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Off Worlds 1st Birthday Party

Nov 7, 2005, 3:35am
Congratulations you guys!! You've done a great job on OW and it's been
a huge success. :)

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This is Getting Old

Nov 14, 2005, 7:07pm
Hence AWNewbie being a "practice" world. The guardbot is used in
AWNewbie so that tourists have a chance to test out building at their
own pace, without fear of vandals and troublemakers coming in and
destroying their builds as they are in the process of making them. As a
"practice" world, we need to clear builds in order to make room for
other users to want to try their hand at building, otherwise there
would be no room for newcomers. Let's face it-- tourists builds are
deletable, always have been, always will be-- AWI starts everyone out as
tourists for a reason, to "TEST" the program, not to give them free
access to everything, otherwise, where's the profit? Kinda like how
games have "demos", not everything is free, nor will it be in the
future, otherwise profit would not be made and it would be a tad bit
hard for AW's business or any other business to keep running.

My 2 cents ;P

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This is Getting Old

Nov 14, 2005, 7:31pm
Tourists are still all over, the other day there were about 12-15 of
them in AWGZ, and AlphaWorld is 8 times out of 10 still the largest
visited world on the list. There will always be tourists visiting AW--
it seems sometimes that there are less of them, but AW has always had
it's phases in the amounts of visitors. One year it may be less, the
next year, many may have downloaded and visited the program.

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Nov 15, 2005, 7:42pm
This was brought up once before during one of the past posts, it was
something we found written all over Boston as graffiti.. we don't know
what it means or if there is any meaning behind it. We took pictures of
it because we found it humorous and ended up making jokes about it
throughout the rest of our trip-- that's how it all got started.

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New FreeArt World

Dec 11, 2005, 7:57pm
Awesome! Nice work Blue :)

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Annual MultiWorld Christmas Present Hunt

Dec 15, 2005, 7:37pm
For those of you who are participating your world in the hunt this year
who do not have gifts in their world and need help getting them in
before tomorrow, Tengel will still help you sort it out.

email him at tengel at 3d-nordic.com.
(Even if you have mailed him before, he has recently moved and some mail
could have been lost!)

The info he will need in order to help you will be as follows:
(These are all examples and may vary per world owner or object path
(regarding gift objects) Please check and see for each area:

center of hunting = 1.72S 0.56W 10.11a 353

location for the hunt = YourWorld

size = 1000m x 1000m

hunted objects = gift001.rwx, gift002.rwx, gift003.rwx,gift014.rwx,
gift015.rwx, gift016.rwx

bot ava number = 24

Maximum of 20 different hunt objects

Thanks to everyone who is participating!

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Im getting a bit scared

Dec 13, 2005, 9:22pm
Or better yet, usually how people do business deals now over the
internet .. it's best to wait until the artist or other person shows you
some form of work or product result before money is put down on the table.

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A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 3, 2006, 6:14pm
But he is!! :) At least about the "no say" portion- not a misspeak :)
The Gatekeepers are a "community" group started by a citizen named Moria
years back and all "community" or "citizen-run" groups lead themselves
and it is up to the head of the group to decide how they want to deal
with any type of abuse or misbehavior. The GK's and PK's have more
responsibility considering they have certain rights in AWI owned worlds,
however, it is up to the head of those groups to deal with any
misbehavior or abuse first. AWI only steps in when needed or for
serious matters. This goes the same for other community groups such as
CY's AWEC, AWHS, etc... all started by a citizen in the community. :)

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AWUniversity Building Contest

Jan 1, 2006, 9:42pm
Hello Everyone,

AWUniversity will be holding it's annual winter building contest again
on January 25th. All citizens are welcome to apply and be a contestant
starting on January 15th. The application page can be found at
http://www.awcommunity.org/awu/awunivab/abapply.htm Here is a quick
runover of how the contest will be conducted :)

*January 15th* - Application page is open to the community for
contestants to apply for the contest until the build date. (no
applications will be accepted before Jan 15, or after Jan 25)

*January 25th* - Building contest will begin and run for approximately 3
weeks. All contestants who applied will be entered into build rights in
AWUnivAB world and will choose a lot to build in (Lots are 6x6 H scale;
6 walk001h.rwx by 6 walk001h.rwx's).

