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Mar 3, 2002, 6:16pm
at least you are intelligent enough for contextual implication though :)

there are some here then :)



p.s. if that was suppost to be sarcasm at my expense, well only needs to be
said that Bud's english and grammar is MILES from elementary school level ;)
But i wasnt going to mention that, language use being proported to content
value, in my opinion, is a little patethetic and childish.


Mar 3, 2002, 6:37pm
Yes "pathetic" i meant, with a lower case P as a matter of fact.

I am guessing here but "Capitalize" is actually spelt with "Capitalise" in
an English dictionary :) However, if you are claiming that my american
pseudo-english is possibly a litte on the flaky side, well i would incline
to agree with you. I prefer to speak my native language, English, being
that i am English.

What do you mean use "Periods" ? You want me to get some girl's monthly
discharges and do something with them ???? Hmmmmm, let me think. How
about i creatively photograph them and post them to this group ?

Sorry if the poor american pseudo-english offends along with a few
puntuation mistakes, but i must say it is difficult in keeping up with the
amount of bs that is going on with in this group.

One last thing man, if you really do proport language use to content value,
which i dont think you do, but if you do then i have an apology to make
also. I'm sorry for mistaking you for intelligent. I hope you will
accept this apology, if of course, it is required.




Mar 3, 2002, 7:21pm
[View Quote] "is a little pathetic ", how on earth is that the beggining of a sentance

> American English is not fake, it's very much real. There's almost no
> difference in the "actual" language, besides some spelling differences.
> not talking about the slang either, like petro being gas and the rest. I
> still "capitalised." Each country that speaks English has it's own
> variations on your "nonpseudo-English."

Not saying that Pseudo American English isnt real, and please get the
context perfect on the phrase "pseudo american english" before responding to
this. All i was saying is, that you all claim you speak good "english",
you dont, you speak good "pseudo american english".

> No, that is slang. Periods are a punctuation mark denoting an ending.

Not in the English langauge, perhaps so in American Psuedo English ;)

> I never said that it was violating American English, but periods and
> capitlizing your I's is in violation of both.

sorry if you read it that way, who said any thing about violation ? Its an
apology if the misuse of **ENGLISH** offended.

> value,
> This was never meant as an attack, just pointing out that your grammar
> the best either. Please don't blame me for your mistakes, at least I
> realize that your grammar wasn't the best when you pointed out that binary
> bud's wasn't. Don't attempt to think that my logic was flawed in that
> assumption, or that I'm less intelligent than I really am. This was
> originally meant as a joke, but seeing as you're taking it out of context,
> say whatever you wish.

read what i said in my initial response, i claimed it to be pathetic(ok i
spelt it "patathetic" in my original post) to proport language use to
content worth. Which kind of implies, i accept that i may spell
incorrectly now and again, and use poor punctuation, how ever i feel the
content of your words, so long as it is legible, counts so much more.
Which i had pointed out before your post and already accepted the point.

> -Silenced




Mar 3, 2002, 7:25pm
would you care to highlight where my posts in this thread match any of your
state criteria ?

a) the topic is me and my bot you fool and supposedly how i am here to hack
you all.
b) the mention of hitler, how is that in questionable taste ? a comparison
made to a number of this group and hitler. Did i mention any atrocity
details ?
c) how does clearing my name of lies and accussation not come under the
category of "useful", may not be to you, but to me it is.




Mar 3, 2002, 7:57pm
i think u need to be looking up the use of quotes ;)

no justification for capitalisation with in quotes, unless it is the
beginning of a sentance which you are quoting. You are quoting and
correcting my spelling, therefore no capital, unless its not my words that
you are correcting. If you want the capital, then drop the quotes if it's
my words to which you are referring ;)

Yes and Pseudo is what your english is, its an american version of the
English language, and there for not the TRUE english language. If you
wanted to be real piccy you could correct me and claim you speak Pseudo
English, as strictly speaking Pseudo American English would be invalid.
American English = Pseudo English.

No, period, is not slang.

