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New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 9, 2005, 7:29am
[View Quote] Because 9 out of 10 times I am right, and you will be wrong.

That 1 out of 10 incident where I am wrong usually has a damned good reason
for me being wrong.

Thats not ego, thats just me and the acomplices I discuss such matters with
knowing significantly more about these matters than you.

<?xml version="1.0 ?>

Of course, I could be wrong - You could be an expert in the SDK, know the
full implication of learning it, know how to apply it in C++, know how to
best interface it to worlds, regually discuss matters with hundreds of other
programmers, have used the 4.1 sdk, made RPGs before and lets not forget you
are clearly an expert at negotiation 'Like the dope you've been smoking'.

But I doubt im wrong... If you were everything above; you could have made
your own damned RPG by now working 12 hours a day. I could have ^_^


- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 9, 2005, 12:36pm
Because I have been working on Eclipse Evolution and various windows tools

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

COM wrapper for 4.1 SDK and beyond?

Nov 12, 2005, 4:55am
There is a 4.1 COM wrapper.

[View Quote]

Possible to teleport or warp a bot?

Nov 18, 2005, 8:55pm
It is really quite pointless to attempt to teleport yourself anyway, thats
what aw_state_change is for.

Note that bots simply receive the message, they dont have to act on it.

- MR

[View Quote]

Possible to teleport or warp a bot?

Nov 25, 2005, 6:32pm
Sure, but that isnt likely to happen, and would have add on effects.

Any decent bot will have its own per-interval movement system that tracks
between positions, such as following, or rotating around.

- MR

[View Quote]

Need a bot? Read this.

Jan 30, 2006, 6:41pm
Dates are wayyyyyyyyyy off to the right, we needed to expand our subject
cols to view all the arguments :P

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

VB.NET(2005) Working SDK Code.

Nov 25, 2005, 9:00am
[View Quote] Programming code cannot be gay. Please grow up.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 6:34pm
Evening All,

After a delightful conversation with JP who has told me to 'fuck off' I am
apparently going to be sued by Active Worlds for distributing illegal 3.6
universes, and my account has been dissabled.

It is of course a lie, it seems AWI does not like harsh comments about 4.1
being given.

Feel free to be pissed off, I am.

- MR

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 6:36pm
I Wish.

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 6:45pm
[View Quote] Check the wishlist posts

Either way I assure you all all I have not, at any point, distributed any
3.6 universes to anyone, nor any 3.5, 3.4, 3.3 etc etc etc.

Now, I know as a *FACT* that JP's claim to have a 'witness' to this
distribution is a lie - simply because I dont have an illegal 3.6 universe.

Some of you will probably be glad of this, and I hope the majority of you
will be mortified that someone who has given 5 years and thousands upon
thousands of hours to Active Worlds (and a significant portion to AWI
themselves) is threatened in such a way.

I will start a blog of the proceedings on for
when my newsgroup access gets killed.

- Mark R

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 7:14pm
Thankfully, after another phone call - JP has been considerate and is making
more direct investigations in an attempt to validate what he has been told.

This in my opinion is a much better way to go about it than being swore at

I will of course try to keep everyone upto date, I have no doubt that if
done properly JP will find what he has been told by this unknown 3rd part is
infact in lie.

Here is hoping this will end civilly, so no rioting in the streets plz.
- MR

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 7:14pm
Thankfully, after another phone call - JP has been considerate and is making
more direct investigations in an attempt to validate what he has been told.

This in my opinion is a much better way to go about it than being swore at

I will of course try to keep everyone upto date, I have no doubt that if
done properly JP will find what he has been told by this unknown 3rd part is
infact in lie.

Here is hoping this will end civilly, so no rioting in the streets plz.
- MR

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Nov 25, 2005, 9:52pm
My citizenship has been disabled - I phoned to find out what was going on
and was answered by JP.

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Dec 2, 2005, 6:13pm
I am glad to say the problem has been fully resolved - and a few previously
unidentified ones busted as well.

- MR

[View Quote]

End of the Line

Dec 21, 2005, 4:39pm
Pssstt, im here.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

Method in madness?

Jan 4, 2006, 4:07pm

Could someone, hell, *anyone* explain to me if there is some method behind
this absolute madness:

All of the opacities are stored as *integers* instead of floats between 0
and 1.


Am I missing some glorious aspect of my knowledge that is going to cause me
problems? (short of Syntax just going 'oh, opacity doesnt seem to work' and
me going 'oh, thats because some moron made it an integer where *almost
everything* else is a float.')?

Yes, its a rant, but yes - if anyone has any decent replies on if I am
missing some crucial piece of information as to why its implimented this way
and someone isnt just being lazy and not dividing by 1000 on a scroller bar?

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Method in madness?

