dean // User Search
dean // User Search
Feb 6, 1999, 11:56pm
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I agree with Eep this time. I want to be able to
use the program, also. I don't want to have to tell the programmer
what I want because his interpretation of what I want might not always
be exactly how I originally envisioned it, and he might get upset with
me (or vice versa) because of creative differences.
I would rather not have to learn a whole programming language in order
to use a program.
<p>I know that Eep and I are not alone on this one. It
is just that we are the only ones to vocalize it. Programs
should be so simple that any ordinary person without programming skills
should be able to use it. A car should be able to be
driven by someone who is not mechanically inclined. The same is true
for programs. They should be able to be used by more than just
[View Quote]<p>grover wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Yeah! Why write programming languages that
cater only to programmers? That'd be like giving an infant a book
with no pictures <gasp!><eyeroll>
<p>Eep² wrote:
<p>> Yes, please stop calling everything a bot; it's annoying! It's why
I groaned when first reading the SDK description which mainly mentioned
bots. I figured: "Oh, great, now everyone and their grandmother are gonna
have stupid, annoying greeter bots." And what happened? Yup...those damn
things are everywhere. I originally wanted Hambot for tumblin' tumbleweeds
in Utah world, but the complicated scripting language turned me off to
Hambot so I've never done anything with it since. Why most programmers
feel the need to make everything TEXT-based is beyond me. Not everyone
is textual; some are actually graphical! <gasp!> <eyeroll>
<br>> Jim Fleming wrote:
<br>> > Activeworlds Role Account wrote in message <79gora$gte$1 at ns1.vrx.net>...
<br>> > >Imagine sitting at your desktop, working away or doing whatever,
<br>> > >but not having the AW browser open. Suddenly an small avatar from
<br>> > >appears on the bottom right of your screen, walks over to the
<br>> > >current active window and "says" a small message in a little
<br>> > >baloon thingy.
<br>> >
<br>> > Actually, that would just be a subset of the browser. (i.e. a tele-only
browser) This is another place where the usage of the term "bot" gets fuzzy.
We are really talking about applications that run on your desk-top and
use the client access protocol to the AW platform.</blockquote>
Feb 7, 1999, 1:55am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Why not have it so that the GUI will allow you to input the variables and
configurations visually?
[View Quote]<p>grover wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>The problem with bots is that they're inherently
<br>when you get to the core. And it's hard to write equations and
<br>logical operations in a textual interface. Now the end result
<br>should be user friendly- nobody ever said the bot itself must be
<br>complex! But the SDK language itself is by necessity a
<br>programming language. As would be any other scripting language.
<p>Have you ever tried to use the scripting language The Palace
<br>uses? heh, it's even harder to use than fortran or c! And
in AW
<br>would allow for a lot less flexibility. Perhaps you can persuade
<br>HamFon to make a GUI scripting interface for Hambot that will
<br>allow you to draw a picture of where you want it to go <shrug>
<br>but until then, programming is inevitable...
<p>Dean wrote:
<p>> I agree with Eep this time. I want to be able
to use the
<br>> program, also. I don't want to have to tell the programmer
<br>> what I want because his interpretation of what I want might not
<br>> always be exactly how I originally envisioned it, and he might
<br>> get upset with me (or vice versa) because of creative
<br>> differences. I would rather not have to learn
a whole
<br>> programming language in order to use a program.
<br>> I know that Eep and I are not alone on this one.
It is just
<br>> that we are the only ones to vocalize it. Programs
should be
<br>> so simple that any ordinary person without programming skills
<br>> should be able to use it. A car should be able
to be driven
<br>> by someone who is not mechanically inclined. The same is true
<br>> for programs. They should be able to be used by more
<br>> just programmer.
<br>> grover wrote:
<br>>> Yeah! Why write programming languages that cater only to
<br>>> programmers? That'd be like giving an infant a book with no
<br>>> pictures <gasp!><eyeroll>
<br>>> grover
<br>>> Eep² wrote:
<br>>> > Yes, please stop calling everything a bot; it's annoying!
