
chess games (Sdk)

chess games // Sdk

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Dec 7, 1998, 6:19am
How about making a chess game SDK application, as well as other popular
board games.
I don't know anything about the SDK or programming languages so don't
laugh at my idea.

Maybe it can be done by placing commented tags on certain quads on the
objects which can be used for reference points. For example, the SDK
app can tell the piece that has a tag of bknight to move to the square
tagged as b6 and if the square b6 (across b spaces and down 6 spaces) is
matched already with an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece will be
sent to a quad off the board somewhere that is labeled wcaptured (for
white captured). Also, maybe the bot can be programmed to only move
certain pieces in specific legal chess moves.

The application could be customized to be used with any game, whether in
existence now or created by the world owner's imagination.

I don't know if it would work, but I thought it might be worth a shot to
propose it.

thierry nabeth

Dec 7, 1998, 8:21am

Just for your information:

Tim Mann's Chess Page

Should be possible to interface one of those Chess engine to the SDK.

Thierry Nabeth,

[View Quote] > How about making a chess game SDK application, as well as other popular
> board games.
> I don't know anything about the SDK or programming languages so don't
> laugh at my idea.
> Maybe it can be done by placing commented tags on certain quads on the
> objects which can be used for reference points. For example, the SDK
> app can tell the piece that has a tag of bknight to move to the square
> tagged as b6 and if the square b6 (across b spaces and down 6 spaces) is
> matched already with an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece will be
> sent to a quad off the board somewhere that is labeled wcaptured (for
> white captured). Also, maybe the bot can be programmed to only move
> certain pieces in specific legal chess moves.
> The application could be customized to be used with any game, whether in
> existence now or created by the world owner's imagination.
> I don't know if it would work, but I thought it might be worth a shot to
> propose it.

edward sumerfield

Dec 7, 1998, 12:55pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
It could definitely be done.
<p>You wouldn't have to label the pieces. The program could keep track
of all the pieces and move them as directed by the players.
<p>Your biggest design issue is the interface between the players and the
program. The pieces could be moved just by pushing them around the board
or you could enter kb4->qp1 in the chat line. There are a few board addressing
schemes to choose from.
<p>Go for it Dean.
<p>Edward Sumerfield.
[View Quote]


Dec 7, 1998, 5:34pm
> Go for it Dean.

Ummm? Go for it??? hehe....You forget so soon that I said I don't
even have a clue about the first bit of code in C++ or any programming
language beyond Pascal, and even minimal introductory stuff there.

I was brining up the suggestion so someone who DOES know how to do such
a thing could "go for it".


edward sumerfield

Dec 7, 1998, 5:51pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
If you can code pascal then you will pick up C in no time.
<p>I checked Thierry's web site and found GNU Chess with source code and
everything. It doesn't look too hard to change the InputCommand function
over to one that reads the chat line in a browser.
[View Quote]


Dec 7, 1998, 6:18pm
Umm.....did I mention that I passed the course with a D?

[View Quote] > If you can code pascal then you will pick up C in no time.
> I checked Thierry's web site and found GNU Chess with source code and
> everything. It doesn't look too hard to change the InputCommand
> function over to one that reads the chat line in a browser.
[View Quote]


Dec 7, 1998, 6:59pm
If you understand Pascal (a little, anyway), try checking out the Delphi
(Object Pascal) threads. The Sample Programs have been posted here, and the
AWAPI, compiled to link to the SDK (aw.dll). Start with the first Delphi
thread (10/1/98). There are a number of Pascal programmers working on SDK

[View Quote] >
> Ummm? Go for it??? hehe....You forget so soon that I said I don't
> even have a clue about the first bit of code in C++ or any programming
> language beyond Pascal, and even minimal introductory stuff there.
> I was brining up the suggestion so someone who DOES know how to do such
> a thing could "go for it".
> Dean


Dec 7, 1998, 6:59pm
I will just ask ImaGenius or ByteMe. I do not have fond memories of
programming and do not want to mess with it. I posted in hopes that i could
perhaps give somebody a good idea to work on, because games are in demand and I
would like to see them done.

