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chucks party // User SearchTo jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 10, 2001, 1:28am
To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 10, 2001, 1:29am
To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 10, 2001, 2:00am
Sorry if it bothers you Casay but I won't let Just In try to keep lieing his
way out of this one. Hopefully he will be smart and keep his pathetic lies to himself now. [View Quote] To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 10, 2001, 3:42am
To jfk & Chuck's PartyMay 11, 2001, 2:00am
I want to be cremated so no tux for me at the funeral please, lol just cook
me up and throw me in a pretty urn, lmao [View Quote] to eepMay 16, 2001, 7:13pm
Makavelli the only one being jeuvenile here is you. You can't admit you were
wrong. A mature person can admit when they are wrong and that is not you. Cut the crap and stop trying to correct something that doesn't need correcting. Read all the posts you want but you are going to have to accept the fact that we are not perfect and neither are you, so stop trying to act like you are. People are entitled to make mistakes and we don't need someone like you to correct us when you can't even admit you were wrong and move on yourself. 8-) Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 10, 2001, 4:12am
I have alot of time on my hands now that AW has disabled my account, lol
I was in middle school, I went to a Catholic school so everyone knew everyone. I was constantly being harassed and hit by a few certain boys in class. I was really into plants and was a happy kid, kept to myself mostly. Well this one kid who was doing this to me every day after school he would either say something or come up and bump me or hit me doing numerous things to PO me when I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. I went to the school teachers and even the principal and still no one would stop him or punish him for doing these things to me. So one day he walked up to me and hit me in the back, I turned around and started beating the living crap out of him. You have no idea how much strength it took me to do that cause I was not the fighting kind. It took 2 teachers to pull me off him. But I will tell you he and the others like him never messed with me again and I was never punished for kicking the crap out of him because the teachers and the principal already knew what he was doing to me. So all I can say is I know how bullies are and I know how to deal with them, they don't stop messing with you until you kick the crap out of them, then they leave you alone. I know this from expierience and I know what does and does not work. I did what I had to do as a responsible citizen and reported Just In, they did nothing to stop him. I knew he would not stop until I kicked the crap out of him just like I did Dennis many years ago under that overhang at school. The names change but the people never do. Authority does not want to get involved but then don't like it when you take action and fight back, oh well, that's life. I even knew Dennis' Mom, we worked the plant booth every year at the church carnival, even after she knew I had kicked her sons butt we still remained friends and I think somehow a mother knows even when their own son is wrong if they are a good parent, and she was a great lady and she knew that if I kicked dennis' butt, he deserved it, LOL But you see how ignoreing someone like this does not make them go away, and if the authorities that be would have taken action instead of trying to act like it was nothing when it was. I wouldn't have had to do what I did, but once again I had to do what I did and the results are astoundingly the same. Isn't that amazing, LOL Have fun out there everyone but be kind to everyone cause you never know when you might get your butt kicked by someone you thought wasn't capable of it. :) Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 10, 2001, 9:55am
Well, I never had to beat anyone up again after that, LOL Sheesh you folks
love reading more into this stuff than what it is, lol I'll be glad when my account is turned back on so I don't need to keep coming here. Then you guys can find someone else to pick on, lol [View Quote] Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 10, 2001, 9:50pm
No Myrth, I won't just shut up. I'm sick of being told to shut up. You shut
