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Feb 4, 1999, 5:45am
Weather bots: moving clouds (maybe even a morphing algorythm or two to give the effect of actual clouds), storms (rain, snow,
hail, cats and dogs, whatever), fog, etc. Woo! Sure would look more realistic than animated textures on polygons that go too fast
or are too jerky if repeating frames...


Feb 5, 1999, 6:34pm
[View Quote] > As I have been spending a great deal of time working on my world which is
> themed as a very traditional medieval/fantasy setting, the question is
> starting to nag at me. . .
> Why are we dead set on creating replicas of the "real" world? (Or previously
> imagined ones) Isn't part of the point of this medium to do things that are
> not possible? Perhaps we can create environments that have internally
> consistent rules that are completely different from those that we expect of
> a "world." Shall we do more "virtual" and less "reality"?

With a single, static, white light source, hardly any environment interaction, shitty avatar collision detection, limited object collision detection, and all the other restraints, limits, and shortcomings of AW, what's possible has for the most part already been done in AW. Look at all the other 3D games out there, for example, say, Zelda 64. Now that's supposed to be THE 3D game for now. Multiple, dynamic, colored lights, extensive environment interaction, much better avatar/object collision detection (than AW), etc, etc, etc make AW look like shit. Even Tomb Raider (TR) 1 (and 2 and 3) make AW look like shit, and TR isn't even that innovative since when it first came out over 4 years ago (AW is about as old as TR, too)! http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/compare.html for a comparison between TR and AW.

So until AW provides enough customization to do "reality" well enough, "neo-realistic" environments can't be created because they'll just be shotty representations of "pseudo-realistic" environments which fall short of even ATTEMPTING to "surpass" said known "realistic" environments. Dig? It's a catch-22, really. Can't move beyond what you can't already achieve...

> And for heaven's sake, don't do just a weather bot, at the very least if you
> are going to get into hyper-realism, do an eco-system bot.

Considering a "simple" weather bot would be complicated enough, an ecosystem bot would be way more complicated. I mean even the deer bot someone is working on doesn't sound very realistic. Not ALL deer run away when people are x meters away from them.

[View Quote]


Feb 5, 1999, 9:33pm
[View Quote] ch is
hat are
pect of
[View Quote] That would be annoying because the downloads would take forever if the ob=
jects were COMPLETELY new every 5 minutes. Plus everything would look mor=
e like chaos and probably only TRULY "enjoyable" unless frying one's ass =
off. No, I'd rather have structure and identification. Also, be glad AW c=
alls them "worlds" and not "levels". Personally I don't like the idea of =
"worlds" anyway. I don't like all the disconnectedness of all the worlds.=
Modularity is good, but only when the modules are part of a greater whol=
e and allow for connectivity. With teleporting, having "external" worlds =
is unnecessary since, say, one large "world" (universe) could hold all th=
e other "worlds" (countries). This is a tad confusing but would be great =
for a world like America. The owner, Jetta Lewis, has many other "worlds"=
named after the states. All these states should be in America "world" (c=
ountry) and allow gradual transition from one to the other (not to mentio=
n keeping the state layout). This would require something to the effect o=
f "zones" within "worlds" to differentiate between the different "states"=
=2E Each zone would have its own "world features and rights", similar to =
state laws. The world/country would also have its OWN world features/righ=
ts, but hopefully they wouldn't be changed too much since it would affect=
all of the states...or the state features/rights could overrun the count=
ry's. Woo, this is just like how the US government works...well, sorta a=
nyway. Anyway, call it democratic Active Worlds or something. OK, now my =
brain hurts...heh.

t if you
system bot would be way more complicated. I mean >even the deer bot someo=
ne is working on doesn't sound very realistic. Not ALL deer run away when=
people are x meters away >from them.
> Heh, what I'm implying is that if you take on a LARGE challenge, perhap=
> boredom will disappear. On the other hand it may be offset by frustrati=
on :)

Unfortunately, I don't enjoy programming, and as I have yet to see ANY ot=
her SDK application other than a silly bot, I thought I'd make my weather=
"bot" suggestion relatively simple to start.


Feb 7, 1999, 5:30am
Played Zelda64 yet? It's got plants that grow back SMOOTHLY after Link slices 'em up. AW looks outdated more and more with each new game release. Sad...

