
Bots get boring... (Bots)

Bots get boring... // Bots

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byte me

Feb 5, 1999, 12:25am
We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??


Feb 5, 1999, 1:16am
Duh...why do you think I made such a big deal about Roland promoting "bots" as the main feature of the SDK? Helllloooooooo...

<roll eyes>

Anyone done a NON-bot SDK app for AW yet? (rhetorical question)

[View Quote] > We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
> and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
> have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
> anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 3:45am

Write a scorekeeper bot that counts the objects in a world that were created
by a given citnum.

Basic rules of the game:

- Start with an empty world
- All contestants' bots enter the world for a given period of time
- At the end of the period the contestants' bots building right is revoked
- The scorekeeper is let loose and counts all objects in the world belonging
to each contestant
- Winner: the contestant/team with the most objects in the world

I'm sure there could be many variations to this, a couple could be:
- Winner is the contestant with the most objects visible from a given
- Winner has the most connected objects

Archon Manus

[View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 3:50am
A Virtual Pet

Create a bot that has a life cycle, learning abilities, must be fed, can be
trained, mates and procreates, expresses itself in non-verbal emotions.
Personally I would find an entirely new species more interesting than a
virtual dog, cat or fish.

I suspect this could be a revenue source if done well :)

Archon Manus

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archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 3:55am
Well, if you want a game-bot challenge that could be worth your while,
program a bot to play the game GO.

I understand that there is a US$ 1 million award for the first computer
based implementation of the game that can beat a professional player in a
tournament match.

Archon Manus

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edward sumerfield

Feb 5, 1999, 11:43am
Mind if I enter a robot builder as a contestant?

[View Quote] > CoreWars
> ---------------
> Write a scorekeeper bot that counts the objects in a world that were created
> by a given citnum.
> Basic rules of the game:
> - Start with an empty world
> - All contestants' bots enter the world for a given period of time
> - At the end of the period the contestants' bots building right is revoked
> - The scorekeeper is let loose and counts all objects in the world belonging
> to each contestant
> - Winner: the contestant/team with the most objects in the world
> I'm sure there could be many variations to this, a couple could be:
> - Winner is the contestant with the most objects visible from a given
> altitude
> - Winner has the most connected objects
> Archon Manus
[View Quote]


Feb 5, 1999, 12:18pm
Make a tree bot, you can "seed" some trees somewhere, they start to grow,
get bigger, get old, die, drop their leaves, flower, create other trees -
and a whole forest over time!!


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Feb 5, 1999, 2:41pm
[View Quote] You think this idea fun?
I find it an excellent example of internet-pollution.
Complete waste of time, space, effort and bandwith.
Ppl would better put their efforts in building cities and worlds that are
nice to look at.
How can building ever be taken serious anymore if ppl start to organize
thise ridiculous things.



Feb 5, 1999, 2:46pm
[View Quote]
Another silly idea!
What the heck does this have to do with AW?
You must be really tired of life to wast your time thinking up these silly
Buy a Tammagotchi and keep Aw clean from these


P.S. If you don't know what a tammagotchi is: it's exactly what you
explained above, but then in RL and meant as a toy for little kids. Kind of
a little handheld thinggy with 2 or 3 buttons.


Feb 5, 1999, 9:04pm
can we feed it tourists? :)

[View Quote] > A Virtual Pet
> ------------------
> Create a bot that has a life cycle, learning abilities, must be fed, can be
> trained, mates and procreates, expresses itself in non-verbal emotions.
> Personally I would find an entirely new species more interesting than a
> virtual dog, cat or fish.
> I suspect this could be a revenue source if done well :)
> Archon Manus
[View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 9:10pm
Actually what I describe is modeled after the game Creatures and Creatures2,

I'm glad you find it absurd. . .and I plan to create many, many other things
that waste far more bandwidth than these. If building is your thing, then
"Party on, Dude." I enjoy building greatly, but prefer not to limit the
scope of my imagination to merely that.

