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sunofsolaris // User SearchMy appologies to swe and all who were offended....:(Mar 4, 2002, 4:42pm
My appologies to swe and all who were offended....:(Mar 4, 2002, 4:52pm
well, do me a favour ? if he should mention wanting a physical fight, make
sure it game on, cos then i wont be ignoring him in real, just kikkin his fat old ass :) cheers SUN [View Quote] Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 1:02pm
"But you will need some lessons about "the golden rule"" - oh ? i am fully
aware of the golden rule, that the one that goes "treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, do no man a wrong unless he wrongs you, and then vengeance is yours" ? Well i follow that golden rule to the dot Alphabit, and Leo has wronged me. So now, although i am not seeking vengeance, i am seeking that the wrong be put right. As for making an apology to Leo, you can dream. I will make an apology on his behalf to the AW community however. I am sorry, on Leo's behalf, that he had to be such a fool and make a problem he has with me on a personal level, public via this newsgroup. "I'm willing to take you under my guidance " - who the hell do you think you are ??? Look Alpha, i wish you and your clicky little group of friends would wake up. This is a chat program, you are a user, leo is a user, i am a user. You are not any thing special. You have both self proclaimed yourselves. Leo a hardcore programmer, who can "programme in any language he likes", and you the leader of some group of ppl that you formed. God, i could go go and find 15 ppl and form some group if i really felt that heavily about power, but at least i recognise it would mean absolutely nothing. get real, wake up, its just a chat program. i dont deny the ppl are real in here, but so am i, and you all treat me the way you are doing so in this newsgroup and i will treat you all in EXACTLY the same manner. I wont read any of your posts properly, and i will just insult the hell out of every word you say. Its no biggy, i can play the same games you do. If you want to be ignorant and fail to read what others say and take it in, thats your LOOK OUT. Sun Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 2:06pm
Yes Bud, thats your "story" i am sure.
i have explained my self time in and time out. What you think now is largely irrellevant. You coming the big man at me, and making a lot of false claims and attempting dirty public slurring tactics is what is the point. i am still waiting for you to support your claims. all you have done so far is type a lot of wind, whilst i have supported my self time and time again. prove your words and let this all end. Sun Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 2:11pm
Bud wait, let me try n remember the transcript of the conversation that
happened in AWGate that you are referring to having "caught" me. it went along the lines of a young lad who was supposed to meet his teacher in the world to partake in an assignment, prior to him saying such i had already been fooling around like a prize. Once the lad mentioned this intention of meeting his teacher my words were along the lines of "LMAO, oh heh wait" "I am your teacher dood, like errrrrrrr" "today we going to learn bout passwords" "yuh yuh" "now then sonny you typed in a password to get in here didnt you" "what was that password LMFAO" do you really really really THINK, that if i was attempting to get some one to give me their password i would take the piss outta the person that i was sposed to be emulating, let alone fool around in the room prior to doing it ?????????????????? yes people, this is exactly what your great legendary BinaryBud is causing all the fuss over !!!!!! NOTHING .......... the kid even said at the same time "yeah sure right you are lol". He took it as the joke it was, nothing more. BinaryBud how ever saw it as a chance to try and prove to some one how great he thinks he is and to cause all this trouble. this is totally pathetic Sun Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 3:15pm
You Bit, need to get out a lil more.
