming?

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Jun 4, 2001, 9:28am
I love Chucks Party reply... And i'm going to let everyone see what a REAL
NEWSGROUPS THING LOOKS LIKE. I know that everyone in every country will
be able to access this one & it is an example of a real community


Everyone I know in here can access that & i have tested that entire thing
While not as great as i would like it to be... IT IS A FREEBIE THAT EVERYONE
CAN ACCESS... Go through that and LEARN what a real newsgroups
community this is like. I know from being on the net some 11 - 13 yrs now...

Ohhh.... Some of you are just going to want to ask me this
How did i do that thing above...

I have this ROBOT [BOT] that searches for all the FREE PUBLIC WIDE OPEN
NEWSGROUPS SERVERS OUT THERE and it does some basic tests and that
is how i find these things out..... LMAO!!!!!!!


It is called NEWSHUNTER and it hunts down FREE Public Domain NEWSGROUPS
that everyone can access...

And after all you little WHIMPY KIDDIES SEE THE REAL NEWSGROUPS for a change...
You will love this CLOSED & REGULATED one alot better.

chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in
<3b1a1225 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>LMAO! Do you really need to ask this question to understand why? It's
>called SNERTS. Young people that have no clue what they are talking
>about because they don't have any of life's expieriences under their
>belt and think they know it all. I know I remember when I use to be that
>way and I drove my parents and most every adult around me absolutely
>nuts cause I didn't have a freaking clue about what I was talking about.
>So there isn't so much hate here as there is just a bunch of SNERTS that
>haven't got anything better to do than make everything everyone says
>into a flame war or constantly telling people how to do whatever it is
>they are doing or correcting gramatical errors, LOL The list goes on and
>on and on and usually takes the original threads problem totally off
>track and into something that wasn't intended, they are very very good
>at doing that constantly, lol Then you have to defend yourself against
>their idiodic moronic attacks along with trying to get some kind of
>intelligent conversation out of all of it, LOL Which they can't handle
>because they are SNERTS and treat everyone like their SNERT classmates
>at school, lol Now you see why teachers are failing miserably in schools
>because they have no power to disciplin anymore and the kids can't keep
>anything focused, they enjoy running off at the mouth like they know
>everything and end up learning nothing. Hope this explains it for you.

goober king

Jun 4, 2001, 10:13am
Chuck, you really are a piece of work, you know that? You and marcus are trying to
stir up the shit when there's really nothing to stir. Marcus failed to go to the
*proper* source (GET) when he filed his report, plain and simple. As much as you'd
like to think it is, the AW community is *not* some super-network of organizations
that can jump on a situation at a moment's notice. All of them are separate
organizations, run by seperate people (regular AW citizens, no less), with separate
schedules and policies, and there's very little overlap. You need to go to the right
place *first*, otherwise nothing will get done. Granted, that's not the most ideal of
situations, but it's the one we have right now, so deal with it and do it the right

And marcus, did you see anywhere on that GET site the phrase "the PKs work with us"?
I'll bet you didn't. It's not in the PKs job description to remove vandalism or
garbage. That's what GET is for. If you went to GET first, I can almost guarantee
that you'd see that porn of yours disappear within days. I know, because I've
encountered such vandalism before. I contacted GET and in the span of about three
days or so, it was gone. So the system *does* work, you just have to know how to use

And, in the future, leave the "stirring" to the experts. ;)

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Raises the spoon and says "We need more salt!"
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu


Jun 4, 2001, 10:23am
I'm going to reply in here...
I'm NOT DEFENDING Just In or any one else... But many times from my
experiance on the internet & newsgroups and other message forums...
People post a url just like Just In did... BUT they never follow through
the entire thing to see just what it does NOR where it goes to.



Or here is something i can be guilty of...
Just In has been on AW for many years. And he has seen that thing in AW GZ for
so long and that URL many times and YES he ASSUMES it to still do what it
used to do 2 - 4 yrs ago...

Just like i gave out that url for NEWSHUNTER... I didn't check it first...
I copied & paste it from the readme file...
I'm hoping it still works... And the last time the guy who makes it is at
a v4 of it out... [I DON'T LIKE v4 AND SO I PREFER v3 OF IT]

Yes... Just In should wake up as should all of us... And before giving out
info should check through the entire URL and check it. See that it cleans
up PORN... And if it dosen't HE SHOULD NOT HAVE POSTED IT or checked out
something that would CLEAN UP PORN..

