Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard Avatars (Community)

Latest avatar makeover: Lori from AW Standard Avatars // Community

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Jan 2, 2006, 5:20am
Thought I'd share this latest makeover with everyone..
I've gotten some varied comments back already, so why not get more?

I've been redoing the some of the avatars found in world AW of ActiveWorlds,
and you can see them here:

But, this last one is a bit Risqué.. and as I mentioned, has gotten varied

Thanks for any feedback.. good or bad. :)

Bastillion, Curator of The Bastion (aw 1206n 7750w), Co-owner of world


Jan 2, 2006, 5:40am
Thats a little too much skin on an avatar for me thanks. The uh, small
patch of fabric around her crotch is so small... oh so small.


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Jan 2, 2006, 2:32pm
Thank you for the input. :)

By chance, did you happen to see the other avatars I've redone, or has this
one just completely chased you away?
I can assure you, that this latest one is the first (and probably only
public) to be this racy.

I've redone Philippe, Tanya, Gray, Willy, Alicia, Jenna, Hotep, Birde, Rick,
and both tourists.
showcases them all in world (well, locally on my PC, but within AW browser)

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Jan 2, 2006, 3:57pm
Racy?...risqué?....I don't think so....maybe for a G room but not even then.

Its a cute av and you are having fun learning it and rearranging it. That is
what counts.

The only ones with a bad comment are maybe ones that have never been to a
beach area. The only ones with comments like 'too much skin' seem to like to
consider what a woman wears as too much or too less. The parts that SHOULD
be covered are covered and if they aren't, there is a huge market for
uncovered avs as well.

Too many prudes, too many sexist pigs, too many hmmm children with nothing
good to say. Maybe you did a good job but some cannot see past the pixel
skin to the work you tried to do

Good Job....and please continue your efforts on this line, AW needs to be
brought up to date. I personally am tired of the clothing up to the neck
with the hint of bullestic cone shapped breasts 'Madonna' style (they will
put your eye out LOL). It has been many many years since commercials for
bras had to show the bra OVER the shirt. This is no longer 1950.



Jan 3, 2006, 2:50pm
Posting a reply to myself isn't something I normally do, but in case you've
already read the thread out...

Lady Murasaki ( gave me a WONDERFUL tip on lighting the
clumps in the avatars..

...and it made one HECK of a massive difference!

The new avatar (while still seen as racy to some) at least now looks softer
and more even! I'll have to try
this affect on my other avatars to see how they turn out!

Check the new pictures I posted:

Thanks again all for the feedback.. positive, neutral, or negative. :)


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Jan 3, 2006, 6:24pm
I have seen your work, and do like it. No, this avatar didnt chase me
away, I just think her skirt is a little too short short for a G rated


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Jan 4, 2006, 9:00pm
oh give me a break....the ruler measure of skirt hems went out long long
ago....its 2006 now....Happy New Year everyone : )

PS: Imagine, we can even wear bikinis on the beach now....don't die of shock
with this bit of G rated news...

sw chris

Jan 4, 2006, 11:44pm
Do ratings have any meaning to you?

strike rapier

Jan 4, 2006, 11:46pm
[View Quote] Do ratings mean anything to anyone personally nowerdays when we dont want to
follow them?

Didnt think so.

- Mark Randall

"Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
of us who do"
Isaac Asimov


Jan 5, 2006, 2:21am
[View Quote] Chris,

Not sure if this was asked of me, since it follows a thread from sweets, but
to answer your question non-the-less:

Yes, of course ratings have meaning to me. I do have a son myself who is
rather young and I would not want him to see something like I have
posted yet at this time. However, I do what the responsible parent does and
watch closely (I'm right there with him) whatever he does on the
computer, and limit the web (if he uses it at all) to sites meant for his
age group.

That said, I know that my personal avatars I am revamping will more than
likely never be used in a public AWI controlled world, so having my
avatars "appear" in world AW is only happening because I am using the same
method that the SWCity AWE project uses.. my local path on my
hard drive.

Perhaps, since I have had quite a few people mention it to be more PG-17ish,
I should only showcase any further avatars of this nature in my
own world, Solitude which I could control the Ratings settings there. And
leave the PG avatars for my own use in my localpath within world AW.

Thank you for your input, and again, this is all new to me.

Bastillion, curator of The Bastion (aw 1206n 7750w) - A gallery of talented
co-owner of world Solitude, currently PG-13 rated.


Jan 5, 2006, 3:06am
Maybe we should wear large sheets over our heads to the ground, woth holes
cut for the eyes, like some women have to in some countries.

Maybe we should cover our elbows and necks as the hassidic jews do because
our flesh is corrupt to see.

Maybe we should stay home because men cannot control themselves if they see
a bit of flesh.

Get real....yes I do believe in protecting children...but from what in this
case...a bit of human female skin? legitimate skin?....Skin that as
Canadians and Americans we have been showing for the last 20 years?

In my father's time, men had to cover their chests completely when swimming
in public places, women had to be fully covered, neck to knee. G Rated

In my time, men could bare their chests in public and even donned the
horrible Speedo. Women wore one piece suits showing upper thigh and some
upper chest. But we had to wear a 'cover' to walk on the street half a block
to the beach. G rated

This Generation has bikini, thong, short skirts, pants, shorts, with minimum
of skin covered....we rake leaves in bikinis, visit friends in short shorts
and halter tops
(yes and their children)....G rated....

Times have changed....but the G rating still covers nipples and crotch. The
G rating is still protecting children in public places, but times have
changed so much that is time for you to reevaluate that G rating and get
into modern times.


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Jan 5, 2006, 9:02am
Personally I think it's context, not content. If I saw someone calmly
walking down the street completely naked, I'd probably just shrug and carry
on doing whatever I was doing. I wouldn't think it was indecent or
anything. I might think they were a bit dumb, considering it's January, but
that's about it

Cursing the # key since 2005...

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Jan 5, 2006, 1:31pm
i agree! all woman should start wearing nothing but bikinis!
Cold times only mean hard nipples! :P


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sw chris

Jan 6, 2006, 7:13pm
Nope, wasn't addressing you. I was just curious to know where sweets stood
on the issue of who defines ratings. But thanks. :)

sw chris

Jan 6, 2006, 7:14pm
Thank you. That's all I needed to know.


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