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sunofsolaris // User SearchThe Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:27pm
Leo please stop emailing me, you asked me not to mail you and i have stopped
:- "From: "Leo Mauk" <lmauk at> To: "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at> References: <3c817cb8$1 at> <3c823aed at> <3c82546f$1 at> <3c825a4b at> "But the only people i have a problem with are the ppl who are sitting in this newsgroup slurring and judging, with absolutley NO evidence" gosh i was thinking the exact same thing and wondering HOW to get rid if people like this? " yes Leo, i am assuming you are trying to target me again, even tho the description doesnt fit. The only thing i am judging you to be is what i have said many times now. But who could blame me, you cause all this trouble and still WONT/CANT support a word you have said ? Yes, Leo, i know you are trying to get rid of me, i have said that MANY times now to. soon as you are ready to stop your petty trouble making, let me know Leo, via the newsgroup please :) cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:34pm
so you now admit you LIED Leo ? thank you, care to share with us what
exactly it was that you LIED about ? yes they were private conversations but hilite the issue so well, god forbid what your reputation would be if i posted the rest of the emails that you have been sending my way. Exposing me ? lol using my words now Leo ? Exposing me, you have not, you made accussations of me being something i am not due to some actions that you have tried to tie up with mistermeanour. I have many times now justified the intentions of my actions, one a bit of fooling around with a world, which i might also add i have told the group, was taken as exactly that and there being absolutly NO REASON WHAT SO EVER for you to even have telegrammed me in the place. Secondly the port scan experimental bot was shown to you as a demonstration of your bots not being so ahead of there time and doing EVERYTHING that any one else's did. So expose me for what you suppose and alledge i am , you have not. i'm not hurt Leo, none, if i was do you think i would bother continuing ? i am very surprised you are. cheers Sun p.s. please do share with us what you have been lieing about and what i NEEDED from your lies ? Thanks for the chuckle all the same tho :) The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:35pm
i did
do you see me in your AW browser ? :) cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:40pm
so you keep CLAIMING Bud
and please dont ferget your post from a few mins ago where you HAVE ADMITTED TO LIEING :) as i knew and i am sure a number of others knew all along as for source dates ? LMFAO you joker, what does that prove ? Want me to support that thats not exactly difficult to change PC101 joker. I surprised you didnt know being as you work with server side technologies, i would have thought you know that that source date is only a line in an html file. BTW still no proof of that claim of employment either, except a site and some CLAIM that thats where you work. jesus man you are way beyond a joke now. cheers Sun p.s. LMAO, "i was doing that in the 70's" The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 3:47pm
no, as *i said*, i have *requested* it be cancelled, meanwhile until such
time as it is i shall continue :) thanks all the same cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 4:10pm
Yes i doubt you, VERY MUCH(as i have expressed), i have backed up every word i have said, you havent, its you with the proving to do, the masses of followers with in your little clicky band of friends may say they beleive you to, but i have NO DOUBT at all that they are questioning your credibility greatly right now. Showing any proof at all for you is going to be quite difficult now, being in a previous posting you have already ADMITTED TO LIEING. IF you are and old grandma, who doesnt know much about computers, then, why are you masqerading as some one who does ? Surely you know you will meet your match sooner or later and you are essentially asking for trouble, unless of course YOU CAN BACK UP your words. And written in c++ ? LMAO, no man its written in VB with the VB SDK i downloaded to check out the other day. I write proper software with c++ as the code listing i sent you shows and supports. give up man, you're wasting your time now, and the more you talk the more pathetic you are looking, save the little bit of credibility and respect that you do have left. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 4:12pm
funny that Bud, as you seemed to be replying to posts i made in the group
after i had asked you to stop mailing me. Not difficult to support that one either, the newsgroup text is in your reply *yawn* how much more of your reputation are you willing to lose Bud, i think its dwindling fast now. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 4:16pm
no need for me to do that ihnk, see i dont use XP, *I* choose what software
i execute and which i dont. Leaving it installed is no big problem for me, my hard drive doesnt seem to be worried, my OS neither. Dont know what you have set up there, but if you have to uninstall a program to ensure you dont execute it or that it doesnt execute *all by itself", i would seriously consider a new machine and os, or a good SECURITY CHECK on your machine. Re the Security Check, why not ask Bud to do that for you, he seems to have deemed himself "head" of that department around here. I personally have deemed him something else, clue: one word, ends in HEAD, has 8 letters, and begins with D D _ _ _ H E A D any guesses ? cheers Sun p.s. kindly use a <snip> will you instead of posting what is already in the thread :) The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 4:30pm
again another illiterate
"until such time as my cit is terminated i shall continue to post" *yawn* read it and understand it correctly before you reply , please cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 5:20pm
yet again you fail to read correctly, at least not the complete thread any
way, and even if you did, u seem to have failed to understand the complete situation here. Unless of course your post is just in aid of you adding your 2 cents worth. a) i will defend myself where ever attacked b) i have left AW, i have been in there since i wrote the leaving post c) before you try and logicise on points a & b, the attacks were in the ng's not in aw(apart from the initial bs from Bud, which has now moved entirely to ng) cheers Sun "what we have here, is, failure, to communicate" The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 5:32pm
No BinaryBud cant can he ? You see i am not focussed on any one of you.
