sunofsolaris // User Search
sunofsolaris // User Search
Mar 2, 2002, 3:26am
Surely in posting that to the group instead of posting directly to the
initiators of the thread you have just contradicted your own point ?
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C805A2F.EFD82408 at oct31.de...
> This is the community news group, it is not thought to be a
> battle place for private wars. It does not helpful, if people
> ignore more and more threads, filter more and more people and
> maybe finally unsubscribe. It doesn't help if too many people
> are banned either.
> It helps way more, to respect the community and community members.
> I do not say, that a good (!) fight does not belong here, I have
> seen a lot of interesting and hard discussions. There are ways
> to discuss and have different opinions without calling eachother
> names.
> sunofsolaris wrote:
news:3C7FD6DC.177260EF at oct31.de...
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Mar 2, 2002, 3:40am
to be honest i couldnt care less
i am not going to sit here and watch AW God "Bud" flame me, and i dare say
you wouldnt either. Put yourself in my position and think what you would
do before you advise me of what i should do.
one more thing, and this goes out to all the ppl that post whines about "ppl
should post this", "battles are not to be faught here" etc etc ......
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"dabartender" <never at mind.com> wrote in message
news:3c8061ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Tip: if you have a personal problem with another AW member, take it
> None of the rest of us care about your silly little squabble.
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c7fdc29 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> click
Mar 2, 2002, 9:27am
"> Having been on Usenet for, apparently, a longer period of time than a
> number of the people here, "
another one who feels his time with a service justfies his knowledge and
some right to judge other peoples words.
one more time now "click the - on the right, when it turns to a +, dont ever
click that + again"
perhaps if people had actually properly read the content of some of the
posts, then
a) they wouldnt be whining about the size
b) they wouldnt be making some of the claims that they do in their whiney
*yawn* this whining is getting boring
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"dabartender" <never at mind.com> wrote in message
news:3c80721b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c8065b6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What would I do?
> Having been on Usenet for, apparently, a longer period of time than a good
> number of the people here, I would follow the appropriate and accepted
> etiquette, and take a personal issue to a private venue. The thread has
> gone beyond public information and has degraded into a flurry of
> slurs/responses/slurs/etc.
> In a proper Usenet group, this thread would have gone to e-mail a long
> ago. If you are the responsible, adult person you claim to be, you will
> stop the juvenile "if you don't like it, don't read it" argument and take
> the whole thing out of the public eye.
> Frankly, we don't care. And I, personally, am tired of downloading even
> headers for this crap. You're wasting my bandwidth.
> My last post on this issue. On to more relevant and helpful things.
Mar 2, 2002, 3:59pm
1) "Get no response" - i dont expect a reponse from one more whiner
2) "End up in my killfile (I don't care who you are.)" - i am already on
your killfile **oooh please i'm shaking, i take it that this is supposed to
be a cause for my concern ???**
1) "Childish arguements on a public forum" - judgemental whining
2) "NEVER snipping 16kb worth of quotes" - how else is one expected to show
what was said with out being accused of modification ?
3) "Being stone deaf" - how would being deaf when SEEING not hearing is what
you do when you talk via a newsgroup
4) "Pointless flaming" - being as you enter my name to your "killfile", i
assume that you point this at me also ? Please look at who started up this
news thread, and who was doing the flaming. All along throughout this
thread i have done nothing more than defend myself. Quit whining.
how many more times do i have to say this ?????????
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"shred" <no at 1.invalid> wrote in message
news:3c810408$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Due to:
> 1) Childish arguements on a public forum
> 2) NEVER snipping 16kb worth of quotes
> 3) Being stone deaf
> 4) Pointless flaming
> These two people have been added to my killfile:
> BinaryBud
> SunofSolaris
> My point? This is the proper way to deal with people who won't listen to
> reason and continue to disrupt a public forum, because flaming them will
> only make the matter worse.
> PLEASE don't attack me about this message, because you will:
> 1) Get no response
> 2) End up in my killfile (I don't care who you are.)
> --
> Shred
Mar 2, 2002, 8:04pm
wakey wakey
m not even gonna bother explaining it to you
no wait here you go, have part of what i responded to goobers personally
email with
"You blatantly contracdicted the claim you made in your first paragraph by
giving him help in the second paragraph. There, nice, plane and simply
Not only that, go back to the sub thread to which it pertains, some one else
is giving the guy suggestions to, which would suggest to me, it was a well
placed post, otherwise he would have gotten no response.
hope this is simple enuff for you to follow
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c81492a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No, he didn't. Now get out or settle down. :)
> SW Chris
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c80629d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3C805A2F.EFD82408 at oct31.de...