I agree that all forms of language are important in *communication*, how
ever i feel it a little petty and childish to point out when some one
doesn't strictly adhere to all rules of a specific language, when, the
communication is equally as intelligible as if it had been written

I didnt point out you were not intelligent, i pointed out that i believe you
to be unintelligent, if you really beleive that the value of the content in
a piece of literature is directly proportional to the level of adhering to
language rules. A little expanded there, but just to me precise.




Mar 3, 2002, 8:27pm
but u were quoting my mistake, if you hadnt used the quotes you would be
correct. And yes a legal use of quotations, so long as you leave the words
you quote inside with in their context, i.e; the middle of a sentance

You TOTAL moron, i am ENGLISH, i live in and was born in ENGLAND, making me
ENGLISH, the language i speak is ENGLISH, TRUE ENGLISH, the fvkkin language
was named after my nation you spastik

Period is american english for full stop. Period is also another term here
used for "on the rag" or the *period* with in each month that a female
bleeds her womb lining out of her cunt.

I do see it as petty and childish as i first said when i returned a response
to some one pointing it out. I also seem it pretty stupid to argue my own
language that i have been speaking for the last 30 years, in comparison to
your own which is a psuedo form of english.

"? If you don't like what I have to say hit the little - and don't hit the
plus and you'll never have to read it again. " - oh that is sad , lowering
your self to the levels of BinaryBud, *trying* to use my own words against
me, go read the posts again ;) I am quite happy to read and respond to
your posts, do you see me whining any place telling you u shouldnt be
posting ? You may see me disagreeing, but not telling you not to post
because i dont want to read it. So really my words that you try to,
'cleverly', use against me, bear little value in this context.


you people truly are the most sorry sad bunch of retarded morons i have ever
had the sad misfortune of ever encountering.




Mar 4, 2002, 2:54am
so, put on your blindfold, turn around 3 times, put your finger on one and
point it out to me, then do that a few more times, and show me where my
posts match the criteria.

not being funny towards you sw chris, i read some posts of today, and you
seem to see some sense at least, but a trend i am noticing very rapidly in
this newsgroup is, when a point is made, or a fact pointed out here, instead
of coming back with a sensible answer or the requested information, all that
most are capable of its a supposedly "witty" or sarcastic reply, containing
little or no content at all. I apologise to the few who have come back
with content filled response.



Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:15pm
no problem, make your mind up, first of all its personal problems, take it
to email, and now you want it all kept in ng ? which is it to be, but,
since you requested me keep it here this time, fine, here you go:-

how ironic and hypocritical, what more could i expect from a citizen of AW ?

first a post slandering me
second many posts telling me how my posts are irellevant and all broken up
then posts to say how rude i am

and now top it all, saying that it shouldnt be the way that every one else
has been screaming it should be.

and as for returning under another name, why would i ? i'm too busy
building my own software.


lots of love and kisses


----- Original Message -----
From: "ihnk" <awihnk4 at>
Newsgroups: community
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 2:19 AM

> im sorry but i think its kinda pathetic to make a post this long to tell
> people your leaving aw. i mean big deal lotsa people are leaving. and to
> frank i whouldnt think anyone whould notice. and i dont think ur post
> make anyone give you pity for leaving. and it takes a lot of crap to piss
> off bit... so u must have been super rude. all i have to say is watch out
> OW. im sure youll get another name in aw anyhoo :-)
> rock on
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Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:45pm
first he asked me to keep it in here, so i did
then every one here was asking me to take it private, so i did
then he asked me to stop mailing him, so i did
then he made posts here about me again, so i did

nice n simply put :)



Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:45pm
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :)
happy to oblige man :)

Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:57pm
i refer you to previous posts

Gavroche has died.

