chucks party // User Search
chucks party // User Search
Aug 27, 2001, 4:05pm
Yes but they are also proving this one picture I have shown here with over 400
circles in it would have been impossible #1 to make at night without
sophistacted laser type technology that only a limited amount of people would
have beacuse it is very exspensive to buy, then to lay it out just the center
stakes alone for the ropes would take an entire nite in itself, it just isn't
feasibly possible to do in a 16 hour period of time, that is not fiction that is
not man made, that is fact. Then to get it as perfect as it is and making 400+
circles, you would need an army of people out in that field and the presence of
people being there would probably be overwhelmingly obvious. They are finding
out that these plants have also had electric charges put thru them which started
at the base of the plant to bend it then traveled up the entire length of the
plant, they are guestimating that these crop circles, the authentic ones are
taking literally seconds to make. I've done the reading on it, have you?
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b8a719d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Some people believe these UFO sightings are really not UFOs at all, but
> rather manifestations of the spirit world. Why they become visible to the
> human eye at times like this is odd.
> And then the reason the government is likely blacking out all UFO reports is
> probably because of their top secret research facility Area 51. Odds
> indicate that scientists there have been experimenting with new aviation
> technology for the past 40 years or so. I'm pretty sure that they don't
> want the Islamic Jihad or Saddam Hussein to get ahold of one of those
> babies, so the safest thign to do is black it out.
> Now, consider the case of Salina, Kansas in the 1950's or 60's. I can't
> remember which decade. :\ Interstate 70. One night a strange set of blue
> and white streaks move quickly across the sky from the west horizon to dead
> center over the overpass of I-70 and I-135 near Salina, KS. All vehicles in
> that area go dead, presumably from Electro-magnetic pulse. They hover there
> for a moment, still emitting the EMP. Cars won't start. But then they
> streak off toward the east horizon and disappear in 10 seconds flat. The
> drivers can start their cars again.
> So are they UFOs, spirits, or a secret government project? With a truly
> open mind to these phenomena, you will see that all are equally likely,
> simply because the event gives no proof to any of these explainations. This
> is not the case with crop circles. People have proven that man can make
> crop circles. So that makes the hypothesis of crop circles being man made
> more likely than aliens creating them.
> Hmm.. maybe I should change my name to Spock. :)
> Yours ever logically,
> SW Spock.
Aug 27, 2001, 8:13pm
Sorry Nornny, that ain't going to fly with the scientists and researchers that
have investigated them. Just as you may think College students did this and
supposedly have gotten better at it or something so have the people that
actually do the scientific investigative work in the field. They would know the
difference. Just as the investigative people after a fire can go into any bldg
now and find out exactly what started it, it comes from expierience and knowing
what to look for.
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b8abbdd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Actually, I heard once that the secret society of pranksters (forgot the
> name of it, it's kinda like the Skulls and Bones at Yale) in many colleges,
> the ones that toilet paper "important" statues of great figures in the
> campus, or spraypaint story high paintings of Jesus high on crack and liking
> it on religious buildings in one night, have also made crop circles down in
> the midwest to tease a few folks. :) Got me if it's true, but there's the
> army, and considering it only takes 1 or 2 hours to make the circles the
> guys on TLC did, it couldn't be hard. They're not the circle designs that
> are just made with a compass, but you never know the intelligence of a few
> drunk college frat pranksters. They're out there...somewhere....lol.
> Nornny
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8a8c03 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 400
> would
> center
> isn't
> that is
> 400+
> presence of
> finding
> started
> the
> are
> the
> reports is
> blue
> dead
> vehicles in
> there
> The
> This
> made
Aug 28, 2001, 4:07am
I already shared it, read all my posts. I am not the only one that has seen this
same exact thing, I have reported it to the National UFO Reporting site and also
searched and found that this same kind of sphere has been seen over WA before
and other states as well. We all can't be wrong. I only even became interested
in finding a site where I could report it after I saw one. I didn't go looking
for it, it was just here.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B8AEE2A.4000908 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I never said *all* supposed alien encounters are unexplainable, just
> that the vast majority of them are. In fact, there have been many
> abduction "accounts" by people who were later proven to be false simply
> because they wanted the reaction and attention.
> This all, of course, adds to my theory that it is human nature to
> believe in something beyond or greater than ourselves. Whether it's God,
> or aliens, or ghosts, or even Nature as a sentient force, we humans feel
> the need to believe in something that has the ability to surpass our
> limitations. And no matter how much evidence others may produce to
> refute your beliefs, you will continue to believe in it because you have
> nothing else to believe in. Some people get so into their beliefs that
> they will actually form situations in their mind to help support their
> beliefs, and then force themselves to believe the event actually took
> place. (i.e. people claiming to have seen aliens, or Christ, or ghosts, etc)
> What a strange and wacky world we live in...
> P.S. I'm still waiting for Chuck to share his alien story with us :)
> sw chris wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Philosophy 101 is now in session...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Aug 28, 2001, 11:06am
Gee I'm so lucky to have seen this manmade extrordianry technology, lol You
wouldn't believe all this if you had seen it, lol It wasn't like anything on
Earth I have ever seen before.
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3B8B6DD6.9020600 at jtsoft.net...
> *shrug* I personally think that all the UFO sightings that aren't
> actual abductions are just Government experiments: I think some folks
> in the human race have developed some incredible technology, like hover
> technology for cars or what have you, and just haven't released it to
> the public yet.
> Perhaps not a Government specifically, but maybe just a private group of
> people who don't want anyone to know of their technology. Maybe they
> fly over poor unsuspecting souls' houses just so that they can laugh at
> them when they read the morning paper ;-)
> Hey, who knows? Not meaning to pick on anyone here, but this is
> actually what I believe. *shrug*
> -JV
Sep 2, 2001, 10:22am
Oh gosh here we go again, lol there are no rules in the Charter that make html
against the rules. There are people who can't seem to get that thru their thick
heads but this is the fact of the matter. Some people have News Reader programs
that do not read html, bottom line they are the ones that do not like it so try
to shuv their beliefs that it's wrong on everyone else, you have done nothing
wrong Ryan and there is no need to apologize to these goof balls, lol Using
large pictures or something might be a problem so try to keep it as low in k as
possible when you do post in html. That's just common courtesy.
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the Rules
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 15, 2001, 5:24am
You couldn't pay me to go in that world if Just In and OneSummer have anything
to do with it. It has always been a big popularity contest for them and Just In
trying to find ways of scamming people for money. I only see this as one more
attempt by them to make everyone believe they actually care about people. They
aren't fooling anyone in AW and I have a memory like an elephant. I have also
spoke to enough people now to know these 2 have been up to no good for a very
very long time. They are an insult to the human race and I refuse to have
anything to do with them. They are disliked by more people than I care to count
or remember at this point. OneSummer actually had the nerve to come to my
birthday party that she was not invited to and when I told her she was not
welcome here, she stayed and welcomed and ((((((((HUGS)))))))) and all that fake
crap she does to try and get people to like her anyway. My friends do not
associate with her or Just In and she purposely stayed at my party just to piss
me off. If anyone needs to be ejected it's those 2, permanently.
