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Eclipse Evolution [v2] Beta

Dec 20, 2005, 3:36pm
Upgrade Notification

Importance: High
Date: Tuesday 20 December, 2005

Fixes world attributes error causing world rights to be reset when applying
attributes via world attributes screens.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Eclipse Evolution [v2] Beta

Dec 20, 2005, 3:36pm

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

Eclipse Evolution [v2] Beta

Jan 6, 2006, 4:11pm
A maintainance fix for Eclipse Evo is now available to resolve issues such:

- Crashing when selecting a colour
- Opacity settings.
- Crash on certain relatively-low-powered command.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

Eclipse Evolution (Release Candidate)

Dec 28, 2005, 4:09pm
Hi all,

I would like to announce that the latest release of Eclipse Evolution
(246b - evo-v246b-sdk.c36.rc3) which is, you guessed it, an advanced Release
Candidate, i.e. it works well.

You can download Eclipse Evolution at,
the bot requires Windows XP or 2003 Server.

This is the final release (short of identifying any major issues) before
moving on to add major new capabilities and closed testing (such as queries,
terrain yarda yarda).

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact myself.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Eclipse Evolution (Release Candidate)

Dec 29, 2005, 2:31pm
Had better make that 246c to fix the error in the rights manager dialog.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

Demeter 2.0 Alpha Testing

Feb 10, 2006, 9:21am
I could blow a badly programmed C++ tool out the water with VB.

VB has many other advantages too, the problem is that a *lot* of its
programmers are n00bs so it got a bad reputation. The main problem VB has is
its lack of advanced OO and WinProc handling.

- MR

[View Quote]

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 9, 2006, 4:36pm
*Spyware Productions

- MR

[View Quote]

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 12, 2006, 5:50pm
[View Quote] 30,000+

- Mark Randall

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 17, 2006, 4:56pm
[View Quote] Yes, but no-one knows *everything*, there are people however that know the
vast majority related to specific subjects.

- MR

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 9:09pm
Uh.... You really have no idea. Things like AW take *hundreds of thousands*
or even *millions* of LOC to write. At last count Evo was 35,000 and if you
include the heavy heavy use of multiline macros that pushes it up to about

When you have 7 or 8 thousand hours of coding experience behind you. Then
you can challenge me. Infact what the hell.

I challenge you, produce your own version, C++, everything, Dynamic rights
system, multimode attributes editing, 100+ commands, god knows how many
reports, the back end database interface, the XML communication standards,
the profile management system, the advanced logging capabilities, the
context sensing menus, the graphical display interfaces, the compressable

Oh, and more than 2 { or } on a line does not count.

See you in 10 years and 80,000 - 10,000 lines of code because I can
guarentee you cannot code as pure as I can.

- MR

[View Quote]

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 9:09pm
Uh.... You really have no idea. Things like AW take *hundreds of thousands*
or even *millions* of LOC to write. At last count Evo was 35,000 and if you
include the heavy heavy use of multiline macros that pushes it up to about

When you have 7 or 8 thousand hours of coding experience behind you. Then
you can challenge me. Infact what the hell.

I challenge you, produce your own version, C++, everything, Dynamic rights
system, multimode attributes editing, 100+ commands, god knows how many
reports, the back end database interface, the XML communication standards,
the profile management system, the advanced logging capabilities, the
context sensing menus, the graphical display interfaces, the compressable

Oh, and more than 2 { or } on a line does not count.

See you in 10 years and 80,000 - 10,000 lines of code because I can
guarentee you cannot code as pure as I can.

- MR

[View Quote]

AWI Jobs, any takers?

Mar 22, 2006, 6:13pm
Seen as this thing seems designed to keep me out *grumble*... I'll post it
on here for those that havent checked the web pages.