Archon Manus
Vizier D'Magienne

[View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 9:11pm
[View Quote]

Building is serious?

Archon Manus

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 9:13pm

Archon Manus

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byte me

Feb 5, 1999, 9:19pm
Well what other so called applications can be made with the SDK?

you know what I don't think there is any other things that can be developed with the SDK.

[View Quote] > Duh...why do you think I made such a big deal about Roland promoting "bots" as the main feature of the SDK? Helllloooooooo...
> <roll eyes>
> Anyone done a NON-bot SDK app for AW yet? (rhetorical question)
[View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 9:20pm
Well, we need a scorekeeper first. . .it'll be awhile if I need to write it,
my AW todo list is pretty long at moment :-P

Archon Manus

[View Quote]

byte me

Feb 5, 1999, 9:22pm
Wow Cubic your starting to sound like some *other* people, maybe you should stop
and think to your self, OTHER people have ideas and they have the right ot
express them and you should keep your trap SHUT!

[View Quote] [View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 5, 1999, 9:40pm
This may have already been done, and I'm just unaware of it. . .

I've had several people mention that they'd like to move a site from one
world to another, for various reasons. . .just bought a world, don't like
the world owner, sick of the neighborhood, those darn dolphins are just too
creepy (just kidding!)

So I suspect that many builders would love a

Photocopy Bot

Moves a designated area from one world to a designated area in another

There are some serious kinks to this one. . .the worst, in my mind, being
that of malicious use. Perhaps requiring the PS right in the target world in
order to use the tool? Not sure.

Another issue is the probability that objects used will not be available in
the target world.

Archon Manus

[View Quote]


Feb 5, 1999, 11:11pm
A combination of SDK construction bots could do it (if the objects were
compatible and both worlds admitted bots): have a surveyor bot make a survey of
the original site (it can survey up to a 24x24 coord site), then turn the survey
over to a builderbot at the new site (it can build up to a 24x24 coord site).
Once that is safely done, have a demolition bot erase the original site (using
the original survey).

[View Quote] > This may have already been done, and I'm just unaware of it. . .
> I've had several people mention that they'd like to move a site from one
> world to another, for various reasons. . .just bought a world, don't like
> the world owner, sick of the neighborhood, those darn dolphins are just too
> creepy (just kidding!)
> So I suspect that many builders would love a
> Photocopy Bot
> ---------------------
> Moves a designated area from one world to a designated area in another
> world.
> There are some serious kinks to this one. . .the worst, in my mind, being
> that of malicious use. Perhaps requiring the PS right in the target world in
> order to use the tool? Not sure.
> Another issue is the probability that objects used will not be available in
> the target world.
> Archon Manus
[View Quote]

archon manus

Feb 6, 1999, 3:44am
Runway Model bot

A bot that will show off the latest fashions in avs and av outfits from the
best designers in AW with the appropriate sass and attitude on the runway of
a fashion show held for the benefit of the AW universe's world owners.

[View Quote]

ima genius

Feb 6, 1999, 4:11am
Actually in AWGames, we already have a bot that does it. You can even set
boundaries so you get only the objects you want. :)
- Ima

[View Quote] > This may have already been done, and I'm just unaware of it. . .
> I've had several people mention that they'd like to move a site from one
> world to another, for various reasons. . .just bought a world, don't like
> the world owner, sick of the neighborhood, those darn dolphins are just too
> creepy (just kidding!)
> So I suspect that many builders would love a
> Photocopy Bot
> ---------------------
> Moves a designated area from one world to a designated area in another
> world.
> There are some serious kinks to this one. . .the worst, in my mind, being
> that of malicious use. Perhaps requiring the PS right in the target world in
> order to use the tool? Not sure.
> Another issue is the probability that objects used will not be available in
> the target world.
> Archon Manus
[View Quote]

robert dion

Feb 6, 1999, 4:56am
[View Quote] > We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
> and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
> have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
> anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

Here's my virtual two cents, make a vehicle bot ie car, boat, plane, one
that can carry a
person or persons around with avatar of course. get in type coordinats and
the bot follows the roads to get there.