[View Quote]"bodhi" <Certainty at go.com> wrote in message
news:3ba23e32$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Operator: You have a telegram.
> Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha, sent just now:
> Hey...thats my concern also...the innocents on other lands that will have to
> suffer....i think Memorial world is owned by JustIn and OneSummer...I am
> hereby boycotting it until i hear that you are allowed your freedom of
> speech there
Sep 15, 2001, 12:22pm
Yes and now I find out they copied everyones builds from Myssie's build site
where many people built things on Alpha, they bot copied everyones builds to
make this new memorial world, sheesh don't they ever stop. I'm glad I didn't
build there now because if they had copied my build from Alpha to their memorial
world, I would be more than pissed off. I can't believe AW allows these 2 to get
away with rules we all are suppose to adhere to, stealing builds from people is
against AW's rules.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3ba34745$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> oh, gee, are you gonna start your stupid fight against them again?????? and
> now we haven't even got Facter to ban you! behave or go eat a tree!
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3ba30247 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> anything
> Just In
> more
> They
> also
> very
> count
> that fake
> piss
> have to
Sep 15, 2001, 2:42pm
Well guess what, you all can go to hell, I don't give a good shit anymore, but I
will be telling all I know about this to everyone I know. We will see how far
they are allowed to get away with this BS. If all those dead people knew half as
much as I do about those 2 they would not let them have any part of this so
called Memorial World, it's a joke. You couldn't pay me to build anything for
those 2 on any world they have anything to do with, I have already had one build
I made on a world they had something to do with deleted, I won't let it happen
again. They are wolves in sheeps clothing and I will be launching a full protest
against them. Just say no to Memorial World.
Sep 15, 2001, 4:21pm
In addition all the builds at this location have been bot copied without the
consent of the builders who made them to create Memorial World.
Telegram from Myssie, sent Tue Sep 11, 2001 7:14 PM:
Hi all. I have started a memorial in aw 8954.2N 3040.1W 0.0a 2 for the victims
of this attack. Please stop by and leave something and pass this on. I have 4x4,
5x5 and 6x6 lots. The site is still under construction so please bare with me as
I build. TY
Just people trying to make some kind of gain off of other people once again. I
am so sick of AW allowing people like this to do whatever the hell they want
with other people's builds and then suffer no consequences from it but only get
the credit for something they had nothing to do with by people that never built
anything there in that world, this whole thing sickens me and you all should be
ashamed of yourselves taking advantage of people that are in such pain already.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ba384e8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well guess what, you all can go to hell, I don't give a good shit anymore, but
> will be telling all I know about this to everyone I know. We will see how far
> they are allowed to get away with this BS. If all those dead people knew half
> much as I do about those 2 they would not let them have any part of this so
> called Memorial World, it's a joke. You couldn't pay me to build anything for
> those 2 on any world they have anything to do with, I have already had one
> I made on a world they had something to do with deleted, I won't let it happen
> again. They are wolves in sheeps clothing and I will be launching a full
> against them. Just say no to Memorial World.
Sep 15, 2001, 6:42pm
Yes I know JFK and AW supports their actions and condemns yours, they are just
as guilty as you are. I for the life of me will never understand it. They
continue to let certain people do harm to this community and it must be stopped
at all costs.
[View Quote]"jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:Xns911DA2CD469FBjfk2jfkmusiccom at
> and this is the thing that Just In got so teed off with me for BOT
> COPYING his build at AW 500s 400w about. He was PISSED off at me. YET
> he for some perverted reason thinks it's ok for him to BOT COPY
> everyone elses builds BUT he gets PISSED off when i BOT COPY his Build
> in AW 500s 400w.
> So you can see how Just In's mind works...
> LIKE A MENTAL NUT JOB if you ask me.
> Princess Esther when she was leaving there mentioned that about
> OneSummer and Just In that they BOTH are MENTAL
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in
> news:3ba36439 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Jan 28, 2001, 1:16pm
I felt my community needed to know. I also did not want my good name to be
tarnished by these 2 either. So now you know. :)
These are all the links to all the info I would like to submit on the abuse
and harassment of Just in and OneSummer. I was invited to Broadway World by
OneSummer to DJ for the New Years Eve party for 2001. From that time til now
I did all the work for OneSummer's Bday build making it possible for 28 of
her friends to build something for her, I notified all of her friends with
the help of the names Princess Esther gave me. But I did all the work I put
it all together and tgramed everyone and spent 10 days on AW doing
everything possible to be sure everyone got a lot. Then This incident I am
reporting to you happens. Justin asked me to build a DJ/Dance area to use on
Broadway world, I did that. Then OneSummer started changing things and
leaving them unfinished. I came in one day and she had completely removed my
name from the build I had made, all pictures or traces that I had made it
were gone and Fender Strat's DJ picture was put in it's place. Then I came
in another day after putting everything back the way it was and Summer had
moved DJ Chris over to the corner on which Fender Strat and I shared and put
Chris next to me. Now, not once did she ever tell me what she was doing, not
once did she ever tell me why it was being done at that point, I did find
out as you will see in the tgrams I got from OneSummer that she was the one
who did it, and yes I did ask her. All she said was, I just wanted to make a
few changes. That was all she said and then it happened the 2nd time that I
mentioned. I could not for the life of me figure out why, and if that is all
you know it would lead you to believe it may have been Fender Strat that did
it and Summer was just covering him, or it also was Fender Strat and his
reasons for doing it may have been biggoted in nature. Well unfortunately I
am not a mind reader. So I went to Princess Esther to see if she could give
me any additional info and I had a chat with her by way of tgrams about it.
I was at this point enraged that this even happened to begin with. So I did
tgram Fender Strat with 1 verbal attack. A couple of days later I did
receive a response from Fender Strat and he confirmed that it was all
OneSummer's doing, I made a sincere apology and we wished each other Peace.
Those Tgrams are in the jpg tgrams in the above link. Now with this resolved
I come in one day and OneSummer is building a stage across the street from
the DJ/Dance place I had built. The chat is included above in the links and
is highlighted in red as a must read. I said to myself ok that's fine there
is no reason why we can't have both. It looked like a good thing until I was
with my friend ct bob helping him make warps for a boat ride he had made.