*February 15th* - Contest ends, judging begins. At this point the
judges will be allowed into the world, building rights and object
selection will be shut off and builds will be numbered so the judges do
not know who built what but judge based on the build itself. (This
keeps the contest as fair as possible).

*February 20th* - Winners are announced!

Prizes are as follows:
1st place - 6 month citizenship extension
2nd place - 3 month citizenship extension
3rd place - An ActiveWorlds T-Shirt

Our building theme this January is Christmas / Gingerbread Houses

If you have any questions or are interested in knowing more, check out
the webpage at http://www.awcommunity.org/awu/awunivab/ or send us an
email at awu at awcommunity.org!


(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006, 4:17am
Hi Xena --

Accidents happen :) You can always right click on a thread that you
created and click "cancel message" to delete it from the newsgroups,
however, if anyone has seen it previously before you cancelled it, it
will still show up on their computer, but just as "deleted" when they
click to read it. Just thought I'd give a heads up... this can be
useful for accidental multiple-posting as well :)


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Jan 12, 2006, 9:49pm
Check my reply to Xena a few posts up:

If you made a post that you aren't happy with or that you regret posting
after you have already posted it... made multiple posts, etc.. you can
right click the post and select "cancel message" Be aware that if
someone has already read your post.. it will still show up on their
computer, but as "deleted".. so you have to do it quick! :)


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Jan 12, 2006, 10:47pm
hrmm... I haven't used outlook in a long time...I'd still imagine there
is an option to delete posts from there as well, probably close to the
same order.

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Jan 13, 2006, 8:28am
My mistake then ;)

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AWUniversity Contest Applications Now Open

Jan 15, 2006, 1:48am
The application page for citizens who wish to be a contestant in the
AWUniversity Building Contest on January 25th is now open!

Contestants can now register at:

If you have any questions, please email awu at awcommunity.org


It's not too late..

Jan 19, 2006, 4:40pm
...to sign up for the AWUniversity Building Contest. The contest
applications will be taken down from the webpage on January 25th, so
apply while you still can!! The contest will run for approximately
three weeks in AWUnivAB world. Keep in mind that AWUnivAB is under a
custom object path, combining AWUniv, AW, and the megapath.. so we have
a large variety of objects for everyone to show off their creativity with!!

Applications can be found at
http://www.awcommunity.org/awu/awunivab/abapply.htm for those who are
interested. The building theme this year is: *Christmas/Gingerbread Houses*

Hello :)

Feb 1, 2006, 5:01pm
psst... that's still the message from last month... they just didn't
update the month in the IO yet ;)

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Notice to Alphaworld Users

Feb 10, 2006, 6:59pm
That's what "inhouse" stands for under that job description... it means
that you are required to work from the office if you apply for that
specific job.

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AWUniv Building Contest -- Winners

Feb 21, 2006, 3:37am
Hey Everyone,

The AWUniv Building Contest has finally ended and the judgements have
been made. The winners will be announced tomorrow (Feb 21) at 10pm VRT
(6pm CST) in AWUnivAB world GZ, for those who wish to attend the
announcements and see the builds.

For those of you who didn't get to join the contest this time around,
there will be another one in July. Check our webpage
(http://www.awcommunity.org/awu/awunivab/) for details around that time.


Object Path Host Search

Feb 25, 2006, 7:03am
AWLife hosting is a good one, offers about 5GBs for $4.95 a month.. the
bandwidth limit is 250GB, which is still pretty good for that price.
Information is at www.awlife.net or www.awlifehost.net

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Storage's 9th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 7, 2006, 4:11am
It's time again! Storage will be holding it's 9th annual Easter Egg
Hunt starting at 8pm VRT on April 7th and it will run until 8pm VRT on
April 9th. The hunt will once again span over several worlds!! Both
tourists and citizens will be able to participate in the hunt and there
will be several new twists and obstacles to make everyone's hunt more
challenging.. some of which include:

"point deduction eggs" (eggs that deduct points)
"disappearing eggs" (eggs that disappear when clicked upon)
"flaming eggs" (eggs that burst into flames and deduct points)
"quiz eggs" (eggs that post trivia questions in which a hunter has to
answer correctly for points"

Each hunter should beware of these while hunting, and choose their eggs
wisely this time around! The hunter with the most eggs at the end of
the hunt will win the grand prize.