up and see how you like it. I'm not taking anymore crap from you or anyone else in this NG. You all shut the hell up. You all are nothing more than a bunch of SNERTS with nothing better to do than try to tell me how wrong I am or to shut up. You didn't get harassed for months on end by this pathetic creep, you didn't have your world bot copied and then told by the guy who made the objects not to use them. You didn't have that same jerk come into your world and threaten people to not use the objects he made for your world. You did not expierience any of that. So you shut the hell up and stop telling me what I can or cannot say in this NG. I pay my dues in this community just like everyone else here. So don't tell me to shut up, I will post what I want when I want and as often as I want. [View Quote] Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 11, 2001, 8:49pm
Thankyou JFK for sharing that information with us. Now people can also see
the abuse he has held over PA's head over the objects he made and had PA upload to her OP. He is nothing more than your garden variety criminal. Trying to screw good people over after they've helped him so much. Not that any of these SNERTS care about this kind of info. But the adults in this community I am sure are watching very closely to see how this information develops as the facts are unveiled. Here's a little story from my past for ya.May 11, 2001, 8:59pm
There is no law against what I have said, you do that and I'll report abuse
to your isp and everyone else here that has verbally attacked me concerning this issue. I was not the one who told anyone to shut up. I told them exactly what they said to me, echoing their very words back to them. So they are clearly in violation as well. I have not been abusive to anyone, I am only trying to reveal the facts as I know them and anyone else that has anything else concerning this matter and I have been swore at, yelled at, and verbally abused beyond anything that I have done to anyone here besides Just In who this thing is all about to begin with. You people don't seem to want to understand the severity of the matter, that's not my problem. [View Quote] PLAY NAME THAT TUNEMay 10, 2001, 10:42am
Play NAME THAT TUNE on New York World With Sir LogicX. Prize for
WINNER.Thursday 12pm VRT newyork 48n 11.8w 180 Get in before the world fills up and have some fun! :) AWCW SiteMay 11, 2001, 6:26pm
Website asking for AW password (eeps website)May 11, 2001, 7:33pm
I should be surprised but I'm not, lol I wouldn't trust any of these SNERTS
as far as I could throw them, lol [View Quote] Website asking for AW password (eeps website)May 11, 2001, 7:41pm
And who's secure server is this that's collecting this data and emailing it?
You couldn't get me to do that form. Why not just put an email link and allow people to fill in their own info on the matter and send it. Sounds alot more secure to me that way. [View Quote] Cy Nominations open for 1 more weekMay 12, 2001, 4:06pm
You answer to whatever you want kmissle583k, don't let the bullies on this
block tell you what to do. I submitted my nomination too :) YES! [View Quote] to moffMay 14, 2001, 5:12am
Well I told you that's what would happen after they got sick of rakeing me
over the coals, they would find someone else, LOL [View Quote] to moffMay 14, 2001, 5:46am
Yeah he's just playing with people, I wouldn't take much of what he is doing
now seriously, he sat and watched everyone rip me apart piece by piece thru this whole ordeal, I played with a few good rippers here so I'm hoping it will all just be for fun cause I surely don't hate anyone here, you all are entitled to your opinions. I am just not use to getting attacked like I was, in AW I am the last person to attack anyone or be attacked by anyone, LOL I do alot more good than people realize. I guess this just got a bit out of hand and things will be ok now if we can just laugh it off more and not take things so personally. wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 7:31pm
These are all wing's posts since May 2 2001 til todays date on this post in
this community NG. You can see he has an increbible ability to discredit and insult and pick on everyone and everything using profanity liberally as if people are more impressed with a potty mouth on the NGs. Being mature has nothing to do with using profanity wing, LOL He offers absolutely nothing based on any facts just spews off whatever enters that brain of his, LOL JFK2 and I have always provided facts in the form of chats and tgrams and websites and information to back our claims concerning this entire ordeal with Just In and OneSummer for the community to review and form and make their own decisions. All we have received is one attack after another. This is a community issue wether you like it or not and the Citizens of AW have every right to know what is going on. I hope all your filters are working properly because I don't want to hear from anyone concerning this post that can't read and see that wing has been nothing more than a bullie on this NG along with many others as well, it's this gang mentality here that makes posting here unbearable for anyone and I have never seen anything like