When I got the tgram from OneSummer telling me she was going to delete the
other build, as she called it. Well this was the last straw. Here, someone
who I had done so much for is now tearing down a bldg on her world that I
was very proud of making. That was a major slap in the face to me after all
I had done, New years party DJ, Bday build organizer, then DJ again when
that attracted many many people to Broadway world and kept them coming back,
after all of this she destroys everything in deleting the only thing I had
built on her world. Now, after this final incedent I had enough and chose to
leave BW for good and build a new DJ/Dance club on Storage World, which I
did and it is still there today. When I was there Borgs4ever joined me and
saw the build I had made. He asked me if I could make a club for him inside
his bldg on BW. I said yes. This was to be done in his ppw so it would be in
his name and for his own use. OneSummer saw me there and caused me more
grief and then had jfk2 and I both ejected from her world, and Borgs4ever
was so POed he went and deleted his entire bldg he had built there. As soon
as we all left BW and went back to my place on Alpha World we talked and I
said what is this world I hear looks so much like BW, and that is the first
and only time I had even thought of going there was because I wanted
Borgs4ever to be able to have his bldg and use the same objects if possible
but at that point I had no idea what to exspect. So we went and I spoke to
FriendPA as New Yorker, asking if we could build on her world. She welcomed
us and then allowed us to do so. Now I am being constantly harassed by Just
in, he pops into New York world now on a fairly regular basis to spew more
of his lies and garbage about how he owns everything, well read the chats on
that it will be quite clear to you. I also get tgrams from him as well with
the same form of harassment. I want it to end, I know that he has been
warned about this in the past and I am also aware that by doing this and
reporting this incedent it could mean him losing all access to AW because of
his harassment against FriendPA in the past. So as far as I am concerned he
has no one to blame but himself and I will not be responsible for the
actions of other people, they have to deal with their own consequences for
what they do. Thankyou for your time in reading this letter and the attached
information and I hope you can do whatever is necessary to stop this
constant harassment. Sincerely, Chucks Party
Jan 30, 2001, 1:50am
Come.visit.the.LEVEL22.Club/ we have MTV and live MIDJ's playing your
favorite tunes/CLICK HERE>>
click the sign in the lobby to go to the club :)
*Chuck takes notes on the morality of others in the community and whos
worlds if he should ever encounter them there he would or would not build
on, this is becoming very revealing, so I guess unlike a real community if
someone is a thief there are no consequences for that behaviour here, and if
there are that person would need to steal from the entire community for it
to be considered wrong, oh I see. I should go out and steal from a friend
tomorrow and not exspect any consequences from that too I guess, lol Just
Jan 30, 2001, 2:29pm
All I can say is this completely speaks for itself. Permission to build
anywhere Justin, the only sick puppy here is you, oh correction, you and
anyone that agrees with you. LOL
[View Quote]"just in" <Justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a76c088 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whatever the case... that Chuck spits the dummy over a deleted build that
> he made in the restricted/reserved area in a special privs account name is
> just plain stupid behaviour... and then going over to the (much
> discussed) opposition NewYork (where my objects and builds still exist
> without my permission) is downrightright childish.
> But he doesn't leave it there, he posts the whole thing in the newsgroups.
> Get a grip dude and grow up! :o)
> Personally I was extremely pissed off that he did go start building for
> NewYork world, and even more pissed off that FriendPA gave him the privs
> do it. I lost my temper and thought at the time it was very conniving...
> but hey... that's now the past and I couldn't care less anymore. :o)
> On the other accusation of megalomia... hmmm.... maybe. :o) I think
> I'm a great builder and although there's lots of room for improvement and
> some areas where I lack the right "touch" most people agree. What I know
> I'm not real good with people. But I try to be nice and polite, and I'm
> always happy to forgive and forget. I'm in AW because I love to create
> I get satisfaction from people enjoying what I've built. I also enjoy
> sharing my skills with others for them to learn and will always help
> when asked. I'm not in AW to make friends and there-in lies my
> flaw.
> Wouldn't I be boring if I was both talented and friendly? *chuckles*
> Regards, Justin
> PS... Holistic1, you've again done a wonderful job of licking FriendPAs
> shoes to make them look nice and shiney... I'm sure she will pat you on
> the head for you being such a good little puppy. :o)
> "chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
> news:3a763a1f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if
Jan 31, 2001, 9:45am
Excuse me but owning a world does not give you the right to abuse and harass
other citizens, also this is posted so that everyone in my community knows
what they have done and also clears my name of any lies or deception on
their part told by whomever they are lieing to as well about what has
happened. And finally, This is a place to post such information, how dare
you people mock me in my right to do so. NEWS what does that mean to you?
It's the right to free speech and to allow people to form an opinion based
on the facts. If you aren't willing to read them then don't try to form an
opinion without them. Thankyou
[View Quote]"chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
news:3a7437e9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I felt my community needed to know. I also did not want my good name to be
> tarnished by these 2 either. So now you know. :)
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/BW_Tgrams1.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/CPJFKBW.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/ChucksPartyChatLogs.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Just_Jfk.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_Sat_Jan_27_2001.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_jfk_tgrams.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/OneSummer_jfk2_tgrams.jpg
> These are all the links to all the info I would like to submit on the
> and harassment of Just in and OneSummer. I was invited to Broadway World
> OneSummer to DJ for the New Years Eve party for 2001. From that time til
> I did all the work for OneSummer's Bday build making it possible for 28 of
> her friends to build something for her, I notified all of her friends with
> the help of the names Princess Esther gave me. But I did all the work I
> it all together and tgramed everyone and spent 10 days on AW doing
> everything possible to be sure everyone got a lot. Then This incident I am
> reporting to you happens. Justin asked me to build a DJ/Dance area to use
> Broadway world, I did that. Then OneSummer started changing things and
> leaving them unfinished. I came in one day and she had completely removed
> name from the build I had made, all pictures or traces that I had made it
> were gone and Fender Strat's DJ picture was put in it's place. Then I came
> in another day after putting everything back the way it was and Summer had
> moved DJ Chris over to the corner on which Fender Strat and I shared and
> Chris next to me. Now, not once did she ever tell me what she was doing,
> once did she ever tell me why it was being done at that point, I did find
> out as you will see in the tgrams I got from OneSummer that she was the
> who did it, and yes I did ask her. All she said was, I just wanted to make
> few changes. That was all she said and then it happened the 2nd time that
> mentioned. I could not for the life of me figure out why, and if that is
> you know it would lead you to believe it may have been Fender Strat that
> it and Summer was just covering him, or it also was Fender Strat and his
> reasons for doing it may have been biggoted in nature. Well unfortunately
> am not a mind reader. So I went to Princess Esther to see if she could
> me any additional info and I had a chat with her by way of tgrams about
> I was at this point enraged that this even happened to begin with. So I
> tgram Fender Strat with 1 verbal attack. A couple of days later I did
> receive a response from Fender Strat and he confirmed that it was all
> OneSummer's doing, I made a sincere apology and we wished each other
> Those Tgrams are in the jpg tgrams in the above link. Now with this
> I come in one day and OneSummer is building a stage across the street from
> the DJ/Dance place I had built. The chat is included above in the links
> is highlighted in red as a must read. I said to myself ok that's fine
> is no reason why we can't have both. It looked like a good thing until I
> with my friend ct bob helping him make warps for a boat ride he had made.