<br>>> It's why I groaned when first reading the SDK description
<br>>> which mainly mentioned bots. I figured: "Oh, great, now
<br>>> everyone and their grandmother are gonna have stupid,
<br>>> annoying greeter bots." And what happened? Yup...those damn
<br>>> things are everywhere. I originally wanted Hambot for
<br>>> tumblin' tumbleweeds in Utah world, but the complicated
<br>>> scripting language turned me off to Hambot so I've never done
<br>>> anything with it since. Why most programmers feel the need to
<br>>> make everything TEXT-based is beyond me. Not everyone is
<br>>> textual; some are actually graphical! <gasp!> <eyeroll>
<br>>> >
<br>>> > Jim Fleming wrote:
<br>>> >
<br>>> > > Activeworlds Role Account wrote in message
<br>>> <79gora$gte$1 at ns1.vrx.net>...
<br>>> > > >Imagine sitting at your desktop, working away or doing
<br>>> whatever,
<br>>> > > >but not having the AW browser open. Suddenly an small
<br>>> avatar from AW
<br>>> > > >appears on the bottom right of your screen, walks over
<br>>> to the
<br>>> > > >current active window and "says" a small message in a
<br>>> little
<br>>> > > >baloon thingy.
<br>>> > >
<br>>> > > Actually, that would just be a subset of the browser.
<br>>> (i.e. a tele-only browser) This is another place where the
<br>>> usage of the term "bot" gets fuzzy. We are really talking
<br>>> about applications that run on your desk-top and use the
<br>>> client access protocol to the AW platform.
Feb 8, 1999, 3:06am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I never wanted a visual bot programming application.
<p>Suppose I want a weather application? What I would want
with this application would be a way to fill in a form that asks me what
the mean temperature should be, the barometric pressure, the amount of
annual rain fall, the amount of average humidity, etc. etc.
<p>If I want a trivia bot, I want to be able to input the questions and
answers, how long to wait between questions, how many questions, and etc.
via GUI.
<p>If I want a games bot (perhaps a soccer bot, for instance), I would
like to have a choice of inputting the field length, width and boundaries
which the ball must remain within, the number of players on each team,
etc, etc by GUI
<p>These are some basic examples, but I hope you get the idea.
[View Quote]<p>Walter Knupe wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>After reading this thread it seems like, you want
have an SDK application
<br>which is easier to operate than hambot, has no scripts, is more powerful
<br>than hamfon, allows creating bots by people who don't even see hambots
<br>rather simple scripting, and
<br>want to do VISUAL programm while even scripting is above their head
<p>excuse me, but visual programming differs NOT AT ALL in the concepts
<br>textual programming. you still would have to learn a certain programming
<br>type (procedural, functional, list-oriented, object-oriented), and
<br>the "plug-together" of the program flow is independant in concept from
<p>Textual interfaces have the advantage that you can implement them very
<br>faster and easier while gaining the same as a visual interface. do
you have
<br>any idea how much man-power it needs for a decent click-and-point interface
<br>to, say, an OO programming approach ?
<p>You don't want to wait for that or pay the guy doing it. And you propably
<br>wouldn't like to operate it as well. Visual OO modelers for example
are NOT
<br>easy-to-use and thats not their purpose. Their just provide a sense
<br>abstraction which is not even needed for, e.g., hambot scripts.
<p>Any other visual interface, one that is as easy to operate as, say,
<br>a car, is unfortunately equally powerful. you can go left, right, straight
<br>and back. Blinking is only for left and right. Suitable for a CarBot,
<br>NOTHING for a Bot Programming System.
<p>and QA is something different as well... its actually not the different
<br>profession, that really finds bugs, its the fact that you have different
<br>PERSONS, anybody but the author of a program is qualified for QA'ing
<p>Eep, it wouldn't hurt if you didn't leave your field of profession regarding
<br>such statements as below.
<p>Walter aka Faber
<p>ps: i am not saying Hambot Scripts are ideal. a bot-making system might
<br>a different approach but still would use scripting. It might use visual
<br>designing aspects for actuall visual bot needs (etc. walking
path's or bot
<br>group formations)
<p>Eep² schrieb in Nachricht <36BD406F.2726142C at tnlc.com>...
<br>>;) Exactly. This is the thinking "outside the box" most programmers
<br>can't "see". Why? Because they don't think visually. Left vs right
<br>thinking: psychologically proven. This is also why QA exists to break
<br>programmers out of their narrow-minded mode. So it really irritates
me when
<br>companies want programmer QA...it's defeating the entire purposes of
<br>perspective. Helllllloooooohhh idiot corps(e)!
