My rant... (Community)

My rant... // Community

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Nov 7, 2003, 7:35pm
Surely it would be simple to make a world server that puts AW's default
terrain height down one 0.01 lol


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rossyboy a

Nov 7, 2003, 8:43pm
Who cares about the technicalities of it? Spamming, flooding, it's all
the same to me. This thread is about AW, not A!!CT.

Hey, that rhymes...

[View Quote] > In response to your reply to me, A!!CT world is a non profit world,
> InSaNiTy runs a for 'profit" path and world hosting service,
> therefore hes spamming when he advertises his business.
> A!!CT world is a prduct of AW.Inc like AW world or any other world
> owned by AW, infact the license refers to that A!!CT is infact a
> piece of software licensed by AW.Inc. and is owned by AW.Inc
> Therefore its not spamming. Heartfall world hosting is not a product
> of AW nor is it licensed to AW. True A!!CT is not the size of AW
> world, but thats because A!!CT is a world bought from AW.Inc at the
> price we could afford. As for Brock running AWTeen....did Brock in
> fact shell out any money for AWTeen while he was running it? If not
> then whats your point? I said for him to put HIS MONEY where his
> mouth is and do better than me. I'm the head of a community, but I
> put out a lot more than the sum of a $6.95 a month cit to build what
> I have. And I can change things in my world to people's liking
> quicker than requesting it from AW.INC for AW world or AWTeen.
> MrBruce
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sw chris

Nov 8, 2003, 8:14am
I'm going to make an enigmatic post. Maybe it will mean something to you,
maybe it won't, but intuition tells me that a lot of the things that have
been called into question, namely your leadership, have roots in your
falling out with Protag over the direction of AW.

The direction you chose for AW isn't at issue. What's at issue is that you
need to work through that yourself. Nobody but you and Protag really knows
what happened, and it has become the stuff of legend around here. If you
haven't put it behind you, I suggest you stop running and face it down once
and for all. And a solution to this community issue may present itself.

Enigmaticness aside...

So you have a community and you didn't intend to build one. You can't just
walk away from that. And you haven't. I appreciate everything you and the
company has done to support other people holding community events.

But we want you and your company to hold some events of your own. You are
the system admin, the President. And it is in your company's best interest
to be part of the community and to be there for them.

You're there for them now, but you're not part of them. Stop acting like a
businessman and come down from on high to mingle with us!! :) Open an
informal dialog to the users and go one step beyond customer service. A
Universal Small Town Feel. You can use that line if you want.

Here's some company goals I think you should consider:
1. Make the universal small town feel part of the company's credo.
2. Establish a policy that all staff must put in a certain amount of time a
week socializing in AW and (not or) posting in the newsgroups. This not
only gives users a dialog to the staff, it gives the staff a knowledge of
community workings, features in the browser, develop a talent for building.
It allows them to better serve customers through e-mail and over the phone
with this knowledge. It creates a better customer service environment and
for the regulars at least, makes those brief contacts over the phone more
personal. And a little play time makes for happier employees.
3. Start with small goals, then slowly graduate onto accomplishing large
ones. Plan and hold one event. Then try to plan two separate events. Be
creative with scheduling, subject matter, etc.
4. Work hard and have fun doing it.

Event ideas
GZ Building Contest
Chat with Enzo & JP at Uncle Enzo's Pizzaria
AW Electric Boogaloo - Disco Partay w/ AW's employees
Virtual Employee for a Day? (brainstorming, here)
Checkers Tournament
Paintball (with AW employees participating)

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Nov 8, 2003, 1:50pm


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Nov 9, 2003, 12:44am
WORLD. BLAH BLAH BLAH. </typicala!!ctuser>

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Nov 9, 2003, 2:42am
Man I had no idea you were that jealious, my God this is terrible to say the
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Nov 9, 2003, 2:33pm
Don't flatter yourself Bruce.

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Nov 10, 2003, 4:44am
I promiss you I won't Brock. But tell me, if you feel everything I've done
is so wrong, why don't you show me the right way to do it and I'll follow
your's that?
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Nov 10, 2003, 5:03am
Bruce: how about ending this petty arguement that has nothing to do with the
topic at hand, and don't follow what brock tells you.

Brock: stop pestering bruce, got it?

Just bring this arguement to a topic of it's own, but don't bring it to a
topic about the AW community.


Nov 11, 2003, 4:12am
That's the best suggestion I've heard in a long time and I agree :) Now back
to discussing what can make AW world (as well as the whole program) be more
attractive and satisfying to all ;)
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Nov 12, 2003, 4:27pm
I agree.Its lookin pretty old and who cares if its "History"!This is not
real.If you really want the old GZ go to AWGZ.It should be showing what you
can do with AW with newer versions and not some old crappy junk made with
version 0.1

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Nov 13, 2003, 4:23am
I agree with ronan. Also, we are all paying 350% the price we paid in 2001,
and Alphaworld has seen no changes worth paying the new prices for.

e n z o

Nov 20, 2003, 1:33pm


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strike rapier

Nov 20, 2003, 7:25pm
E N Z O... did you click your Sent column and arrange them the wrong way

- MR

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ncc 71854 ncc-71854@home

Nov 21, 2003, 2:00am
Pick ME, Pick ME..rofl

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Nov 21, 2003, 6:54am
Wow E N Z O! Great buisness idea. Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts
with us in the future.

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