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Preston question which should be in bots but gets more replies in here.......

Jun 4, 2001, 1:42pm
You know it's SNERTS like you that change the subject and start flameing
people that are the problem, not JFK. You haven't said 1 intelligent thing
since I saw you rear your ugly head here, why don't you just crawl back to
the pit you oozed out of.

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[Sorta OT] I say we claim another NG treaty...

Jun 3, 2001, 8:45am
The SNERTS run it wiz didn't you know that? LOL

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 8:32am
LMAO! Do you really need to ask this question to understand why? It's called
SNERTS. Young people that have no clue what they are talking about because
they don't have any of life's expieriences under their belt and think they
know it all. I know I remember when I use to be that way and I drove my
parents and most every adult around me absolutely nuts cause I didn't have a
freaking clue about what I was talking about. So there isn't so much hate
here as there is just a bunch of SNERTS that haven't got anything better to
do than make everything everyone says into a flame war or constantly telling
people how to do whatever it is they are doing or correcting gramatical
errors, LOL The list goes on and on and on and usually takes the original
threads problem totally off track and into something that wasn't intended,
they are very very good at doing that constantly, lol Then you have to
defend yourself against their idiodic moronic attacks along with trying to
get some kind of intelligent conversation out of all of it, LOL Which they
can't handle because they are SNERTS and treat everyone like their SNERT
classmates at school, lol Now you see why teachers are failing miserably in
schools because they have no power to disciplin anymore and the kids can't
keep anything focused, they enjoy running off at the mouth like they know
everything and end up learning nothing. Hope this explains it for you. :)

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 9:39pm
1 SNERT down too many more to go, lol

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 9:40pm
Well you're not me so just speak for yourself :)

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 9:42pm
DUH really now you think that might be the freaking problem to begin with?
Perfect SNERT reply defending the actions of which happen to be no
action at all LOL

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 9:44pm
Hopelessly SNERTified, lol

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 3, 2001, 11:57pm
wing attracts the most pleasant of people don't he, lolol

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 7:38am
I don't know how this got started in this thread to begin with but here it
goes, lol Marcus consider the source ok, lol JI only likes porn where they
haven't reached the age to even grow pubic hair ok, lol I have said it
before and I will say it again, does not care about keeping Citizens
safe from anything unless it suits them and by the sound of it they must
have enjoyed what they saw or they would have had it removed. If it was male
porn with guys screwing each other and in sexual positions they more than
likely would have had it removed alot quicker and probably would have done
something about it. My guess is you were talking to straight men trying to
get them to remove nude women in sexual positions, once again we have our AW
double standard for what they deem fit for people to view in AW owned worlds
and obviously it was not a priority to them like they try to lead the entire
community to believe. If they enjoy it why destroy it, that's their attitude
about it. Alpha World even has it's own set of nude female pics in it's
texture library, people can say oh that's not porn, well it sure looks like
the women are spread and ready to do something in those pics and it doesn't
look like they are taking a nap ok, lol And I quote from Webster's New World
dictionary the deffinition of pornography: writings, pictures ect. intended
primarily to arouse sexual desire. Now if you follow that to a T the
pictures would not even necessarily need to be completely nude but they are
and for a young adult straight male or lesbian female those pictures could
be considered pornographic. So what makes 1 picture pornographic and one
not? If I remember correctly before I ever saw my first "pornographic
magazine" I found anything nude or some positions that people put themselves
in fully clothed to arouse sexual desire and things went SHWING! lolol So
obviously the pictures you tried to get removed made the people you were
reporting it to go SHWING! too LOL So next time if there is female porn find
a straight female and you might have better results and male porn find a
straight male and you might have better results as well. This is only my
opinion but what else am I suppose to believe when absolutely nothing was
done about something that was clearly pornographic and on pict objects in
full view to anyone that may have come across them with absolutely no
warning to the viewer. get your sh*t together and stop ignoreing
obvious breeches in AW's rules when they are reported to you. Family
oriented my a$$, you could give 2 sh*ts about what young children see in AW
owned worlds. That's all I have to say on the subject, NEXT CASE! lol

Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 1:27pm
ok so if this GET thing is for real then why don't they have any links on's pages to get there like the PKs do? How are you suppose to know
where the hell to go if the freaking links aren't there, I hate talking to
morons, ugh

Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 1:33pm
That was so funny I forgot to laugh.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 1:38pm
yes and you need to find the off switch, lol

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 1:54pm
I don't know who you are or who you think you are, and personally could
careless. The only one BSing and spouting off at people is you. That's all
I've seen from you, every freaking post. Marcus has had a legitimate gripe
about the porn situation on AW owned worlds and all he's gotten is ridiculed
for trying to report it to no avail by anyone in the AW community. All you
want to do is tell everyone they are wrong, that does not help the situation
and you are the biggest BSer I have seen hit the NGs since wing, lol having
fun yet, I am, comon talk some more shit so I can put your dick in it,
understand that better ass wipe :)

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 5:41pm
Finally someone with a clear cut answer to a straight forward question.
Thankyou Cara :)

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 5:44pm
Yeah seems the PKs don't even know to give you the advice to use GET's
services, how were you to know unless they told you it was handled by them.
Vandalism and porn are 2 horses of a different color. 1 has nothing to do
with the other.