<br>>Dean wrote:
<br>>> Why not have it so that the GUI will allow you to input the variables
<br>configurations visually?
Feb 8, 1999, 7:42pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I don't know much about bots, but wouldn't clouds cause a problem with
the Building Inspector in worlds with registries? How
would you solve this problem without doing away with the registry?
[View Quote]<p>Edward Sumerfield wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I just thought of a cool programming problem to do
with weather.
<p>Lets say that you want a cloudy day, not too many clouds but a few doted
<br>around. It may be too much of an overhead to add clouds to every zone
<br>the world, especially a large world like Aw. You could come up with
<br>algorithm that worked out the optimum spread of cloud objects based
<br>the locations of the known avatars in the world. So you would only
<br>to add cloud objects to certain parts of the world. In most cases this
<br>would be just around GZ but there would be an occasional smattering
<br>those adventurous souls that ventured into the green beyond.
<p>I am not sure what the maximum visibility of an bot is but the cloud
<br>bot, sorry Eep, must call it a bot, would have to station bots at a
<br>number of locations around the world to ensure that everyone is seen.
<br>Each cloud bot would maintain the same list of avatars in the world
<br>track each of their movements.
<p>Wherever you go, the clouds will follow. Sounds like a sad ending to
<br>weather phenomenon.
<p>Edward Sumerfield.</blockquote>
Feb 9, 1999, 4:29am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
want an AWMonopoly bot!!! :-)</html>
Feb 9, 1999, 9:44pm
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Nope, still want one. I don't know anything about bots.
[View Quote]<p>Edward Sumerfield wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Are you saying that you finished the Monopoly bot
or that you want one.
<p>Dean wrote:
<p>> want an AWMonopoly bot!!! :-)</blockquote>
Feb 9, 1999, 9:45pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
So, are you thinking about using AW world and community names for the property
and stuff?
[View Quote]<p>facter wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Reading it again . . .. seriously, i can offer graphical
expertise, and
<br>*alot* of web space and server space for something like this if anyone
<br>wants it look into it as a bot project, so, now that that part of it
<br>figured, lets go !!
<p>I love that kind of thing, and think it would be very very cool to
<br>incorporate into an AW style....from what i can see, with the source
<br>available, yeah, it would be alot of work, but alot less than doing
<br>from scratch . .and, this one has been play tested to death as well
.. . .
<p>facter wrote:
<p>> wow...jsut had a look at this. ..thierry, aer you saying that it could
<br>> possibly be incorporated into AW ? IF so . ..then, what kind of help
<br>> you need ? =))
<br>> Fac.
<br>> Thierry Nabeth wrote:
<br>> > Hello,
<br>> >
<br>> > Just an idea.
<br>> > What about Empire ?
<br>> > <a href="http://empire.idlpaper.com/toc.html">http://empire.idlpaper.com/toc.html</a>
<br>> >
<br>> > Empire is a real time, multiplayer, internet-based game, featuring
<br>> > military, diplomatic, and economic goals.
<br>> > (source code is available).
<br>> >
<br>> > Thierry
<br>> >
<br>> > Dean wrote:
<br>> >
<br>> > > want an AWMonopoly bot!!! :-)</blockquote>
Feb 9, 1999, 10:20pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
What I envision is using world names instead of street names and railroads
and Virtual chance cards (or whatever creative names we can come up with)
that say stuff like "Go to The Void. Do not collect $200 VR bucks."
or "You take a vacation to the Red Planet. Go to Mars. If it
is unowned, you may buy it. If it is owned, pay twice the hotel fee."
etc, etc, etc.
[View Quote]<p>facter wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Reading it again . . .. seriously, i can offer graphical
expertise, and
<br>*alot* of web space and server space for something like this if anyone
<br>wants it look into it as a bot project, so, now that that part of it
<br>figured, lets go !!
<p>I love that kind of thing, and think it would be very very cool to
<br>incorporate into an AW style....from what i can see, with the source
<br>available, yeah, it would be alot of work, but alot less than doing
<br>from scratch . .and, this one has been play tested to death as well
.. . .