Application Programmer C C++

Minimum of 5+ years of C/C++ coding experience. 2+ years of Activeworlds SDK
development experience required. Strong PHP, Java and Perl-scripting skills
are a plus. A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is required. This position
does not require working from our Newburyport office, telecommuting
accepted. Send resume to jobs at or mail to Activeworlds Inc.
95 Parker Street, Newburyport, MA 01950.

- Mark Randall
5 years SDK and still cant apply -_-

Call for Companies

Mar 23, 2006, 12:02pm

A question, have I neglected to add any? At this point I am only looking for
commercial (or linked) 'companies' to add, such as modelling providers,
hosting services, bot designers and so forth.

At the moment im just after a short description, contact and owner info, a
url and perhaps a more extended piece of information, soon I will be adding
things like hosting comparisons, reviews etc.

X-Posting: Lacking on origional

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Introducing: AW Portals (follow-up: Community)

Apr 8, 2006, 7:16pm

Over the past few weeks I have been working hard to produce a site combining
masses of information about Active Worlds including:

o Help Files w/ user comments
o Personal Profiles
o Blogs
o Quizzes
o Regular News
o Company Listings
o Much More

I am glad to say that it is progressing well, we now have regular news,
company listings, profiles and quizzes, among other things - so if you want
to participate (which I hope you all do) now is a good time to sign up (for
free!) and register your name.

You will notice Google Adsense placed upon the site; hopefully as the site
grows and people click on the ads, in addition to covering server costs, the
revenues from this will help provide the funding to reward the the monthly
top contributor(s) as I will be offering 1 month citizenship extensions to
people who put in the most effort - Its in your benefit to participate!

The site is being updated with new features, next on the to-do list is to
resurect an old mainstay, a community register.

In the mean time, you can all register at (those with shared
teleport list users can log in with these without the need to sign up
again -

You can also check out the news containing
interviews such as:

o Rossyfox,
o DMC2U,
o Syntax

The help sections such as the 'CT Guide' provide content in a standard
format suitable for different groups,

As with the entire help system, users are welcome to provide their own
examples by posting 'notes' at the bottom of each help page as on

I hope to make the AW Portal the hub of Active Worlds in 2D, and by the
technology employed such as RSS and lots of user defined content, I hope
that the site will help to promote AW by reaching into areas such as Google

Enter the portal now:

Follow-Up has been set to the community newsgroup to stop Andras physically
harming me! :O

If you post a reply please check for it in the community newsgroup.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Question about bots and web aplications

Apr 27, 2006, 12:18pm
[View Quote] Its a complex task, such systems take quite a while to develop.

Basically, you have the bot read from the same database as the web
application, updating as necessary (ie: no caching) and therefore you get
good cohesion.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution 256a Released

May 20, 2006, 9:03pm
Please be aware that Eclipse Evolution has now been upgraded with 256a

You can download the program here:

For users that have never used Eclipse Before, now would be a good time to
get to know the program as there should not be any major manual upgrades for
a long time.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution 256a Released

May 30, 2006, 11:05pm
Hi all,

To my mild embaressment, due to a little thing called sleep depravation, Evo
is messed up!

Its offensive (eject based) systems should be considered non-usable, infact,
using them makes the bot crash! Yay!!!

I've been working upto 18 hours a day since to restructure the bot code and
fix the bugs, but uh, its gonna take me a few days yet...

Sorry guys =\

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

(?)random planting of objects based on terrian height(?)

Jun 1, 2006, 7:51am
[View Quote] Poor Effort -

My Evo has an inbuilt 'end global warming' function.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

(?)random planting of objects based on terrian height(?)

Jun 2, 2006, 3:23am
You need to go get a massage, maybe sit outside looking at a waterfall for a
few hours... In short, stop being so uptight!

And learn to read a joke, yesh.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

[View Quote] However, I was merely answering Talisan's question as to whether any such
feature existed, not claiming that it was the be-all and end-all of

[View Quote] [View Quote] Yes, Magsbot has a "Instant Forest" button (script).

Poor Effort -

My Evo has an inbuilt 'end global warming' function.