Mar 2, 2002, 8:07pm
i dont give a monkeys what you think, but at the end of the day m not having
some one try deformation of character and insult and sitting still whilst he
does it. Neither would you, i am sure.
Why dont all the whiners read the bits that explain, I AM DEFENDING MYSELF,
stop whining.
Another point, i didnt tell you not to read the "crap" i told you not to
read the "thread" if you didnt want to, so, one more time, if you dont like
it, click the - to the left of the thread, and when it changes to a +, dont
ever click it again :) Hope this helps
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c8149c5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> How about this? We don't care what binarybud says you are. You're only
> proving it by responding to him and sinking down to his level. If you
> really value our opinions of you that highly by "defending yourself" in a
> public forum, then you wouldn't tell us not to read this crap if we didn't
> want to.
> SW Chris
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c80b735 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ever
> good
> take
Mar 1, 2002, 6:17pm
yeah nice thought
how ever i dont sit still when there are ppl flaming me
[View Quote]"filmkr" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3C7FDE92.C9C0754F at privacy.com...
> Looking at this NG and seeing that once again a new comer enters and
> fills the posts with trash...
> Speaking rudely to a few of the people who have really contributed to
> the users...
> It would be nice to see civility return...
> Ananas simply made a suggestion of taking your fight off the NG so that
> all users were not abused by the flame war.
> Perhaps AW should limit the number of posts per month per citizen
> account. Personally I would hate to see it come to that but if it would
> help clean up the flaming trash I would vote for it!
> No need to flame this post... no need really to even reply to it... it's
> just a thought...
> Peace, health & healing to all...
> Filmkr & InSaNiTy
> http://worldhosting.heartfall.com
Mar 1, 2002, 6:44pm
well advise your friend "Bud" to cease his flaming of me
if you read my posts, i am merely defending myself against his accussations
on the most part
[View Quote]"filmkr" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3C7FE159.89158EA9 at privacy.com...
> I don't either ... but a limit to posts would have ended the long trash
war to
> a simple post and then a reply with one's defensive facts. It would keep
> peanut gallery from chiming in and remove the brawl to a chat room or
> debate. It would brighten the news group up so that users felt good about
> using this place. I know of more than 100 people who will not post here
> because of all the allowed flames. I speak for their benefit. They pay the
> same amount of money for their AW use. In fact, most of them own worlds
> have spent considerably more... Sad that they can't have a clean
> community... remember, making a better community starts with one person
> then it grows...
> sunofsolaris wrote:
Mar 1, 2002, 8:20pm
if that was directed at me, i suggest you take a look at who is starting new
"top level threads"(i think this is what you meant) I think you will find
that not one of them have i started.
lots of love n kisses
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3c7ffd46 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> do you really have to create so many new posts just to tell other people
> stop flaming you (or other people)? I'm not justifing flaming but
> you create just as much trash too, keep your arguments in the same posts.
> "filmkr" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3C7FDE92.C9C0754F at privacy.com...
Mar 2, 2002, 12:45am
perhaps he wants to be a God to, just like "Bud", thats what i have been
told any way
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <b.nolan2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:3c803a03$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> as you can see, filmkr started the post and i was directly repling to him,
> so the obvius asumption would be i was directing it at him.... he seems to
> make a new post every time an argument breaks out, its going to happen
> wether we like it or not, itd be ok if he did it once but he ddoesnt have
> do it every time an argument occurs.
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c7ffec1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> new
> find
> posts.
> that
> would
> it's
Mar 2, 2002, 3:25am
some what judgemental on your part wouldnt you say ?
a) if you dont like the thread then you see the - on the right of the top
level thread ? (i pressume that you are using a windows news reader) click
it, and when it turns to a + never click that one again. This will prevent
you having your dreams shattered in the future.
b) Read through the posts, on the whole, alot of them are almost the same
size to yours
c) The majority of the posts are reponses, addressing the issues made in the
sub thread of the top level thread. Therefore, as with most newsgroups, as
the initial subject is disected further and becomes more to the point, the
posts will becoming shorter and have less points in them. I think its
called something along the lines of "organised discussion"
I guess you are too busy judging others posts to THINK this through and
realise how a newsgroup tends to break down a large set of abstract points
in to specific particular points.
