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strike rapier // User Search[AW Gamebot] I may be going Insane...Mar 27, 2004, 11:24am
I may be going insane... or it could be my bots...
But why the hell does the [AW Gamebot] in AW GZ return 190 as its avatar state....? - MR SDK 37: universe disconnectsApr 5, 2004, 6:38pm
SDK in PDF Format?Apr 10, 2004, 9:59pm
Rip it and store it locally :) The nav bar is a gret tool, perfect for what
its there for. - MR [View Quote] SDK 37: Botgram eventApr 11, 2004, 8:00pm
It was never intended to exist...
Botgrams were origionally designed to invite a user to enter the universe at another persons location, without them needing to have AW open to recieve it, only the bot invite.exe. This feature was intended for a different universe. The general idea is to send from one citizenship to another, not from one session to another. While I agree that one to one session methods would be absolutly brilliant, this is not what the feature was designed for. - MR [View Quote] SDK 37: Botgram eventApr 11, 2004, 11:20pm
'Invite' as it first existed was a seperate application, 'invite.exe' which
was installed with the alpha browsers that I still have kicking about somewhere. When you invited someone to join you who was not in-world the universe server would send a botgram with a specific type (hence the type id) to identify who sent it, and their coordinates. Hence allowing the user to join them even if they did not have the browser open to recieve the join. In alpha browsers you do not launch aworld.exe... you launch invite.exe... which logs in then launches aworld.exe... if you get what i mean... uh.... - MR [View Quote] SDK 37: Botgram eventApr 12, 2004, 1:21am
Invite was later integrated directly into the browser as origionally
planned, however invite.exe still works to request you join people elsewhere in the universe that requested the feature in the first place as far as i know. - MR [View Quote] suggestion: AW_UNIVERSE_BOTGRAMS_ENABLEDApr 17, 2004, 10:53pm
> Do we have to rely on hackers, third parties or hearsay to get
> the info we need? Do we have to spy the SDK web pages to find out > when a new version is available? Its hardly spying... but it is a lot more fun when certain hackers (we are all probably thinking of the same person) releases new information and various tools get released that have all the fun stuff in... (like the rest of the commands, lol) - MR universe options bug in bot SDKApr 25, 2004, 5:51pm
AW Attributes need updatingApr 25, 2004, 11:39am
The read only / general attributes need updating on the AW website.
- MR sooo.... are we ever gonna get...Jul 6, 2004, 5:01pm
I, personally, am going to flip if the programmers don't get the C++ and VB
3.6 SDK's released pronto... I know theyre busy buy cmon guys this is beyond a joke. Your not the only people who have programming interests in Active Worlds, think about it, theres more of us than there are of you so it makes sense that applications will be developed far more rapidly than the browser, but to do that and give AW some cutting edge bots to use we need the latest SDK so when you do catch up to the SDK coders ideas with the browsers were ready. - MR [View Quote] problem with AW_MY_PITCH attributeJul 8, 2004, 5:11pm
This is an absolute b*****d of a bugfinder if you dont know what your after.
the avatar pitch is only displayed when AW_MY_STATE is set to FLY (2), the default is Walk (1) hence it will not show up. Use the following: void refresh( void ){ aw_int_set (AW_MY_X, X); aw_int_set (AW_MY_Z, Z); aw_int_set (AW_MY_Y, Y); aw_int_set (AW_MY_YAW, YAW); aw_int_set (AW_MY_PITCH, pitch); aw_int_set (AW_MY_GESTURE, gest); aw_int_set (AW_MY_STATE, 2); aw_state_change(); } - Mark R [View Quote] Standards on register price?Jul 12, 2004, 3:13pm
Hey Folks,
Does anyone know if there is a standard on the format for the monthly / yearly citizenship costs in the SDK / Universe? Ive noticed when I've been playing with Eclipse's Uni report that in some situations the uniserver gives a $ / £ figure before, and sometimes it does not (ie: AW). Does anyone know what this is MEANT to be? I am guessing logic would say its meant to have a currency unit so different countries can use it but I need to decide if I should throw in a $ into the formatting of the report... Ideas, anyone? - Mark Yes I've thought of only including it if no other currency symbols are present Standards on register price?Jul 14, 2004, 2:23am
