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Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 26, 2006, 2:50am
[View Quote] (Sorry Andras - Random Rant)

MPL, has anyone ever told you that you should STFU and stop trying to make
every thread about you and what you will do?

No? Ok...

Would you kindly STFU and stop trying to make every thread about you and
what you do? It ranges from irritating in some posts, to making me want to
disembowel you in certain others.

>Just to prove that no harm no foul involved, I downloaded this file and am
>taking a look. :)

'No Harm No Foul'? Going to load it into IDA and rip it apart now are you?
No.. I didn't think so.

The next time you make a 'nomatter what, look at me!' post im going to order
the CIA to go rendition your back side to Uzbekistan

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 26, 2006, 7:06pm
[View Quote] Andras stated that too in email before I even posted...

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 29, 2006, 6:06am
[View Quote] Yet, a few days in AW per-year and opened a commercial world that looked
like our dear friend Jacob built it while playing super mario bro's with his
other hand.

> Oh wait.. I do. What was your dayjob again?

Software Engineering degree student and programmer / intranet designer :)

> My boss, is a former AT&T employee who worked in the development and
> research of Internet2 Darkfiber with a bandwidth you could only dream of.
> He left AT&T research to join me to help create a media that would be
> useful on I2.

So your boss... and your point? I mean, woooo, dump a gigabit connection out
to a local curbside multiplexer and use a tripple coaxial cable and you will
never need more bandwidth, unless you actually mean a local loop system,
personally id much enjoy seeing something that can alter physical matter
cleanly at a frequency of 102760448Hz.

But hell, lets rejoice that all those left over links will be used sooner or

> Knowing the future of the Internet *IS* my business. I have seen it, not
> as a vison, but as a darkfiber pipe with a terrabyte ping accessible from
> the household.

A terabyte PING you say? wow is that 'the ping of death' but supersized?
Cooincidently, have you actually checked buffer and processor rates for
98mb/s, oh thats right - your firewall would explode, your computer would
freeze, and your system bus would die the second you started reading from a
CD because your modem would start ripping control from other hardware with

> I work with companies who are developing 98MB per sec modems (for consumer
> use). It isn't webpages, and it isn't a massive multiuser game. I know
> what the AW browser was designed to do, originally, as do most of the
> users of the newgroups. It is a highly underutilized Metaverse, so I have
> the ability to take off the rose tinted glasses and see it for what it is.

Bull. Shit.
Have you seen what AWI has been doing with it in other sectors?

> I'm sorry if I somehow steal your "thunder" by taking the spotlight off of
> your personal "Strike Rapier" showcase. I don't really care if you know
> some (or all) of the AW staff personally and meet them for company
> picnics.

The last time I turned up at a company picnic Stacee tried to eat me.

> The fact that all you manage to do is tell people how wrong they are if
> they do not agree with you (or because you are somehow special) does
> nothing to promote your ability to be taken seriously.

Yet I always appear to be right...

> So, if you would like to take this time to bash me, or what I am trying to
> accomplish - I will gladly give you a soapbox and a megaphone (because I
> would like your message to reach those in the cheap seats in the back).

I dont require a soapbox or megaphone, I simply require a keyboard, and a
set of eyes to read the ammunition you provide.

> I will gladly give you any means by which you will make a fool of yourself
> consistently in public. I'm pretty easygoing and I enjoy free
> entertainment with my coffee :)

^^ Pointless Paragraph

> As for the posts about the soundpack... ummm.. well I simply made a
> mention that I downloaded it (and nothing went wrong) hopefully spurring
> others into downloading it as well.

'I will be the hero! I will potentially sacrafice myself for you all!'

> Are you telling the forum and myself that posting replies to posts in here
> is suddenly "obnoxious" as would be participation?

No, im simply trying to convey what appears to be a distributed public wish
for you to shut up. Im sure several people would like me to shut up also,
but at least I am involved in, and provide to, Active Worlds.

> Correction, oh mighty wizard... I make posts about what I *am* doing,
> whereas you make vague posts about what you did where nobody can verify.
> Case in point:
> Apparently Andras approves of your "rant" and swearing also? I bet he sent
> his approval in email, right?

I think you need to re-read the statement and LOOK this time.

> I also get a kick out of your tag at the end of your posts...
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to
> those
> of us who do"
> So tell us, Strike, while you have the megaphone and the stage - what do
> you have to back your mouth and ego? I've posted half of mine and my
> company's credentials, how bout you?

You've posted bollocks except what your boss did.

> Step up, little man.

I knew you you would back up my points before the end of your email, cheers.


Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 29, 2006, 11:46am
These are the *active worlds* newsgroups, of which he knows bollocks all,
infact - he said precisely zero about what he did know. Pleanty of what his
boss knows, which is how to turn on unused OC lines...

And yes, your scripting language was lame and counterintuative to commonly
accepted syntax. But why worry about it, its not like you actually made it -
you just wrote down some whacky code, that isnt really code. I told you to
make it, even give you the steps to go through, and I assure you at the end
you will hate it.

Oh, and its more like 7,000 to 9,000 hours of coding experience in a variety
of languages and tools :) To match that you will probably need to do 6 to 18
hours a day, each day, like me.

- MR

[View Quote]

Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 30, 2006, 8:09am
You lose!


