Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in America (Community)

Smoke Signals to Jetta, Gina, Eric and anyone else interested in America // Community

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Jun 3, 2001, 1:21pm
Dear Jetta, Gina, Eric, Anyone with Interest in America:

I'm sure you have all seen the movie Dances With Wolves. For awhile now I,
and a few others, have been been able to closely relate to that soldier left
at his American post believing in the beginning that his loyalty and effort
to America was for a good reason only to realize that apparently we have
been abandoned by the powers that be.

I should also say that my loyalty and effort, although great qualities,
truly spring out of my own selfish desire to have fun with my friends and
enjoy myself. Because of that I have always been a diehard protector of
America refusing to spend much time anywhere else.

In the last several months it has been increasingly more difficult, not
only to perform our roles as CA's and AB's, but also to be just an ordinary
citizen or tourist visiting America. At least 3 times in the last 3 months
the object path has been down for a length of time not customarily viewed as
reasonable, but for days and weeks at a time. The first time this happened
was just after the birth of Juno dome and America profited from the overflo
of those folks. The house was packed nearly all the time with people having
serious fun. We lost a lot of new people during the first down time episode
which lasted nearly 2 and a half weeks. But there were still the
regulars...Then it happened approx a month ago..Each time losing more and
more. And not only do we lose any potential new person on contact, but all
the regular supporters of America have dwindled to nothing out of
frustration. America has been declared dead in the newsgroups. That really
pissed me off and I decided to make it a project to build up the population
as best I could. I spent nearly all of my time doing damage control for
America trying to put a positive spin on all the "why can't I load?" "Where
has everyone gone?" type questions, remaining eternally hopeful that this is
just an obstacle we can get past and get on with the business of having fun.

Now I see the OP is down AGAIN and I realize I am simply a Welcome Wagon
Lady for Triangle World...AGAIN. There is no point in fighting this any

Jetta, Gina and Eric - wherever you are - I am here to tell you America is
a dust bowl. I believe I am the last hold out who has not taken on
interests in other worlds. There is no one manning the post, save for an
occasional pit stop here and there by some concerned CA or AB willing to
eat, breathe and fart triangles.

I don't know what your intention is for America..if its nothing.. than I
would like to sincerely thank you for several years of some of the best fun
I've ever had and I appreciate the time you have given America to us. If you
do plan on doing something about Wild America that includes more consistent
communication between the ownership and the people being asked to help
provide support know how to reach me. For now, Im going up the road
to find a new reservation to dance on and I'm taking my coffee rations with

internal affairs

Jun 3, 2001, 4:54pm
What are you talking about? I saw Dances With Wolves but I don't remember
seeing Jetta, Gina, Eric, or even anyone that has to do with America in it.

goober king

Jun 3, 2001, 6:10pm
It's called an "analogy", dimwit. Granted, not a very good one, but an
analogy nonetheless.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
You can actually here the IQ dropping in here!
rar1 at

chucks party

Jun 3, 2001, 9:36pm
Well said syli, it's too bad they don't have the enthusiasm you do about
their world, doesn't even sound like they even stop in to see how you all
are doing or even a simple thankyou or explaination. Happy trails to you,
wherever it may go :)


Jun 3, 2001, 11:46pm
thats right chuck thats why some of had to take our worlds back and change
OP lost years of work and memories :-(
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chucks party

Jun 3, 2001, 11:54pm
Yes only 1 facet of the many other problems I've heard, very unfortunate and

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Jun 4, 2001, 4:36am
syli, you have a fine way with words. {:-) Are you a writer? I mean other
than in AW, newsgroups, etc.
[View Quote] I'm sure you have all seen the movie Dances With Wolves. For awhile now I,
and a few others, have been been able to closely relate to that soldier left
at his American post believing in the beginning that his loyalty and effort
to America was for a good reason only to realize that apparently we have
been abandoned by the powers that be.

I should also say that my loyalty and effort, although great qualities,
truly spring out of my own selfish desire to have fun with my friends and
enjoy myself. Because of that I have always been a diehard protector of
America refusing to spend much time anywhere else.

In the last several months it has been increasingly more difficult, not
only to perform our roles as CA's and AB's, but also to be just an ordinary
citizen or tourist visiting America. At least 3 times in the last 3 months
the object path has been down for a length of time not customarily viewed as
reasonable, but for days and weeks at a time. The first time this happened
was just after the birth of Juno dome and America profited from the overflo
of those folks. The house was packed nearly all the time with people having
serious fun. We lost a lot of new people during the first down time episode
which lasted nearly 2 and a half weeks. But there were still the
regulars...Then it happened approx a month ago..Each time losing more and
more. And not only do we lose any potential new person on contact, but all
the regular supporters of America have dwindled to nothing out of
frustration. America has been declared dead in the newsgroups. That really
pissed me off and I decided to make it a project to build up the population
as best I could. I spent nearly all of my time doing damage control for
America trying to put a positive spin on all the "why can't I load?" "Where
has everyone gone?" type questions, remaining eternally hopeful that this is
just an obstacle we can get past and get on with the business of having fun.

Now I see the OP is down AGAIN and I realize I am simply a Welcome Wagon
Lady for Triangle World...AGAIN. There is no point in fighting this any

Jetta, Gina and Eric - wherever you are - I am here to tell you America is
a dust bowl. I believe I am the last hold out who has not taken on
interests in other worlds. There is no one manning the post, save for an
occasional pit stop here and there by some concerned CA or AB willing to
eat, breathe and fart triangles.

I don't know what your intention is for America..if its nothing.. than I
would like to sincerely thank you for several years of some of the best fun
I've ever had and I appreciate the time you have given America to us. If you
do plan on doing something about Wild America that includes more consistent
communication between the ownership and the people being asked to help
provide support know how to reach me. For now, Im going up the road
to find a new reservation to dance on and I'm taking my coffee rations with


Jun 4, 2001, 6:48am
I suppose you would have needed to be involved in America to know whether it
was a truly good analogy or not....but then i didn't expect to would make it
past you professional flamers entirely, now did I. I'm not a complete of me are still missing. :)


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Jun 4, 2001, 6:50am
ty percipients......but no, only when i get

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