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Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 14, 2003, 8:44am
Nope, no trouble there at all, the response time
is less than a second on your server.

The problem with is not new,
I don't think it is a temporary router problem.
The server is slow for several months now.

1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms barricade []
2 47 ms 62 ms 47 ms 217.5.98.xx
3 47 ms 62 ms 47 ms
4 141 ms 141 ms 156 ms WAS-E4.WAS.US.NET.DTAG.DE []
5 141 ms 141 ms 156 ms
6 141 ms 140 ms 156 ms []
7 140 ms 156 ms 141 ms []
8 156 ms 157 ms 172 ms []
9 156 ms 157 ms 156 ms []
10 156 ms 156 ms 157 ms []
11 156 ms 157 ms 156 ms []
12 156 ms 156 ms 157 ms []
13 156 ms 157 ms 171 ms []


1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms barricade []
2 46 ms 63 ms 47 ms 217.5.98.xx
3 47 ms 47 ms 62 ms
4 47 ms 63 ms 62 ms
5 47 ms 62 ms 63 ms []
6 47 ms 62 ms 63 ms []
7 63 ms 62 ms 63 ms []
8 62 ms 63 ms 62 ms []
9 94 ms 78 ms 94 ms []
10 94 ms 94 ms 93 ms []
11 94 ms 93 ms 94 ms []
12 94 ms 94 ms 93 ms
13 94 ms 110 ms 109 ms []
14 94 ms 109 ms 110 ms []

not enough difference to explain the bad response times

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Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 15, 2003, 8:34pm
What about caching the password settings?

New request to the AW uniserver only when
- someone makes his first posting
- the cached password does not match the given password

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Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 16, 2003, 3:22pm

Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 16, 2003, 3:22pm
first test replied very quick

Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 16, 2003, 3:22pm
looks fine so far

Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 16, 2003, 3:23pm
hm, to me the problem seems to be solved

Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 16, 2003, 4:28pm
Yep, it is definitely fixed for me :)

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multipath script

Jul 23, 2003, 5:53pm
Well, I do not have it online as everyone needs it
somehow different.

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multipath script

Jul 25, 2003, 9:20am
One of those 3 ways to do it should help in most cases.

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multipath script

Jul 27, 2003, 6:51am
If you have 2 local paths, you should not use the http:// URL
but the server path. Example :

$aPaths = array ('/vol/op1/', '/opt/var/op2/);

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:30pm

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:37pm
And what about ?
And XelaG's (sorry, I don't have it handy on this box)?
And ...

You have quite some work now that you have started this ;)

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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 6:12pm
hm, my "installer" is pksfx or unzip *g

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Cache image RAS files.

Jul 26, 2003, 4:00am
This one is not perfect but might help :

It does not work on all kinds of RAS files though.
You have to use it from a console window ("DOS box").

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Cache image RAS files.

Jul 26, 2003, 9:07am
upside down, reduces to the cached size (not always same as
original) and as BMP - I think sometimes even inverted - but
all those things can easily be fixed with IrfanView.

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messed up

Jul 29, 2003, 5:50pm
Depends very much on how you use the software.

If you just use it at home, alone, and do not produce anything
with it, you're right, it even will spread the product arround.

MS Word 5.0 existed in so many pirated copies at home that
everyone asked his boss to buy it for his work in the company.
Without that, MS Word would never have been so popular.

Same for Borland - their products mostly became so well known
because nearly everyone had a pirated turbo pascal at home.

But as soon as you wanted to sell such a program, you needed
a licence or they could have found out that you had it illegaly.

But there are only a few examples like those and only giants
who have lots of money can affort tolerating this.
Often smaller companies invested lots of hours into a really
good product. But people do not want to pay for the products
and use them for free instead. Those small companies might

Example : How many people USE AccuTrans and how many OWN it?
I imagine it must be nice for Wyyne to see how many people
like it - but the literally thousands of hours of work he put
into it will never get really payed.

Just because your work can be copied without loss and without
drawing attention, your work has to be subject of piratcy?
If you designed something and someone copies the plans and makes
copies of your work and is able to sell it really cheap (as he
does not have to pay developement) - does the fact that he CAN
copy it lossless rectify that he steals your creative work?

