strike rapier // User Search

strike rapier // User Search

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Oct 17, 2004, 10:40pm
Its one of those if you expect to release public software, expect to get
slaughtered publicly (I do often)

- MR


Oct 27, 2004, 7:07pm
'spider' bot? could be a world ripper, or just a admin to take the world

- MR

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Oct 29, 2004, 2:05am
Lets not do that shall we :O

The OP pass decryption was cracked a long time ago, CT Bots do get it
encrypted as far as I can see.

- MR

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Oct 29, 2004, 2:09am

Usually does the job (I think its that IP range anyhow)

- MR

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Nov 1, 2004, 1:31am
So... to state the obvious... reprogram the bot so it only enters public

- Mark R

E N Z O Wrote:
<Sniped - Ouch>


Nov 1, 2004, 1:40am
Entering World:

[ to universe ]
> Where Is IP?
< IP Is <x>, port is <y>
[connect to world]
> Hello world, I am <session> entering <world> with <hash> and have
> <privilege>, <citizen>, <ip> and <compID>
(World Server "Is Either Citizen, IP or CompID blocked from this server?)
Yes? - EJECT (Drop Connection - No Exceptions, Socket Operation)
# END #
(Is Privilege allowed in world?)
No? - Access Denied (Connection dropped again)
# END #
> Welcome to the world, blah blah blah
> World attributes
< I am at <coordinates>
> Thats nice, the objects / terrain at <cooordinates> are <data>

- Mark R

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Nov 1, 2004, 2:55am
Yes, doesnt have to be visible tho.

- MR

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Nov 2, 2004, 5:15pm
What is the difference between entering a bot to look at WO's or an avatar?

But yes, I know some people will still be complaining... but nothing a PHP
based world-owners webpage with the option to set it wouldent solve, but
that would take a few hours to set up =\

- MR

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Nov 7, 2004, 7:50pm
Yes, they could...

Although the obvious thing to do would be to make a PHP web interface, let
world owners do it manually.

- MR

"johnf" <johnf at> wrote :
> Mark - you just gave me an idea....
> Since AW know all how their software works, couldn't they just make a cit
> keyword bot so that not so many people take a dislike to it?


Dec 15, 2004, 7:56pm
Don't cross post... to pointless newsgroups.

- MR

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Many bots now open source

Apr 20, 2005, 4:56pm

Warning: This code may make a professional coder cry.

- Mark Randall

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Many bots now open source

Apr 21, 2005, 12:40pm
four words...

Shaddup Andras :P


:) I would warn people away from trying to make anything of that code,
Demeter is slightly more organised but the PB, Utility etc are absolutly
shocking in their coding, layout and file structure - you will have a
seriously hard time even re-constructing the various projects from the
nonsensical folder layout.

If anyone has a few days spare, perhaps they could remake the projets into
seperate folders and rip out using the hundred thousand OCX files that are
used to make them easier for people.

You may be able to learn something from it, perhaps the core classes - but I
wouldent advise it, I expect Brant is a much better coder now than he was
when he wrote these.

- Mark Randall

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Many bots now open source

Apr 21, 2005, 12:53pm
Better idea!

You could of course, respond to the post yourself, giving the correct URL
but... you most likely did not know it yourself, or you would have posted
it, right?

I could be forgiven for mentioning the word hypocrite.

- Mark Randall

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Eclipse Evolution 72

Feb 8, 2005, 5:27pm

I have now released Eclipse Evolution release 72 as a technical development
Beta for those who have shown interest in using it. This bot uses the .NET

Only users with reasonable technical knowledge should consider using this
BETA product.

- Mark R

Xelagot 3.608 available

Feb 23, 2005, 1:02am
Im on this darn staffs university LAN which can go at upto 2MB a second on
some days and 0.2kbps on others.

I appreciate small file size on the newsreader where you want to read
through them quickily.

- Mark R

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Xelagot 3.608 available

Feb 23, 2005, 3:45pm
Indeed, times whatever number of posts.

- MR

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Xelagot 3.608 available

Feb 23, 2005, 10:31pm
Sometimes I can't even download 1 in 40 seconds, it times out.

- Mark R

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Xelagot 3.608 available

Feb 23, 2005, 11:33pm
I know o_0 but it helps if I can click a link to open a page (good) instead
of having to wait for a huge newsgroup post to download, preventing me from
reading any other posts.

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Xelagot: MySQL driver update

Mar 2, 2005, 8:18pm
.... You wouldent have thought of allowing a diff port on a TCP/IP based
system? =\

- MR

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Xelagot: MySQL driver update

Mar 3, 2005, 2:19pm
..NET and its internals are sweet for this sort of thing, fully integrated.

- MR

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Xelagot: MySQL driver update

Mar 5, 2005, 10:17pm
VB.NET is... interesting... o_0

C++.NET v7.1 (2003) is very nice, standards compliant, MFC 7.1 is very, very
powerful, I havent much played around with the managed extensions tho.

- MR

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Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Mar 20, 2005, 5:27am
Hello all,

You may be glad to know I have now released Eclipse Evolution version 89,
available on for public
beta. This bot uses the .NET framework.

New features include:
- DNS Checking
- New 'Core' Features
- User lookups
- Calling Trace Route automatically
- Many other things.

Please check the (continually growing) documentation on the website for more

- Mark R

Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Mar 21, 2005, 11:27am
Hi JerMe,
Its C++, made using Visual Studio 2003, using MFC.

- Mark R

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Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Mar 21, 2005, 5:49pm
No you dont... because 2005 is only a BETA at this point, they are still
fixing the bugs in it, go check :)

- Mark R

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Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Mar 31, 2005, 9:34pm
Hello all,

You may be glad to know I have now released Eclipse Evolution version 91,
available on for public
beta as release candidate 1. This bot uses the .NET framework.

New features include:
- Merged displays
- New core abilities
- Extra database manipulations
- Many (many) other features.

Please visit
for more information.

- Mark R

Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Apr 1, 2005, 1:31am

For those who are interested I just ran a quick line counter I knocked up on
it, the current count for all of Evolutions source code is 25,210 lines of
code, but that includes 3 or 4 old CPP files that were later replaced, so
apprx 25,000 lines of code.


- Mark R

Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Apr 2, 2005, 2:13pm
How about, I leave you two to try the product and find that out for
yourself, I can't make your minds up for you, I can only give you the stats.

- MR

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<no subject>

Mar 21, 2005, 2:12pm
It is most likely a cell data issue, make sure that when you move it you
align it perfectly to a new cell like it was in the origional location (ie:
move whole cells only). This may help.

- MR

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Gate Network Bot

Mar 26, 2005, 11:42pm
You wait for a) XeLaG to add my botgram protocol header, the Botgram is
\BG-GN: I believe for Andras.

Or you use Evo, which automatically filters them

- Mark R

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Bot for locating objects causing error messages

Apr 12, 2005, 9:26pm
*puts the missing texture in my pocket and walks off*

- Mark Randall

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