But like most of us... I WILL ADMIT... I don't allways follow all the way
down that url i posted for NEWSHUNTER...

So in here i will check it...


That is the url for NEWSHUNTER... Now lets see what results we have by
checking that entire thing....
OK... Just In didn't recheck his facts and is proven wrong...
I didn't either and i cought my mistake a few posts later...

Sorry, You're not allowed to access this Page!

The Possible causes are:

The page may not be for the public. Please check with the owner of the page if
you really need access.

If you're trying to access your own page and get this error, please check the
file permission and make sure that its world readable (Permissions = 755).

Thank you for using our Server.

OK... I MAKE A BIG BOO BOO and i will afdmit it....

Ohhh.... I have to tell all of you nice people...
YES... There are BOTS other than those used in AW & other UNIVERSES...

NewBots, Intelligent Agents and Artificial Intelligence Resources
I've been into this stuff for years...
Hmmmmm but this isn't the right location for BOTS is it...
Ohhh well... So i'm making another BOO BOO...
So be it.




THIS One Has NewsHunter v4a there...

So after i did some more checking AS Just In should have done... BUT HE DIDN't
he would have found out what GARBAGE TEAM really does...

I checked and found i too made a big BOO BOO and i will admit it.
Too often people don't like to admit their OOPS...
I will admit my OOPS...
Will Just In admit his?

Time will tell....

m a r c u s <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in
<3b1b36fd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>just in, nice to hear from you. I don't know if you are going to read this
>and don't expect a response after this cause chances are, I won't read your
>response if you choose to make one here. Nothing against you personally,
>but I normally post once or twice and then move on to more current threads.
>I just can't sleep now so I decided to sift through the sea of the NG abyss.
>I don't know what your role in removing garbage is. You have on the url
>posted, "Garbage Elimination Team". I suspect from that, you are part of a
>team that eliminates garbage.
>Ok, but let's read further. "We are not peacekeepers and only handle
>requests for deletion concerning vandalism". That is interesting, since I
>spent a whole month requesting smut to be removed, and I received no help.
>Ok, I am still open let's look more and see if there are any more clues.
>Ahh, "We do our best, although not affiliated with the Peacekeepers, to work
>with them to make AW a happy place for everyone."
>Then why may I ask are PK's the a prominent entity at the AW world, the most
>populated world in Active Worlds?
>The reason for this is, if certain people have to make decisions regarding
>Active World's members, I can understand that. But why the red tape? Why
>can't someone who is representing Active Worlds in ANY capacity take it upon
>themself to go to the right source and notify them about this? I did my
>part by notifying over a dozen Peacekeepers, and then after no success, I
>went to the Gatekeepers. I tried to get the word out to as many people as
>possible, hoping that what is solicited in the site you mentioned would
>happen. It didn't, I didn't see anyone working with each other to get rid
>of the porn I was reporting.
>After this I decided to contact people on my contact list. I told them the
>coordinates, which I first did not do hoping Active Worlds would do their
>job. Then I got a response from one of my contacts on the list to notify
>the server holding the porn. A group of us did that, and fairly quickly
>something has been done.
>Now looking back, when I read "Garbage Elimination Team", I don't see any
>team of Active Worlds doing any eliminating of garbage. People who
>represented Active Worlds just passed the buck around to someone else to
>deal with it or they simply ignored it.
[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 11:08am
I don't attempt to program; however, YOU attempt to use the English language (quite unsuccessfully most of the time, too). Drive through.

[View Quote] > How are those programming classes coming?
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Jun 4, 2001, 11:20am
Well... Wing... You do what the INTELLIGENT people have done...
You go to the Universes that don't have all this SH*T happening yet...
Here are some very nice UNIVERSES that don't have all the CR*P you are
talking about yet...