Perhaps it's you who needs to do a spot of thinking before you post.
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C8058B0.1070608 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Though the recent trend in here seems to be seeing who can bitch the
> most, I continue to read these NGs, holding out the faint hope that
> someone will actually post something that's meaningful, well
> thought-out, and on-topic. Unfortunately, that seems to be the
> exception, rather than the rule.
> What people in here seem to forget is that one of the *benefits* of the
> NGs is that you can take as much time as you want to think out your
> responses. This isn't real-time chat, so you don't have to worry about
> people thinking your "taking too long" and your responses will actually
> make sense! But sadly, people seem to be more interested in writing
> things off the cuff and spur-of-the-moment instead of actually *gasp*
> I'd like to think that if everyone actually took the time to think out
> what it is they were trying to get across, not only would discussions be
> much more civil, but threads might actually be shorter, since people
> could say all they need to say in one post, instead of stringing it
> along in a bunch of short posts.
> But alas, the track record in here shows that I doubt that will be the
> case any time soon. Oh well, a guy can dream, can't he?
> filmkr wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Just once, wishes Eep would return to whip people into shape...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mar 2, 2002, 9:14am
"Until then, you will serve as wonderful entertainment. I always do enjoy
watching idiots make fools of themselves, especially if it requires very
little prodding on my part. :-D" sounds like an echo of BinaryBud
Aren't you clever suspecting that i would be the one to reply to your post,
a simple empirical observation wouldnt you think, being as i have replied to
nearly all other posts, when they have been made in this thread concerning
"Don't like it, don't read it" go and read the post i made, i said close the
thread if you dont like the content of the thread. I think before you
start slating a post of a thread, you should at least read EXACTLY what is
"Guilty conscience, SOS? " not at all, please explain what you beleive i
have to be guilty about ? The reason i felt the urge to resposd was i
can't stand the judgmental likes of you, who deems him self worthy of
casting lack of worth upon others words/product. Which i might add is the
only reason that this thread started in the first place. If "Bud" hadnt
have deemed himself God and decided to have run down my abillity/creation
then he would never have had the need to come here and try n flame me to the
extent he has.
One more thing, you mention that newsgroups are wonderful in that there is
no need for lots of small posting with minor points and that ppl dont need
to rush in their responses. As I have already pointed out, the "minor
postings" point is already incorrect. I would know also like to put it to
you that newsgroups are often also referred to as "discussion" groups.
Discussion involved conversation does it not ? how many conversation have
you had where you say something, the others in your coversation say
something, and thats it ? conversation over ? Not many i doubt. No wait
you are Godly right ? You only have to speak once because your words can
never be wrong ? You simply deem all others words to be worthless, hence
only need for you to speak once. No i didnt think so. Its called
discussion, and during discussion, other people's contributions will spark
another point that you have to contribute to a conversation. Its an
amazing tool discussion, i think you will find that some of the greatest
ideas/inventions/creations in the modern world wouldnt have come about with
"And yes, I'm very judgmental. But unfortunately, I also tend to be right
about these sort of things. ;P When you've been around the NGs this
long, you tend to notice a lot of patterns..." - yet another echo of "Bud",
you've been doing it for so long and no one else has huh ? Let me explain
something my friend, i would hardly say my experience of the net is limited,
and i have been about newsgroups for many years. In my experience it's ppl
such as you that only wish to contribute whines about HOW other ppl post
rather response relevant to the posts that degredates the whole ideal.
Part of that ideal being freedom of speech.
on that note, when you're a ng moderator then you have power to speak in the
way you have, until then i suggest you start another thread entitled
"Whines" so that i may exercise the simple and common sense approach of
"Don't like, don't read it". thanks
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C808DCD.8080201 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Guilty conscience, SOS? Somehow, I figured you would be the one to reply
> to my post. I guess you think I was talking about you. Well, for once,
> you're right: I was (at least, you're one of them)! :)
> Something you people don't seem to realize is that there's a serious
> flaw in the "Don't like it, don't read it" argument. How can you know if
> you will like a post or not until you read it? And if it turns out you
> didn't like the post, you can't exactly un-read it, now can you?
> The point is, the topics that get posted here are not what's at fault,
> because if that was the case, then it would be very easy to ignore
> topics that I don't like to read about. The problem is in each
> individual post. And you can't know anything about the nature of a post
> until you read it.