[View Quote]

Sitting there in 3.4

Jan 30, 2006, 4:23pm
You both lost my interest.

I decided things that are not in my interest are no longer worth my time,
regardless of how much I would like to rip into them.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

New chat style in AWGate

Dec 24, 2005, 9:20am
Hurrar for advancement.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

Happy Holidays

Dec 25, 2005, 1:45am
twas the night before an evil christmas
not a creature was stirring, the turkey long since trounced.
all the little children were up in their beds
while santa came down, and fell on his head
santa moved so quick he could barely be seen
but his observational skills were never too keen
Upon a land mind he stepped in a hurry
Placed there by a kiddy, who thought it was funny
and all across christmas with children snug in their beds
they wouldent get presents
.... cause santa is dead

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

Universe World List (26 Dec, 2005)

Dec 26, 2005, 6:10pm
Report 26 December, 2005

Native XML (+XSL Transform) available at:

IE is required to view these files.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Eclipse Evolution (Release Candidate)

Dec 28, 2005, 4:09pm
Hi all,

I would like to announce that the latest release of Eclipse Evolution
(246b - evo-v246b-sdk.c36.rc3) which is, you guessed it, an advanced Release
Candidate, i.e. it works well.

You can download Eclipse Evolution at,
the bot requires Windows XP or 2003 Server.

This is the final release (short of identifying any major issues) before
moving on to add major new capabilities and closed testing (such as queries,
terrain yarda yarda).

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact myself.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Eclipse Evolution (Release Candidate)

Dec 29, 2005, 2:31pm
Had better make that 246c to fix the error in the rights manager dialog.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

RL Chicago

Dec 29, 2005, 9:08am
HTML spam of all things QRV :O

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Be sure to mention we sent you, coz we were promised if we brought in a
certain amount of ppl, we'd receive free upgraded wristbands for next year !

The Death of Aiken Drum

Dec 29, 2005, 10:03pm
Dear Friends,

It is my most profound displeasure to announce the death of my good friend
Aiken Drum, a long time user of Active Worlds, one of the original
Gatekeepers, funny, engaging, skilful and well liked; he was one heck of a

Aiken was sadly found dead this Christmas morning, his death is a great loss
us all, the wider world, and especially his family; Aiken was expecting his
first grandchild soon.

I would like to pay special consideration to one of Aikens closest friends
in both AW and RL, Flynn1, now a tourist, who is at this time trying to come
to terms with the loss of her dearest friend and I invite everyone to give
her the support of friendship.

A memorial build has been created for Aiken in AW at 8857.05S 2047.09E 0.30a

Wish you were still here uncle Aiken dude {:¬(

- Mark Randall

Happy New Year everyone :o} Hugzzz

Dec 31, 2005, 4:16pm
Repeat after me:

My new years resolution is to obey Strike Rapier.
My new years resolution is to obey Strike Rapier.
My new years resolution is to obey Strike Rapier.


I command you all to have a very happy new year!

- Mark Randall

A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 1, 2006, 3:02pm
Frosta is usually one of the better GKs, but Id just like to point out that
the only people who *ever* get offended by these words are middle aged
women!!!! =p

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 2, 2006, 2:22pm
Neither can most fascist GKs

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 3, 2006, 11:00am
[View Quote] Which planet are you living on again?

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

A little bit too far (AWGate Woes)

Jan 3, 2006, 10:28pm
[View Quote] Noooo, because this is where people like me come along and make their
virtual lives a living hell when they get out of control.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard Avatars

Jan 4, 2006, 11:46pm
[View Quote] Do ratings mean anything to anyone personally nowerdays when we dont want to
follow them?

Didnt think so.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

I See Weird Things!

Jan 5, 2006, 2:34am
[View Quote] You think you have it bad?

I see dead people.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

I See Weird Things!

Jan 5, 2006, 2:45pm
Only the fit girls.

My male mind requires that all unattractive women and all other men are cast
down to hell, where I dont have to look at them.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

Will the last person in AW please turn out the lights

Jan 6, 2006, 5:25pm
[View Quote] Its a good rule to remember thought, that if your users can make you, they
can usually break you, regardless of if you diversify.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

Will the last person in AW please turn out the lights

Jan 6, 2006, 9:03pm
Already had the 4.1 info :P

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]


Jan 6, 2006, 12:28am
Worth posting here;

There is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR update available for MS windows; fixing the WMF
vunerability that has been causing utter chaos on the internet; MS has had
people working on this 24/7 for thousands of man hours.

If you don't have this patch, you are as good as doomed (Should be installed
even if you have the 3rd party User32 Escape() memory patch from IDA)

Forwarded from news://


Server 2003


XP x64

Windows Server x64

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov


Jan 6, 2006, 12:33am
Note: You can uninstall the 3rd party patch once you have covered yourself
with the official one.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov


Jan 6, 2006, 3:59am
Now im awake again;

Just for a bit of scary news; you dont even have to open or even view the
image to get infected.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]


Jan 6, 2006, 5:37am
[View Quote] Meet me and the MVPs.


Get SpySherrif victims everrry day.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

lights and vis

Jan 7, 2006, 12:52am
With 2 taken for ambient and directional.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]


Jan 11, 2006, 7:27pm

"Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)

Jan 10, 2006, 3:20pm
So progress does exist.

How unexpected.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov

[View Quote]

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