it on any other NG I have been on and they really need to filter themselves. Anyone that attacks me for doing this is going to get all their posts since this all started on here too for everyone to see. I don't mind if you do it to mine because I have offered lots of information in the past week that I hope will continue to keep people informed about what I know was not properly handled by themselves to begin with. Yeah you better read all your posts before you decide to attack me for this, should be interesting tho for those that do. It really does look bad when they are all lumped together like this. That's all Folks *sigh* Ms. please learn how to reply and realize that right or wrong, WE'RE FUCKING SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT. Does anyone know of a newsreader that ignores posts in reply to filtered posters as well? It's to inefficient with Outlook. Doesn't look shadey at all to me. I quote his HTML. <form method=post action=mailto:enzo at enctype=text/plain> It's IMPOSSIBLE with that HTML implementation for anything to be collected directly from the HTML. Eep does not own that server to my knowledge, it is provided by a hosting company. Someone's a parnoid maniac. Go away if you're afraid. You give your password to post on this news server, it's easy to intercept it if you want to. Same process as intercepting your password as you login to AW, log into your email, whatever. Know what your talkin about before you whine about it. Stupid junodome newbie. *sigh* You really have no life. I wish Outlook would filter you, you're truly a pain in the ass Unfortunately outlook is not as intuitive as I would like, and often forgets filters. Piece of shit Micro$oft junk. Junodome was built on top of Newbieville and left all the good newbies homeless and starving. They then trucked in absolute MORONS who think AW is a sex chat and their personal playground. These are the reasons I rarely use the software anymore, I cannot escape the stupidity no matter where I go. I've been building in the middle of nowhere and this frickin n00b comes running up and bothers me saying he got lost. Naturally, I responded with a semi-humorous "Get lost" and he started whining and crying and started screaming "PEACEKEEPER. PEACEKEEEEEEEEEPERRRRRRRRRRR" literally CALLING a PK. I left. So now you know that there was NOT another meteor strike and the rather humerous story of my lack of a green checkmark. Do I know you from somewhere? A Peacekeeper maybe? It's just that he/she was rather long winded and seems to be playing good guy in these groups. AWCI is not causing problems, YOU are, and now that they took APPROPRIATE ACTION in locking down your citizenship you bitch and whine and scream about it. There ISN'T a problem here. You and the filtered one (JFK2) are making the only problem. Sure, AWCOM is evil. Wowee Billy-bob. Oh great, I inspired a moron. Anyone out there want to put me out of my misery? Don't whine cuz you got spanked. Dammit, they need to lock down the WHOLE account, not just the inworld portion. Only now getting to Preston 32? Holy crap, I seem to remember Preston 31 being at the end of a burst of very rapid releases between like 27 and 32 with a new version damn near every day, back in like October. Hey, wait a minute. Since my name is listed first on my Tribe, can I trade Chucks Party of Ananas? Doesn't look to be against the charter to me. 6kb is six times the size of a normal root thread. It stacks up... However, it was in the interests of his post to get it read, it still used a reasonable font size and sure got my attention Except for the whole Chucks party buisiness, he'll never let us forget. Yes, in the short time I spent on that website, I could not locate that particular article in the archives of the site. To think I thought JBell had more sense than to get himself involved in this, or any other childish squabble. *sigh* You're really pathetic, you know that? AW will always be safe in the context that you think you'll make it. You see, pedophiles don't go out and advertise it. Cyber criminals don't make it obvious .Nobody knows the ones that are truly good are even there. And where in the HELL did you get pedophile out of Just In? Godddddddddd. Why don't you add me to the list? I'm a 1) Hacker 2) Sentient being 3) Have the left nut neccessary to stand up to authority when it's wrong or STUPID 4) Teenager 5) American 6) Don't worship pokemon 7) Don't like you 8) Have a better computer than you 9) Have a girlfriend and an actual life beyond obsessing over someone thousands of miles away from you doing somthing wrong. and last but not least... 10) I DON'T LIKE YOU. Nice article. Still doesn't mean shit. If you wish I could make that article about YOU. When the police raid a location suspecting a "cybercrime" they take any and ALL electronic equipment and don't give it back. In many cases they also bar the accused from purchasing more equipment. Looks like Just In is still here doesn't it? It looks like it IS a fake HTML document. (the site which all the hyperlinks point to) is not a news site. Thread deleted? I can't DL any new messages, no longer exists on server... wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 7:56pm
