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d a n // User Search
d a n // User SearchRe; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)Mar 8, 2003, 11:59am
1. Use a spellchecker
2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P --- D a n longer world namesApr 26, 2002, 1:55pm
I think that we should have a limit of 10 characters in the World name.
The again, everyone will keep using A!!!!!!!!!! etc <Dan> [View Quote] longer world namesApr 28, 2002, 3:11pm
Petition has been set up on about the capital letters.
Feel free to sign it. Dan [A1CT network Manager] [View Quote] MM FlashApr 22, 2002, 5:50pm
What next?
Shockwave? This would cause loads of lag for some computers ither using Flash or Shockwave. If this was possible there should be a World Features function like "Enable Macromedia" or something like that. Or people can do that in the Browser Settings. Dan [View Quote] AW 3D Full Screen ModeApr 22, 2002, 5:45pm
It would be amazing to walk in AW using full screen. I would find that
enjoyable but would my Computer? Dan AFK add-onJul 1, 2002, 6:00pm
PPPPPPPP :-P <Dan> [Any time now 3.4 wil be out! *tap tap tap* any time now *tap tap tap*.........] [View Quote] Woah nice new feature.Jul 1, 2002, 5:56pm
I quite agree,
Can't wait for 3.4 <Dan> [Any time now 3.4 wil be out! *tap tap tap* any time now *tap tap tap*.........] [View Quote] Tv Stations - IdeaJul 7, 2002, 1:11pm
Don't know if you been to or not but.........
In the swimming pool one on the diving board they film you on a camers which you cna view. it would be good if you could activate a camera function that what everything you see is what everything they see which is animated. Then again Habbo is 2D and AW is 3D, mabe not possible Another dumb idea from, Dan Who else?! Multiple People GramsJul 24, 2002, 9:30am
2 Things to decide about this post.
Now that we cna block citizens from telegramming us we could impliment multiple gram sending like John said. Its 50-50 <D a n> [View Quote] Disallow certain permissionsJul 24, 2002, 9:28am
Terrain RightsJul 27, 2002, 7:23am
We have Build etc so why can't we have terrain rights for special people?
-- D a n Upside down view!Jul 28, 2002, 3:05pm
It should be good if an avatar should turn upside down and the firs version
view would be upside down! Would be good for futuristic RPG's -- D a n MSolid On: Brilliant idea!Aug 15, 2002, 6:58pm
Ok, here is a plan on what I thought would make aw even better.
It would begood for bus services, train stations etc! here is an example, It starts at 13n 14w so........ Create MSolid On Move 30n 14w You cna pinpoint directions also like Create MSolid On Move 20n 14w, 30n 14w Well I lost it but, the idea is if you went into a bus, you could travel aslong the world the the bus / vechle would travel with you, I even thought that aw's new bump in a object and then slide along it feature would work but, nope, it pooped! Anyone agree? --- D a n MSolid On: Brilliant idea!Aug 15, 2002, 6:58pm
Ok, here is a plan on what I thought would make aw even better.
It would begood for bus services, train stations etc! here is an example, It starts at 13n 14w so........ Create MSolid On Move 30n 14w You cna pinpoint directions also like Create MSolid On Move 20n 14w, 30n 14w Well I lost it but, the idea is if you went into a bus, you could travel aslong the world the the bus / vechle would travel with you, I even thought that aw's new bump in a object and then slide along it feature would work but, nope, it pooped! Anyone agree? --- D a n MSolid On: Brilliant idea!Aug 25, 2002, 8:45am
Well Aslong as you cna stay in a object as it moves, that would be the
start! ^_^ --- D a n [View Quote] Telegram bombingAug 25, 2002, 8:48am
That would be handy!
Then you know if someoen is faking you with console messages ^_^ --- D a n [View Quote] Scroll Avatar ListSep 12, 2002, 4:31pm
As in Microsoft word you can shorten menus, well in aw, how abou you put the
avatars you lik first. or mabe a list you na chosoe from and add the avatars you use most often to the list. Mabe i got overpowered, just a simple scroll avatars list rarther than too big. Its hard without it for 800x600 windows users :\ --- D a n Scroll Avatar ListSep 12, 2002, 4:32pm
AGH, stoopid keyboard, soz for typo, getting new one tomorrow (hip hip
hurray) --- D a n [View Quote] Simulation UtilitySep 12, 2002, 5:21pm
Possible or what?
You can sit in a car with another citizen / tourist and as the car moves you move with it, or like a train in aw, that moves and you move with it. This is similar to one of my previous posts. Maybe a ship (titanic) or something :) Simple explanation: An object you stand on with a special command e.g. create support, and you move with it = ur superglued to it but you can move on it. --- D a n Simulation UtilitySep 12, 2002, 5:24pm
Command for my post is
create support simple as that :) --- D a n mp3 soundSep 13, 2002, 6:57pm
I agree,
Would be better if it acepts, ..mpg, .avi, .mp4 Something like that for video aswell. --- D a n [View Quote] Create your own AV!Sep 13, 2002, 7:07pm
How about created your own avatar for aw, and allowing transfer between the
world server and the client. This could also be disabled in the world setings. --- D a n I wish something impossibleSep 18, 2002, 5:36pm
They do, fact. Mountain myst more than anyone.
Dont have time to reply though. --- D a n [View Quote] SpectatorSep 18, 2002, 5:37pm
It will allow everyone not to talk but only certain people who have ps or something. Agh, i dunno, i am tired :-\ --- D a n EMAIL TO AWSep 23, 2002, 4:48pm
I agree, mountain myst and flag seem to be the only ones reading waht we say
or what I'm saying here ^_^ Flagg usually tells people off if they do something wrong O_O Roland, Bill etc only view beta --- D a n [View Quote] |