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Hosted Worlds

Aug 28, 2003, 2:29am
You see, AWCom can create worlds for -free-.... .......


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Hosted Worlds

Aug 28, 2003, 8:27pm
If only you would, the world would be a better place.


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Hosted Worlds

Aug 29, 2003, 10:46pm
Its n^ay0k$$acJ92D


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Hosted Worlds

Aug 30, 2003, 11:14am
Maybe you typed it in wrong?


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Hosted Worlds

Aug 30, 2003, 12:27pm
omg... You've found out my secret. :O *quickly changes password to


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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 1, 2003, 3:54am
And then Flagg left! Good god!!! Save us... Now we're stuck with Grumpy,
Sleezy, SueU, Programmo, JapaneseTaco, and that one billing chick...


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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 1, 2003, 1:27pm
I thought gand was freelance? Oh well... Its Bill, Rick, JP, Shamus, Will,
and kellie or whoever, pssh.


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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 1, 2003, 4:10pm


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Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 2, 2003, 5:30pm
Nononono ;)

Grumpy = Bill
Sleezy = Rick (heh)
SueU = JP (Past history O.O)
Programmo = Shamus
JapaneseTaco = Will
"that one billing chick" = Elle
Avatar Lady = You ;)
JoshahShy = Josh C


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AWTeen Problem

Sep 7, 2003, 12:43am
Wow, its nice to see you representing all of these various organizations
when you're an ass. Lets see, IceFlare Hosting Services... IceFlare
networks, this Virtual World Broadcasting Network thing... You get a cookie
for well-thought-out-ness.


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Sep 9, 2003, 4:55pm
No, its not. If it was, the telegrams would be coming from *robbie*, not


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Sep 9, 2003, 5:40pm
OMG HE H4X0R3D TEH uniSERVER?!?!?! Goood god!?!?! How did he do it?!?!?! He
must be ultra-l33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333t h4x0r of teh
first dagreeeeeee!

Actually, the uniserver isnt like a computer that can be hacked, sure, you
can take the AWLD password from grimm when hes drunk and passed out on his
LoveSack (dont ask), but you cant run malicous code or whatever on the
uniserver itself. No, what he did was add everyone to his contact list and
pain-stakenly telegramed everyone... With odd results, most peoeple were
just angry with him. You shouldnt be angry, looovveee him for all of the
hours it took him to add you and half-craft a telegram to you!


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Sep 9, 2003, 7:38pm
Wow J.r. Detective, you win your first case! Anyway, its stupid people who
get in a tizzy when someone telegrams them. Here's a few problems:

[View Quote] 1. AW cant afford a mainframe... wtf?! Even so, why would you run a
uniserver on a mainframe? They run a rather beefy sun box.
2. This was at night, I doubt AWCom has "Corperate Security (Rick Noll)",
working 24/7. Come on now, they've got like, six employees.

> First of all, I did't belive much of this, then 30 min later this guy gram
> me with a:
> :)

Good for you, IQ++ !

> I asked who he was and no reply

Perhaps he was too busy sending all of those telegrams to respond to the
~2,000 telegrams he got back?

> because of that I did some looks up, and asked few of my friends if they
> have any info.
> and the resault was :
> 340007 lncendium ( with smal L )
> 335249 Incendium..
> 351003 Incendium
> 299225 S t e f a n
> 336625 THE JOKER SS

Those are totally random citizen numbers, so, I guess you couldnt have done
a lookup. So, you must have taxed your brain doing all this sluth work. ;)

> reason why last 2 is that at the moment did have same IP as one of the 3
> first.
> but anyway, I find it rude if they or he did this to make people afraid.

Just because an IP is the same, doesnt mean its the same person... It
could've been his brother? Anyway, I find it amusing that everyone gets
frightened by a little smile. Hes trying to bring joy into your hearts and
make you happy! Dont repress it!! Be happy now!!!

> So grow up, and let us have fun in AW, no one should try to harm anyone.

How about *you* grow up, J.r. Detective person.

> Tengel


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Sep 9, 2003, 7:38pm
Its a she, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


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Sep 9, 2003, 10:36pm
Dear Commander Ass, er, Fleet Command

It has come to my attention via carrier pigeon that you would like me to
forcibly insert my life into my behind-quarters. I would like to alert you
to the fact, that is is, impossible. I know, with your mind bent on all
this StarTrek nonsense, you don't know what's real and what isn't. But, I
(ass)ure you, it cannot be done. This is so for a number of reasons. First
of all, how does one define a life? Some would define it as material
possessions, those people are very greedy people. Others would define it as
your friends, and I know all of mine aren't going to crawl up my ass.
Perhaps its your personality, which would fit, but doesn't actually exist.
So, please tell me _exactly_ what, I should be inserting into my ass, and
I'll see what I can work out with my lawyer.

Also, I am unaware of this "bullshit" you speak of. It seems to be a
new word you've made up by putting the word "bull" in front of the swear
"shit". I can only take it to litteraly mean, a male cow's fecal matter.
Personally, I don't have any of that stock piled, should I get any? I heard
it was quite useful when your parent- er, people stockpiled food for this
y2k thing. They used it to light fires. I on the other hand, have a house
connect to a gas-main, which supplies my house with warmth. I can also cook
food with out the burning-shit smell, which is a plus.

Thank you for your time, Joe Blow would thank you, but regrettably, he's
stuffed in a truck in my basement.


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Sep 10, 2003, 5:31pm
I still eat dry jello mix.... When there's nothing else in the kitchen. ;)


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Sep 10, 2003, 5:32pm
My middle name is Norbert. Joe N Man Beat that, silly older man!


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Sep 10, 2003, 10:47pm
Wow, I feel special now.


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Sep 11, 2003, 12:12am
Good god, that was uncalled for! He just tried to bring some love into your
cold hearts! Give the man a penny, what-what?


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Sep 11, 2003, 7:35pm
You can also right click the message and select properties. ;)


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new public bot world

Sep 10, 2003, 5:59pm
A robut is one of them newfangled mechanical contraptions with all the
bangin' and clangin' that disturbs people from their slumber all noisy-like.


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Help Needed!

Sep 10, 2003, 11:58pm
I could teach being lazy.


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Sep 12, 2003, 4:23pm
He has a little more than you on the matter.


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Sep 12, 2003, 4:29pm
Uh, think what you must. But, I know what he has that you don't.


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Sep 12, 2003, 4:46pm
Your not into advertising? I was thinking of majoring it in myself... Oh
well... Anyway, a crooked salesmen sold me an easybake oven that wouldn't
turn off, so it ended up burning my house down... Was that you? Also,
"sleepy" is sitting on my lap, and he's the best wittle kittums ever! I
also just woke up from a refreshing nap. :)


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Sep 12, 2003, 6:21pm
Well, how else are passwords going to be used by the client then? Magic?
Anyway, the days of AW encryption cracking ended a year ago.


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Sep 12, 2003, 6:24pm
tobacco........................ tobacco................. wtf? What does
that have to do with anything?


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Sep 12, 2003, 6:35pm
No, it makes you really relaxed....


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Sep 12, 2003, 6:35pm


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Sep 12, 2003, 7:16pm
REC doesn't return very good source, does it?


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