We have our first winner. Looks like a budding gang member and contridicts
himself many times by the posts he makes to the NG. Insulting people to make himself look good is his game. OK who's next I have notepad ready. I'm starting to see a deffinite pattern here. LOL You fucking idiot! This post is pointless, wing has offered more than you will ever. Your posts have nothing to do with the AW Community, or anything for that matter. Just shut the hell up already. Hey MP, tell me if this is good enough for you. The reason we don't use big words is because you little kids don't understand what they mean. It is impossible for us to have a colloquy so we use improper language because it is terse. We are not bludgeoning you when we do it, we just need your attention. If you will make a covenant to not be so immature then some of us may agree to stop with the language. Otherwise shut up. And us who are educated don't want to see you kid's spelling errors all the time either but we all don't get what we want. | SOME of us dont like to hear YOUR manners here either langusge !!!! THATS | grown-up?????LOL | Well personally Im sick to death of the constant name calling, verbal | attacking and discrimination that is going on in this NG. As am I but there are times when it is needed. | Linn is not a child, she is a mature person, yes and perhaps some of us do | have problems in grammer and spelling. This should not be in any way be | discriminated against in the use of NG's. Linn acts like a child, that is why she is reffered to as one; also, the grammer and spelling would be alright if it was an occasion type thing, some people have so many that we can't read it. That is totally uncalled for. | Yes I agree totally some threads have been used to cast allegations against | some members of the community and the NH's are not the place for this type | of thread, the Law is in place for any breachs of the law, even if comminted | in the aw community. I'm lost, when was a law broke? | Im quite sure you will agree on this point. | | Before we judge others we must understand we all not all of the same | culturail background and educational standered's, indeed aw community is | composed of a multi-national community, each with its culture and values. | This may seem that today we judge by our own culturial background and | standards without thinking to much about the effects that can be made in | asumptions about any person. I have not judged one person by race, or ethnic background. I judge people by how stupid they make themselves look. Linn types like some young people I know, making her appear to be young. I made the assumption she was young, and the grammer/spelling errors made that more clear to me. | No I'm not a young person, I am 50, but still I will show respect to any | person regardless of age, racial background or educational standards. You act your age, Linn obviously doesn't. | We all have a right to be heard, but to all verball abuse in newsgroups is | not the place for it, especially aw community newgroups, and yes regardless | of the content of some threads, we do not have to resort to foul abusive | words. Some people are accustomed to using such "words", if someone started calling me things that were ignorant I will probably use some "words" that aren't needed, and I am sure you wouldn't just sit there and let someone insult you for no reason. | If this is to be done, let it be in a personal email to the person and not | in public.. Why waste time to email when most people agree with Eep, and others about the immatureness of these people? | This way will not inflame any person and cause any offence. There will be a Tag Tournament this Saturday in Techno to test the bot to it's full capabilities. Hope to see you there! I'd do it, up to you though. Count me in too. wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 10:13pm
Agent1 you lose, you actually said something that made sense and did not
have to attack me or anyone with profanity to do it but offered some good constructive criticism. Good to see we have some independent thinkers on the NG tho. I have taken alot of the constructive criticism in stride and will be more prudent in the way I post from now on :) Thankyou Agent1 [View Quote] wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 12, 2001, 11:22pm
Because Nornny, I think that if people had just been more respectful to