<p>facter wrote:
<p>> wow...jsut had a look at this. ..thierry, aer you saying that it could
<br>> possibly be incorporated into AW ? IF so . ..then, what kind of help
<br>> you need ? =))
<br>> Fac.
<br>> Thierry Nabeth wrote:
<br>> > Hello,
<br>> >
<br>> > Just an idea.
<br>> > What about Empire ?
<br>> > <a href="http://empire.idlpaper.com/toc.html">http://empire.idlpaper.com/toc.html</a>
<br>> >
<br>> > Empire is a real time, multiplayer, internet-based game, featuring
<br>> > military, diplomatic, and economic goals.
<br>> > (source code is available).
<br>> >
<br>> > Thierry
<br>> >
<br>> > Dean wrote:
<br>> >
<br>> > > want an AWMonopoly bot!!! :-)</blockquote>
Feb 20, 1999, 7:12pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
very funny :-)
<p>Come to think of it, you have brought up a very good question.
How do we make criteria for which worlds are included in the game and which
are not?
<br> </html>
Feb 21, 1999, 2:20am
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Well, I believe boardwalk position should be reserved for a world that
is at least historically significant or a community world or language world
or building world.
[View Quote]<p>grover wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>For most community-based Monopoly varients, I think
it has to do
<br>with money... after that, I assume it's first-come, first-served
<br>;-) That said, i bid $0, but ask for the "Boardwalk" position
<p>Dean wrote:
<p>> very funny :-)
<br>> Come to think of it, you have brought up a very good
<br>> question. How do we make criteria for which worlds
<br>> included in the game and which are not?
Feb 21, 1999, 5:13pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
hhhhmmmm, that is also something to consider. Maybe the prices should
be more realistic. What do you think?
[View Quote]<p>grover wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Naw, AW, meta, yellow & mars would make better
railroads, i think...
<br>i want boardwalk! waaaaaaaaa!!! (you can keep baltic, rjin- mind
<br>i camp out in your hotel lobby for a few years? here's $6 to
<br>the rent :-)
<p>Rjinswand wrote:
<p>> Hah, I'd want Baltic Ave myself!
<br>> Rjinswand
<br>> grover wrote in message <36CF82A5.3CA098A9 at nospam.usa.net>...
<br>> >For most community-based Monopoly varients, I think it has to do
<br>> >with money... after that, I assume it's first-come, first-served
<br>> >;-) That said, i bid $0, but ask for the "Boardwalk" position
<br>> ><g>
<br>> >
<br>> >grover
<br>> >
<br>> >Dean wrote:
<br>> >
<br>> >> very funny :-)
<br>> >>
<br>> >> Come to think of it, you have brought up a very good
<br>> >> question. How do we make criteria for which
worlds are
<br>> >> included in the game and which are not?
<br>> >>
<br>> >>
<br>> ></blockquote>
Feb 21, 1999, 7:00pm
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Just brainstorming here so if I tend to contradict myself, pay no attention---
<p>How about the monopolies being called systems (i.e., solar system, etc),
but named after earthly equivalents to the major theme of the worlds included
in it? For example, shopping worlds could be in the Rodeo Drive
<p>There would have to be a limit to the number of worlds in each system
and each world must add some flavor to the game. I am
not trying to be exclusive, but we can't let just every Tom, Dick and Harry
who tinkers with building a world join. There should
be some time limit to how long the world has been established, or if the
theme is sufficiently developed enough to be included.
For example, I believe that Outland would be an excellent addition to the
game because it had a vision and succeeded in carrying out that vision
through hard work and good planning. On the other
hand, I believe that Bubba's party place (to grab a name out of the air),
which only has a few randomly placed objects and maybe a street or two
and does not really enhance the nuance of the universe, should not be included.
<br>Perhaps when it has evolved past the tinkering stage and has a clear
vision, then would be a good time to seriously consider it for acceptance
into the game.
<p>There should be some clear guidelines which will protect the integrity
of the game and be fair to the world builders who have worked hard to make
a wonderful place for visitors.
I think it would be unfair to Fyrene to be left out because the place was
taken by Bubba's world. She and her friends worked
hard on the world but would have to be displaced by a tinkerer?