> When I got the tgram from OneSummer telling me she was going to delete the
> other build, as she called it. Well this was the last straw. Here, someone
> who I had done so much for is now tearing down a bldg on her world that I
> was very proud of making. That was a major slap in the face to me after
> I had done, New years party DJ, Bday build organizer, then DJ again when
> that attracted many many people to Broadway world and kept them coming
> after all of this she destroys everything in deleting the only thing I had
> built on her world. Now, after this final incedent I had enough and chose
> leave BW for good and build a new DJ/Dance club on Storage World, which I
> did and it is still there today. When I was there Borgs4ever joined me and
> saw the build I had made. He asked me if I could make a club for him
> his bldg on BW. I said yes. This was to be done in his ppw so it would be
> his name and for his own use. OneSummer saw me there and caused me more
> grief and then had jfk2 and I both ejected from her world, and Borgs4ever
> was so POed he went and deleted his entire bldg he had built there. As
> as we all left BW and went back to my place on Alpha World we talked and I
> said what is this world I hear looks so much like BW, and that is the
> and only time I had even thought of going there was because I wanted
> Borgs4ever to be able to have his bldg and use the same objects if
> but at that point I had no idea what to exspect. So we went and I spoke to
> FriendPA as New Yorker, asking if we could build on her world. She
> us and then allowed us to do so. Now I am being constantly harassed by
> in, he pops into New York world now on a fairly regular basis to spew more
> of his lies and garbage about how he owns everything, well read the chats
> that it will be quite clear to you. I also get tgrams from him as well
> the same form of harassment. I want it to end, I know that he has been
> warned about this in the past and I am also aware that by doing this and
> reporting this incedent it could mean him losing all access to AW because
> his harassment against FriendPA in the past. So as far as I am concerned
> has no one to blame but himself and I will not be responsible for the
> actions of other people, they have to deal with their own consequences for
> what they do. Thankyou for your time in reading this letter and the
> information and I hope you can do whatever is necessary to stop this
> constant harassment. Sincerely, Chucks Party
Feb 1, 2001, 2:05pm
Oh I see but someone can take a bot copy an entire world and go and start
another world by using a bot to make a new one that looks exactly the same
then claim they have every right to do that and I don't see any clicks by
AW. Further more I am sick of AW not doing anything about these people that
have been continuously causing problems for many people, with all the
attention this has received I am finding out from alot of people now that
they have been receiving sustained abuse by certain individuals and still AW
does nothing to back up it's rules laid out in the guidelines that all it's
citizens agree to when they become a member. Obviously AW is not Active
Worlds anymore it's Anarchy Worlds, because if these people are allowed to
continue their harassment and abuse of other people with no consequences of
possibly having their citizenship suspended or banned completely in some
cases then they will continue to hurt other people. That is exactly what is
going on and AW doesn't have the balls to stand up for it's citizens and
defend the rules we all agreed to as citizens when we joined
and registered to become a citizen. Those are the rules that need to be
defended for all citizens no matter what world you are in. One of these
people have been making continuous attacks right now and his cit name is
Crazy Dude, and the abuse and harassment has been in an AW world and still
they do nothing to protect the rest of their citizens, seems the real
problem here is AW not it's citizens, it's citizens are FED UP with being
abused and harassed by these people and still they continue to do it. So
don't tell me that I purposely set out to stand there and take this kind of
abuse because as you can see I was no where near Broadway World in any of
these tgrams or chats when he set out to continue harassing me after I had
left. Now LIKE I SAID if you can't read the chats and tgrams then don't form
a backasswards opinion because you are wrong and you have no freaking idea
what you are talking about!!!
[View Quote]"image" <image2 at uswest.net> wrote in message
news:3a7966e8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not to be rude chucks party, but the internet is not the US, freedom of
> speech can be taking away with a click on AW. Plus, its his world, his
> rules, he pays for it, you don't, and if hes abusing you in his world, why
> are you staying? It sounds like you are welcoming it, or you just are
> taking it so you can record a long conversation to get him in trouble....
> The only time when this is considered abusive, and someone from AWCOM can
> step in, is when you are in an AW world.
> image
> image2 at uswest.net
> www.imagebot.net
> "chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
> news:3a77fad2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> harass
> be
> of
> with
> am
> use
> removed
> it
> came
> had
> find
> make
> that
> unfortunately
> from
> made.
> the
> someone
> I
> had
> chose
> I
> and
> be
> Borgs4ever
> I
> to
> more
> chats
> because
> for
Feb 1, 2001, 5:39pm
I would say so, but what they don't seem to realize is that if they expect
to get funds from people interested in using AW to promote their business
wether it be in the mall or by purchasing a world then it would be in their
best intrest to follow up with the complaits of many citizens by taking the
approprate action. Those same investors may enjoy going to bingo or going to
the GZ areas or bldg on other worlds, and can see that AW is not doing it's
job to protect the intrests of it's citizens if those attacks are continued
to go on with no recourse. So, you are saying it's investors, well I've got
news for them there will be alot less if they read these News Groups to get
the feel for the community and what is really going on here. Sad isn't it.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3A799316.73CB31D9 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> The problem isn't COF's lack of testicular fortitude, it's its lack of
> interest in its customer base. It's painfully obvious that COF has zero
> concern for the people who actually use their software, instead
> concentrating solely on trying to impress big-namers in the quest for
> funds. (Why do you think they're in such a rush to get 3.1 done?) They
> simply figure "Eh, let the PKs handle it." Unfortunately, since PKs only
> have jurisdiction in COF-owned worlds, they aren't all that effective.
> A sad state of affairs, wouldn't you say?
> chucks party wrote:
still AW
Then I
thing I
joined me
there. As
harassed by
> --
> Goober King
> Wonders if COF will EVER get the hint...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Feb 2, 2001, 4:05am
Already have, To New York World! LOLOLOL Which by the way is going thru a
wonderful revival with my help and FriendPA and a few other close friends.
So, on to bigger and better things and those against us, can go to hades for
all I care, LOLOLOL
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a7a41ca at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ok, that's enough of this thread.. care to move on?
> --
> J B E L L
> http://platinum.awjbell.com
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3A7A30BF.4BF9D9BC at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> you
> of
> to
> the
> she
> take
> make
> be
> I
> any
> you
> it
> the
> clicks
> people
> the
> all
> Active
> allowed
> consequences
> some
> what
> and
> be
> these
> name is
> real
> it. So
> kind
> any
> I
> don't
> freaking
> freedom
> world,
> world,
> are
> abuse
> community
> deception
> what
> how
> mean to
> opinion
> to
> good
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/ChucksPartyChatLogs.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_jfk_tgrams.jpg
> on
> Broadway
> that
> possible
> the
> doing
> area
> things
> completely
> had
> and
> was
> I
> she
> wanted
> 2nd
> if
> Strat
> she
> tgrams
> with.