[View Quote]
Everyone must prefer the decemal point, or how the hell are you meant to
tell the difference between 1,000 and 1.000? Standards people! I dont give a damned what you think you should all conform to MY STANDARDS! - MR Standards on register price?Jul 14, 2004, 3:04am
Ive got one thing to say to:
> I was brought up in Uruguay and Argentina in the 50s-60s. We use the > comma there. ^^ CLICK HERE BEFORE READING ^^ Its bloody annoying, I think its rather strange When I try to interpret, these currencies you sendd And that I still need to use val( ) despite all that ive done Yet wont compile for meeeee All you will see is Buffer overflow, Although masked in ASM Which of course is rather poo I think the coders should sue! I dont have to accept standards, my codes dont av' to change I couldent spend my entire life based on feeeel Looking in the IDE, looking for the bug So I chose a breakpointtt Running around trying watches now But nothing works at alll Id never expeect a sodding format, id never expect at all... .... I feel like cryin' cause of argentina The truth is your a painnn in the asss All though these dark days, of sodding coding... You make my life harddd So commas keep your distanceeee Have I ranted to much? Theres nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is change your 'global options' and get rid of your formatting pooooooooooo ... So DONT CRY FOR ME MR. CODER! The TRUTH is im HERE TO HAUNT YOU Though EVERY PROJECT In YOUR EXISTANCE I'll make your code screeeewed As a wise coder once told me, he was shouded in fame make your programs compatable, or hang your head in shame Other people may seem like illusions But those illusions you will see Dont pay your bloody wages So they might as well go go away... So they might as well go awayy... [ SOOOOOOOOO DONT CRY FOR ME MR. CODER! THE TRUTH IS IM HERE TO HAUNT YOU THROUGH EVERY PROJECT IN YOUR EXISTANCE I'LL MAKE YOUR CODE SCREWWWWED ] repeat and fade out... Copyright Mark Randall (2004) Standards on register price?Jul 14, 2004, 3:13pm
Standards on register price?Jul 16, 2004, 4:53pm
Of course as far as maths goes... there is a reason we use the decemal point
in uh... the decimal system... However thats not the only reason: the comma is the matrix array denoter seperating 2 or more items in a linear matrix such as (1, 2, 3) which of course could be used to represent 3D coordinates... As for the space as a thousand delim, I always thought that was shere madness to include whitespaces in a single entity... a , you can just do a string replace on and delete the ","... but with a " " you dont even know where to begin parsing the number unless you spend absolutly ages trying to create inventive ways to tell where one thing ends and another thing starts... I can just about live with non-iso english... but I prefer this: 3,400,227.87 at least for when I am actually doing math... Damn the ISO! Noone wants you anyway and everyone should use DD/MM/YY[YY] for dates or even better: DDD DD MMM, YY[YY] (see, matrices delimiter seperating 2 entities). Anyway... moving onto more interesting things... we have 1000 seperators in decimal... what are the equivilents in hex? hehe - Mark R Your all going to hate me now for my none-conformance... TOUGH! ?:-) [None conformant smiley - it has a wavey ? hair on it) [View Quote] VB SDK - Logging In...Jul 17, 2004, 10:11am
Use the C sdk documentation:, its cleaner.
I even go as far as to have aw_int, aw_int_set, aw_string etc defined as global functions, just like in C. That way no silly property malarva. - Mark R [View Quote] 3.6 VB SDK in creation!Jul 24, 2004, 11:44am
Already have this lot somewhere... problem is distinct lack of the events,
although VarPtr may help... - MR [View Quote] 3.6 VB SDK in creation!Jul 26, 2004, 3:17pm
o_0 thats going to blow up rather quickly on VB6 for anyone trying it....