[View Quote] > This ecosystem idea reminds me of an idea I had a while back, and I believe
> other people have talked about it as well....
> Sort of a "sim life" program that will allow cetrain objects to "grow".
> You could have the bot cause plants and trees to grow and reproduce at a
> given speed. (the growth would obviously would have to take place at a
> much accelerated rate :)
> The idea is simple - you build an "acorn.rwx". The bot checks the timestamp
> on it and when its x minutes old, it replaces it with "z_oak_sapling1.rwx".
> Then "z_oak_sapling2.rwx" and so on as the tree grows. Once it gets so big,
> it has a certain chance of "spawning" an "acorn.rwx" nearby.
> Plants that grow naturally could belong to cit #0 so anyone could come along
> and cut 'em down when they wanted to build in a given area.
> If done in a public building world, it would give much more meaning to the
> concept of gardening - if you planted flowers and deleted weeds, you would
> have a nice garden. If you let your land go and never took care of it, it
> would beome overgrown. This would entice people to return to their homes and
> care for them even after they have finished building.
> If you made the plants themselves "z" objects, then you couldn't just place
> full-grown plants - you could only place "seed" objects that would grow into
> a full plant over time. So, you couldn't just put a line of mighty oaks
> around your house, but would have to plant then and wait. :) Since its a z
> object you can't move it once it starts growing - you can only delete it or
> let it grow.
> This would make for quite a dynamic world. Anyway, its another one of those
> ideas that has been in my head forever and will never see the light of day
> 'cause im too dang busy. :)
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 5, 1999, 1:16am
Duh...why do you think I made such a big deal about Roland promoting "bots" as the main feature of the SDK? Helllloooooooo...

<roll eyes>

Anyone done a NON-bot SDK app for AW yet? (rhetorical question)

[View Quote] > We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
> and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
> have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
> anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

Bots get boring...

Feb 6, 1999, 8:00am
Dunno; hence why I asked way back when the SDK was first released. I'd rather have a much more developed "script language" (although with easy-to-use pull-down boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) within AW to do things (object actions, environment interaction, etc). But I would REALLY just like the 3D engine sped up. It's pathetically slow. Too bad Criterion doesn't think enough about RenderWare to actually make it as good as Direct3D (which isn't saying much). Sad...meanwhile AW suffers...even sadder.

[View Quote] > Well what other so called applications can be made with the SDK?
> you know what I don't think there is any other things that can be developed with the SDK.
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 6, 1999, 8:03pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Well, "speed" all depends on the system. But I can run the Tomb Raider games on my piece-of-shit AMD-K5-PR133AR (99MHz) just fine, yet AW twitches, jerks, and stumbles its way doing ANYTHING (with or without the RW Direct3D driver). And TR has multiple light (and colored in TR3) sources, MANY textures, etc. http://tnlc.com/eep/tr/compare.html for a comparison between TR and AW.

> My concern is the opposite...our Java applets running in the
> IE window are barely getting any processor cycles because
> the RenderWare empire soaks up too much of the CPU
> even when nothing is changing in that tiny window. I think that
> we need some way to set the duty cycle between the 3D
> view and the 2D web view. Maybe a simple slider could do
> that ?

Ewww, Java and AW. <hiss, crossed finger stance>

Oh, would you increase your line width please, Jim? Your lines barely cover half the screen and cause unnecessary vertical scrolling.

Bots get boring...

Feb 7, 1999, 5:23am
Heh, nice organization field. ;P

[View Quote] > Why increase the line length? It is perfect ro the 640x480 screen!!!

Uh, not everyone uses 640x480 resolution, for one. Two, allowing the newsreader to wrap the lines to the SCREEN width (and not a preset line length based on fixed-width fonts and screen resolution) would allow for MAXIMUM line use and less vertical scrolling. Efficiency, man, efficiency...

Oh and delete the stuff in the quote that has no relevance, like I did:

[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 8, 1999, 2:41am
Idiot, I wasn't even talking to you (or referring to a sig quote either), but the MESSAGE quoting. Duh!

So many idiots...too few bullets...

[View Quote] > No, it's eepy :)
> I'll just keep my long .sig :)
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 8, 1999, 6:58pm
Uh huh; sure you were, champ. And you're DEFINITELY an idiot. Idiots reply off-topic with lame jokes.

[View Quote] > I *know* that! I was just anticipating your reply....
> And I'm definitely NOT an idiot.
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 9, 1999, 7:27am
Perfect relative to who? Not me. I only have 800x600 resolution because this shitty 14" monitor can't handle anything more. I'd probably do 1024x768 if I could, but then AW might be too small, and making a larger window would cause my system to lag even MORE from RenderWare. Plus the video card works harder at higher resolutions and color depths.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 9, 1999, 7:11pm
Yet you STILL haven't learned how to use the FULL screen width in your messages...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 9, 1999, 11:11pm
Try settings/options/preferences or something. In Netscape Communicator 4.5, for example, the setting is Edit | Preferences... | Mail & Newsgroups | Messages | Message Wrapping. Two options: "Wrap incoming, plain text messages to window width" and "Wrap outgoing, plain text messages at [ ] characters". 72 being the default, but I have mine at 32767. Ideally I'd rather NOT have to wrap text at all (and just let email programs and newsreaders automatically wrap lines to their window widths, but this is obviously too advanced thinking for most newsreader and email software programmers. And why there's an additional "Wrap Long Lines" in Netscape Messenger's "View" menu is beyond me, considering the first "Message Wrapping" option listed above should already do it.

