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New Alpha World

Jun 7, 2003, 9:05am
Basically Brock dosent like it he cant do whatever he wants..

- Mark

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New Alpha World

Jun 19, 2003, 7:19pm
'Yes we are' *hits E N Z O with sharp stick*

- Mark

Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 3:20pm
You entertain me :)

- Mark
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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 3:26pm
Why do you ALWAYS create your own threads.... do you crave attention THAT

- Mark

Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 5:22pm
I did and I still think its for the same bloody thread! And if you can't
stop Rossy (who cooincidently very rarley comes to AWTeen but I can imagine
why you are having a go at AWTeen being the round up centre cause it kicks
your worlds arses all over the place) from using a simple bloody registery
exploit its time to give up.

- Mark

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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 5:23pm
Oh yes absolutly...agree.... we should go around to their homes, and force
vandalisers etc in AW to produce community centres and such...

- Mark

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Persuasion of Children?

Jun 11, 2003, 6:07pm
We know who is a big trouble maker 2 ;) *looks towards Bruce who always
seems to be at the centre of every woe of the world*

I doubt 17GB, is the server even that big :o

- Mark

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Jun 13, 2003, 8:27pm
Will someone on a 64 bit system please query for how many times the word
'MrBruce' has been said or posted... I tried but a 8 byte variable to count
em overflowed...

- Mark

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Jun 17, 2003, 3:18pm
First mistake EVERYONE makes using a bot...

Person: 'Why cant I log into Alphaworld?'
Mark: What are you putting in the world box?
Person: 'Alphaworld'
Mark: erm... lol

- Mark

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 19, 2003, 7:11pm
I don't see why you waste the money on shipping when you could just
distribute it via email...

- Mark

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 19, 2003, 9:19pm
*bangs head against wall* :P

- Mark

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New Committee

Jun 18, 2003, 4:43pm

Once again...

AWTeen committee creations can only be announced by the current AWTeen
caretakers, Chanty and Allen Iverson.

Crazy Pills and his perpetual events committee is most likely another poor
attempt at god knows what...

- Mark

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New Committee

Jun 18, 2003, 5:42pm
Then you should have announced it... and it should have been done on the
AWTeen newsgroups...

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"Control" on Outlook express 5.0

Jun 19, 2003, 3:31pm
They are the admin newsgroups, Bill has access to them etc.

They contain posts from years and years ago until a small accident when I
believe they all got wiped...

- Mark

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"Control" on Outlook express 5.0

Jun 19, 2003, 7:25pm
erm... well def was what it was like when I saw it...

- Mark

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Jun 23, 2003, 4:54pm
Can AWI find some way of nuking only the relevant threads! I just lost every
single read message that I have had for the last 2 months!!!

- Mark

New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 6:45pm
Mike.... thats the worst bloody hosting site ive ever seen mate :P

- Mark

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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 6:46pm
gotta say I love the spoofing, like the 'gap' ;)

- Mark

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Looking for world/bot host

Jul 2, 2003, 6:32pm

- Mark

Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 2, 2003, 5:03pm
we.... lost.... the.... newsgroups....????

Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 3, 2003, 6:44pm
Bollocks.. these NG's had so much history of AW, and we lost it all.. WTG
whoever balls that 1 up :(

- Mark

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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 5:56pm
I think its funny the way he goes around it...

I mean if your going to release a virus, where are you going to do it... are
you going to do it by stealth / trojans.... Or are you going to go to GZ
shouting about a 14kb bot, which means it gets immidiatly decompiled by
about 10 different people within roughly 2 minutes of it being said for the
first time...

And then you have most of AW's security forces mobilised on the lookout for
him about 10 seconds after that... Hell the only better place to release a
virus based on M a t t's logic is say the Symatec AV Labs by putting it on a
floppy disk labeled 'virus'....

I mean struth... of all the places to attack... you attack someplace full of
Server Staff, Programmers, Revsere Engeneers, People who eat Reverse
DNSLookup for breakfast... and last but not least... if all else fails,
Baron and the damned SRT.

I mean talk about pure LOGIC!

- Mark

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 9:28pm
Or... we could just hunt him down and 'remove his ability to turn on his

- Mark

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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 9:48pm
Who said anything about causing the damage to his computer....

- Mark

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Jul 5, 2003, 1:29pm
*Pulls out your double A batteries*

Consider yourself defeated.

- Mark

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I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 2:48pm
The anual registration figures ;)

- Mark

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I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 3:38pm
Most likely

- Mark

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I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 4:26pm
Community [AW] - Something that can provide enough finances to Active Worlds
Inc, to ensure that it dosent go out of business, and that the badly
capitalised CommunitY that others believe in... still has an environment in
which to base itself...

- Mark

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Another M A T T joke [198 kb]

Jul 5, 2003, 4:44pm
scuse me....


OE displays all picture attachment at the bottom of your window, because
incase you forgot your actually reading this message from the equivilent of
an internet explorer / Rich text conbination screen!

If it was HTML, it would say HTML in the bloody encoding and it dosent. Its
got plain text, and an attachment... if it didnt it would be multitype...

- Mark

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Another M A T T joke [198 kb]

Jul 6, 2003, 8:33am
When downloading you will see the STOP button highlighted, you can just kill
the download by clicking it.

- Mark

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