VB.NET int = VB6 Long VB.NET short = VB6 Int - MR [View Quote] WWWOAAHH FREAK OUT!!Aug 4, 2004, 11:32pm
Botgram TypeAug 7, 2004, 8:33pm
Good whatever-it-is,
It seems that we are lacking a major portion of the botgram functionality with the botgram type attribute. I am wondering if we could somehow create our own version of it by thinking up some kind of protocol or header for each message so that we know what is what, something that takes as little space as possible out of the 512 chars? The reason I ask is I intend to be sending a lot of information through botgrams, of course if every other bot recives every message screens are going to very rapidly will get flooded compared to some of the messages which users will wish to read etc. Now considering we are lacking the type attribute, it seems sensable to use several bytes at the start of the message, presuming we don't go insane 2 logical bytes should be enough, so xxxx as hex maximum? That way we can have different 'types' for different purposes allowing bots to deal with them appropriatly... For example if I wanted to send a message for the user to read in every bot. 0 - Display on all 1 - Display on bot with name 2 - Bot-Only Broadcast to all 3 - Bot-Only Broadcast to bot with name 4 - Status Requester 5 - Arrival Register 6 - Depart Register So for example a general message to everyone could be: "0#This is my message" A message to a specific bot: "0#[?Some Bot]#Hello this is my message" Could be identified via name, session etc (if registered). Bot-Only would be the same as above, but not direcly displayed to the user... Status requester would be this: 4#get#<session> Responded to by bots as 4#return#<session>#Eclipse Nightwing 3.6.93#awteen#2750s 0w Arrival Register would be much the same, but no request: 5#Eclipse Nightwing 3.6.93#<any other info> This would be for CT's for example, so each bot has to log in. Exit Register: 6#<session> We could designate the rest of the 36,000 registers as we need them, someone just needs to keep a tab on all of them. I think its worth a try at least, so our bots don't get flooded by other bots comm traffic. - Mark R Botgram TypeAug 7, 2004, 9:12pm
Of course if the Universe Server let us have access to the botgram type
attribute we could impliment any number of systems, for example we could just put any comm traffic like this is channel 1. Keep channel 0 open for normal bot traffic. - MR List of 'enums'Aug 16, 2004, 5:23pm
Hi Everyone,
Would anyone be able to post a list of the different (constantly changing) attributes for the different SDK builds for what resolves to what, such as World Ratings, Object Limits etc, and what they appertain to? I admit that I have no idea what these have been in the last few builds and I am hoping someone has been keeping a closer eye on them than I. - MR AwSdk3 problemsOct 24, 2004, 2:59pm
Make sure you unregister the AwSdk2 or its globals will take presidence, you
should only *ever* have 1 version of the sdk on a bot at once, the alternative is using HUGE enum callers. - MR [View Quote] Anyone else had these problems? (HTML Post)Dec 24, 2004, 2:28am
Recently, I have had problems with the SDK, has anyone else experienced any
of the following problems? The following is an extract from the Eclipse database while it was running somewhere, the database creates a record on enter, sets its privilege etc as it recieves them, and finally sets the exit information on exiting. Yet for some reason, event ID's 422 and 423 show the same user, including session entering twice. If it were a disconnect it would show a new session #, but this looks like its basically sending the information twice almost 10 seconds appart, not good. user_events event_id profile_id timeindex user_key event name session citizen privilege privname ip dns Universe world coordinates time_exit coordinates_exit 419 local 24/12/2004 03:13:14 4e4-f-1d8264a enter LEME IN PELICAN 55206 356030 356030 LEME IN PELICAN /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 0s 0e 0.1a 0 24/12/2004 03:13:25 1.08n 1.08w 0.0a 130 420 local 24/12/2004 03:13:27 4e4-10-1d82657 enter RaysALight 54177 352328 352328 RaysALight /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 1.69s 0.709e 5.3a 30 24/12/2004 03:16:37 1.69s 0.709e 5.3a 30 421 local 24/12/2004 03:13:29 4e4-11-1d82659 enter LEME IN PELICAN 55206 356030 356030 LEME IN PELICAN /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 1.08n 1.08w 0.0a 130 24/12/2004 03:13:35 1.08n 1.08w 0.0a 130 422 local 24/12/2004 03:13:35 4e4-12-1d8265f enter "LEME IN PELICAN" 34 0 0 ~tourist~ /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 1.08n 1.08w 0.0a 130 423 local 24/12/2004 03:13:44 4e4-13-1d82668 enter "LEME IN PELICAN" 34 0 0 ~tourist~ /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 1.08n 1.08w 0.0a 130 424 local 24/12/2004 03:14:02 4e4-14-1d8267a enter LEME IN PELICAN 55218 356030 356030 LEME IN PELICAN /denied /denied Active Worlds aw 0.63n 0.596w 0.0a 280 24/12/2004 03:14:17 0.63n 0.596w 0.0a 280 The bot has world disconnect handling installed, and the system log shows nothing out of the ordinary for this time, does anyone have any idea why or how this could happen? -- Secondly, while experiencing a universe disconnection I did not recieve the disconnect connection-lost message once (like I did on the copy of Eclipse Nightwing running) but on Evo I recieved it constantly, at 1 second intervals (Evo aw_wait frequency = 0.2 seconds). To date I have no idea what could have caused these. I have added margin code to ensure the uni message only displays when recovering, but any ideas as to why this happens would be appreciated, im lost on this one. - Mark R |