That is what I call unfair.
<p>That is an extreme example (we could accommodate them both by having
a separate system for each type), but you know what I mean.
The tinkerer worlds system would have to be "first apply first placed".
The themed systems would have to have stricter criteria for admittance.
<p>Certain type systems for worlds having a clear theme and/or motif should
have guidelines such as level of development, longevity, etc, etc
With clear guidelines, the chances of partiality will be slimmer.
[View Quote]<p>grover wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>perhaps a lottery then, to determine placement after
the groupings are made?
<p>Tyrell - Alpha Prime wrote:
<p>> You may wish to consider grouping the worlds using a 'theme' approach
<br>> and not 'which is the better' (which would be different for most)
<br>> Worlds... There shouldn't be a penalty placed on Worlds based
on the
<br>> skill of the Builder but on what they are attempting to 'say' with
<br>> world... Everyone... even the Master World Builders... were at one
<br>> fumbling with default objects, making 4 walls and a tree AND were
<br>> proud of it when it was done...
<br>> The Monopoly Board Game has classes of properties BUT it has ALL
<br>> classes... Sure there should be some thot' for those Worlds that
<br>> outstanding. The Worlds that are 'a work in progress' shouldn't be
<br>> dismissed out-a hand tho'...
<br>> Not that you seemed to be going in that direction... Just wanted
to get
<br>> my 2 cents in before you started to make any decisions... :-)
<br>> Dean wrote:
<br>> > hhhhmmmm, that is also something to consider. Maybe the prices
<br>> > be more realistic. What do you think?
<br>> >
<br>> > grover wrote:
<br>> >
<br>> >> Naw, AW, meta, yellow & mars would make better railroads,
i think...
<br>> >>
<br>> >> i want boardwalk! waaaaaaaaa!!! (you can keep baltic, rjin-
mind if
<br>> >>
<br>> >> i camp out in your hotel lobby for a few years? here's $6
to cover
<br>> >> the rent :-)
<br>> >>
<br>> >> grover
<br>> >>
<br>> >> Rjinswand wrote:
<br>> >>
<br>> >> > Hah, I'd want Baltic Ave myself!
<br>> >> >
<br>> >> > Rjinswand
<br>> >> >
<br>> >> > grover wrote in message <36CF82A5.3CA098A9 at nospam.usa.net>...
<br>> >> > >For most community-based Monopoly varients, I think it has
to do
<br>> >> > >with money... after that, I assume it's first-come, first-served
<br>> >> > >;-) That said, i bid $0, but ask for the "Boardwalk"
<br>> >> > ><g>
<br>> >> > >
<br>> >> > >grover
<br>> >> > >
<br>> >> > >Dean wrote:
<br>> >> > >
<br>> >> > >> very funny :-)
<br>> >> > >>
<br>> >> > >> Come to think of it, you have brought up a very good
<br>> >> > >> question. How do we make criteria for which
worlds are
<br>> >> > >> included in the game and which are not?
<br>> >> > >>
<br>> >> > >>
<br>> >> > >
<br>> >
<br>> --
<br>> Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
<br>> "No matter where you go...there you are."
<br>> <a href="http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/index.html">http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/index.html</a>
<br>> <a href="http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/oort2.htm">http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/oort2.htm</a>
<br>> ICQ UN - 272905
<br>> All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.</blockquote>
Feb 21, 1999, 5:17pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Surely, Roland could do some fancy programming so that bots registered
under the world owners number could build anywhere needed.
Maybe, maybe not, but it is worth a suggestion.
[View Quote]<p>King Viper wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>even with eminant doman on?
<p>Rjinswand wrote in message <36c8cab1.0 at homer>...
<br>Edward Sumerfield wrote in message <36C8390B.1685B663 at poboxes.com>...
<br>>I am not sure if an object created by the all powerful world owner
<br>>against a citizens cell limit. That may be an issue. You could not
<br>weathewould be exceeded. This is
<br>>where your avatar idea would be better.
<p> Actually that point aside, the all-powerful-world-owner still
<br>encroach when a registry is in place! Only one citizen number's
building is
<br>allowed in any given spot, no matter who that citizen is.
<br> Therefore the only way to do weather over public building worlds
is to
<br>make the clouds in the builder number of the person who made the property...