4.1 Preston now available

Jun 3, 2006, 3:23am
Yay for public release *taps foot waiting for SDK to be put up for download
before someone has to be shot*

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."
[View Quote]

4.1 Preston now available

Jun 3, 2006, 3:33am
Ah ha, now I have it! SDK pages that no-one updates.

Have build 60 anywya

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."
[View Quote]

Eclipse Evolution for 4.1

Jun 3, 2006, 11:57am
You can download Eclipse Evo for 4.1 at

Simply over-write your 3.6 evo install with those files from this zip.



In short, use at your own risk, and whichever idiot massacred the SDK should
be shot.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution for 4.1

Jun 3, 2006, 2:25pm

For people who have not got a previous version of evo ^^^^

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution (4.1) <rant>

Jun 3, 2006, 3:25pm

Yes, the browser may decide that:

for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
double x = sin(cos(sin(cos(i*i))));

Is a good thing to do inside the message loop, I on the other hand don't...

I have converted Eclipse Evolution to 4.1, unfortunately I have had to rip a
significant part out of it because some absolute idiot decided to put a
logic bomb in the SDK when a debugger was detected (As any programmer will
tell you, this is STUPID) leaving me unable to test them, so they arnt
enabled for stabilitys sake.

That said, I have put 2 files online:

For existing Evo users you can download:

This contains a 4.1 SDK, an updated bot, and updated universe list. You
simply unzip the files into the same folder as your 3.6 evo, over-writing as

For those of you whom have never used Evo before... There is a full 4.1
'first time' download:

Which will get you set up using the latest version.

Should you want to know what commands are and are not available, I put the
dispatch table up at the bit after the
IMPL_FUNCTION is the command, if that command line is green, it aint


The eject systems now work, as does the main database and greetings...

Due to the logic bomb inside the SDK, I cannot properly system test this
bot, so you must remember you are *using it absolutey at your own risk*


That said, its still a pretty nice bot if I may say so myself.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution (4.1) <rant>

Jun 3, 2006, 4:10pm
Not unless someone can confirm it was his idea.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

[View Quote]

Eclipse Evolution (4.1) <rant>

Jun 4, 2006, 7:08am
[View Quote] Or just going into standalone mode?

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution (4.1) <rant>

Jun 6, 2006, 7:26pm
[View Quote] Although it took me 2 hours instead of 120 seconds, I have identified a bug
that will cause a crash in the teleport command. This only effects the
verbal command (requires: core/move rights).

I will hopefully be releasing a patch tomorrow with this bug fixed, along
with the following commands re-enabled:

- goto
- world/about
- world/info
- avset
- setstate
- sys/quit
- sys/reconnect
- sys/rciss
- sys/sciss
- burst
- ssnd

The reports/tactical command has been switched to administrator only with a
set of flags that control if each part is displayed, the rot (redirect
output target) command now includes a title header.

It should be out tomorrow, just warning you about the teleport bug really.
Im not aware of any other crash bugs.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."


Jun 15, 2006, 9:37am
Build 41 is NOT compatible with version 4.1, you need a minimum of build 58

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."
[View Quote]

Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 15, 2006, 10:51pm
Eclipse Evolution (Build 269 - evo-v269a-sdk.c41) has been released to patch
several bugs and restore functionality to several commands such as follow
and teleport.



Remember that Eclipse Evolution is CY nominated and would very much
appreciate your vote :o)

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Eclipse Evolution (Build 269)

Jun 20, 2006, 1:29am

In between driving around chair movers in demo worlds and screwing with E N
Z O's camera I have managed to come up with the start of Eclipse Evo's
documentation, now hosted on

Until I make a better front page, you can find the documentation at:

At present there are details of 25 of the main verbal commands, plus
explenations of some of the security features and the new scripting
capabilities for the next build. I plan on spending the next few days on
writing documentation, so there should be even more up soon :o)

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

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