> Granted, there are posters with a history of making "good" posts, and
> those who consistently make "bad" posts. But I'd like to think that even
> the worst, most inconsiderate poster in the world can come up with an
> intelligent post now and then *cough*Eep*cough* (just as even the best
> posters can get a little juvenile sometimes *cough*Bud*cough*). And I
> eagerly await the moment you can prove to us that you have the sense to
> post intelligently.
> Until then, you will serve as wonderful entertainment. I always do enjoy
> watching idiots make fools of themselves, especially if it requires very
> little prodding on my part. :-D
> And yes, I'm very judgmental. But unfortunately, I also tend to be right
> about these sort of things. ;P When you've been around the NGs this
> long, you tend to notice a lot of patterns...
> sunofsolaris wrote:
newsgroups, as
> --
> Goober King
> Just ONCE, can't he be WRONG?!
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mar 2, 2002, 9:23am
read my posts please, i have refrained from bad language on the whole, on
the most part you will see that the bad language only appears in the
telegrams that i sent to BinaryBud, and even then you will see it is at a
minimal in comparison to the abuse he sent me.
I agree the cool approach does work. Afterall i think its been proved
here, "Bud" doesnt appear to be posting much. It would seem that with out
any need for me to loose my cool or temper and flame him in return, that he
has exposed himself for what he really is.
I am just tired of reading the posts by ppl that simply want to whine about
other ppls points, rather than make any contribution in returning a response
to the points. It's highly judgemental, and not only that, there are
probably a whole heep of HIGHLY intelligent ppl that want to make a post but
are now to scared to posted for fear of someone whining about it and TRYING
to make them look at fool. If you have something to say that is relevant
to a thread, then say it, dont worry about some judgemental self esteem
ridden fool like "goober king" trying his "i think i own the ng because i
have been here years and think i have power" tactics. I think most ppl
normally get about a 1/3 of the way through that type of post and realise
"ooops whiner, next post".
any way said my piece YET AGAIN
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c8092e3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c806249 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey Kris - This goes BOTH ways, ya know.... :-)
> I, for one, happen to think that Goober is probably one of the most
> objective (if not *the* most objective person on these NGs (that's a
> compliment BTW Goober :-)). I mean think about it. Filmkr has said some
> numbskulled, knuckleheaded, blockheaded, and most definately moronic
> on these NG's lately and he's been raked over the coals each and every
> by me and several other people.
> However Goober hasn't done any coal raking (at least when it comes to
> Filmkr). He's raked *me* over the coals a few times (if I recall right)
> when I first started out, but those weren't via the NG's (at least I don't
> believe. Goober's memory may be more accurate :-)).
> I'm one who's all for *civil* discussion on topics related to AW (afterall
> that *is* why you're here, right?) as we should feel free to indicate that
> we disagree with something *without* the use of foul language (believe it
> not, there *are* communities on the 'net that follow this philosophy), but
> to outright flame someone (especially with the use of foul language)
> accomplish anything but make *you* a target.
> Arrogance and constant spamming (which Filmkr has been accused of many
> times) also makes you a target as was demonstrated in the latest Filmkr
> thread in the world builders group RE: World Builders Purpose).
> Anyway, my brain is a giant mushroom, but I think you get the point I'm
> trying to make here. If not, lemme sum it up this way.
> We CAN have our disagreements and *still* remain civil. I've seen it.
> been a partisan to it. And Goober has no doubt seen it in here (perhaps
> more than I have). Look at what we can accomplish by remaining
> & Collected. It's an amazing approach, isn't???
> Cheers for now everyone :-)
> Patrick Cook (who also has hope for this community)
> Mayor - Hamsterville Residential District (better known as Pub 102X)
> pchamster at msn.com
> Denver, Colorado
> Come see our new developing AlphaWorld build at 5000N 275E. Feel free to
> stop on by and watch me work on the main part of town :-)
Mar 2, 2002, 8:00pm
not wat your personal email to me said ;)
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C8140D2.7010002 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I think I'll have to reply to this one in piecemeal...
> sunofsolaris wrote:
replied to
> If you actually read my original post in this, you were never mentioned
> by name. I was commenting on the general trend of some people of
> dragging things out longer than necessary, and I felt like filmkr's
> thread was a good place to post it. The fact that you replied to it
> means that you think you are one of those people. Am I wrong here?
> Talk about contradiction! How can I go read the posts you made when you
> tell everyone to not read them?! As I said before, the topics of the
> thread are not what's at fault. I have no problem reading about spy bots
> or port scans or what-have-you. It's each individual post within those
> topics that are "good" or "bad". And, as I pointed out before, you can't
> know if you will like or dislike a post UNTIL you read it! What part of
> this are you not getting?