<br>this may require quickly adding and removing permissions of course.
<p> Rjinswand</blockquote>
Feb 21, 1999, 2:22am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I was wondering if anybody was working on an RPG bot.
I probably wouldn't participate in a game, but I know RPG would be pretty
in demand.</html>
Feb 21, 1999, 3:48am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
RPG=Role Playing Game
[View Quote]<p>Baggis wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE> Part 1.1 Type: Plain
Text (text/plain)
<br> Encoding:
Jul 22, 1999, 8:02pm
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[View Quote]JESSICA <monic123456 at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3796e314.0 at homer...
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Nov 8, 1998, 8:41am
not working for me either. i keep getting the page that says that it is not
activated yet.
[View Quote]
[View Quote]> Fluxen wrote:
> It'd activated, and working fine . . .. Edward has already put an entry into it,
> so that testiment that it IS working fine =)
> F.
Nov 8, 1998, 8:41am
I keep gettinbg this message http://come.to/not-confirm.asp
[View Quote]
[View Quote]> Fluxen wrote:
> It'd activated, and working fine . . .. Edward has already put an entry into it,
> so that testiment that it IS working fine =)
> F.
Nov 26, 1998, 2:40am
Until the bots or whatever are packaged into a user friendly system that ANYBODY
can use, I don't see how they will be such an improvement. The heart of a
good program is user friendliness as well as power.
When will this stuff be available for code illiterate people?
[View Quote]
> alot of people say that aw is not moving along very fast...I don't think
> that those people really see the possibilities of the sdk...aw will now move
> as fast as everyone building sdk apps can put them out...for a preview swing
> by awgames and see for yourself...and anyone who builds cool bots should
> post them here or in worldbuilders so we can all see how aw is changing
> every day :)
[View Quote]> Scott D. Miller wrote in message <365BE557.F2B6EE4C at cwia.com>...
> corporate
Dec 7, 1998, 6:19am
How about making a chess game SDK application, as well as other popular
board games.
I don't know anything about the SDK or programming languages so don't
laugh at my idea.
Maybe it can be done by placing commented tags on certain quads on the
objects which can be used for reference points. For example, the SDK
app can tell the piece that has a tag of bknight to move to the square
tagged as b6 and if the square b6 (across b spaces and down 6 spaces) is
matched already with an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece will be
sent to a quad off the board somewhere that is labeled wcaptured (for
white captured). Also, maybe the bot can be programmed to only move
certain pieces in specific legal chess moves.
The application could be customized to be used with any game, whether in
existence now or created by the world owner's imagination.
I don't know if it would work, but I thought it might be worth a shot to
propose it.
Dec 7, 1998, 5:34pm
> Go for it Dean.
Ummm? Go for it??? hehe....You forget so soon that I said I don't
even have a clue about the first bit of code in C++ or any programming
language beyond Pascal, and even minimal introductory stuff there.
I was brining up the suggestion so someone who DOES know how to do such
a thing could "go for it".
Dec 7, 1998, 6:18pm
Umm.....did I mention that I passed the course with a D?
[View Quote]
> If you can code pascal then you will pick up C in no time.
> I checked Thierry's web site and found GNU Chess with source code and
> everything. It doesn't look too hard to change the InputCommand
> function over to one that reads the chat line in a browser.
[View Quote]
Dec 7, 1998, 6:59pm
I will just ask ImaGenius or ByteMe. I do not have fond memories of
programming and do not want to mess with it. I posted in hopes that i could
perhaps give somebody a good idea to work on, because games are in demand and I
would like to see them done.
[View Quote]
> If you understand Pascal (a little, anyway), try checking out the Delphi
> (Object Pascal) threads. The Sample Programs have been posted here, and the
> AWAPI, compiled to link to the SDK (aw.dll). Start with the first Delphi
> thread (10/1/98). There are a number of Pascal programmers working on SDK
> bots.
[View Quote]
Dec 11, 1998, 4:46am
Hey, when's a monopolybot gonna be made? ;-)
Dec 11, 1998, 4:58pm
well, the size board I was thinking of would be with squares at least five to
ten meters each, I don't have any world big enough for a board that sized. A
board any smaller might have rendering difficulties due to the amount of
textures needed.