[View Quote] > If you understand Pascal (a little, anyway), try checking out the Delphi
> (Object Pascal) threads. The Sample Programs have been posted here, and the
> AWAPI, compiled to link to the SDK (aw.dll). Start with the first Delphi
> thread (10/1/98). There are a number of Pascal programmers working on SDK
> bots.
[View Quote]

edward sumerfield

Dec 8, 1998, 1:33am
And a cool idea it was. I have downloaded the GNU Chess already. Give me a month or
two and you never know what might happen.

[View Quote] > I will just ask ImaGenius or ByteMe. I do not have fond memories of
> programming and do not want to mess with it. I posted in hopes that i could
> perhaps give somebody a good idea to work on, because games are in demand and I
> would like to see them done.
[View Quote]

walter knupe

Dec 11, 1998, 3:36pm
Sounds great, contact Ima Genius to place it in AWGames !!

for the movements, i suggest the bot would be an "Chess Servant" which has
an avatar, and moves the pieces (and resets the board) and stuff

the moves could be by coordinate and by gesture as you proposed, or sth like

(faber standing on the start field)
faber: "move this piece here daniel" or "move my king to" or "move my king
side blah to "
[Daniel]: "move the King on B 6 to where, Faber"
(faber walking to dest field)
faber: "here, daniel"

so [Daniel] grabs the king and takes it there.

my 2 cents.


Edward Sumerfield schrieb in Nachricht <366C9E00.2C2704D8 at>...
>And a cool idea it was. I have downloaded the GNU Chess already. Give me a
month or
>two and you never know what might happen.
[View Quote]

edward sumerfield

Dec 11, 1998, 5:06pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
So, Daniel is an avatar that moves chess pieces around? I like the idea
visually but its an extension of the chat solution isn't it? Just with
a visual component.
<p>Well, personally, I want to complete AWCPP 0.4 first and release a herd
of deer. That will complete the avatar management portion of the AWCPP.
Then I can get into object manipulation stuff and chess may be a good entry
app in that field.
[View Quote]

roland vilett

Dec 11, 1998, 5:28pm
Just to get my 2 cents in here, my personal preference would be for a chess
bot that let's *you* move the pieces instead of moving them for you. Then
there's no business of learning the language of the chess bot, you can just
walk right up and start playing.

I think this is easier than it may sound. You simply make the chess pieces
tourist owned so
that anyone can move them. The chess bot then simply tracks and validates
any building activity that occurs on the chess board. If an illegal move is
made, the bot moves it back. If someone moves out of turn, the bot moves it
back. If someone deletes a piece, the bot replaces it. If a moved piece is
not quite centered on its new square, the bot can center it. The bot can
also speak a running commentary on the game, even calling out check and
checkmate situations automatically, and resetting the board back to its
original state for a new game.

Further ideas include a bot that remembers players' performance across games
and posts rankings. The bot could conduct tournaments and other group

The ultimate bot, of course, would also play chess against you itself when
you can't find an opponent.

That's my vote. Kudos to the first person who can implement it. :)


[View Quote]

edward sumerfield

Dec 11, 1998, 5:52pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
[View Quote]

roland vilett

Dec 11, 1998, 6:32pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dang...that is one small detail I forgot about. Bots cannot login as =
tourists. However, if they have eminent domain, they can change =
existing objects (which they have just built) to tourist ownership, in =
worlds that do not have a registry. This is a bit more clumsy, but it =
would work. =20

I guess I was envisioning this whole application being set up in a world =
custom-built just for chess playing. It would be difficult to implement =
this in AlphaWorld as I described it.

If someone out there was serious enough about actually making this =
happen, it's conceivable that I might be able to convince COF to donate =
a small world specifically for the purpose of creating a chess world.


[View Quote] This is why you haven't seen any deer wondering about. I am still =
building the infrastructure. Doh.=20

The ultimate bot, of course, would also play chess against you =
itself when=20
you can't find an opponent.
In fact this was my first thought. I hadn't though about allowing =
two people to play against each other. The GNU chess program is open =
source of coarse and looks like it could easily be plugged into an AW VR =
front end. It is already architected with the chess engine and front end =
That's my vote. Kudos to the first person who can implement it. =