> As stated above, guilty of being one who does not take the time to think
> out his posts and drags discussions out longer than necessary. As for me
> being judgmental, I have a right to be so. Worth is in the eye of the
> beholder, and so if I believe you words aren't worth much, they will be
> treated as such by me. Everyone else in this newsgroup follows the same
> procedure. The reason you don't hear from them is that they deem your
> words not even worthy of a reply.
> Once again, you completely missed my point. It's not the length of the
> post or the thread that's the problem, it's quality of the content of
> the posts in the thread. If we had a huge thread in here full of well
> thought-out, intelligent posts on some AW-related topic, then I would be
> ecstatic. But if you have a huge thread where it's mostly two people
> going back and forth repeating themselves (as was the case with you and
> Bud), then it's no longer a discussion and instead just petty bickering.
> And I doubt you want to see an NG full of petty bickering any more than
> I do.
> I love how people try to use Freedom of Speech as an excuse to act like
> a fool. While "Freedom of Speech" may or may not mean "I can say
> whatever I want to" (depends on who you ask), it doesn't mean you
> should. Would you start yelling and shouting in a library just because
> you could, citing Freedom of Speech? I doubt it. There is an unwritten
> protocol in NGs that allows for the best discussions (sometimes referred
> to as 'Netiquette'). If you choose to follow that protocol, then you
> will get the best and most worth-while discussions. If you don't, then
> you will degenerate the discussions into worthless ranting and
> bickering. Part of the idea of "think before you speak" is thinking how
> other people will react to what you say.
> As an aside, I love how you always sign off with that "lots of love and
> kisses" phrase, and yet you don't seem to be displaying too much love
> here in these NGs. More proof that you're not really thinking things
> over when you post...
> --
> Goober King
> Thinking is such a foreign concept to some...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mar 2, 2002, 8:09pm
this WILL be entertainment
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c814c63 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> But your words Goober King are worthy of a reply. Let's say we skip the
> entertainment this time and go right to Tribal Council? Tell me, who here
> wants to vote SonofSolaris out of the newsgroup? In other words, who
> Flagg to ban him?
> If he doesn't straighten up soon, like by the next time I read these ngs,
> I'm voting for his removal.
> SW Chris
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3C8140D2.7010002 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> enjoy
> post,
> replied to
> concerning
> the
> is
> the
> hadnt
> abillity/creation
> the
> is
> need
> to
> have
> wait
> can
> hence
> spark
> with
> right
> "Bud",
> explain
> limited,
> ppl
> the
> in
> the
> actually
> be
Mar 2, 2002, 8:10pm
yuh good plan, like the flaming post initiators
do you really thing i would be bothering with this if "Bud" hadnt have
decided he wanted to try n slur/insult me in public ?
wake up
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c8149fd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You're right on in your first part. But instead of initiating a post
> just ban the suckers who are causing the trouble.
> SW Chris
> "filmkr" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3C7FDE92.C9C0754F at privacy.com...
Mar 2, 2002, 9:42pm
lmao, me show every one what i'm really like ? Do you have any idea how
many ppl i have come to my world, despite your attempt to slur it, and tell
me they never knew you were the way you have shown in this thread ?
omg, and how childish to say my exact same words , from about 50 posts ago,
at me
bud, you've been shown to be full of bs and a sore sorry loser, give up
& Bud do you suppose your friend High Flying Flag(citno : 282575 just incase
he decides he wants to use SunOfSolaris as his name for a while again) is
going to scare me to ? lol just like you didnt ? Wonder who its going to
be next that you try to get come try scare tactics with me Bud ? give up,
it doesnt work
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"binarybud" <lmauk at traverse.net> wrote in message
news:3c815587$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bud's been quiet for a while decided to be that way sure has made you
> mad for some reason
> And thanx for showing everyone what your really like.