Jan 5, 2006, 5:05pm
[View Quote] Because silly bugger here codes with the SDK and expects quallity products

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 9, 2006, 4:36pm
*Spyware Productions

- MR

[View Quote]

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 12, 2006, 5:50pm
[View Quote] 30,000+

- Mark Randall


Feb 16, 2006, 5:15am
Its a number that identifies the object unique to the cell, forming part of
the triplet required to identify any single object in the world.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]


Feb 19, 2006, 11:49pm
[View Quote] 1 in 2^32

> As
> far as I know you could theoretically have 2 identical object numbers, but
> they would only need to have different x and z values. I don't think the
> server would run an intensive enough query to check the entire cell, but
> easily could check if the x,z, and number value is present. It would be
> hell on the world server with multiple object selection (well depending on
> the amount it has to query).
> So why would an object number be bound to a specific cell?

No idea, but it sounds logical - the X and Z optimise the efficency while
combined with the number would minimize collisions.

Best bet would be to try aw_object_load giving the same cell and object
number (but diff attributes) for 2 or more calls.

> Object numbers change any time the object is modified. If you move the
> object, the object number changes. Even changing the description or
> action
> changes the object number. If you wish to track the object numbers, any
> time you operate on an object the result is stored in AW_OBJECT_NUMBER. I
> would check the sdk documentation on object deletion, and changing
> objects,
> they can help clarify the purpose of object numbers and some other
> attributes.

> DM

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 17, 2006, 4:56pm
[View Quote] Yes, but no-one knows *everything*, there are people however that know the
vast majority related to specific subjects.

- MR

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 9:09pm
Uh.... You really have no idea. Things like AW take *hundreds of thousands*
or even *millions* of LOC to write. At last count Evo was 35,000 and if you
include the heavy heavy use of multiline macros that pushes it up to about

When you have 7 or 8 thousand hours of coding experience behind you. Then
you can challenge me. Infact what the hell.

I challenge you, produce your own version, C++, everything, Dynamic rights
system, multimode attributes editing, 100+ commands, god knows how many
reports, the back end database interface, the XML communication standards,
the profile management system, the advanced logging capabilities, the
context sensing menus, the graphical display interfaces, the compressable

Oh, and more than 2 { or } on a line does not count.

See you in 10 years and 80,000 - 10,000 lines of code because I can
guarentee you cannot code as pure as I can.

- MR

[View Quote]

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 9:09pm
Uh.... You really have no idea. Things like AW take *hundreds of thousands*
or even *millions* of LOC to write. At last count Evo was 35,000 and if you
include the heavy heavy use of multiline macros that pushes it up to about

When you have 7 or 8 thousand hours of coding experience behind you. Then
you can challenge me. Infact what the hell.

I challenge you, produce your own version, C++, everything, Dynamic rights
system, multimode attributes editing, 100+ commands, god knows how many
reports, the back end database interface, the XML communication standards,
the profile management system, the advanced logging capabilities, the
context sensing menus, the graphical display interfaces, the compressable

Oh, and more than 2 { or } on a line does not count.

See you in 10 years and 80,000 - 10,000 lines of code because I can
guarentee you cannot code as pure as I can.

- MR

[View Quote]

Motion Capture

Mar 19, 2006, 4:53pm
If you want to track its movements, just store the common integers for
positions along with session and something storing session details. Andras
may have a MySQL logger somewhere.

- MR

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks"
"It's our job to know"
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AWI Jobs, any takers?

Mar 22, 2006, 6:13pm
Seen as this thing seems designed to keep me out *grumble*... I'll post it
on here for those that havent checked the web pages.

Application Programmer C C++

Minimum of 5+ years of C/C++ coding experience. 2+ years of Activeworlds SDK
development experience required. Strong PHP, Java and Perl-scripting skills
are a plus. A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is required. This position
does not require working from our Newburyport office, telecommuting
accepted. Send resume to jobs at or mail to Activeworlds Inc.
95 Parker Street, Newburyport, MA 01950.

- Mark Randall
5 years SDK and still cant apply -_-

New AW programming site

Mar 23, 2006, 2:04am
I too was planning on adding SDK documentation to my new AW 'super-site'
(eventually) and fitting it using the same help manager I use for the AW
docs, hence allowing people to provide their own examples etc.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."
[View Quote]

Call for Companies

Mar 23, 2006, 12:02pm

A question, have I neglected to add any? At this point I am only looking for
commercial (or linked) 'companies' to add, such as modelling providers,
hosting services, bot designers and so forth.

At the moment im just after a short description, contact and owner info, a
url and perhaps a more extended piece of information, soon I will be adding
things like hosting comparisons, reviews etc.

X-Posting: Lacking on origional

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

Increase console message length

Mar 27, 2006, 6:24pm
I would like to see console message length increased to around 280
characters so one complete line of text (+ name and \t:) can be included per
console message. Seems a rather obvious benefit.

Also, console messages taking an array of sessions would be good.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

aw_object_add with special objects?

Apr 18, 2006, 3:21pm
I seem to remember setting AW_OBJECT_TYPE after setting the structures.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."

[View Quote]

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