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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 4, 2001, 5:56pm
A: I have done that as well B:Your virginity has nothing to do with your
brain and growing up. C: You are filtered as of today you low life piece of

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Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in America

Jun 3, 2001, 9:36pm
Well said syli, it's too bad they don't have the enthusiasm you do about
their world, doesn't even sound like they even stop in to see how you all
are doing or even a simple thankyou or explaination. Happy trails to you,
wherever it may go :)

Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in America

Jun 3, 2001, 11:54pm
Yes only 1 facet of the many other problems I've heard, very unfortunate and

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 6:10pm
More of the same Marcus, LOL blah blah blah and no action unless it suits
them. They sure acted when I put signs on a cit owned world to get me banned
for 9 days, responded to that 1 persons complaint, but they can't do the
same if someone puts porn on their own worlds, wonder what would happen if
they put that energy into actually making AW a safer and better place, gee
what a freaking concept instead they like chasing after me with a PK to get
me banned which took them a grand total of 3 days to accomplish, you are
right Marcus it does tell you where their priorities are, up their ass.
Facter is just spewing more of the we can't be held responsible for it crap,
it's just a cop out.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 6:20pm
uh huh and when I sent private correspondence to people that work directly
for about being harassed on numerous occassions by a certain
individual they told me to politely kiss off. What makes you think the same
thing won't happen again to Marcus, he told many people, it might not have
been you because you are always so adement about telling us all what you
don't do, how was he to know that you are the director of porn removal now,
you people are really amazing, sending their NG grunt out to clear up their
messes, you guys are a real class act I tell ya, lol

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 6:24pm
That's the spirit Marcus, you are finally catching on to what I have been
saying all along. lol Everyone wants to ridicule you for something you did
not do when in actuality you exhausted every avenue and got nowhere, now if
you try to fight back they will find a way to ban you for harassing them for
having porn in their worlds, they have time to ban people that get no
results from their inactions.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:21pm
ok I did see the humor in that, LOL So I say fine, and Marcus you work with
Facter on the known places where porn is obviously known to be by you to
have it removed. If he says he will do it then put him to the test and have
him help you get rid of it. He's offered a hand in this to help you I say
you need what little help you are going to get in all this, lol Work with
him and see what can be done. I am starting to become a bit more enlightened
and optomistic but I won't hold my breath just yet, lol

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:33pm
now you know why they call him capt MAD mike, LOL Hmm AW is alot closer to
home than I thought, good thing the servers were in a safe bldg during that
quake we had, LOL I bet they did alot of shakin and rattlin tho, lol They
might even be in Bill Gates basement, who knows, lol

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:56pm
But Facter does know of people that will get the job done, that's the whole
point of this, finding someone that will get the job done.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:13pm
Syntax, Marcus has no way to delete other people's porn, how would you call
him going to AW about it passing the buck, I don't understand that at all,
sheesh think man, lol

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:17pm
Marcus just block his miserable ignorant ass like I did, lol He ain't even
worth reading or replying to. I find the more I block the more intelligent
people I get to discuss community issues with, with concerned people not the
SNERTATHON that goes in in this NG most of the time. Try it you'll like it,

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:25pm
I agree with you there too Marcus, what people do on private owned worlds is
their business and I wouldn't even go that far to persue something like
that, some people I know that have worlds where it is clearly indicated they
are X rated give people the warning needed. But on public build worlds porn
should be removed immediately with no warning to the person and sent a tgram
or email warning to let them know it will not be tolerated in public build
worlds owned by That is the responsible thing to do and AW has an
obligation to follow up with those complaints just as they do all others.

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 6, 2001, 1:02pm
syli have you EARNED the respect you deserve here or what LOLOL Are you
following alllllll the rules LOL Oh I almost forgot there are no rules for
this NG but people seem to find them from everyone elses philosophy on what
an NG's rules should be, but they don't apply to this NG, lol

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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 6, 2001, 6:54pm
Yes I know dear, it's why I am indulging in that little block button now, I
do enjoy your posts and you have something to offer and say, that to me is
more important than wether you are perfectly on topic or not, you are a part
of this Community like everyone else and can post what you like, as I've
said I have no problems with a good clean fair debate, but the attacking and
profanity has got to go and I am making the changes I feel are neccessary to
compose myself and not have to deal with people that incite me to it, LOL So
sorry it won't be me disrespecting you, for that... well um just post
something off topic will ya, LOL

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Pornography and public worlds

Jun 4, 2001, 10:27pm
You are wrong, they are obligated to follow up with those complaints just as
they do all others. You are totally missing the point, certifiably

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