However, if each square is done with signs instead (which I think it would not
look nearly as attractive, though), it might be doable at a smaller scale.
I would love to see it done. Anybody want to make some Monopoly avatars? :-)
[View Quote]
> I like that Idea.. have someone in AWGames design a nice board for it and i
> could give it
> a try :)
> Walter
> dean schrieb in Nachricht <3670BFE2.70775183 at hotmail.com>...
Dec 11, 1998, 7:36pm
Well, since you put it that way, I guess I had better get started scanning my
monopoly board, haha. :-)
[View Quote]
> I too would like to see a Monopoly implementation. Too cool!
> I question whether the amount of textures required would cause "rendering
> difficulties"...how many squares are there on a Monopoly board? 50 or so?
> At one texture per square, that's not any more textures than you would
> encounter in a typical complex AW environment these days.
> Remember, signs are textures as well, just generated on the fly instead of
> downloaded from the object path. 50 signs or 50 textures, they both take
> the same amount of RAM and CPU to render.
> An interesting question is how to handle money...would you actually make
> Monopoly Money objects that you pass around and pile up on your side of the
> board, or would you settle for a simpler implementation where perhaps the
> bot just displays your current net worth on a sign next to the board?
> -Roland
[View Quote]> dean wrote in message <36716B4A.9D5C6775 at hotmail.com>...
> to
> A
> not
> :-)
> i
Dec 12, 1998, 12:30am
I have gotten pretty far along in scanning my monopoly board and will
probably have the textures ready to zip up and be placed on a server for
who ever volunteers to make the board to use. I have about 10 more
game squares to go.
However, I cannot scan the center part of the board because it will not
fit on my flat bed. Does anybody have a monopoly board and a
scanner big enough to scan the center part of the monopoly board? Or
is there an artist who could make it?
After we have gotten done with Monopoly we can start planning on making
a Triopoly game. It is the modern version of monopoly that has 3 levels
of game play.
Just kidding, Triopoly has not caught on nationwide yet, so it would be
hard to play a game you have never heard of. Anyways, it would be
[View Quote]
> Hey, when's a monopolybot gonna be made? ;-)
Dec 12, 1998, 1:46am
correction, I still have to do the property, chance, and community chest
[View Quote]
> I have gotten pretty far along in scanning my monopoly board and will
> probably have the textures ready to zip up and be placed on a server for
> who ever volunteers to make the board to use. I have about 10 more
> game squares to go.
> However, I cannot scan the center part of the board because it will not
> fit on my flat bed. Does anybody have a monopoly board and a
> scanner big enough to scan the center part of the monopoly board? Or
> is there an artist who could make it?
> After we have gotten done with Monopoly we can start planning on making
> a Triopoly game. It is the modern version of monopoly that has 3 levels
> of game play.
> Just kidding, Triopoly has not caught on nationwide yet, so it would be
> hard to play a game you have never heard of. Anyways, it would be
> cool.
[View Quote]
Dec 12, 1998, 7:35pm
Why not have a standing card object that the bot can place in the players lot
when he buys it and another object representing mortgaged property and other
objects representing houses and hotels? I know these things can be done by
just using an announcer or using text signs, but there needs to be a strong
use of aesthetic imagery, not just a text based solution. The use of
aesthetics, or the lack thereof, can make or break a game.
Why do you think Windows has caught on so quickly versus Mac or DOS? Mac
can do some good stuff, but its aesthetic appeal is pitiful. And I never
could see the attraction of DOS except by the no-nonsense crowd.
[View Quote]
> Those are not needed. Their text, yes, but not scanned in.
> Those events would be best served by the bot reading it out loud.
> Walter
> dean schrieb in Nachricht <3671E714.9B76E349 at hotmail.com>...
Dec 13, 1998, 1:05am
How hard can it be to write to hasbro and ask for permission?
If no one else will, I will.
[View Quote]
> Just realised we wont be able to use the name or any of th emonopoly artwork :/
> you think Hasbro is gonna let us use their stuff? so I think we should design our
> own game
> Biopoly
> j/k anyway we need to think of our own game name, and make all new art work and
> we can't use the 4 corners either so myabe a hexagon or octagon board woyld be
> cool :)
[View Quote]