If anyone is interested in helping out, we are always accepting prize
donations and are encouraging more world owners to participate their
worlds in the hunt. No stable connection?? No problem!! Andras has
graciously offered to host those worlds that may not have a stable
connection for the duration of the hunt. Contact him at andras at andras
dot net for information. (note: world participants are required to fill
out a world sign-up form located on the webpage below and are
responsible for making sure eggs are hidden within their world by the
date of the hunt).

We are also in need of some reliable citizens to help hide eggs within
Storage world, if you think you can handle the job and have enough time
to contribute, contact Elyk in world or email at kfoerst at sbcglobal.net.

For more information, visit our webpage at www.andras.net/egghunt/

Storage's 9th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 7, 2006, 8:04pm
If we told everyone which eggs were the bad ones, that would kind of
take away from the risk and challenge of it now wouldn't it? ;P

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Storage's 9th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 11, 2006, 4:34am
We are still in need of prize donators, if anyone is an object modeller
or wishes to donate an extension, citizenship or world, please use the
prize donation form found at http://www.andras.net/egghunt/donation.php

Just a heads up to those who are including their world in the hunt this
year: you must fill out the world sign-up form on
http://www.andras.net/egghunt/huntsignup.php in order for your world to
be included. This is the form that puts your world on the webpage and
also lets Andras know who is participating, if you do not fill out this
form, we do not know that you are wanting to participate! ;)

Thanks to everyone who is helping out so far!!

Storage's 9th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Mar 14, 2006, 6:34am
A correction to the thread post as just a heads up to those who may want
to participate in helping hide eggs in Storage world, the contact is now
at kfoerst at charter.net, not sbcglobal. If you send to the sbc email, I
will not receive it.


AW4 vs. SL features

Mar 13, 2006, 10:24am
It doesn't help that you are posting replies in HTML either, Brenton..
knock it off.

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AW4 vs. SL features

Mar 13, 2006, 11:47am
*takes Pos's keyboard away* :P

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How much should a world cost?

Mar 23, 2006, 2:50am
I agree with both you and Baro. Many people complain about the prices
(aka beating a dead horse :P) and also the tourist building in every
public world which I have seen pop up a few times recently, but they
neglect to view things from a business perspective. I like the way Baro
stated it earlier, that "we can assume awi has poured over the data and
come up with the current pricing system as the 'best' system for the
current state of things." This is probably the best way that I have
heard someone put this across, because things do change and we can't
expect things *not* to change. As for the tourist building issue - same
issues..tourists cannot build in certain worlds until they
register..it's like a demo..you don't want to give your whole product
away for free! Ultimately, a business is a business, there is profit to
be made... no profit, no AW.

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How much should a world cost?

Mar 23, 2006, 3:53am
Mark.. Do you ever consider that AWI may have to pay for several other
payments outside of AW, just within the building (I'm sure they have to
make payments for the office space they have within the Arwood
building), webspace, servers, their employees. And I doubt that a lot of
those uniservers are full up-front payments..at least, the last time I
checked, I don't remember paying for a car upfront. I would think that
they'd offer monthly payments for those as well. One way or another, it
all adds up fairly quickly.

Do you know for sure how much they are making through those? To be
honest, I don't think it is very fair to them for anyone to bash their
price decisions (especially at $6.95 a month) unless they find a way to
get AWI's actual financial statements noting the expenses. Then they can
determine if AWI is giving us a fair price or not ;)

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How much should a world cost?

Mar 23, 2006, 11:17pm
You have some good points Talisan. The fact of the matter is though,
tourists do have the ability to try it out.. there are many worlds just
like AlphaWorld that allow tourist building, such as AWTeen. I can
understand yours and a few others points with AlphaWorld allowing
building, because when I first started AW, yes, building was enabled as
a tourist...but then again, when I came to AW, cits were also free :P
But you see, things even changed from that too. What I meant was, that
I have heard a lot of complaining that every world left and right should
be allowed tourist builing or access when there are well over 50 or so
worlds that have tourist access and over 20-25 of those are building
enabled... that's more than enough to test out a program. I CAN see
both sides on AlphaWorld being building enabled though :)

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How much should a world cost?

Mar 24, 2006, 1:36am
I think we're trailing off into one too many subjects now... my post
wasn't regarding whether or not the worlds were advertised properly :P

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How much should a world cost?

Mar 24, 2006, 7:04pm
gah.. my mistake :P I had been up since at least 6am yesterday and
was a little out of it by that time when I posted.

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