I try to use as little Microslop stuff as I can...the "OS" being MORE than enough annoyance for me anyway. Of course Netscrape stuff isn't that much better, but at least it ain't Microslop...

[View Quote] > Hey good point... I have no idea why Outlook reformats outgoing messages and
> puts in hard CRs... I hadn't even noticed before. If you have any
> suggestions (outside of using a different newsreader) then I'd be willing to
> try em.
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 10, 1999, 5:12am
Looks fine to me...

[View Quote] > Nope, it looks like crap.
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 10, 1999, 8:35am
Well, no, not when your Outlook Express reformats the line length when quoting it doesn't. Tsk tsk...try setting your line length to 132 (since that seems to be Outlook Express' limit) as well. If possible, disable a line length limit (forced line breaks) altogether. As an alternative, try getting a different newsreader (Agent, Forte, Netscape Messenger, etc).

[View Quote] > Not to me.... (outlook express too)
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 11, 1999, 5:32am
Uh, so don't run your newsreader/message reader at full screen. Or increase your font size. Do you enjoy unnecessary vertical scrolling and screwed up quoted line formatting? I don't.

[View Quote] > I won't set mine from 76 to 132 for the simple reason that when I receive a
> msg that has 132 line length, it looks awful on my 1024x768. A 132-line is
> spread over 2 lines, one full, one half-full.

Bots get boring...

Feb 11, 1999, 5:34am
Yes, that is the only problem I've noticed with quoting. Why news/email readers can't put quote symbols before each wrapped line is beyond me, however. They do usually put a ">" (or whatever) in front of the first quoted line, and on a blank line after the last quoted line, so that is SOME differentiation at least...

[View Quote] > that works fine with my Outlook Express, Rjin :) Except it seems to break
> the quoting - had to add the >'s manually below :(
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 11, 1999, 9:02pm
....which should be on by default anyway.

[View Quote] > only problem is if you don't have "wrap long lines" checked, it goes as one continuous line off into the right margin without ant CRs...
[View Quote]

Bots or Object Agents ?

Feb 6, 1999, 7:56pm
Yes, please stop calling everything a bot; it's annoying! It's why I groaned when first reading the SDK description which mainly mentioned bots. I figured: "Oh, great, now everyone and their grandmother are gonna have stupid, annoying greeter bots." And what happened? Yup...those damn things are everywhere. I originally wanted Hambot for tumblin' tumbleweeds in Utah world, but the complicated scripting language turned me off to Hambot so I've never done anything with it since. Why most programmers feel the need to make everything TEXT-based is beyond me. Not everyone is textual; some are actually graphical! <gasp!> <eyeroll>

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots or Object Agents ?

Feb 6, 1999, 8:47pm
If you only want programmers being able to use it, then I guess that's fine. However, most programmers write for end-users (NON-programmers). Infant book authors write for their audience: infants.

[View Quote] > Yeah! Why write programming languages that cater only to programmers? That'd be like giving an infant a book with no pictures <gasp!><eyeroll>
[View Quote]

Bots or Object Agents ?

Feb 7, 1999, 5:27am
;) Exactly. This is the thinking "outside the box" most programmers just can't "see". Why? Because they don't think visually. Left vs right brain thinking: psychologically proven. This is also why QA exists to break programmers out of their narrow-minded mode. So it really irritates me when companies want programmer QA...it's defeating the entire purposes of testing perspective. Helllllloooooohhh idiot corps(e)!

[View Quote] > Why not have it so that the GUI will allow you to input the variables and configurations visually?

Bots or Object Agents ?

Feb 8, 1999, 2:37am
[View Quote] > After reading this thread it seems like, you want have an SDK application which is easier to operate than hambot, has no scripts, is more powerful than hamfon, allows creating bots by people who don't even see hambots rather simple scripting, and want to do VISUAL programm while even scripting is above their head ?

No, I don't even WANT and "SDK" app, but an INTEGRATED system in AW that allows adding better environment interaction, without having to run EXTERNAL programs (like bots) to do it.