I agree with all your points tho. But the only people i have a problem with are the ppl who are sitting in this newsgroup slurring and judging, with absolutley NO evidence accept for some sore loser's word. Being as the ppl who are posting hear appear to be the long serving citizens of AW it would appear to me that the marjority of AW are now being biased against me. Wake up on this one, some one actually said in the newsgroup that BinaryBud has been around an awful long time and would accept his word over sun's any time. You see Bit, it only takes for a few well known, for what ever reason, ppl in AW, such as yourself and Bud, to go makeing claims to cause a huge problem for another citizen with in AW. You think i am wrong huh ?? Please explain to me then why i already have one other person explaining that a situation much similar to this happened to them and now they are almost reclused, spending much of their time in their own private world, becos if they were to come out ppl such as those involved in this newgroup would hammer the crap out of them ? is what what you call virtual healing Bit ??? Is that the brilliant AW Community that you talk about ? And while we are on the subject of Communities, who exactly was who voted you in as government ? You see this time Bit, Bud and all of you can say what you like, until you support any of it, it really doesnt worry me, and being that none of it is as you or binarybud would have it, it cant be supported in the way you are telling it, so my worrying is none. I can keep this up for as long as need be, you carry, you and Bud and who ever else wants to. Continue to attempt slur and bs tactics with me and i will continue to write in reponse. :) Unfortunately it appears to be blatently obvious that alot of you dont like direct home truths being mentioned in a public forum. cheers Sun Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 3:57pm
how did this all begin ? i will tell you, Bud making far too many assumptions and claims and initiating a flaming thread, thats how. if Bud had never had done that in the first place none of this would even have be an issue. You would never have come to my room, i would have never have come to yours n joked around, you would have never have ejected me, and i would have had no need to say a few words via telegram. You can say that your bias is due to my behaviour in this newsgroup all you like AlphaBit, however the fact still stands that if the thread has never have been started in the first place with a pack of false accusations, slurring and lies, i would never have had the need to defend myself would i now ? And up until the point of a supposed mass AW onslaught of Sun, which doesnt really appear to get you any where, i had been perfectly civil with in the group. Your judging love, comes from experience and personal perception, NOT, experience and HARD FACTS. Infact your judging comes from experience and an already biased perception. So i would put it to you that you are hardly well qualified to judge me at all. The community that i talk off is the one that has pushed some one out(not me, although you are all having a good old try) to the point where the person now sits in his own private world for fear of further flaming from the likes of ppl such as you and Binary. Perhaps the very fact that i havent been removed from posting yet would suggest something to you Alpha sweetie ;) Perhaps its just the ppl with in the group(bar a few) that seem to be having difficulty grasping the concept of me defending myself agains constant bs, lies and false accusations. hope you enjoy your day in the yard building your fountain, and glad you had a nice day at the rodeo :) hope you wore something nice out, you know like the black leather outfits that i like chix in :) cheers Sun Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 4:29pm
firstly you are guilty of the re-posting thing that all were making such a moan about when i was doing such, kindly live by the "self proclaimed moderators of the group's rules". It keeps the group sweet. Which is why i compare AW to a fascist world, being run by a number of ppl who have self proclaimed themselves government. Nether the less, that is a by the by comment now, already covered that one in a previous post. Not so sure about some one else having done it, i would credit the majority of being able to spot some tom foolery, and be able to differentiate it from hacking. The rest of the ppl in AWGate were able to, was only BinaryBud came accusing me of all sorts. Resolution, Bud either supports all of his claims and stops skipping around AW like some kind of grand master *trying* to lay down the law with other users. Further to that, Bud supports all the claims he has made, both the personal attack ones on myself and the claims to all of his supposed "knowledge", admits to his lies and shares with us which things he said that were lies, and which werent. That's a resolution for you, a wrong put right. Well with your judgements so far, and abillity to realise that a reputation/length of time with in AW does not warrant instant credibility, i am finding it hard to beleive that ignorance is one of your pet peeves. Maybe it is, but you dont show this too well. Yes the line was crossed long ago. This should have all be sorted out between Bud and myself in telegrams where it all started and if Bud hadnt have felt the need to try n publicly slurr and lie about me, which, i am sure he *thought* was going to get rid of me and return his little bubble of arragance back to its former state, then there would have been no need for any of this. The line was cross the moment the man clicked send on that initial post of slurrs and lies. The sooner he withdraws his accussations and admits specifically to his lies and supports ANY of his claims that he says arent lies, then the issue is over. I'm glad you had a good time at the rodeo, and cant wait to take a look at the photos once the fountain is complete. cheers Sun p.s. hands up for freedom of speach, i wonder how long before the supposed democracy that support freedom of speach is violated when AW remove me from being able to post ? Sonofsolaris leaving?Mar 3, 2002, 6:08pm
Your done exposing me ? lmao my words again Bud :)
but if you are done, can i just ask you one thing ? when exactly did it happen ?? cos as of yet, the only thing this newsgroup shows is you are full of bs, you wont/cant support ANY of your claims. cheers Sun AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 2, 2002, 11:33pm