Mar 3, 2002, 8:42pm
I am truly sorry to hear about your friend Robbie :(

When some one dies, a bit of respect is deserved, no matter who.

i didnt know Gavroche, but, i would like this stupid flaming thread to halt
for a while out of respect, if of course BinaryBob and his cronies are able
to facilitate that ?

my postings are halted for some time as of now



Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 4:38pm
heh guess its ok to start posting again now.
cant be assed with the BinaryBud bollocks n e more tho, thats gettin tooooo



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Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 6:51pm
go be depressed some where else, take your whining some else, i dont want to
hear it
god, do you have to bring the newsgroup down with informing us how depressed
you are ?
do us all a favour, lol and yourself for that matter, n go kill your self :)
wouldnt have to listen to your boring incessant whining then :)

cheers then doctor


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:01pm
hmmm that sounds VERY much like a threat on my life dion, was rather stupid
to post that in public.

i suggest you think VERY deeply before your next post, or you could land
yourself up in some serious legal trouble



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Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:01pm



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Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:01pm
weather it was from boredom in this NG or not i'm not sure



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Gavroche has died.

Mar 5, 2002, 7:32am
oh ?
want to explain that one please ?

hardly like the *personal* death threat that dion decided to make.


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 5, 2002, 7:33am
says you

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ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 3, 2002, 8:37pm
Or BinaryBud can

A) admit his lies, in detail
B) support his words
C) be quiet

there are another 3 options.

one day mate, you will be in a similar situation, and when you are posting
in defense and you get the same treatment as i, then i am going to send you
a very personal email from another account that you dont have filtered :)

even tho he cant read it
point made



ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 4, 2002, 2:49am
"I'm lying for the sake of making me look morally right, but just go along
with me"
"So, the solution, get some newbies!!! Then, we'll all have a funner dumber
crowd to lynch all day"

just about sum the whole situation up dont they ?



Um... yes... it bugs even me

Mar 4, 2002, 6:48pm
this may well be PRIVATE PROPERTY, however, its private the citizens of aw,
which i just happen to be. Are you stupid ? Did you pay more cash for
your membership or something ? do you have a higher ranking status than
others here ?

none of the above

why dont you get it thru your thick skull, you are here to partake if you
wish, not to judge me or any other and decided who should be allowed to post
or not.

shut the f'k up oh self-righteous one



Um... yes... it bugs even me

Mar 4, 2002, 6:49pm
yes you do have THE SAME right to freedom of speach

however, to judge who should be allowed to post and who not, and who should
be banned etc etc, no you dont have that right, the same as i dont either



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Mar 4, 2002, 6:54pm
Sun just foned me from some after world place or summat n stuff n like said
to let you all know he flipped poppered his lungs be swallowing like some
pepsi max n stuff wrong way, went down lung hole n stead of downt ter tummy.

like w0rd

he say like sorry he cant be wiv yers n e more n stuff, but like he still
finks you all poofdas n smell lots.

he say to he speak to g0d n g0d say "binarybud is poofda n s full of dogs



sun say l0tt at luv at tta u's all and like u all poofz

nite bye


Sun's Son


Mar 4, 2002, 7:17pm

about 2 mins after the thread below this one was started, Gavroche's brother
died by serious head injuries suspected to have been caused by a blunt pick
axe handle


oh on one more point ppl ? Gavroche here openly admits to what BinaryBud
termed as "hacking". When he mentioned that i was looking at the AW
protocol via a local proxy, i was branded a no good hacker !!!! And yet,
it appears that it is acceptable for some to do, such as Gavroche here, and
yet unacceptable for others ????

HYPOCRITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mar 4, 2002, 7:18pm



Mar 4, 2002, 7:22pm


Mar 4, 2002, 9:57pm
nuh Sun died prior to the death of all in a freak pepsi max inhalation

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SunOfSolaris' Street Cred had died.

Mar 4, 2002, 7:28pm

i never had any , let alone cared for it :)

being cool in by book is not being cool, a skill that comes naturally to me
:), a dychotomy how ever the f'k u spell it



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SunOfSolaris' Street Cred had died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:05pm
or when adults are unable to handle something a little different from
themselves, its why progression sometimes can be some what slow, lets face
it 100's of years ago, a scientist who mite have created electricity at the
time would have been executed as a witch.

continue your Trial by Ordeal/Inquisition all you like on me :)



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