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PHP script

May 10, 2003, 6:04pm

$aPics = array (

// . for current directory
$DocRoot = '.';

$i = (time()/PICTURE_TIMER) % sizeof($aPics);
$Basename = $aPics[$i].'.jpg';
$Filename = $DocRoot.'/'.$Basename;

Header ('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$Basename );
readfile ($Filename);

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May 12, 2003, 5:22am
NoMad is co-owner of, maybe you can contact
him through Count Dracula somehow.

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[humor] Stone Spiders

May 19, 2003, 5:05pm
um, you got this wrong - it is not a joke

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[humor] Stone Spiders

May 19, 2003, 5:13pm
hm, they forgot some interesting ones though.

Some drugs make spiders create their webs ultra-accurate
without _any_ flaws or irreglar structures.

This makes the words "The deformity in the web is related
to the toxicity" look like plain nonsense. Those drugs
that cause extreme exact structures are not less toxic
than those that cause confuse webs.

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Rock am Ring life :)

Jun 6, 2003, 9:07pm

Streaming available too, they seem to have some bandwith
problems, so people from germany switch life to WDR TV

multipath.php help

Jun 15, 2003, 6:33am
Do what Wizard Myrddin wrote and check the result.
"allow_url_fopen=1" in the phpinfo.php result is a requirement
for the type of fopen() usage in this multipath script.

Another test is always : try to download a small model with
a web browser, like
then open this ZIP file with notepad and see if there's
an error message text somewhere.

As long as the script URL is not provided, we cannot do
these tests for you.

dlp anne schrieb:
> For some reason the multipath.php still dose not work, it stoped working
> back in March 2003 and no one can seem to find out why.
> Was there an upgrade to teh php code that we need to know about?
> I do remember in teh past that it did this before and stoped working and I
> was told to change my " to ' to make it work again.
> Did they go back to " or changed it to something new?
> Here is the php the way it is now and it don't work.
> <?PHP
> $aPaths = array ('', '',
> '', '');
> $fIn=$fOut=$IsZip=0;
> // this block is only needed if AW examines the HTTP header!
> if ($Content = strrchr ($QUERY_STRING, '.'))
> {
> if (stristr ($Content, ".zip"))
> Header ("Content-Type: application/zip");
> else
> Header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
> }
> $Namepos = strrpos ($QUERY_STRING, '/');
> $Filepath = substr ($QUERY_STRING, 0, $Namepos+1);
> $Filename = substr ($QUERY_STRING, $Namepos+1);
> Header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$Filename );
> $Firsttry = -1;
> if ($Filename[0] == '~')
> {
> $Firsttry = intval (substr($Filename,1,2))-1;
> $Filename = substr($Filename, 3);
> if ($Firsttry >= 0)
> if ($fIn = at fopen ($aPaths[$Firsttry].$Filepath.$Filename,
> "rb"))
> {
> fpassthru ($fIn); // no fclose, fpassthru() closes the file
> exit;
> }
> }
> $Anz = sizeof ($aPaths);
> for ($i=0; $i<$Anz; $i++)
> if ($i != $Firsttry)
> if ($fIn = at fopen ($aPaths[$i].$Filepath.$Filename, "rb"))
> {
> fpassthru ($fIn); // no fclose, fpassthru() closes the file
> exit;
> }
> ?>

multipath.php help

Jun 17, 2003, 4:22pm
Usually just read rights are needed.

andras schrieb:
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multipath.php help

Jun 25, 2003, 7:13pm
There's no scaling yet either - except for dynamic OP users ;)

Tilt & roll shows that they do listen to users requests sometimes.

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TS Avatar problem

Jun 18, 2003, 5:26pm
Sounds very much like you forgot to build the
tags _and_ tree with this button to the right
in the "green man" view.

guri lady schrieb:
> Hello, everyone;
> I converted an AW Avatar to modify in TrueSpace4. I used AccuTrans to do
> this. I had to redo the hierarchy of the avatars body parts and rename them
> so they work with AW sequences. This I did correctly according to AW's
> guidelines on CobDUMP3's help page. I also used the avatar that was
> provided in the CobDump3 zip file to use as a reference for the hierarchy
> and the axes location of each body part.
> My problem is this: When I did the axes for each part of the body somehow I
> did not get the location for the torso's axes correct. The torso acts as if
> it's is not connected to the pelvis. When the av stands in it's wait
> sequence, for example, the torso slides off the hips. Trying to see if I
> could solve the axes problem, I then took the orginal avatar and converted
> it to cross check the location of the axes on it's torso. I adjusted it and
> the av still doesn't move right. I relocated the axes a few times trying to
> tweek it with no success.
> Help! I'm all confused and now frustrated to boot! LOL


Jun 29, 2003, 1:21pm
Completely off-topic :

I'm looking for photographs of this grimm looking
rubber duck from the 1978 movie "Convoy" with
Kris Kristofferson and Ali MacGraw .