[[[MAYBE the reason we haven't seen n a y R recently is because
[[[he has a world on Dreamland Park Universe called ORYAN lol
[[[But seriously... Worlds there cost the same as AW's
[[[AND they have the 3.1 browser commands there too.
[[[AND I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT... I'm Starting To Make My Mark
[[[There As Well.....
[[[This is Dreamland Park Universe Message Board...

wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in <3b1ab6c7 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>As soon as ICQ's contact list becomes a buddy list I'm going to go to
>STRICTLY long distance phonecalls. I detest any software that makes me
>appear friendly by calling me a "buddy".
>This Juno shit has turned AW into a horny preteen infested school for
>the retarded. Yes, all you 11 year olds that have been asking me so much
>lately 30000 coords away from GZ, I have engaged in the pathetic and
>boring practice of cybersex. Then I grew a dick AND a brain (No, not in
>the same location) and five years later I've learned to use both.
>Certain people here have the intelligence to complain about porn
>objects. Well what the hell about the attempted cyber-rape you're sure
>to face wearing a female avatar at GZ? Even as a guy I'm bombarded with
>ENDLESS whispers of "a/s/l" and "You look hot" and "Wanna fuck?" from
>both male and female tourists and cits with high citnums (Yes, I have
>the lack of a life that is neccessary to look up every one of these
>cits). You'd think if they were so goddamn desperate they'd at least
>learn some real pickup lines. I know mute exists, but it's becoming
>increasingly common for exploring cits and tourists to find me over
>THIRTY THOUSAND coords from AWGZ quietly building and all of a sudden
>pop off one of these damned questions. Now I'm starting to get telegrams
>from these fucking pain in the necks trying to get friendly with me. AW
>is slowly becoming uninhabitable by the sane. "eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote
>in message news:3B1AAF73.572A15E4 at tnlc.com...
>any more than it already is I just don't get...
>fruity--and they continue thinking up ways to lie to get new citizens
>into AW>


Jun 4, 2001, 11:34am
Your Place Or My Place...

Actually i would prefer Just In's Place...

But no... I don't spend much time at any GZ for that matter.
NOT even Beta World and i consider that to be the WORST GZ'a around
but for a different reason.
Chucks Party has even visited GZ of Beta World... And he too can
describe that one... One step too far in the wrong direction & it's
place there.
AND YES.... There are a few that land you in Broadway World...
And yes.... I would KILL the person that stuck that cr*p in there...
It would have been better to have one or two pop you into NewYork
world... That would have been a little more tolerable at least as far as
i'm concerned.

wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in <3b1b5426 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>Obviously you don't spend too much time at GZ or in Alphaworld PERIOD.
[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 11:40am
If you want to criticize programmers' work you need to be at least a
programmer or a higher graduated in computer science if not you can only
attempt to give your humble suggestions. My English is good enough if
not you wouldn't be able to answer me, btw how is your second language
[View Quote]

sw chris

Jun 4, 2001, 11:46am
It's called the "human condition". =P Since most newsgroups have more
adult readers than teenager and/or children readers, they're prone to be a
bit more, um, mature. However some of the newsgroups with a higher adult
ratio are just as bad as this one. It really depends on the people who post
in them. Have a nice day. ;)

SW Chris

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 12:51pm
Goober, you may know the system and it might be a good system for those that
know also.

For those that don't know, it isn't good. All it would have taken is a PK
to go to someone else who did know the right source, and that is the purpose
of my position here.

Person at first stage, me, goes to PK at second stage to tell them. Either
someone in stage 2 knows someone who can have the porn removed or they go to
someone at stage 3. Then person in Stage 3 contacts the right source or
goes to the 4th stage, and so on. Eventually, you have people communicating
and working together. As someone with less information tells those more
informed, the ones that know the system eventually "GET" the information to
the right source and in this case remove the porn. This didn't work, and I
had to go outside of the system to get the job done.

Until then, you are going to have people at Stage 1 bitching and complaining
and noting "moral" injustices because no one at stage 2 is helping them.
That simple, and if you look at the statistics here on NG, I don't see
anyone posting against this who is fairly new. A lot of people against my
position that I hold have been here a while and they are the ones who know
the system but yet did nothing to help me when I did bring it up. If you
didn't know about it, why? Why didn't someone from GZ contact you, and why
weren't you around. You should be. If you are part of solution, then you
need to be there. If you come around after the fact, and tell people what
you could have done that makes you a bigger asshole than Active Worlds is by
not helping the citizens.

There, I did my bitching, and so far Active Worlds still appears to be
inactive with the exception of a "goober king" and "Just In" claiming to
have been able to do something.

Well, why didn't they. If you 2 would have done something about it, post
your frickin name at GZ so we can contact you. Geez

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Jun 4, 2001, 12:57pm
You know your 90% all caps is very annoying. Mind cutting it down?

