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Sep 13, 2003, 10:07am
I wouldn't be so sure about those allegations of "slander" there, KAH. I
don't know about Finland, or Norway, or whichever far-away land you come
from, but lying to cover up a crime is rather illegal.


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Sep 17, 2003, 1:00am
Not anymore.


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PPW Stolen?

Sep 12, 2003, 8:10pm
No, the uniserver is sick. No ones hacked the mainframe... ;)


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New AWNewbie Website!

Sep 15, 2003, 12:57am
Yeah, Brock, seriously. Acting 12 is just fine, but being retarded and
trying to impress people with your mature "OMG GOR IS SOOO BADDD!!!"
attitude gets you nowhere. Not only do less people take your ideas
serioulsy when you blurt your mad ramblings out and try to look cool, but
others start hating you for it. So please, go... away.


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New AWNewbie Website!

Sep 16, 2003, 12:25am
Your an immature kid stuck in a fat child's body, er, big boned body... :O


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Sep 15, 2003, 11:53pm
.... Why was this a separate topic?


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America is now open to building

Sep 23, 2003, 1:05am
Some could say the same about you and the world you took over. ;)


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Image Merror Script

Sep 24, 2003, 9:33pm
This is against the TOS of tripod.


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Image Merror Script

Sep 25, 2003, 1:42am
Did you ever think that tripod might have put those images there for a
reason? To prevent image linking off of the persons original site to save
them massive amounts of bandwidth. Now, putting images in AW is linking
them, and has nothing to do with the persons website. Adding these things
to the community forum will just encourage people to break the TOS, and
serves no one. Perhaps someone should notify the Tripod abuse department
about this script, or types like it, so they can keep an extra eye out.


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Image Merror Script

Sep 25, 2003, 7:21pm
The purpose of the script is to bypass their "deep linking images" htaccess
whatever they've got rigged up. You're not actually visiting their website,
you're just viewing a small script on their website. Hell, the script is
even rather transparent. The fact still remains, that you aren't visiting
their website to _view_ the images.


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Image Merror Script

Sep 25, 2003, 9:19pm
That's why I said, people should notify the tripod abuse department to make
them aware that they're so far spread, and they've started to be used in AW,
which sucks a lot of bandwidth.


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Macintosh & AW?

Oct 2, 2003, 1:11am
Not too slow, was able to use AW a while back just fine on OS 9... It was
also an ibook (366MHz G3 chip) with 64MB of ram... so... hah.


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Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 3, 2003, 3:20pm
Stop speaking horribly bastardized English please. Just because you're from
England doesn't give you the right to give me a headache every day trying to
read your crap.


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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 11:09am
Date: 10/1/2003 6:27:11 PM Central Daylight Time
From: gaben at
To: john at

OHNOEZZZ!!! Someone soled teh sourcez! Save us captain planet!!

-Gabe Newell
CEO VaLVE software

(for the people with an iq of -70, no, that's no a real email)

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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 11:14am
Also, JUVENILE.KS.US does not resolve. I repeat, JUVENILE.KS.US does not
resolve. So, its bogus. Jeeze, do some research before posting crap like


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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 11:42am
No, you posted a fraudulent email. Perhaps you're missing the point. That
email never came from this "m a t t" fellow, you just lied and said it did.
Perhaps you should learn the lesson you're trying to convey. But anyway,
kids never see time for crimes, unless they kill someone. I've done a fair
share of illegal things, and only gotten a slap on the wrist or minor fines.


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Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 2:11pm
Blah blah, I'm not proud of them in the least. But, what happened,
happened. But I never, ever served time for it. The only point i'm trying
to get across is, children rarely serve time. For credit card fraud? The
FBI/NSA/CIA/CitiBank/NCU/whoever would be looking at the parents, who let
this sort of thing happen under their own roof. I know its not right, but
that's the way things go.


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how old is this

Oct 10, 2003, 6:26pm
That's as old as tom.... And he left a year or so ago....


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copyright violation

Oct 12, 2003, 9:53pm
We've seen it before, we'll see it again. I'm personally thanking InSaNiTy
for keeping me entertained while he gets into one legal entanglement after
another. Will the fun never stop? I certainly hope not.


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copyright violation

Oct 12, 2003, 10:44pm
I guess you missed where the came from..


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copyright violation

Oct 13, 2003, 6:30pm
Agent1 requested me to post this:


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Several small things

Oct 14, 2003, 8:46pm
No, enzo isn't joking.


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PROXIMA Teaser Video

Nov 4, 2003, 5:13am
What? No DiVX?

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truespace geniuses needed

Nov 8, 2004, 5:22pm
Robbie has already created a very comprehensive tutorial on using TS4.0+


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Getting a copy of the teleport.cgi script..

Dec 1, 2004, 9:22pm
Been sitting on a disk collecting dust:

Works just like teleport.cgi

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Property search down??

Dec 12, 2004, 11:57pm
Try around a day. Also, transferring the few GB of the propdump over a
T1... Requires a huge amount of work, bandwidth, and time.

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Property search down??

Dec 13, 2004, 10:02pm
1.5GB? Wow... Uh, last propdump sent to ima was around 16GB. GZIP
(really thing only zipping application on a native solaris install) has
a compression rate of 71.1% on text. 16 * 1024^3 = 17179869184 Bytes *
..711 = 12214886989.824 / 1024^3 = 11.376GB... Over a T1, with a
theoritical speed of 1.54 mbps (never will this be achieved due to the
TCP/IP overhead, but lets pretend for a second.) Lets move GB to MB, so
11.376 * 1024 = 11649.024MB, 11649.024MB * 8 = 93192.192Mb. 93192.192Mb
by 1.54Mb/s works out to somewhere around 60514 seconds, which is 1008
minutes, or 16 hours. Theres 16 hours of time that there internet
connection is totally used up. But, lets think reality here, they're
running object servers, uniservers, worldservers, all off the same
connection, so lets be nice and throttle the speed down to 400kbps
(you'd be lucky to get that even). At 400kbps (I dont even get this
uploading at work to T1's, and where I work's on an OC8 on three
backbones), it would take 66 hours. 66 hours... thats a few days. This
isnt even taking the time it takes to dump the world (probably in excess
of 10 hours), then gziping it up. So, in total, it would take over a
few days to send a propdump of AW to ima.


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Property search down??

Dec 14, 2004, 3:02am
I'm a good distance from my CO, and Im getting 3.5Mbps on my cable
modem. T1 is slow, but steady. It's got a good upload stream, so is
good for business.

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Property search down??

Dec 14, 2004, 3:03am
Ima does have a T1 recieving.

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Computer ID

Dec 12, 2004, 3:40am
I believe you're thinking about the "CPU Serial Number". This can be
turned off in the BIOS, but isnt broadcast, nor really used for
anything. Activeworlds' "Computer ID" would be the last four digits of
your network interface's "MAC Address". There is no nice way to turn
this off, but if I remember correctly, you may change it. But, why
would you really have any reason to?

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