> later I
> was
> the
> that's
> thing
> he
> to
> Here,
> world
> me
> them
> enough
> World,
> for
> it
> caused me
> is
> objects if
> and I
> She
> to
> read
> as
> has
> doing
> AW
> for
> and
> stop
Feb 2, 2001, 4:18am
And Justin the reason why I am crying over it is because you kept coming to
me and harassing me over it, maybe if you were more honest and not such a
liar we could all be done with your sorry butt, but that will never happen,
nah AW has got no balls, I mean after all NYW was there before you ever
imagined it's existance then took advantage of FriendPA's world to make what
you wanted to. You never contributed to the cost of the world, all you
thought you saw were big dollar signs at the time. Justin I got your number
BUD. You leech. Then when you found you could get investors to buy you your
own world, guess what happened, you went with them and Stabbed FriendPA in
thew back and took everything she worked hard to provide for you to give you
a world to build on, YOU are SCUM in my book. And that's the truth wrapped
up in a nut shell. And anyone that agrees with your actions has multiple
screws loose as well and no morality at all either. You don't do that to
people that are your friends. You harassed her for 6 months to let you build
there and she finally let you. Now you just want her to give it all up and
delete it. I don't think so. You got alot to learn Justin. Just might take
you more lifetimes to learn it. LOLOLOL
[View Quote]"just in" <Justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a7a1a4b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Chuck,
> If you are still crying over one building that was deleted, I'd think you
> should just to grow up! It was deleted because it didn't meet the needs
> the world owners.
> On the other issues you've thought it appropriate to raise.... As I've
> said repeatedly and you seem to be too wrapped up in your own hurt pride
> realise, is that I moved my original work from one world (NewYork) to
> another world (Broadway) using a bot. The only "copy" that exists is the
> one that FriendPa continues to keep in NewYork dispite my request that she
> delete it.
> The only reason it is still there is because of her stubborness, and my
> unwillingness to take the matter to court. The whole thing is just too
> trivial, too petty. What I don't understand is how you or anyone could
> pride in NewYork world when almost all of it and its custom objects and
> textures were created by me, yet I am not even welcome to visit it, let
> alone find any sign giving me credit for its creations?
> The problem is people like yourself that perpuate the ill feeling and make
> my life a misery. It is people like you, raising this whole thing as a
> controversy, that will stop others appreciating my work because it would
> "too political" to give me the credit or support. As it stands I doubt I
> will ever get a Cy award again, a credit that always looks impressive on
> employment resume or sponsorship submission.
> I've said enough. Give it a rest Chuck - you've hurt enough people.
> Justin
> "image" <image2 at uswest.net> wrote in message
> news:3a79d801$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> so
> start
> same
> by
> that
> still
> to
> still
> being
> of
> had
> idea
> of
> his
> and
> has
> name
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_Sat_Jan_27_2001.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/OneSummer_jfk2_tgrams.jpg
> time
> for
> Then
> shared
> did
> was
> time
> Strat
> and
> other
> this
> had
> again
> thing
> and
> joined
> him
> there.
> talked
> wanted
> harassed
> the
> this
> the
> this
Feb 3, 2001, 12:12am
LOLOLOLOL You know what I find even more stupid about myrth and wing is they
actually took the time to respond to something that has nothing to do with
this complaint. LOLOLOLOL I dislike that about some people. GET IT!!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOL and hate is such a strong word coming from someone who says
they actually have true feelings obviously you did not consider mine when
you posted your nasty post, gee wonder if you are actually friends with the
BW scum buckets, sounds that way. LOLOLOLOL and I have been on the net for 4
years now so I am no newbie I have seen you kind if people before, we call
[View Quote]"chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
news:3a7437e9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I felt my community needed to know. I also did not want my good name to be
> tarnished by these 2 either. So now you know. :)
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/BW_Tgrams1.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/CPJFKBW.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/ChucksPartyChatLogs.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Just_Jfk.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_Sat_Jan_27_2001.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_jfk_tgrams.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/OneSummer_jfk2_tgrams.jpg
> These are all the links to all the info I would like to submit on the
> and harassment of Just in and OneSummer. I was invited to Broadway World
> OneSummer to DJ for the New Years Eve party for 2001. From that time til
> I did all the work for OneSummer's Bday build making it possible for 28 of
> her friends to build something for her, I notified all of her friends with
> the help of the names Princess Esther gave me. But I did all the work I
> it all together and tgramed everyone and spent 10 days on AW doing
> everything possible to be sure everyone got a lot. Then This incident I am
> reporting to you happens. Justin asked me to build a DJ/Dance area to use
> Broadway world, I did that. Then OneSummer started changing things and
> leaving them unfinished. I came in one day and she had completely removed
> name from the build I had made, all pictures or traces that I had made it
> were gone and Fender Strat's DJ picture was put in it's place. Then I came
> in another day after putting everything back the way it was and Summer had
> moved DJ Chris over to the corner on which Fender Strat and I shared and
> Chris next to me. Now, not once did she ever tell me what she was doing,
> once did she ever tell me why it was being done at that point, I did find
> out as you will see in the tgrams I got from OneSummer that she was the
> who did it, and yes I did ask her. All she said was, I just wanted to make
> few changes. That was all she said and then it happened the 2nd time that
> mentioned. I could not for the life of me figure out why, and if that is
> you know it would lead you to believe it may have been Fender Strat that
> it and Summer was just covering him, or it also was Fender Strat and his
> reasons for doing it may have been biggoted in nature. Well unfortunately
> am not a mind reader. So I went to Princess Esther to see if she could
> me any additional info and I had a chat with her by way of tgrams about
> I was at this point enraged that this even happened to begin with. So I
> tgram Fender Strat with 1 verbal attack. A couple of days later I did
> receive a response from Fender Strat and he confirmed that it was all
> OneSummer's doing, I made a sincere apology and we wished each other
> Those Tgrams are in the jpg tgrams in the above link. Now with this
> I come in one day and OneSummer is building a stage across the street from
> the DJ/Dance place I had built. The chat is included above in the links
> is highlighted in red as a must read. I said to myself ok that's fine
> is no reason why we can't have both. It looked like a good thing until I
> with my friend ct bob helping him make warps for a boat ride he had made.
> When I got the tgram from OneSummer telling me she was going to delete the
> other build, as she called it. Well this was the last straw. Here, someone
> who I had done so much for is now tearing down a bldg on her world that I
> was very proud of making. That was a major slap in the face to me after
> I had done, New years party DJ, Bday build organizer, then DJ again when
> that attracted many many people to Broadway world and kept them coming
> after all of this she destroys everything in deleting the only thing I had
> built on her world. Now, after this final incedent I had enough and chose
> leave BW for good and build a new DJ/Dance club on Storage World, which I
> did and it is still there today. When I was there Borgs4ever joined me and
> saw the build I had made. He asked me if I could make a club for him
> his bldg on BW. I said yes. This was to be done in his ppw so it would be
> his name and for his own use. OneSummer saw me there and caused me more
> grief and then had jfk2 and I both ejected from her world, and Borgs4ever
> was so POed he went and deleted his entire bldg he had built there. As
> as we all left BW and went back to my place on Alpha World we talked and I
> said what is this world I hear looks so much like BW, and that is the
> and only time I had even thought of going there was because I wanted
> Borgs4ever to be able to have his bldg and use the same objects if
> but at that point I had no idea what to exspect. So we went and I spoke to
> FriendPA as New Yorker, asking if we could build on her world. She
> us and then allowed us to do so. Now I am being constantly harassed by
> in, he pops into New York world now on a fairly regular basis to spew more
> of his lies and garbage about how he owns everything, well read the chats
> that it will be quite clear to you. I also get tgrams from him as well
> the same form of harassment. I want it to end, I know that he has been
> warned about this in the past and I am also aware that by doing this and
> reporting this incedent it could mean him losing all access to AW because
> his harassment against FriendPA in the past. So as far as I am concerned
> has no one to blame but himself and I will not be responsible for the
> actions of other people, they have to deal with their own consequences for
> what they do. Thankyou for your time in reading this letter and the
> information and I hope you can do whatever is necessary to stop this
> constant harassment. Sincerely, Chucks Party
Feb 3, 2001, 12:58am
ooops wasted some more LOL
[View Quote]"image" <image2 at uswest.net> wrote in message
news:3a7b72d2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey chucks party, stop the immature acts and lets forget this post, its
> getting irritating, your waisting HD space buddy...