> Leo :)
> Don't bother responding i'm back in quiet mode for a bit hehehehe
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c814dca$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that
> would
> it's
Mar 2, 2002, 6:58pm
hey that dead bit sounds handy ;) maybe like you can take over in his
absence ;) GOOD NEWS :) :)
[View Quote]"billybob" <vbillybob87 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c813b6d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Two problems with AWC sponsership. One, i already have one projected
> sponsered by them :) And Two....Last time i checked they had a project
> what like what I have already sponsered....but the creator of the project
> seems to be dead or something :-\
Mar 2, 2002, 9:37pm
please dont double post to my thread
its a waste of bandwidth and also a pain in the ass to read
whining in the uk is moaning on and on, which alot of ppl here seem to be
doing about something which they never had to get involved in, so yes you
are very much into whining, go hang out in your pink village, whiner
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"robbie" <robbie at oriox.com> wrote in message
news:3c815490 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Is that what your into? Let me find the co-ords for the pink village for
> :)
> -Robbie
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c815027$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 2, 2002, 10:03pm
Ok, but if ppl like you continue to have your "two cents worth", and further
attack me, then i am going to continue posting responses that repeat what i
have already said, until such time as ppl learn to read what i say and
realise that the only reason i am responding is IN DEFENSE of your attacks.
There are only a few type of ppl who wouldnt understand this, The Ignorant,
The Blind and The Illiterate. Which one are you ?
The thread would not even be here if the initiator hadnt felt the urge to
attempt slurring.
lots of love and kisses, btw that's a beautiful name, kellee, one of my
favourites :)
god my fingers hurt !!!!! btw m sending the bill for a new keyboard to the
group, ok ?
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c816664 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes sunshine....I agree..... whining is moaning on and on, and sitting and
> waiting and LOOKING for an opportunity to do so. I guess I may as well
> my two cents worth, although I don't feel ( naturally) that this is
> but a plea for sanity.
> Of the ppl that have been evicted from this newsgroup, one thread is
> They didn't express their opinion without making it a personal attack. No
> one minds an opinion, preferably both sides of the coin or even a healthy
> debate on an issue. It performs a function. It gets us all to see every
> of a matter from all angles and from there we make up our minds. Ppl start
> thread because they feel strongly enough about something and by doing so
> they invite debate from opposing opinions. That is GOOD.
> What is not good is looking for a chance to pull some one down for having
> that opinion, dispute their right to hold said opinion, cast dispersions
> their integrity, ancestry or for making a typo, or for doing something
> trivial such as double posting.
> I have made this comment in an effort to help, because I can see history
> repeating its self ( thinks fondly of Eep)
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c81624a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> please dont double post to my thread
> its a waste of bandwidth and also a pain in the ass to read
Mar 2, 2002, 10:31pm
the name is lovely :)
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c816b41 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *sigh* as i said it wasnt an attack but an effort to help
> never mind but thanks for your compliment on my name :o))
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c816846 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, but if ppl like you continue to have your "two cents worth", and
> attack me, then i am going to continue posting responses that repeat what
> have already said, until such time as ppl learn to read what i say and
> realise that the only reason i am responding is IN DEFENSE of your
> There are only a few type of ppl who wouldnt understand this, The
> The Blind and The Illiterate. Which one are you ?
> The thread would not even be here if the initiator hadnt felt the urge to
> attempt slurring.
> lots of love and kisses, btw that's a beautiful name, kellee, one of my
> favourites :)
> kris[SunOfSolaris]
> xxxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxx
> god my fingers hurt !!!!! btw m sending the bill for a new keyboard to
> group, ok ?
> "kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3c816664 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> add
> whining,
> common.
> side
> a
> on
Mar 2, 2002, 9:36pm
what are you on ?
"i will make you a bot , a bot you wont ferget, but i doubt i will get a
CyAward for it, but i am sure i will get a recognition amongst MY peers for"
how is that a threat ?
and you used to work for an IP right ? i think you mean an ISP ? So i
hardly credit your claim with any truth. I did actually used to work for
an ISP, job previous to the last in fact, and we also used to get threat
mails about users, we took them REAL serious, we used to highlite them
respond with a nice, "we take these matters extremely seriously" type
reponse, n then press the key marked DELETE.
You greeted me ? You did ? lmao, you ignored me, not one of you had the
curtesy to say a word, even after i had taken time away from defending my
self to attempt to help you sort out your IE6 problem, which i am sure if
you really did work for an ISP in any role where you would come into contact
with the threat mails, you would have been able to fix yourself.
good luck with your SLY Awards.
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c815bc8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok Sun....you did it now.
> Never have I had someone be soooo disrespectful as you have been!
> You came to an open Cy meeting and we welcomed you then you decided you
> could be disruptive then gram me threats.
> I read the posts in here and gave you the benefit of the doubt and
> to not take sides.
> After what you did, I have no choice but to say that you are a definate
> jerk!
