
Bots get boring... (Bots)

Bots get boring... // Bots

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Feb 10, 1999, 5:12am
Looks fine to me...

[View Quote] > Nope, it looks like crap.
[View Quote]


Feb 10, 1999, 7:18am
Not to me.... (outlook express too)

Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can
tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

[View Quote]


Feb 10, 1999, 8:35am
Well, no, not when your Outlook Express reformats the line length when quoting it doesn't. Tsk tsk...try setting your line length to 132 (since that seems to be Outlook Express' limit) as well. If possible, disable a line length limit (forced line breaks) altogether. As an alternative, try getting a different newsreader (Agent, Forte, Netscape Messenger, etc).

[View Quote] > Not to me.... (outlook express too)
[View Quote]


Feb 10, 1999, 3:43pm

I won't set mine from 76 to 132 for the simple reason that when I receive a
msg that has 132 line length, it looks awful on my 1024x768. A 132-line is
spread over 2 lines, one full, one half-full.

Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can
tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

[View Quote]


Feb 10, 1999, 3:45pm

I have Forte Agent. Use it for usenet msgs (it doesn't support multiple news

Agent and forte are the same one I think (I have Forte/FreeAgent).

Netscape Messenger sucks in my opionion. I use it in Linux X. Besides,
NSCommSuite 4.5 for linux2-glibc2 hangs and hangs....

Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can
tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

[View Quote]


Feb 10, 1999, 8:35pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[View Quote]
Am trying a different setting now... using MIME "quoted printable" =
message encoding. That grays out the line length box... so cross your =
fingers. Course I gots to talk a bit longer than this to make sure it =
works. Ok that should be about enough...


Content-Type: text/x-vcard;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment;




Feb 10, 1999, 8:47pm
Have the same now :)

Dean-Christian Strik ("Fluxen") -- dean2 at -- ICQ #11760568
"Real programmers like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the =
microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They =
can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping."

[View Quote]
Am trying a different setting now... using MIME "quoted printable" =
message encoding. That grays out the line length box... so cross your =
fingers. Course I gots to talk a bit longer than this to make sure it =
works. Ok that should be about enough...



Feb 10, 1999, 10:40pm
that works fine with my Outlook Express, Rjin :) Except it seems to break
the quoting - had to add the >'s manually below :(

[View Quote]


Feb 11, 1999, 5:32am
Uh, so don't run your newsreader/message reader at full screen. Or increase your font size. Do you enjoy unnecessary vertical scrolling and screwed up quoted line formatting? I don't.

[View Quote] > I won't set mine from 76 to 132 for the simple reason that when I receive a
> msg that has 132 line length, it looks awful on my 1024x768. A 132-line is
> spread over 2 lines, one full, one half-full.


Feb 11, 1999, 5:34am
Yes, that is the only problem I've noticed with quoting. Why news/email readers can't put quote symbols before each wrapped line is beyond me, however. They do usually put a ">" (or whatever) in front of the first quoted line, and on a blank line after the last quoted line, so that is SOME differentiation at least...

[View Quote] > that works fine with my Outlook Express, Rjin :) Except it seems to break
> the quoting - had to add the >'s manually below :(
[View Quote]


Feb 11, 1999, 8:49pm
only problem is if you don't have "wrap long lines" checked, it goes as one continuous line off into the right margin without ant CRs...

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Feb 11, 1999, 9:02pm
....which should be on by default anyway.

[View Quote] > only problem is if you don't have "wrap long lines" checked, it goes as one continuous line off into the right margin without ant CRs...
[View Quote]


Feb 14, 1999, 12:19pm
If it wasn't for AW's 3D driver, I would run in 800x600x32 instead of
800x600x16. And if it wasn't for my monitor, I would run in 1280x1024x32 or


[View Quote]


Feb 14, 1999, 12:21pm
[View Quote] Certainly not.

>But does it have to be in AW??

Why not? Noone will bother you with it. And other people will like it.

>No thanxx.


Feb 14, 1999, 12:24pm
Make the new trees the property of tourists. Then, anyone can chop it down.

[View Quote]


Feb 14, 1999, 12:28pm
It's fairly simple to cope with these problems. The forestbot should keep
track of all of it's trees, anyway, to make it able to grow them. So, it is
easy to have a maximum of, say, 1000 trees at a time. And to save the list
of trees, so it can keep on growing after a restart or something. And
finally, it can just delete all of its trees when it wants.


[View Quote]

tammy jo

Feb 17, 1999, 12:46pm
Cubic I think should know people would use these bots in their
OWN worlds and not waste your precious Alpha World


You Evil Pal
King Pikachu
Kin Raichu
BuildW Home of Emoney

king viper

Feb 21, 1999, 4:40pm
im trying to set up a chessbot
King Viper
[View Quote] (seth koster)

Mar 9, 1999, 4:50pm
Packer1 thus opines:

Here's my virtual two cents, make a vehicle bot ie car,
boat, plane, one
that can carry a
person or persons around with avatar of course. get in
type coordinats and
the bot follows the roads to get there.


That's a great idea, in my opinion! I'm VERY new to AW
and programming in general, and I'd really like some pointers on
where to look for instructions on bot building. Any info is
appreciated. Please send any correspondence to:
qtc3 at
Also, how efficient is it for people to build companion sites to
their buildings in AW in terms of bandwidth? What I mean is
that I've been working on a site specifically designed to have
seperate pages for each different aspect of the building I'm
making in AW, allowing myself to communicate much more
easily, fluidly, and interactively with my AW building visitors.
What I want to know is if this is a huge waste of bandwidth
which will make people angry, or will it affect it minimally, or will
it affect it not at all?
Thanks for any info, and again, please write to me at:
qtc3 at



Dec 16, 2000, 2:11am
Hey howabout some one starts to get to work on a bot that can learn, chat
and move around by its self. like a artifical intelegence bot. it world be

[View Quote] > We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
> and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
> have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
> anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

[View Quote] > We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
> and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
> have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
> anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

twisted horizon

Dec 16, 2000, 12:02pm
'S all been done... Hell, even Daniel and Preston can do some of that now.
[View Quote]

the derek

Dec 17, 2000, 3:24am
hmmm i started something like that a whle ago.. never finished it thats a hard
bot to make

[View Quote] > Hey howabout some one starts to get to work on a bot that can learn, chat
> and move around by its self. like a artifical intelegence bot. it world be
> cool.
[View Quote]


Jan 23, 2001, 11:49pm
Me and a couple of programming buddies of mine once started on this
"artificial intellegence" and we never finished because of all the work and
time it takes.

Just thought I would post something for once :)


> Hey howabout some one starts to get to work on a bot that can learn, chat
> and move around by its self. like a artifical intelegence bot. it world be
> cool.
[View Quote]

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