> image
> image2 at uswest.net
> www.imagebot.net
> "chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
> news:3a7b68f9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> they
> the
> 4
> be
> of
> with
> am
> use
> removed
> it
> came
> had
> find
> make
> that
> unfortunately
> from
> made.
> the
> someone
> I
> had
> chose
> I
> and
> be
> Borgs4ever
> I
> to
> more
> chats
> because
> for
Feb 3, 2001, 11:39am
Well this will be my last post here. All I want to say is be careful what
friends you pick here in AW, I thought I was very careful and you see what
happened to me. I do have very many good friends here in AW because I earn
their respect and I respect them. Anyone that truly knows me knows that I go
out of my way to be helpful, sincere, careing, honest, everything you would
expect from a man that was a Boy Scout for 10 years and who had parents with
a sain morality and judgement and I am sure went with their 6th sense alot
of the time as parents. So just as they have learned of all the good and bad
there is in life so must I. Fortunately I have a good moral foundation and a
willingness to learn and teach others what I have learned as well. Ask
anyone that knows me and I am sure they will tell you I give 100% of myself
when I am asked to do something to help them and I never ask for anything in
return just that I am treated fairly, that would be the only thing I would
personally demand from other people in their dealings with me. So you want a
great online friend, get to know me. You hurt me or any of my friends,
you'll wish you never had. Beacause I don't put up with with being abused or
harassed by anyone. I don't care who they are, there is no excuse for it and
I won't tolerate it. So everyone have fun out there, let the cards fall
where they may, but I have said my peace. You have the facts you have the
information let's see what happens, my mission here is complete. Brightest
Blessings, Chucks Party P.S. and I do laugh alot in r/l not only is it the
best medicine I am a very happy person as well :)
[View Quote]"chucks party" <chuck22777 at netscape.net> wrote in message
news:3a7437e9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I felt my community needed to know. I also did not want my good name to be
> tarnished by these 2 either. So now you know. :)
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/BW_Tgrams1.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/CPJFKBW.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/ChucksPartyChatLogs.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Just_Jfk.txt
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_Sat_Jan_27_2001.doc
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/Justin_jfk_tgrams.jpg
> http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/OneSummer_jfk2_tgrams.jpg
> These are all the links to all the info I would like to submit on the
> and harassment of Just in and OneSummer. I was invited to Broadway World
> OneSummer to DJ for the New Years Eve party for 2001. From that time til
> I did all the work for OneSummer's Bday build making it possible for 28 of
> her friends to build something for her, I notified all of her friends with
> the help of the names Princess Esther gave me. But I did all the work I
> it all together and tgramed everyone and spent 10 days on AW doing
> everything possible to be sure everyone got a lot. Then This incident I am
> reporting to you happens. Justin asked me to build a DJ/Dance area to use
> Broadway world, I did that. Then OneSummer started changing things and
> leaving them unfinished. I came in one day and she had completely removed
> name from the build I had made, all pictures or traces that I had made it
> were gone and Fender Strat's DJ picture was put in it's place. Then I came
> in another day after putting everything back the way it was and Summer had
> moved DJ Chris over to the corner on which Fender Strat and I shared and
> Chris next to me. Now, not once did she ever tell me what she was doing,
> once did she ever tell me why it was being done at that point, I did find
> out as you will see in the tgrams I got from OneSummer that she was the
> who did it, and yes I did ask her. All she said was, I just wanted to make
> few changes. That was all she said and then it happened the 2nd time that
> mentioned. I could not for the life of me figure out why, and if that is
> you know it would lead you to believe it may have been Fender Strat that
> it and Summer was just covering him, or it also was Fender Strat and his
> reasons for doing it may have been biggoted in nature. Well unfortunately
> am not a mind reader. So I went to Princess Esther to see if she could
> me any additional info and I had a chat with her by way of tgrams about
> I was at this point enraged that this even happened to begin with. So I
> tgram Fender Strat with 1 verbal attack. A couple of days later I did
> receive a response from Fender Strat and he confirmed that it was all
> OneSummer's doing, I made a sincere apology and we wished each other
> Those Tgrams are in the jpg tgrams in the above link. Now with this
> I come in one day and OneSummer is building a stage across the street from
> the DJ/Dance place I had built. The chat is included above in the links
> is highlighted in red as a must read. I said to myself ok that's fine
> is no reason why we can't have both. It looked like a good thing until I
> with my friend ct bob helping him make warps for a boat ride he had made.
> When I got the tgram from OneSummer telling me she was going to delete the
> other build, as she called it. Well this was the last straw. Here, someone
> who I had done so much for is now tearing down a bldg on her world that I
> was very proud of making. That was a major slap in the face to me after
> I had done, New years party DJ, Bday build organizer, then DJ again when
> that attracted many many people to Broadway world and kept them coming
> after all of this she destroys everything in deleting the only thing I had
> built on her world. Now, after this final incedent I had enough and chose
> leave BW for good and build a new DJ/Dance club on Storage World, which I
> did and it is still there today. When I was there Borgs4ever joined me and
> saw the build I had made. He asked me if I could make a club for him
> his bldg on BW. I said yes. This was to be done in his ppw so it would be
> his name and for his own use. OneSummer saw me there and caused me more
> grief and then had jfk2 and I both ejected from her world, and Borgs4ever
> was so POed he went and deleted his entire bldg he had built there. As
> as we all left BW and went back to my place on Alpha World we talked and I
> said what is this world I hear looks so much like BW, and that is the
> and only time I had even thought of going there was because I wanted
> Borgs4ever to be able to have his bldg and use the same objects if
> but at that point I had no idea what to exspect. So we went and I spoke to
> FriendPA as New Yorker, asking if we could build on her world. She
> us and then allowed us to do so. Now I am being constantly harassed by
> in, he pops into New York world now on a fairly regular basis to spew more
> of his lies and garbage about how he owns everything, well read the chats
> that it will be quite clear to you. I also get tgrams from him as well
> the same form of harassment. I want it to end, I know that he has been
> warned about this in the past and I am also aware that by doing this and
> reporting this incedent it could mean him losing all access to AW because
> his harassment against FriendPA in the past. So as far as I am concerned
> has no one to blame but himself and I will not be responsible for the
> actions of other people, they have to deal with their own consequences for
> what they do. Thankyou for your time in reading this letter and the
> information and I hope you can do whatever is necessary to stop this
> constant harassment. Sincerely, Chucks Party
Mar 5, 2001, 9:42am
I think all the objects should be replaced with the new liteable objects. It
will not effect older builds in anyway whatsoever. Only if you put a create
light brightness=100 next to it, lol Besides AW already has light
restrictions in the world settings that should not effect any old builds
whatsoever, someone would have to literally build 20 meters away and set out
to destroy the look of someones build to accomplish that, lol So I say
change them ALL :)
[View Quote]"myrth" <myrth at myrthco.com> wrote in message
news:3a92b769$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Great job on the objects and zobjects, but you now need to do something
> else. Add texturemode lit to all walls and floors in aw, people are
> confused and screaming about light not working. This is an easy task and
> even have the objects fixed myself with just a little bit of work.