The only person i have a problem with is BinaryBud. You ppl are just by the bys and i will respond as attacked. But as to give a monkeys as to what you think, and that your hints and posts are going to make me go away ? dream on, save your posts for some one who cares for your perception of themself. If he could read and write properly he would have given this up along time ago. He would have understood the first response in the newsgroup, but no, he had to continue and now we have this situation, dont we. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 5:48pm
and that wasnt redundant ? not only that, but repetitive to ?
again, click the - on the left, when it turns to a +, never click it again. This is not your business, why do you insist on adding to it ? Does it make you feel good to be apart of a losing 'team' ? cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 5:48pm
One more thing. What makes you think you have any right to pass judgement
or make comment on my person with out me having any right to reply ? cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 6:03pm
lol , at least you learnt a new retort there huh Bud?
jesus i feel like a teacher. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 6:06pm
well think for just a second man, any person of average intellect wouldnt
need any longer if you attack me in a public newsgroup, then i will defend myself in that public newsgroup also, those that see the accussation, i also want to see the defense. I will put it even easier for you, you seem to have a problem grasping this. If some one in a town 50 miles away from here tells every one in that town i am a hacker, what the hell would be the point in telling ppl in the town i am in that i am not a hacker ? they arent the ones who have had their perceptions biased. if you dont understand that, then please, take it to the retard school the next time you attend, they may be better at explaining things in a level you can understand. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 6:07pm
No, wrong AlphaBit
You and your friends have made my decision for me. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 6:28pm
if you dont want to read the replies then simply dont post, i wont reply to a non entity now will i ? given up then i suppose, you know your point and Bud's was a bunch of crap(you knew this all along), you were just standing by him to prevent your silly little "government" from going to pot, and losing all your "power" .......... well from where i am sitting, its over for you ppl in that respect any way, after what you demonstrated here nice try, but it looks like you to have met your match, just time to wait for BinaryBud to finish off his belabouring, and ...... prove his words, admit his lies in full, or be quiet some how i suspect it will be the latter, just like you cheers Sun p.s. dont forget those photos will you ? The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:28pm
I suggest you read the links i supplied to BinaryBob that will prove
contrary, one of which is a mirror of the OFFICIAL Lynx site ....... yeah man , lol, *BIG YAWN* No one ever said anything about Merit, although i will check up on it later, out of interest more than anything else. What i did question tho was BinaryBud's use of Lynx & Telnet in the 70's, as he claims. How the hell can you use something that hasnt even been invented at the time ???? Telnet protocol, developed and published , early 80's Lynx, development started late 80s, distroed early 90's if you really wish me to post the supporting links again, please say. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:30pm
They may well have done, but any history site you goto will explain to you,
in nice easy words that the INTERNET & the IP Protocol which it relies on originates from the US's military experimenal network known as DARPA. The universities never got to use THAT network and set of protocols on which it was based until the early 80's. wake up and stop twisting words. cheers SUN The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:33pm
Lynx is a browser you moron, a text based one at that, originally developed on the *NIX platforms. As already mentioned how were you using telnet in the 70's when the protocol had not even been invented ?????? CPM was a DOS you spastik, DOS = Disk Operating System (Which is what CPM was) any way monkey, keep on talking, its gettin deeper, both your hole and your bs :) cheers SUN The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:42pm
Bud, remember that you said you are entirely "self taught" ?