> You take lightly what I said about you being reported to your IP, but
> up guy.....I worked for an IP and we DON'T like getting harrassment and
> threat reports!
> You will NOT send me anymore threats or grams from this point forward! And
> suggest you not do it in thses newsgroups either:)
> Yes, I am a forgiving person, but at this point it would take the entire
> Community accepting any appologies you might have, for me to even consider
> forgiving you!
> Good luck in your friendships in AW jerk.
> Sincerely,
> AlphaBit Phalpha
> p.s.....if that was someone else in your account I retract all
> it would have to be proved!
Mar 2, 2002, 10:15pm
and where in that log is the welcome you spoke of ? Would you like me to
post the full transcript from the moment i came to the world to the moment
you ejected me ?
and everything in those grams i already quoted myself as saying in my
previous post, so what was the point in the cut and paste ?
i suggest you post that log to my isp, and please please be sure to cut and
paste the response you get to this thread.
Lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c8168eb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok Jerk:)
> Here is the little bit of chat log I recorded while you were in the
> world.
> SunOfSolaris: I AM
> FreeFLYER: li8:30 vrt
> AlphaBit Phalpha: On the communityzero site are deadlines for new
> members....if anyone is going to bring in anyone new...please watch the
> dates:)
> SunOfSolaris: SUN OF SOLARIS
> FreeFLYER: but not available b4
> SunOfSolaris: SUN LOVE ALL
> AlphaBit Phalpha: Sun....we are having a meeting...you are welcome to
> in...but please stay still...thank you:)
> AlphaBit Phalpha: Also....if you add anyone new....please make sure they
> added to the team page;)
> SunOfSolaris: OBE WAN SUN
> AlphaBit Phalpha: Bye Sun:)
> And after you were ejected...here is the grams you sent me;
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:15 PM:
> hey m gonna make u a bot, one that u are never gonna ferget :)
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:15 PM:
> dont think m gonna get any CyAward for it tho <eg>, prolly alot of
> recognition with MY peers tho ;)
> Here is where I sent my ONE gram to you asking you not to threaten me or
> something;
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:16 PM:
> what threat ?
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:16 PM:
> lmao, tellin u i am gonna make a bot you wont ferget , is a threat ?
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:16 PM:
> dont be gay, u really think they will see that as a threat ? if you think
> they will can you please explain ? i gotta hear this
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:17 PM:
> feeling stupid now ?
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:17 PM:
> you need to THINK before you speak ;)
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:18 PM:
> but any way look tell u wat just so u can say i said it 2 times, yer know
> you think that strengthens your case here you go
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:18 PM:
> m gonna make you a bot, a bot you wont forget, although i dont think i
> win any CyAward for it, i am sure i will win something amongst MY peers :)
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:24 PM:
> oh n fvk hed, 2 faced fvks like you make me cringe
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:43 PM:
> u nasty i report u to mummy, that no fair
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:44 PM:
> i sad now :( you made me sad, i tell my mum
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent Sat Mar 2, 2002 3:58 PM:
> my mum said she going to come speak to you in a minute
> And then after me posting here this is what you grammed me;
> Telegram from SunOfSolaris, sent 12 minutes ago:
> nice post, i made a nice response ;)
> Sun.....it's you and me now....let's play ball:)
Mar 2, 2002, 10:40pm
and who at any point said it wasnt ?
but i apparently sent a threat ? i posted my words here, and so did ABP,
they matched
i still dont see any threat ? i also dont see where i was supposedly
welcomed to the world ? Just some more bs talk right ? like the rest of
this thread.
any way, shortly i shall make a post that i am sure you have all been
waiting for :)
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C816D99.4030806 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> And this is what I mean by being such a wonderful form of entertainment.
> It takes a *lot* to piss off APB (I should know ;P), so I would not take
> her lightly. And considering the kind of connections she has within AWC,
> she's got the walk to back up the talk. The fact that you were
> "shouting" and "spamming" during a meeting where you were told not to is
> reason enough to eject anyone, welcomed or not welcomed.
> This indeed should be fun to watch develop. The NGs as a spectator
> sport; I love it! Anyone want some popcorn? :D
> sunofsolaris wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Shit's on!!
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mar 2, 2002, 10:48pm
now you say you didnt welcome me ?
you said in your first post you did, is there anything else that you arent
quite really got said or not ?
lots of love and kisses
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c81711c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Post away:)
> How the heck did I have a chance to greet you when my first need was to
> you to please be quiet?....duh!