> (ultraedit is very cool)
> This post will explode in 5 seconds...
Mar 7, 2001, 4:27pm
I still say change them all, look at what happened to 3.0 users with the
mask commands, if we can tolerate that then 2.2 and 2.3 browser people might
have to tolerate a little glare on white objects I guess. Eventually
everyone gets use to their environments once it's done it's done. I say deal
with it, LOL
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3AA40C52.943E351 at tnlc.com...
> That's not entirely true. With "texturemode lit" added, objects facing
light sources (including the single world light source) will be brighter on
one side than on the other facing away from the light source. However,
surface .5 .3 0 (standard settings for AlphaWorld objects) won't make that
much of a difference for light reflectivity. However, it WILL make a
difference on objects that did not HAVE "texturemode lit" on them before
since they will now look slightly darker on one side, but this won't be as
drastic and damaging as some people (Lara et al) think.
> Anyway, I would recommend using at least surface .5 .5 0 or .5 .75 0 or
even .5 1 0 (like I do in Hole and Cubed, but AW 2.2 users see white on the
sides facing the light because the lighting has changed in AW3+).
> chucks party wrote:
objects. It
Mar 2, 2001, 11:58pm
CLICK HERE>>>> http://angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/elysium_ad.jpg
Mar 12, 2001, 8:19am
I would just like to state for the record that #1 Justin is a total LIAR and
#2 I never knew FriendPA until I left BW, um make that was ejected from
Broadway World by OneSummer because she happened to not like the club I was
bldg in Borgs4ever's Tower, that is when I said I want to go see New York
World and find out what all the talk has been about. At that point by the
way Justin had always spoke about it he said it was a copy of BW, well, I
was soon to find out what a LIAR Justin really is and still is because I
went to FriendPA she did not ever come to me like you did to Borgs4ever the
other day in NYW Justin and told him to stop bldg with your objects, you are
such a pathetic deranged individual there are not even words to describe how
pathetic you are Justin and what a LIAR you really are. I will post this
link again for those of you who did not get to view the facts and the TRUTH,
a word justin does not know, in tgrams and recorded chat :)
This is the URL link to everything you need for the formal complaint of
harassment I am giving you to review.
P.S. Nothing still has been done about him and never will so guess we fight
fire with fire now. I am fairly good at destroying someone that needs to be
destroyed just as well as anyone else. So here's to you Justin, FIRE IN THE
HOLE!! back atcha :) Chucks Party
[View Quote]"friendpa" <friendpa at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3AA9AAF8.5A43D984 at hotmail.com...
> I want to invite everyone to NewYork World's 2nd Anniversary. Many
> events scheduled throughout the day. Come early and stay late in the
> city that never sleeps!! NewYork is in a constant state of transition,
> return often to see its progress! I personally go to NYC to capture
> pictures of Times Square for the realistic building in NewYork. If
> anyone has any questions about NYC, telegram me and I will try to answer
> your questions. We are especially honored and proud to announce our
> recognition in PCGamer Magazine March issue!!! It was such an honor!!
> See you at the party and check back for open building in the future!!
> FriendPA :)
Mar 12, 2001, 9:07am
c Something clickable from an email, lol Kinda works different outside of
AW, lol Chucks Party :)
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3aaca2bc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would just like to state for the record that #1 Justin is a total LIAR
> #2 I never knew FriendPA until I left BW, um make that was ejected from
> Broadway World by OneSummer because she happened to not like the club I
> bldg in Borgs4ever's Tower, that is when I said I want to go see New York
> World and find out what all the talk has been about. At that point by the
> way Justin had always spoke about it he said it was a copy of BW, well, I
> was soon to find out what a LIAR Justin really is and still is because I
> went to FriendPA she did not ever come to me like you did to Borgs4ever
> other day in NYW Justin and told him to stop bldg with your objects, you
> such a pathetic deranged individual there are not even words to describe
> pathetic you are Justin and what a LIAR you really are. I will post this
> link again for those of you who did not get to view the facts and the
> a word justin does not know, in tgrams and recorded chat :)
> This is the URL link to everything you need for the formal complaint of
> harassment I am giving you to review.
> angelfire.com/wa2/22777/images/INFO_concerning_the_BW_incident.doc
> P.S. Nothing still has been done about him and never will so guess we
> fire with fire now. I am fairly good at destroying someone that needs to
> destroyed just as well as anyone else. So here's to you Justin, FIRE IN
> HOLE!! back atcha :) Chucks Party
> "friendpa" <friendpa at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3AA9AAF8.5A43D984 at hotmail.com...
Mar 12, 2001, 9:09am
c oops again, get that c in there lol
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3aacaddc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> c Something clickable from an email, lol Kinda works different outside of
> AW, lol Chucks Party :)
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3aaca2bc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and
> was
> the
> are
> how
> fight
> be
Mar 12, 2001, 1:53pm
Yes that would be nice Agent1 but unfortunately this is a community issue,
do you own a world? And if you do let's say someone agreed to make objects
for your world and then those objects were used to build the foundation for
that world, then somewhere down the road this person says well I don't want
to be a part of your world anymore because I can get an investor to put a
copy of this world onto another world that I will own. Now you tell me how
you would feel. You tell me why AW continues to agree to let Justin, who
went into NYW with his bot copied an entire 3D city that was not even built
in his name but in NewYorker's name and cit# then ran off and made another
world that a bot completely copied and rebuilt on the new world that we all
know now as Broadway. How would you feel? Then on your world's 2nd
anniversary date there seems to be this conspiracy by the AWCC to be sure
that a so called Community event shows off the same world that has caused
you so much grief from the same person that stole and copied your world, NOW
how would you feel? Then this person decides to post more lies to cover up
the truth of the matter which causes more insult to injury. I don't care if
you don't like hearing about it but the fact remains that this has sent some
kind of message to people that anyone will be allowed to do this in the
future and not suffer any ill effects from it. As far as I am concerned it's
just another form of stealing. I don't know if there are any rules in AW
against doing such a thing, but if there isn't there should be to protact
all world owners from this kind of abuse. How would you feel? Chucks Party
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3aacd5be$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think that, from now on, if someone wants to find out where to find
information about the whole NewYork/Broadway thing, they should go ask the
people involved personally. I really don't care anymore about the whole
issue, and personally don't like the fact that people find it nessecary to
use the newsgroups to attack each other over some issue involving two
private worlds.