Well Bud
you now have what you want, well sort of any way. I am leaving AW, SunWorld is now demolished and i have requested my CIT be terminated. Now, i hear you giggling away, thinking "i won, i won". Before i leave i would just like to finish off with a few points. a) I had no bad intentions what so ever with the password crack in AWGate. I explained that to you when you first telegrammed me after my ejection. b) If you had not been so arrogant in your telegrams i would have never even shown you the experimental port scanning bot, which, as i have pointed out many times now, was NEVER intended to be put to evil use. It posted the results of the scan in the world, in public. If it was meant to be put to bad use then what would be the point of informing you of what it was doing ? Further to that, Bud, if you read your VB-SDK and AW SDK documentation, you will see that outside of my world, the bot was useless for that purpose any way. c) If you hadnt had your bubble burst about your coding abillity, after you had become so arrogant about your "bots", then i am sure you would have felt no need to have even begun this flaming thread. d) As for ppl claiming that "Bud" wasnt trying to act as God, please read this :- Particular attention to Bud(Leo) speaking about the "I have two versions of the same plot..and here's the strange part.they are both of my FACE.. The first one I did was way out on the outskirts of AW 95n 32595w, by my huge pyramid(Built with the testing versions of RoboBuilder). ", if that doesn't say something to you folks then i dont know what will. e) Many of you i am sure will now be thinking, "oh Sun, has been asked to leave by AW, hahahaha". I can assure you that this is not the case, if you need this confirmed please ask PK 8 or 48, both of which i have telegrammed asking if they are able to terminate my CIT. f) I have chosen to leave AW for a number of reason :- 1) AW it seems to me is full of people who wish they were something that they are not, Bud is one such example of this. I have met a number of others, some mentioned in my posts, most not. I can do with out these people, they are the sort that have come into a once propserous industry for the skilled, with arrogance and bs and have helped in the down fall of the IT industry globally. Bud has not yet supported his claim that he "can programme any language he chooses" and if you read his resume you will see, in his own words, that he has programmed nothing other than VB, i see nothing but Visual Basic and a good sell for it,"This software project utilizes Visual Basic, a wonderfully productive windows programming language", on his resume. Please see :- I have gotten bored of constant slurring, now to the point where i have a little army of hacker want to be's following me around wanting me to show them how to "hack", i am not a hacker as Bud would like you to beleive. 2) If i really want to build with out the harrassment, its much more simpler to goto the local toy store and purchase a Lego building set :) 3) Far to much time is being spent by me in AW, with little productivity. I am steadily getting more bored with the place which is also another reason for me to leave. I think its time i get back into coding in my free time, rather than chatting. I have a huge project planned for the next few months, i am sure you are all dieing to know what it is huh ? Despite Bud's claims of myself being a hacker, the project i have planned is in no way illegal. And no Bud, its not a bot, life doesnt revolve around bots. What i have planned is a larger project than a 'bot'. Keep you eyes open for SunWorlds over the coming months. I plan to write and host my own AW type software(probably in c++ and on the linux platform Bud, yes thats right Bud, i dont bs, as my coding examples demonstrated but you were to ignorant to acknowledge.) and allow FREE access to all. At least this way, if it should become full of the moronic types such as Bud, at least no one will have to pay for his idiocy. To any one i have offended or anyone who feels that i have threatened them i apologise, however miscommunications occurr easily when the majority of minds/attitudes are being biased by a sorry loser. One only has to look at how Hitler accussed the Jews of all sorts in WWII and had his loyally following army attempt to destroy them. Again some one who had a reputation before hand, and used this reputation in a corrupt manner with no one realising what was going on. To all the whiners out there, i am very sorry if this post is way to long, but i hope that it may be deemed well thought out and have all my points in one clean posting. Finally, to Bud. Well my sorry ass loser friend, there you go, i have GIVEN you what you want. Your bubble almost back in one piece. Now you can wander around AW acting out your Godly fantasies locked in side your cage of dellusions. Pretending that you are the most "leet" person as far as AW goes. I think i have proved plenty enough through out my posts that this by far contrary to reality. I think i proved that in our initial telegrams, have you managed to look up the port no that the old win nukes used to use and how they worked, what about the C++ scope operator, that you i would have supposed you would know being that you "can programme in any language" that you choose. Just for your informational purposes Bud, just incase some one asks you the same questions, the scope operator is "::", and as for the win nuker, i'll leave you to look that one up, use the key words "netbios" and "OOB" that will help you. You may have the people in AW fooled, but then the average user is not hard to have think anything you like if you know a few keywords and wrote a few Visual Basic "macro bots" when AW was relatively new, and gained yourself a name/reputation right from the beginning. But i dare say, there are a number of people out there who have read and understood correctly the posts and points i made. I am sure now they at least see the credibility of your claims. I look forward to seeing you in SunWorlds :) Any way, farewell, what the hell, m off to start my new project :) lots of love and kisses [more to Angel. though, just because] kris[SunOfSolaris] xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 1:16pm
does it mean like a file that is going to KILL me ?????
