carlbanks // User Search

carlbanks // User Search

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:21pm
Thanks for the info on the move. Now AWGate and AWTeen will have alot of
peeps. lol. About user owned worlds do they immediatly get moved without
being noticed?

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
[View Quote]

We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:47pm
No I mean will our user hosted worlds stay up?

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
[View Quote]

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 6, 2002, 2:20pm
ok I'll just wait till PB update is made. Also brant did you get my emails?

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Help with xelagot chess script

May 15, 2002, 4:07pm
all the info is n the chessboards.txt but my xelagot thinks it has no lines.

Unusual behavior of AW SDK in classes

May 20, 2002, 4:30pm
I think I know what it is. IT'S a WeatherBot!

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yab (yet another bot)

May 26, 2002, 11:04am
Sounds cool but if you can do it and make size smaller I'll test it.

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yab (yet another bot)

May 26, 2002, 2:52pm
okie send it to me I'll test it for you.

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The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 12:33am
I am gonna miss Roland. I wish there would be a Going away party in AWGate.

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The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 11:22am
Roland was a great person. At Tech Talks he explained everything and if you
had questions he answered them. He also made AW the way it is today. I will
miss you roland.


P.S. Hey Roland could release 3.3 after Ceremony if The powers that be let

The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 11:58am
Couple hours? Cool!

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Xelagot 3.3 dedicated to Roland Vilett

May 31, 2002, 12:47pm
Bravo! Xelag I am gonna miss Roland

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Terrain texturing warning!

Jun 3, 2002, 6:32pm
Texture 63 crashes browser. AHHHHHHHH

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[Event] The Great AWTeen Show Info

Sep 1, 2002, 10:43am
And you complained when I cross posted.

-CarLBanks, 335711
Virtual Forum:
Active Worlds 3.3 Build 419

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Feb 6, 2003, 8:09pm
Will you stop using caps?

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Feb 6, 2003, 8:10pm
Will you not cross post?

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Feb 6, 2003, 8:18pm
Because they chose to argue.

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Need some things for a weatherbot.

Mar 13, 2002, 9:55pm
First we need rain and snow skyboxes or someone to help us make weather
things. And then we need help making a working flood that damages the world
or not and then we need help making a tornado that changes it's av to a
tornado av and destroys whatever is in it's path

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.

Need some things for a weatherbot.

Mar 13, 2002, 9:58pm
BTW this is an xelagot script which is being programmed by Allen Iverson.
And we need help doing workin Rain.

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
[View Quote]

We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:21pm
Thanks for the info on the move. Now AWGate and AWTeen will have alot of
peeps. lol. About user owned worlds do they immediatly get moved without
being noticed?

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
[View Quote]

We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:47pm
No I mean will our user hosted worlds stay up?

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
[View Quote]


Mar 28, 2002, 10:38pm
I got a 150 question trivia bot and need more questions. Can someone help

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.

does anyone have an xelagot build grading script

May 1, 2002, 7:39pm
like to judge the textures and build and originality and stuff. I really
need one. please if someone can find or make one.

FWD: AASwamp

May 3, 2002, 11:32pm
So it's not avalible yet?

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FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 1:05am

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FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 11:50am
This world was one of da first I visited when I first registered in AW.

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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 6, 2002, 2:20pm
ok I'll just wait till PB update is made. Also brant did you get my emails?

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Bot request.

May 9, 2002, 12:57am
Does anyone have the ablitiy to make a Customs Aide script for Xelagot that
acts like AWCom's Customs Aide

Bot request.

May 14, 2002, 12:01am
Still waiting for email Brant

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Help with xelagot chess script

May 15, 2002, 4:07pm
all the info is n the chessboards.txt but my xelagot thinks it has no lines.

new xelagot ?

May 26, 2002, 2:52pm
if you look on site it says what will be new.

[View Quote]

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