> excuse me, but visual programming differs NOT AT ALL in the concepts of textual programming. you still would have to learn a certain programming type (procedural, functional, list-oriented, object-oriented), and finely the "plug-together" of the program flow is independant in concept from the interface.
> Textual interfaces have the advantage that you can implement them very faster and easier while gaining the same as a visual interface. do you have any idea how much man-power it needs for a decent click-and-point interface to, say, an OO programming approach ?
> You don't want to wait for that or pay the guy doing it. And you propably wouldn't like to operate it as well. Visual OO modelers for example are NOT easy-to-use and thats not their purpose. Their just provide a sense of abstraction which is not even needed for, e.g., hambot scripts.

Need is relative. Not everyone abstracts as "easily" as you and/or most programmers think they do. Not everyone is a textual thinker. Perhaps you should take a basic pscyohology class and pay specific attention to the part on LEARNING. Not everyone learns the same way or is profficient in the learned way either.

> Any other visual interface, one that is as easy to operate as, say, driving a car, is unfortunately equally powerful. you can go left, right, straight and back. Blinking is only for left and right. Suitable for a CarBot, but NOTHING for a Bot Programming System.

Ah, you seem to be limited by the "thinking inside the box" too. Sad. Cars don't just go left, right, forward, and reverse; they also turn, curve, sway, and GRADUALLY change position—even moving DIAGONALLY! (A hard concept for you to grasp, I'm sure.)

> and QA is something different as well... its actually not the different profession, that really finds bugs, its the fact that you have different PERSONS, anybody but the author of a program is qualified for QA'ing it.

Right, and these "different PERSONS" are what make up "QA". Duh. And it IS a different profession because there is an entire INDUSTRY based around it! QA is a corporation department like marketing, programming, administration assisting, etc. Have you even ever been ivolved in the computer industry??

> Eep, it wouldn't hurt if you didn't leave your field of profession regarding such statements as below.

And it wouldn't hurt you, Walter, to stop talking out of your ass and being lame. Wee.

Blah Blah Blah

Sep 27, 1998, 1:09am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

When will the REAL development resume? All this bot stuff is lame, especially considering most of the AW population can't even USE the SDK... Priorities, please...AW's looking really stagnate lately...

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
When will the REAL development resume? All this bot stuff is lame, especially
considering most of the AW population can't even USE the SDK... Priorities,
please...AW's looking really stagnate lately...</HTML>


Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 2:42am
So, AlphaWorld has a blimp that "orbits" its GZ. Your "accomplishment" is no big deal...

[View Quote] > I was messing around with building and obejct changing commands I made a
> bot that makes a object orbit GZ some cool stuff first time I've messed
> with it :) will aid me in a larger project I'm working on :))

Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 9:14pm
Big deal (again), Byte.

[View Quote] > Hmmm... lets see the blimp in AWGames was programmed by me. Tis not very hard to do...
[View Quote]

Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 11:07pm
Ah, Byte...<sigh>...you've missed the point of my original response to your post in this thread (as usual). I simply meant that just because you got some bot to orbig a GZ doesn't make you special, especially considering COF had one oribitting AlphaWorld's GZ long before you even "attempted" your "feat". In fact, you probably just copied it, so I don't feel like you deserve any praise and your post was an obvious call for external gratification based on your low self-esteem. Sad, man, sad...

[View Quote] > Lets see you program a bot... All you can do is cut-down and complain so shut up and go
> somewhere else where people may actually like you...
[View Quote]

Cool stuff...

Feb 9, 1999, 1:40am
Once again I state in an altered form: whoopety-do. Have a medal, champ. Do you need such external recognition from making such an announcement? It would be the same if I made an out-of-the-blue post saying I just learned how to make RWXs. Big fucking deal. LOTS of people know how to make RWXs. LOTS of people make bots. BIG DEAL! Duh.

account deleted! (and this post deleted!)

Feb 8, 1999, 2:38am
What the hell is up with Rick and JP?? Did they delete my account because of the press release misconceptions I posted yesterday?
Most of what was in the message had already been posted in here before anyway! I really tire of this shit. I will be going to the
Better Business Bureau (again), and I'm sure now that AW is public the BBB will be MUCH more likely to actually DO something...

account deleted!

Feb 8, 1999, 2:39am
What the hell is up with Rick and JP?? Did they delete my account because of the press release misconceptions I posted yesterday?
Most of what was in the message had already been posted in here before anyway! I really tire of this shit. I will be going to the
Better Business Bureau (again), and I'm sure now that AW is public the BBB will be MUCH more likely to actually DO something...

Non-Bot Ideas?

Oct 6, 1998, 11:44pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

So what ELSE will one be able to do with the SDK besides bots? You can only do SO much with bots...

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
So what ELSE will one be able to do with the SDK besides bots? You can
only do SO much with bots...</HTML>


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