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:12pm
Cut the useless crap kid. You must really have waaaaaaaayyyyy too much time
one your hands. You typed up a multi-page redunecy, instead of just say,
"hey Just In your link is broken." Why must you go and write nearly a
megabyte of text when you only need to type out 31 bytes. Talk about
ineffiencent, and on top of the fact you keep going:

CAPS no caps CAPS no caps CAPS no caps CAPS no caps ad infinium

When will you get a clue that your a twink and get a friggin life?

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:13pm
Isn't it funny that the only SNERT in the entire ng is you?

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chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 1:27pm
ok so if this GET thing is for real then why don't they have any links on
AW.com's pages to get there like the PKs do? How are you suppose to know
where the hell to go if the freaking links aren't there, I hate talking to
morons, ugh


Jun 4, 2001, 1:30pm
Chuck... I love chatting to MORONS
It shows me just how smart i really am after all

chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in
<3b1ba8c6 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>ok so if this GET thing is for real then why don't they have any links on
>AW.com's pages to get there like the PKs do? How are you suppose to know
>where the hell to go if the freaking links aren't there, I hate talking to
>morons, ugh

chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 1:33pm
That was so funny I forgot to laugh.

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:34pm
yeah how smart do you have to be to turn on a computer and click and icon?
Not very since your able to do it.

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:36pm
yah you forgot to laugh because you know its true, that your a lonely, four
eyed twit who couldn't handle talking to people f2f because they'd beat the
shit out of you for all the BS you spout day in and day out.

[View Quote]

chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 1:38pm
yes and you need to find the off switch, lol

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:44pm
Sorry bub but you have to know a bit more to be able to run an apache server
on windows 98 without having the computer crash once.

And thats how I host my own OP.

So get a life before some one gets it for you.
[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:53pm
I'm happy you are giving me much credit with SMARTS... It takes much SMARTS
turn on a computer and click an icon...
But it takes a very tiny amount of smarts to PULL THE PLUG TO YOUR COMPUTER...
And you can't seem to do that right. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
<3b1baa8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>yeah how smart do you have to be to turn on a computer and click and
>icon? Not very since your able to do it.
[View Quote]

chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 1:54pm
I don't know who you are or who you think you are, and personally could
careless. The only one BSing and spouting off at people is you. That's all
I've seen from you, every freaking post. Marcus has had a legitimate gripe
about the porn situation on AW owned worlds and all he's gotten is ridiculed
for trying to report it to no avail by anyone in the AW community. All you
want to do is tell everyone they are wrong, that does not help the situation
and you are the biggest BSer I have seen hit the NGs since wing, lol having
fun yet, I am, comon talk some more shit so I can put your dick in it,
understand that better ass wipe :)

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 1:59pm
Lets see it takes one second to push a button and one second to click an
icon. So that means your not smart at all. And if you think your smart just
cause you found the power cord, how many computers have to taken apart and
put back together and have them working even better than before? Probably
ZERO, the same number as your IQ.

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 2:05pm
Since wing? Pardon but I have been here for over a year. I know more about
AW and its netiquette than you. As any of the old timers and they will tell
you about my rep as the crusader for the underdog.

Only I use facts and documented proof not BS speculations and ramblings no
one wants to hear. When some one wants to know a piece of the law. I post
the ENTIRE friggin laws in context with links so they can see for

So shut the fuck up and go find a girlfriend so you can finally use your
virginity and grow up.
[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 2:06pm
#1 It takes lots of smarts to find the POWER ON BUTTON...
#2 It then lots of more SMARTS to find the correct icon as there are many
to choose from
I don't have to locate the power cord... That is in the BACK of my coomputer.
But what does taking apart a computer & putting it back together
have to do with turning one on or off... As in your case... You might try
taking a trip to ALASKA and then DUNKING your computer in the ARTIC CLEAN
SEA WATER and let it sit for 3 days... After that you turn it on WHILE UNDER
WATER... And that should fix your computer problems & make it work far
better than before. Then you IQ will indeed be HUGE!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
<3b1bb058$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:

>Lets see it takes one second to push a button and one second to click an
>icon. So that means your not smart at all. And if you think your smart
>just cause you found the power cord, how many computers have to taken
>apart and put back together and have them working even better than
>before? Probably ZERO, the same number as your IQ.
[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 2:11pm
Actually not only is my computer working perfectly but it hosts a webserver
as well. And it takes more know how to get a server to run on winslop then
it does to click an icon.

And only an idiot twit would suggest dunking a computer in any kind of
[View Quote]

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