when was it that you were in university to have access to the "Merit" network then ? Your resume doesnt mention n e thing about working in a university ? Were you a student there by any chance ? Another lie you been telling us sweetie ? Didnt fail did you and would prefer not to talk about it ? No please, you're not jealous of me are you ? maybe because i didnt fail ? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww m sorry i didnt realise i mite have been touching a raw nerve Bud ;) cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:58pm
The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 7:58pm
not surprising when the stumuli are the same, over and over again
cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 8:01pm
yeah i agree on that one try checking out the "about links" link on the same
domain where it says "Credits and Copyright Lynx was a product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of The University of Kansas. Lynx was originally developed by Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe, and Charles Rezac. Garrett Blythe created DosLynx and later joined the Lynx effort as well. Following the departures of Lou and Garrett for positions at Netscape in the summer of 1994, Craig Lavender provided support services for Lynx, and Ravikumar Kolli for DosLynx. Currently Lynx is being maintained and supported by members of the Internet community coordinated via the lynx-dev mailing list. " see that Bud, can you read numbers yet ? 1994 and "About Lynx Lynx is a fully featured World-Wide Web browser for users on both Unix and VMS platforms" See that Bud, see see lmao, look its a browser not an "email program" god when are you ppl going to realise this man has been talking shit to you for the past 4 days. cheers SUN The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 3, 2002, 8:31pm
sad sad sad
selective memory loss now i beleive. LOL when you get a copy of that "email program" called lynx right ? Hey man when you get a copy be sure to send it to me wont you, thats all i have been asking all along, back up your words. As yet still nothing. You still have a lot more than proving that there was an "email program" called Lynx in the 70's to prove. Perhaps you should consider not opening your mouth so wide next time you try scare tactivs Bud, not quite so much shit that you cant back up will fall out of it then ;) oh it will last Bud, it will last until you back up your words, admit your lies(in detail) or be quiet. cheers SUN The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 4, 2002, 2:55am
yet another one of those "witty"/sarcastic content empty replies.
yes leaving AW, which i have u cared to read correctly. cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 4, 2002, 4:40pm
:) if he wants to take it as fighting words, then i a am game and more than
capable. cheers Sun [View Quote] The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 4, 2002, 5:26pm
cited from :- (Again another
official site) "In 1969, computer networking was in its infancy. The only comparable work matching Merit's objectives had recently started at Bolt, Berneck and Newman under a contract from the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)--work that soon led to an evolving national network known as the ARPANET.[2] Earlier ARPA also had funded a set of computer-related projects at the University of Michigan under the CONCOMP project rubric, a project focused on the CONversational use of COMPuters. One of these projects led to the development of the Data Concentrator for the U-M academic computing center. The Data Concentrator consisted of a Digital PDP-8 minicomputer augmented with custom interface hardware designed and built by U-M Computing Center staff. Its special operating system software was written by another Computing Center staff member. The Data Concentrator's function was to connect multiple remote users dialing in from their terminals with the Computing Center's IBM 360/67 mainframe computer." So quite evidently, Merit was not the same network as the internet Bud ;) Oh n, lol, m sure there will be some one saying "well you said it was DARPA", just take a look here before you do ;) "Several commercial data network companies began offering nationwide services in the mid-1970's. The two most prominent of these were Tymnet and Telenet, an early spin-off of the ARPANET. With dial-in access installed, it was a relatively simple step to interconnect Merit's network to Telenet in the fall of 1976. This allowed Merit's users to access their host computers over dial-up connections from many United States cities. Later Telenet connected with networks in other countries or extended their own infrastructure to provide an expanding international access service. For a period of time, through the latter 1970's to the mid-1980's, this external access, as it was called, was Merit's most rapidly growing service, used both by individuals from our Member universities and their colleagues from around the world. Recall this predates today's Internet by two decades!" Telnet or Telenet Bud ? You moron. Oh and please dont claim that to be a typo in the cite, it's spelt that way more than once :) again you are shown to be full of it :) btw, before any one says "i thought you had him on your kill list", i do, i'm not interested in his reply, got bored of read utter bollocks cheers Sun The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBudMar 4, 2002, 10:02pm
read the citation you fool, its in there in capital letters, not an
affiliate of Merit tho is it, which was the point you idiot cheers Sun [View Quote] |