Mar 3, 2002, 7:43pm
i refer you to previous posts
Mar 3, 2002, 6:02pm
"and since your not in the know how could you say i was not based in
fact? "
yes you are right i am in not in any know of you, you either refuse or cant
provide any evidence to support your claims !!!!!!!!!! I have been asking
for this all along ? what are you saying now Bud, that EVERYTHING you said
was LIES ?
"everything else said between him and I was a tit for tat thing tempers out
of hand "
is that what this means ? You lied about all the claims ??? if thats the
case Bud, just say so, n its all over, no problem. Oh n one more thing
Bud, as i have also been saying all along, speak for yourself, not me, stop
telling me what i am, what i can do , and now weather or not i lost my
temper !!! LMAO, i was sat here laffing at you dig your own hole, the
whole time you were telegramming me, and am still doing that now.
Read some of your colleagues re port scanning. It is only a suggestion
that hacking activities may be going on. As i have said a million times
now, i was demonstrating to you that your "bots" do not do everything that
every one elses do and i had no intention of hacking you, just simple make a
point and hope you learnt a lesson from making false claims. Doesn't
appear you have.
Yes Bob i agree you have been acting like a "sore kid", its too bad that you
are 46 years old and have to act this way isnt it.
"especially the ports he was scanning", OMG, wait one sec, let me cut n
paste the ini file for the bot :-
thats it, lmao, only 1 port that would even possible relate now to a
possible hack threat, that being 12345(Netbus) however even protection has
long since been implemented in most desktop firewalls and even the in virus
checkers to prevent the trojan from even being passed.
139 the old Winnuke port, long since patched out of windows, since Winsock
1533, Virtual places server port or Cerberus protection, hardly like i could
"hack" you via that. 1521, Oracle listener port, Yuh man m going to "hack"
you thru that to :) lmao, do your home work man.
the rest of the ports are all commonly used and known values m sure i dont
need to go into them here.
dood, wake up will you, stop being an ass, admit you were wrong, admit you
talked a whole heap of bs, or prove yourself, or, just be quiet.
Mar 3, 2002, 6:46pm
I know about the port values as any user of the net for some years would.
Also networking/network sercurity, as a part of my previous job, and
internet support as another job, would enhance that knowledge to.
Yes Bud, you do lose for sure, right from the point you decided to pretend
to be some great AW Guru/God/Hacker, and attempt scare tactics with me you
had lost. It was lots of fun laughing at you tho. Some of the things you
said, oh man, especially "i was playing all of those games in the 70's,
remember telnet and lynx", omg too funny, and blatently obvious that what
little knowledge you do have has come from reading this newsgroup ;) (lol,
there is a little implication to you all there folks, if you bright enuff to
spot it, which i dare say you wont, judging by the content of your posts,
and the easily biased minds that you have ;) )
But Bud, there is still one thing i am waiting for. Evidence/support of
ANY of the claims you have made both in this newsgroup and the telegrams you
sent me, or you to specify exactly what you were lieing about in your
temper, or to be quiet. Until such time as one of these occurs, we shall
Mar 3, 2002, 7:39pm
omg , my use of the english language was being questioned a moment ago :-
[View Quote]"binarybud" <lmauk at traverse.net> wrote in message
news:3c828d41$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> YAWN hehehe
> when you finally find out about the DOS version of LYNX let me know
> hon....:)
you must be illiterate, go read the email i sent you, it tells you there is
a port Lynx for DOS(ms-dos to be specific), the site i sent you also shows
you that to. Too bad your information is a little incorrect from your
friend isnt it ? A) you get the dates of its use in your previous posts,
TOTALLY incorrect, as supported by me in submitting a link for one of the
Official Lynx FAQ site mirrors to you which tell you the dates it was
developed and disto'd. B) you dont even realise that its a text based
browser, and not as you claim an "email program"
> you keep asking for me to answer these "claims" i have no answers for the
> likes of you you have shown that for the last few days give it up and
> show your answers to your claims heheheh :)
How do i answer my own claims prey tell ???? Jesus that makes sense. I
have already backed up all of my words, you as yet have backed up none.
> you nothing but a spewing flamwe thrower and what do flames do? they
> out eventually...:)
the customary BinaryBud insult at the end of each email ? Well it least it
shows a little in the way of structure, which i dare say his code doesnt,
just like the rest of his language.
man you and your friends are a riot.
[View Quote]> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c828bc3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you
> to
> you