everyone in this NG I wouldn't have been constantly attacked everytime I made a post here. Then have to defend myself in what I had to say, and it went on that way for the entire week and people flat out telling me to shutup from the start of it all. Then you wonder why no one wants to come back and post here when all I have seen is a handful of people posting to everything and attacking people for every little so called stupid mistake they make or don't make, it's just ridiculous and is being over run with a gang mentality wether you want to see it or not. And the profanity is just completely uncalled for in this NG. If no one but Just In had attacked me for anything I said, since this was mostly about him again, and believe me I am more sick and tired of it than anyone here is beacause I am the person everyone comes to when Just In or OneSummer does something to PO someone else, things that never even hit the NGs inbetween my little NG wars with Just In and OneSummer. But I followed the rules reported everything like I was told then AW said well nothing we can do about it, too bad. So I came to the NGs to see if I could make some change this way. Surprisingly it worked well for the most part, but these personal attackes from people that just don't like having to see it in the NG is nothing but ridiculous. They are attacking people constantly here, atleast I know how to focus my attacks if I'm going to attack someone, some of these people on here just come on and attack everyone and verbally abuse them to make themselves look superior or somthing. I don't think that's altogether right either. As I was saying tho, if Just In was the only one that had responded to all of this and I was not attacked by all the ones who attacked me for posting it, it would have been done and over with, but I can see that these people have learned to enjoy attacking people so I am just posting all their posts to show some kind of pattern here for them and everyone to see, well obviously wing can't even differetiate between constructive crticism and abuse of another NG user. So that was all I was trying to do. Enough said, Over and out. wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 6:47am
wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 8:52am
Thanx JFK I got some good information off that post LOL Unfortunately
information takes up alot of k, LOL wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 2:00pm
wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 2:39pm
Oh we have another weiner, er winner, lol Now I must say I was really
looking forward to doing Kah's posts and I knew he wouldn't let me down, his posts made me want to laugh and have a heart attack all at the same time, lol These are really good KAH, LOL FUCK THE BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAH LOL! you weren't supposed to answer! KAH I'll repeat myself on the use of NG filters: Use the Tools > Newsgroup Filters menu, click the Add button and specify criterias. This tool can be VERY usefull when ppl like JFK2 is running around messing up the NGs... KAH if the core were your friends, then it would've been better...but there seem to have been matter where they certainly don't act as your friends... KAH Patagonia has an established democratical, political system, and the world couldn't be doing better. AWTeen has the Core system, but has been trough very bad gotta tweak your political system a bit more, mate! KAH I vote no core, Brant would do a great job running it with like 5 good friends that actually don't actually just mess around... KAH I totally agree! for everybody's information, here's how to use NG filters (in Outlook Express 4 or newer): Use the Tools > Newsgroup Filters menu, click the Add button and specify criterias. This tool can be VERY usefull when ppl like JFK2 is running around messing up the NGs... KAH get a life! KAH you can make them walk (as avs of course)! use Accutrans to tag them and do all that stuff and you'll have a cool av :-)) KAH PS. funny cow smiley! LEARN TO *UNDERSTAND* WHAT PPL ARE SAYING!!!!! I'M SAYING SHUT UP, YOU SAY THAT YOU LOVE JUST IN AND ONESUMMMER, BUT I DIDN'T SAY YOU HATED THEM, TRY GETTING THE *POINT*!