[View Quote]
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Dang...that is one small detail I =
about.&nbsp; Bots cannot login as tourists.&nbsp; However, if they have =
domain, they can change existing objects (which they have just built) to =
ownership, in worlds that do not have a registry.&nbsp; This is a bit =
clumsy, but it would work.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I guess I was envisioning this whole =
being set up in a world custom-built just for chess playing.&nbsp; It =
would be=20
difficult to implement this in AlphaWorld as I described =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>If someone out there was serious enough about =
actually making=20
this happen, it's conceivable that I might be able to&nbsp; convince COF =
donate a small world specifically for the purpose of creating a chess=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>-Roland</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
[View Quote] =
href=3D"mailto:3671781B.AECB3F10 at">3671781B.AECB3F10 at poboxes.c=
[View Quote] players' performance across games <BR>and posts rankings.&nbsp; =
The bot=20
could conduct tournaments and other group =
<BR>events.</BLOCKQUOTE>I tend to=20
be an infrastructure chap so I would probably look at building a =
framework that would support player registration, point tracking and =
and stuff like that. So I see that as a first step.=20
<P>This is why you haven't seen any deer wondering about. I am still =

building the infrastructure. Doh.=20
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE =3D CITE>The ultimate bot, of course, would also =
chess against you itself when <BR>you can't find an =
fact this was my first thought. I hadn't though about allowing two =
people to=20
play against each other. The GNU chess program is open source of =
coarse and=20
looks like it could easily be plugged into an AW VR front end. It is =
architected with the chess engine and front end separate.=20
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE =3D CITE>That's my vote.&nbsp; Kudos to the first =
who can implement it. :)=20
[View Quote] ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BE2502.4C573AE0--


Dec 11, 1998, 6:53pm
If the chess pieces are tourist-owned objects, then only tourists could move
them, not a citizen (at least that's what's true on the COF world I experimented
with--as a citizen I get a reproof from the building inspector & the object goes
back to where it was). Since a tourist can't create, move, or delete objects
atop a citizen's land, the chessboard would also need to be tourist-owned, I
think. On at least one COF world, all tourist-built objects have been erased
recently (in reponse to tourist vandalism), so a tourist-based chess game would
also be a kind of momentary event, a chess tournament, here one day and gone the

[View Quote] > Just to get my 2 cents in here, my personal preference would be for a chess
> bot that let's *you* move the pieces instead of moving them for you. Then
> there's no business of learning the language of the chess bot, you can just
> walk right up and start playing.
> I think this is easier than it may sound. You simply make the chess pieces
> tourist owned so
> that anyone can move them. The chess bot then simply tracks and validates
> any building activity that occurs on the chess board. If an illegal move is
> made, the bot moves it back. If someone moves out of turn, the bot moves it
> back. If someone deletes a piece, the bot replaces it. If a moved piece is
> not quite centered on its new square, the bot can center it. The bot can
> also speak a running commentary on the game, even calling out check and
> checkmate situations automatically, and resetting the board back to its
> original state for a new game.
> Further ideas include a bot that remembers players' performance across games
> and posts rankings. The bot could conduct tournaments and other group
> events.
> The ultimate bot, of course, would also play chess against you itself when
> you can't find an opponent.
> That's my vote. Kudos to the first person who can implement it. :)
> -Roland
[View Quote]

edward sumerfield

Dec 11, 1998, 7:03pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
I hope we don't have to get to entire worlds just for one game. I would
think it would be better for a world like AWGames to run tournaments and
start and stop the games bots as appropriate. Its not like chess is going
to take up much land.
[View Quote] </body>

hightech redneck

Dec 11, 1998, 11:09pm
Hi all I run AWTech and if you have happend across a little building to the
north of GZ that has a sign saying Top Secret bot under development that
area has been designated as the chess board building. I wasn't going to say
anything till I had a working prototype built and running but I guess since
it's a popular thing now I guess I better blow the cover :) The release was
planned for Jan. But I dunno about that since I have lots of school projects
taking up loads of my time. Just wanted to tell everyone so you know it's
been thought of and has been acted upon :) I have the coordinate system all
done and the board setup routine almost done. The initial release will hold
the players to there word about moves because I wanna get it out there
before 99 is over ;) The move checking will be added to the bot after the
initial release but I think just the basic bot is enough to wet ones
appitite :)

hightech redneck

Dec 22, 1998, 2:24am
ChessBot is no more I have almost no time to devote to it at the present
time the building will stay incase the idea is re kindeled but for now it's
not even smoldering :(

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