oh man, first i bet get my life insurance increased and second i should start being scared right ??? swe, you are right man. totally i cant beleive there are ppl in here who would call me "skript kiddy" ............ Sun [View Quote] AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 1:19pm
lmao its not only you who think's you are pathetic either ;)
and oh well, you must have loved me being here so much you decided to provoke my return ? Retreat ? lmao , ILLITERATE cheers sun [View Quote] AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 1:21pm
yet another who bears much on past reputation
you KNOW NOTHING of me, only wat one person has decided to slur why is it that you proport your perception of Alphabit to your "knowledge" of her, and yet your perception of me you proport to what you have no "knowledge" of what so ever, bar one person's opinion ? something not quite right with your cognition there. cheers Sun AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 2:14pm
obviously too stupid to spot sarcasms ;)
i know its unusual from me Bud, but by the amount you give, m VERY surprised you dont have the abillity to spot it when others use the sarcasms approach. Which it it Bud ? stupidity or ignorance ? Sun AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 3:06pm
then why the need to even respond to the newsgroup concerning me any way ?
for some one who doesnt care about me, well you have a funny way of showing it. And code something ? i am currently, and if you would all stop interrupting my by emailing/ng'ing bs about me m sure i would complete my project a whole heap quicker. cheers Sun AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 3, 2002, 8:35pm
who said i didnt like it ?
just said it was interrupting me, i love to take a break now n again :) "If you never even visit the NGs in the first place, you'll never have to hear people bashing you and you can code in peace! " - if a tree fell over in a forest and no one was there, would it make a sound ? Just because i am not in the news group looking, does that mean to me its no longer happening ? No i dont think so, keep going for as long as you like, i really dont mind, but please, just dont expect me to sit back n watch :) cheers Sun AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCEMar 4, 2002, 2:57am
read it again, she already mentions she has "factual knowledge" and
experience of me and has cast her judgement already. there really is a literacy problem going on in here. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 11:01am
Very sorry to disappoint you all and have to return to the newsgroup so
soon. Furhter evidence has arisen of Leo Mauk's bs and i felt i just had to share this with you. To save being accussed of pointless over sized quoting and cutting/pasting i will explain briefly. Your hero, Leo, emailed me claiming he was pulling the same tricks as I in the early 70's. To which i responded, no i dont think you were, unless he was in the military, as at that time the "internet", known as DARPA at that time, was still a military only project. I also suggested he learnt his history before continuing to bs. In response, your hero Leo claimed he was using telnet and lynx on the "Mertit" network that connected universities at that time. Again false, as i point out in my repose to him. The internet wasnt used in universities as a form of communication until the 80's. I have no knowledge of the "Merit" network and dont have time to do any research on it, so am unable to comment. However, telnet and lynx in the early 70's ? Again, bs, The Lynx project was developed originally in DOS, possibly in the late 80's(at which time, with the use of some software such as TomCat, DOS couldnt implement a tcp/ip stack anyway let alone connect to the internet) But, the point being here, Lynx wasnt actually around til 1994(please see link below to support : ) Now his claim of telnet in the 70's ? Again, more bs, as i told him in my reponse. How he could have been using a product who's protocol wasnt even defined, by Postel, until the early 80's i have no idea. This link will support this These are just some of the false claims your hero has been making in personal emails to myself. I dont mind any one who want to talk bs, and try and pretend they are something they are not. BUT, surely once they know they are going to put straight, (and publicly exposed when they try and publicy ridicule with no support or evidence) its time to think, "do i really want to continue this ?" Leo, i have proved, over and over again, you talking out of your backside. Dont bother emailing me again, i am not interested in anything you have to prove. I think you have already proved all i need to know. I'm not going to repeat what you have proved, its there for all to see in the thread you started. Also as i said in my email Leo, i am glad you are building a library of my stuff, i hope it comes in handy to you in your next attack on some one who you think will "ph33r ju". Even better, i would be even happier if you learnt something from it, be it that you are not what you think you are, or just a little history for that matter :) sorry to have to return to point these things out, if any one should happen to be interested in the rest of the bs he has been talking or would like a copy of the emails he sent along with reponses, please dont hesitate to request a copy by personal email. I wouldnt wanna to upset any one elses apple cart by posting them in here ;) any way back to the project ........ kris[SunOfSolaris] The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 12:42pm