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF NAZI THAT *FEEDS* OF WARS?????? KAH comments bellow [View Quote] ARE YOU SOME KIND OF NAZI THAT *FEEDS* OF >WARS?????? Forget about that part, kinda got TOO pissed off... but stop getting on our backs, you're really annoying!! >KAH > didn't accomplish more than making an ass out of yourself...if that was what you wanted, then you could've done it in a little more peacefull way...but you really ARE a survivor, M a r c u s didn't handle ppl disagreeing with him... KAH with your newsreader (looked up the msg properties) you use Tools > Accounts > news tab, highlight the news account for these NGs and click properties, there you can specify what e-mail adress you wanna use :-)) KAH you WANT the war to continue, don't you???? LOL, just SHUT UP! KAH I totally agree with you! KAH PS. but please don't post in HTML yeah, when we finally forget the last flame-war where he somehow was involved (maybe even guilty of some crime) he comes up with something new, recreating the situation! KAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED YOUR PREVIOUS POST BEING DELETED BY A MODERATOR???? THE AWCI DOESN'T WANT YOU TO DO THIS, NEITHER DOES MOST PPL HERE!!!!!!!! I RECOMMEND YOU REMOVE IT FROM J B E L L's SERVER!!! OR I'LL FIND A WAY OF SENDING AN ABUSE REPORT ON YOU!!!!! KAH PS. Just so you know it, it's ILLEGAL!!!! not 100% sure of what the US laws say, but the law where I live (Norway) has something like injurie-paragrafen (dunno what # it is, but I know VERY well that it exists), I would've posted the thing here if I had some good source, but it's in Norwegian are breaking the law, please accept it and stop. If you wanna know how to (try) not being sued by the ppl you post as criminals on your site, I'll tell you: 1. Delete all content of your site 2. Make an official statement including that you accept that those ppl aren't criminals 3. Apologize KAH PS. If you don't do this soon, I'll file abuse reports on all services you might try to host the site on!!!!! I fully understand you being furious about Chuck's Party, but I don't think you should speak of homosexual ppl in general...they're just like you & me, they've been here as long as heterosexuals...I'm not "gay" myself, but I don't mind ppl being "gay", just as long as they're happy...I believe that God loves all, that is my belief, and I think everybody, even if they don't believe in God, should respect ALL! I don't think that you really want Chuck's Party dead...but I'm very frustrated by this whole thing...Chuck's Party is the offencing party herem that's for sure and I totally disagree with him, and as you can see of previous posts, I will also try to neutralize his site to keep AW an open-minded place. Everybody has the right to be here and to be respected here! Please, please respect this (this one's aimed at Chuck's Party)! KAH now...who's Ted Bundy? if it's Just In's real identity you're REALLY starting to break the can get sued... KAH stop being so's not nice being greeted like that, you know! even if this is the Inet, there are real ppl at the other end! KAH I believe that you are refering to Lanezeri...WHEN WILL YOU GUYS SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO?????? man, this NG is turning into crap... KAH so now I'm suddently Lanezeri/M a r c u s/Agent Fox Mulder/KAH??? don't be so silly! Lanezeri is long gone, M a r c u s was too scared of all the ppl that didn't agree with him, Agent Fox Mulder just hasn't been around for a while, and I've been here all the time, but a little less active a while ago, cuzz I had tech probs...I think that the moderator should ban Chuck's Party from the NGs, his SAW-wars are getting everybody around here to go nuts (including me) KAH I know, hehe... KAH NOT Lanezeri, NOR M a r c u s, NOR Agent Fox Mulder I guess that you HAVEN'T read the AW content rules valid for ALL worlds in the univ...there have been cases where there have been threats of sueing ppl that have had porn objects in worlds like AWTeen...and, hey, if you're against stuff that promotes porn, you'd better get your ISP to terminate your account and never use the internet again! KAH PS. It's sick, but it's reality lol...I've seen those...tought it was a joke...but they are drawings anyway...1st class at the school I go to have a similar painting on the class door LOL KAH this is a Peacekeeper job...they're organized and sponsored by the AWCI...and I read from bellow posts that ppl have reported Just In, wich I think is unfair, as I don't believe that he has done any would've gotten out a long time ago, so I think that somebody's trying to fool you and the rest of AW...I think that you should leave this to the PKs... KAH wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 14, 2001, 2:28am
OT (maybe?) Guide: "Posting on Forums" (humor)May 13, 2001, 5:19pm
Thankyou dabartender, that site was very informative and it's good to see
someone has the sense to show actual cases of idiots trying to sue people for libel and slander on the internet and soon finding out you can't because you can't sue someone for your own opinions. I think this NG could really learn alot from this site :) [View Quote] OT (maybe?) Guide: "Posting on Forums" (humor)May 13, 2001, 5:30pm
Hmmmm and by looking at their Forum or NG as it were, looks like alot of
these people here have already been there, LOL [View Quote] |