Feb 6, 1999, 6:41am
[View Quote] I don't find it absurd.
I find it absurd to polute aw with it.


>and I plan to create many, many other things
>that waste far more bandwidth than these. If building is your thing, then
>"Party on, Dude." I enjoy building greatly, but prefer not to limit the
>scope of my imagination to merely that.
>Archon Manus
>Vizier D'Magienne
[View Quote]


Feb 6, 1999, 8:00am
Dunno; hence why I asked way back when the SDK was first released. I'd rather have a much more developed "script language" (although with easy-to-use pull-down boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) within AW to do things (object actions, environment interaction, etc). But I would REALLY just like the 3D engine sped up. It's pathetically slow. Too bad Criterion doesn't think enough about RenderWare to actually make it as good as Direct3D (which isn't saying much). Sad...meanwhile AW suffers...even sadder.

[View Quote] > Well what other so called applications can be made with the SDK?
> you know what I don't think there is any other things that can be developed with the SDK.
[View Quote]

jim fleming

Feb 6, 1999, 9:33am
[View Quote]
In the vPC Service Model...our desk-top starts as 1024x768.
We allocate the right 50% of the screen to the IE browser.
The RenderWare window ends up so small that speed does
not seem to be a problem. In our service model, the 3D view
is mostly for naigational a fancy drop-down

My concern is the opposite...our Java applets running in the
IE window are barely getting any processor cycles because
the RenderWare empire soaks up too much of the CPU
even when nothing is changing in that tiny window. I think that
we need some way to set the duty cycle between the 3D
view and the 2D web view. Maybe a simple slider could do
that ?

Jim Fleming
UNIR, COM and UNETY worlds in AW


Feb 6, 1999, 8:03pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Well, "speed" all depends on the system. But I can run the Tomb Raider games on my piece-of-shit AMD-K5-PR133AR (99MHz) just fine, yet AW twitches, jerks, and stumbles its way doing ANYTHING (with or without the RW Direct3D driver). And TR has multiple light (and colored in TR3) sources, MANY textures, etc. for a comparison between TR and AW.

> My concern is the opposite...our Java applets running in the
> IE window are barely getting any processor cycles because
> the RenderWare empire soaks up too much of the CPU
> even when nothing is changing in that tiny window. I think that
> we need some way to set the duty cycle between the 3D
> view and the 2D web view. Maybe a simple slider could do
> that ?

Ewww, Java and AW. <hiss, crossed finger stance>

Oh, would you increase your line width please, Jim? Your lines barely cover half the screen and cause unnecessary vertical scrolling.

andras sarkozy

Feb 6, 1999, 9:35pm
Why increase the line length? It is perfect ro the 640x480 screen!!!

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Feb 7, 1999, 5:23am
Heh, nice organization field. ;P

[View Quote] > Why increase the line length? It is perfect ro the 640x480 screen!!!

Uh, not everyone uses 640x480 resolution, for one. Two, allowing the newsreader to wrap the lines to the SCREEN width (and not a preset line length based on fixed-width fonts and screen resolution) would allow for MAXIMUM line use and less vertical scrolling. Efficiency, man, efficiency...

Oh and delete the stuff in the quote that has no relevance, like I did:

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Feb 7, 1999, 10:45am
[View Quote] This seems a nice idea. I'd like some more nature in AW.


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Feb 7, 1999, 10:54am
This might be a silly idea in your opinion... however, companies all over
the world spend millions of dollars per year on this topic... might not be
THAT silly.........


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byte me

Feb 7, 1999, 1:56pm
I did something like this with hambot :)

a new tree would appear every 10 seconds...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

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