You should really think about the value of the products you use.
A chair, table, car, computer is considered worth buying it
but non-material work like software is not? The work people
put into software is at least as much as the work put into
products you can touch.

I like the idea of free stuff too, you know that - but the legal
owner should be the one who decides about price and licence.
And a long as he does not try to rip people off, I think the user
should accept his decision.

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Another problem? - (nothing biggie though)

Jul 30, 2003, 3:55pm
same here - maybe the IP changed.

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Another problem? - (nothing biggie though)

Jul 30, 2003, 4:06pm
Well, it displayed the message count on the first four groups
and asked for the password on the one for Beta testers.

Maybe Beta testers NG accounts are replicated with the beta
server now instead of the AW server.

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protection for your computer

Jul 30, 2003, 7:46pm
What about "just be careful" ?

I do not run any background virus scanner but still
caught each virus before it became active. I scan
"on demand", just suspicious files. Needs way less
CPU power and does not make the users sleepy and

I think, information is way better than a security
that can never be 100% anyway.

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Interesting log entries...

Aug 4, 2003, 3:50pm
Can you see which URL this request came from?

Here are some people (or bots) trying to find
vulnerabilities btw. :

Deny from
Deny from
Deny from
Deny from

(entries for the root .htaccess on Apache servers)

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Aug 5, 2003, 3:22pm
Eeeeeew - who would download _that_ ???

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Security and privacy alert ! (SERIOUS ISSUE)

Aug 5, 2003, 6:37pm
On Refresh (Ctrl+R) IE6 sends the HTTP request
to and to too.

This can include passwords !!!

More information :

They recommend to block msn and alexa with a
firewall or use a normal browser.

Security and privacy alert ! (SERIOUS ISSUE)

Aug 5, 2003, 11:20pm
I lately tried the Firebird - it's great and very fast - and
although I do not like skins, I have nice buttons now :-)

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weird but true

Sep 12, 2003, 5:47pm
I have to disagree - what about you, Andras ?

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ALERT: Worm.Automat.AHB

Sep 20, 2003, 7:43am
Kasperski scan identifies it as "I-Worm.Dumaru.a" - I wonder
why those virus guys cannot make unique names :-/

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Announcing T2V Version 3

Dec 22, 2003, 9:24am
Right, Kaspersky says "No virus".

And this was not Dreamtime who replied I bet.

Maybe someone has stolen her password.

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Announcing T2V Version 3

Dec 22, 2003, 12:55pm

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Announcing T2V Version 3

Dec 22, 2003, 12:57pm
You're right, Dreamtime has not figured out how to use the NGs yet.

Her password has been stolen and her world has been wiped out.

The troll who posts here is definitely not Dreamtime !


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Dec 22, 2003, 12:17pm
Dreamtime (the real Dreamtime !!!) asked me to post
this here because she has not yet figured out how to
post in the NGs :


Damn I still can't figure out how to pst can you send it for me?

Subject :
Sent :
Monday, December 22, 2003 8:34 AM

I am the real Dreamtime. Some stole my passwords and used it to make the
crappy post. FF. it was not me. The person who wiped out my worlds did this.
My norton virus program did not see it as a virus. :(


As I received this as a reply to an email that I sent
to Dreamtime, I can be absolutely sure that this is
not a fake.

Volker [Ananas]

Re: moving jpgs

Nov 8, 2000, 10:08am
Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I found a tool somewhere that is called FSMaker. Unfortunately there
is no hint who made it and I do not recall the location but I can send
it if you want to try it.

I did not try it yet but the dialog window tells me it can create
strips from BMP, ICO, EMF and WMF.

Another way of creating those strips is taking square(!) JPG files
that contain one animation step each and append them one by one to
a long vertical stripe.

If you already have an animated GIF that you want to convert into an
AW movie strip look for a posting "How to make sprites" in

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Visitenkarte für Volker Hatzenberger
Content-Disposition: attachment;

adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at


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