> -Agent1
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3aacae6a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
outside of
club I
because I
complaint of
needs to
Mar 12, 2001, 8:22pm
Yes Agent1 you are right this thread was started as a nice simple invitation
to a worlds anniversary party and Justin started the downward spiral that he
weaves so well. Just another thing he so cunningly does to provoke people to
take action against him. If he was smart he would keep his hands off the
keyboard and save face and stop trying to lie about everything, things that
aren't even true. I can assure you that if a copyright expert came in here
he would have to side with FriendPA just as AW has sided with her. Why?
Because as I stated before he allowed FriendPA to upload those objects to
her path, in essence giving her all rights to use those objects as she saw
fit for that world. Doesn't matter what happens after the fact. You can't
give someone something that is copyrighted then take it away from them after
it's already put to use. That would be like me making an ad for a major
company putting it on my hard drive then whether I sell it to them or give
it to them, if I allow them to use that ad and it gets from my hard drive to
their hard drive with my permission. I relinquish all rights to that picture
and then they have the rights to use it as they see fit. If I did not get
paid for it and there was no contract as such that is my fault not the fault
of company I made the picture for. It's no different than when you upload
anything to Geocities, same thing applies, any and all things uploaded to
their server becomes property of Geocities and you relinquish all rights to
them once you do that. Uploading anything to a website on any server means
you have given them the right to do what they see fit with them. Especially
the ones that are free. So it is stated as such, this is an example of the
TOS given by Geocities when you sign up for a free website they offer, 7.
Yahoo does not claim ownership of the Content you place on your Yahoo
GeoCities Site. By submitting Content to Yahoo for inclusion on your Yahoo
GeoCities Site, you grant Yahoo the world-wide, royalty-free, and
non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content
solely for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting your Yahoo
GeoCities Site on Yahoo's Internet properties. This license exists only for
as long as you continue to be a Yahoo GeoCities homesteader and shall be
terminated at the time your Yahoo GeoCities Site is terminated. This means
that you own the copyright but you will not charge them a license fee to
reproduce anything you put on their server. They have the right to do with
the files on their server as they see fit. By Justin allowing FriendPA to
upload those objects to her OP he in essence has given her all rights to use
those objects as she sees fit. If you copyright something you must make it
clear to the person you are giving those rights to use the material or in
this case the objects on NYW. There were no limitations to their use and no
contract between them stating otherwise. He gave her full use of those
objects by allowing her to use them and upload them to a server with his
permission. It's no different than if you make an object and I buy it from
you, you can't come back a year later or even a month later and say well now
I want you to stop using those objects. Nope doesn't work that way, if you
gave it to me and whether I purchased it or not, you can't come back and
say, Hey Chuck stop using that object I gave/sold to you. If you were not
payed or compensated for it in a way that you deemed necessary before you
gave it to me, that's not my fault and you can't come back and tell me how
to use it once you have given it to me, those terms of use must be laid out
in writing before you give the object to me and state exactly the way it is
to be used otherwise it can be used in any manner I see fit and for as long
as I want to use them. Copyrightable works may also enter the public domain
if the copyright owner grants the work to the public domain. That right was
granted when Justin allowed FriendPA to upload them for public use in NYW.
If you know of an item that you would like to use that was created by
someone else and whose copyright has not expired, then the most prudent
course of action is to license the right to use that item from the copyright
For example, if I wanted to insert a graphic of Mickey Mouse on this page, I
would have to contact Walt Disney Productions and obtain a license to use
the Mickey Mouse image. The license would spell out how I could use the
image, how much I would have to pay to use the image, and any other
conditions and restrictions deemed relevant. That did not happen in this
case, Justin gave the objects to FriendPA to use on NYW with no strings
attached, FriendPA has also never profited from the use of those objects in
any way. This could also be a good case for fair use. So as you can see the
law states exactly what is or is not copyrighted and what the owner is
obligated to do to protect his or her works from being infringed. It is not
the responsibilty of the person that is being given the right to use them to
come up with the way the items are to be used it is up to the owner.
Henceforth those objects since there were no limitations put on them before
their transaction means FriendPA has not broken any copyright laws as far as
the law is concerned. Respectfully thinking and obtaining information on the
subject, Chucks Party
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3aad1497$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3aacf0f9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> In a sense, I do. It is not a community issue, it's one that needs to be
dealt with by only the parties involved.
matter which causes more insult to injury.
> If my newsreader is working properly, it wasn't Just In that started this
that this has sent some
> It would be fine to call in a copyright expert or some independant
arbitrator, but I see no reason to continue bringing this up in a public
> -Agent1
Mar 13, 2001, 1:37am
So if I make an object or objects "for" a world how does that differ from
making a picture "for" a company, you would not then relinquish all rights
to it? There is also another problem. AW says that if objects that are used
in your name and cit# for bldg, those objects and the entire build are yours
until such time that your citizenship expires or is not renewed, then at
that point and only then do they become community property. Justin took a
bot into NYW and copied an entire city that wasn't in his name or cit#. This
is totally against AW rules. I have not been able to find anything that
agrees with your point about taking rights away once something is given.
Just because Justin did not give PA a license to use the objects, there are
things whether they are implied or intended because of what the person that
owns them does with them. If you put objects on a world that can be used to
copy them many times more over you can't possibly exspect them then at
anytime in the future to not be copied or then turn around and make them
impossible for someone to use. I have not found anything that gives someone
the right that made something to change their mind of what their intentions
were when they were given to someone else to use. If you can find something
somewhere in writing I would like to see the URL to it.
Chucks Party
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3aad7504$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3aad4c1d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
that he
people to
> I really think you can.
hard drive then whether I sell it to them or give
drive to their hard drive with my permission. I relinquish all rights to
that picture
> If you make a picture "for" the company, it is essentially a work for hire
and the company owns all rights to it.
applies, any and all things uploaded to
> Ahh, but you must AGREE to these terms. They are not part of any law. If I
was to create files and send them to a hosting company, they do NOT own them
simply because the files are on their servers. I would have to sign (or
agree to...) a contract that has a clause such as the one above.
> Nope.
giving those rights to use the material or in
> Under American law (the Berne Convention, actually if I recall correctly),
EVERYTHING created by someone is already under copyright anyway. There is no
need to file a notice to copyright it. I am assuming that FriendPA didn't
pay a cent for the use of the objects, so what does s/he lose by not being
able to use them? If it is such a problem, why not make your own set of
owner grants the work to the public domain. That right was
> No, it was not. FriendPA was allowed to use the objects. There is no
"public domain" about it.
> Then why doesn't FriendPA do so?
page, I
> Just because someone never profits from something it isn't fair use.
and what the owner is
them to
> If the owner wishes to revoke a right given to someone, they have every
option to do so.
far as
> Read my above comments...
> -Agent1
in AW