one further point, i apologise to all of those who whined at me for not
getting it all in in one mail. i am sure that Leo claimed to have been completely "self taught" and was in fact quite proud of the 'fact'. So Leo, when was it that you were in university, that you would have been using the "Merit" network any way ? Or is it that you prefer to forget about going to university and FAILING ? Is this what this is all about ? You are sore because i didnt ? Dood, you have one huge chip on your shoulder. or another possibility, perhaps Leo is something hardcore. Perhaps he used to HACK the "Merit" network and DARPA for his access in the "early 70's". Wouldnt that make him just a little hypocritical in accusing me of hacking because of a demonstration of a bot that port scanned ? enough said Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 2:20pm
forward what you like Bud, you cant be penalised for truths(which are
supported) and further to that Bud, i am quite happy to keep our conversation here in public if you wish. Your peers didnt seem to happy about it tho. I dont think you are either to be honest. But have it your own way. The sooner you admit to your peers that you have been chattin it from the start, and that your unsupported claims are all fakes and bs, or support them with some evidence, then the sooner we can stop this idiocy. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 2:28pm
Leo if you want me to stop emailing me then why continue to mail me :-
"----- Original Message ----- From: "Leo Mauk" <lmauk at> To: "Sun of Solaris" <thelonesoul at> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 4:14 PM Subject: Re: AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCE > and what am I honey a hacker or a BS'er? can't make up your mind huh > but you KNOW it's one of those huh? lol your sad son very warped mind > on your head.... go smoke some more crack to help you mellow ok? " and just so that i dont mail you, as you requested, i will respond here. I already know which you are. Being as all your Telnet/Lynx claims have been proven, with supporting evidence, to be total bs. So yes i would most definately with out a doubt imply from this you are the latter, a BS'er. As i have been claiming and proving all along. If any one else would like to see the rest of the emails and responses to and from Leo, please feel free to email me and request a copy. At worst they are worth a giggle, at best they will serve to prove the nature of this whole waste of time thread over a waste of time situation, that Leo here has decided to try and turn to some advantage. *yawn* cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 2:58pm
i see your maths is not to hot either Bud, the ratio is currently 17:12 to
me, not even 2:1 Leo. i am doing this Leo, to expose the likes of you. Your bubble is burts, accept it, get over it, move on. still only sarcasms Leo ? still no support of any of your claims ? cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:01pm
"use english ok ?" - didnt i ask you to do that many many posts ago ? You
are hardly what i would describe as eloquent in the use of your seemingly dwindled vocabulary. Why dont you tell us what the quote means ? You are by far more qualified then i being the big bad haxx0r you are. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:04pm
Remember why i posted your name and address to you Bud ?
Well, it was when you were making a number of claims that you were going to have me removed from my isp, and i asked you who my isp was, you know just to back up your claim yada yada yada Then i asked you who you were trying to scare and not to go shouting about things you couldnt do. Yes i did post your name and address to you just to show you that i CAN do the things you CLAIM you can. again Bud, put up or shut up, show us some evidence of what you CLAIM you can do. cheers Sun p.s. there is a definate trend forming here, Bud insults/slurs me, and i defend myself on what he has says, and instantly feels the urge to try n darken my name again. Hmmmm suspiciously like he doesnt want me here full stop. Wonder why that is Bud ? constant reminder/threat of some one showing the AW world what you really are ? The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:17pm
i would draw ppl's attention's to the initial posts in BinaryBud's thread on
this matter, please see the posted telegrams that were posted between BinaryBud and myself :) cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:21pm
Just updated your page then Bud ?
if you remember it wasnt there when i visited it, *yawn* a sad childish thing to do Still trying to figure out how i got it, right ? It really isnt n e thing clever, and i am sure 50% of the people who are in this newgroup know EXACLTY how i did. I'm VERY surprised you dont, after all the claims you have made. cheers Sun |