Does anyone here have any that he could send to me?




Jun 29, 2003, 1:55pm
Guter Tip, wir haben einen Karstadt in Goettingen :)
Ich werde es mal versuchen ...


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Jun 29, 2003, 3:13pm
Such, wuehl, kram, google ...

even for sale - expencive though.

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Jul 1, 2003, 1:20pm
um - somehow I feel old now ;)

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Jul 11, 2003, 6:37am
Check this counter :

here it is for my seti account :

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Jul 11, 2003, 7:49pm
There is already an AW team, has only one member though I think.

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Jul 11, 2003, 7:51pm
.... here we have it :


Jul 11, 2003, 7:54pm
You can use SetiHide for example to collect some work
units and then - when you're online, flush the finished
ones and fetch new ones.

A lot of tools like SetiHide exist, it is just the one
I use.

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Jul 12, 2003, 3:34am
you're right, Netwire didn't even join his own team *g

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Jul 12, 2003, 3:38am
I tried one of the B.O.I.N.C. projects but could not make it
work on my PC. I'll wait till it's out of the Beta and then
join one of those projects.

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Jul 12, 2003, 6:27pm
strange, I DID explain it very detailed but the posting must
have gotten lost on the NG server :-/

Well, here it is again from my outbox :

It is binary coded - the current counter taken directly
from my XML seti user data from berkeley. The counter is
always up to date, independant from the number of PCs you
use for crunching.

You start reading it from the top, each row is one binary
coded hex number, the first row is the least significant

Currently I have 985 results, that is 0x03d9

9 = 1001 (white black black white)
d = 1101 (white white black white)
3 = 0011 (black black white white)
The rest is black (0-bits)

The message that Arecibo sent some years ago (and again
lately) gave me the idea, they have a similar coding in
their message.

Welln, in the meantime I have not 985 anymore but for the
explanation the example should do :)

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Jul 12, 2003, 8:14pm
Too dangerous for 2 reasons :

1. your email at seti should not be published because some people
send faked results to accounts. Don't ask me why they do that but
they do :(

2. Traffic : my traffic is limited. The limit is quite high but if
soo many seti users like the idea, it might blow up. Currently more
than 4,500,000 people use Seti.

If it is just the JPG problem :

I have marks where to change to JPG or PNG in the source :)

Other reasons why it might not work :

- LibGD with JPG support is not installed or enabled
- allow_url_fopen is not set to 1 in your configuration

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Jul 13, 2003, 2:05am
The script does not use Server-Push so reload or avoid
caching on a web page is a HTML-Header feature. As the PHP
does not use parameters you can append a random parameter
from the enclosing page to force picture reload.

In AW it's refresh=

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Jul 13, 2003, 9:31am
Stuff like this is fun btw. :)

It runs for 2 weeks total and will end on Tuesday 14:00 CET


I start to hate the AW news server, it is the worst
server ever, the response times are often > 1 min.
I always get timeouts on this crap system :(

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Jul 14, 2003, 4:33pm

Just one of the teams is a semi commercial one [PCDirect],
it is a PC magazine.

The others are fun teams, and even DOA (PCD founder) is a
fun cruncher.

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Jul 15, 2003, 8:46pm


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COBDump3 Extension

Jul 12, 2003, 6:31pm
It would be a nice option for Andras' Multizip program
to mark all extensions with #!

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Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 13, 2003, 10:16am
Must be a gang of idiots, cretins and trolls - any pictures available?

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Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 13, 2003, 11:01am
Sleepy E would not give informations to Matt.

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Please read / AW HACKED

Jul 15, 2003, 4:41am
sniff sniff - I smell frittes

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Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 13, 2003, 6:56pm
I higly doubt that it is an Outlook bug this time,
it happens to me on this particular news server all
the time.

Happened on my old machine with NetScape, Opera and
FAgent and on my new one with Mozilla as well.

The response times of this server are up to 30 sec
and sometimes the connection even times out.

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