jeiden // User Search
jeiden // User Search
Apr 27, 2001, 4:05pm
Add one US Yankee to your count.
[View Quote]perseus <perseus at start.com.au> wrote in message
news:3ae99f14 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just wondering, since alot of ppl assume aw is an american only thing
> (usually americans, lol)....how many ppl are and arent from the US?
> No offence to anyone who may take offence to that... :o)
May 30, 2001, 12:28am
Hasn't anyone ever told you taunting Eep is a REALLY BAD THING(tm) thing to
[View Quote]"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3b142c04 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> opppss told ya so LOL
Jun 4, 2001, 8:48am
*Notices the thread*
Cute. Is Eep gonna be in the second season if there is one?
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b18ed5b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <production note> Sorry for the lack of updates to the site lately,
> especially in the area of diaries. Been kinda caught up, but expect a more
> organized website as today goes on. :) Some of the pages are getting quite
> hefty.
> Typo, welcome to your second trip to Tribal Council. There's nothing new
> any twists with this round of Council. All I need is an email from all 7
> you with the subject "My vote: <who you want to go>". The address is
> nornny1 at home.com like it's always been. Write a little confessional at the
> bottom if you see it fit.
> Anyways, keep this in mind:
> S p a r k has returned and is rearing to play. But will this tardiness
> s p a r k the game?
> Wing's email problem might've been the cause of Typo's immunity loss this
> round.
> Methinks Casay and kellee is dead.
> Tony posted that darn charter again...
> Anyone seen Agent?
> SW Chris has kept a low key, you know those low key people...
> Nornny
Jun 4, 2001, 3:29pm
I have been on vacation for two months and just got back last week. Its
taken me time to get to this thread through the thousand posts that built
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b1bc518 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This game has been going for about 3 weeks now.
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at swcity.net
> www.swcity.net
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1b6779$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> more
> quite
> the
> this
Jun 4, 2001, 10:12pm
Heh, can't wait to see if eep actually ever joins up. Wonder how long he'd
last :P
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b1bfb2e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sensible and marginally *gasp* ON TOPIC!
> "syntax" <syntax at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b1bf463 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
address is
Jun 4, 2001, 12:54pm
*Boogles the very concept of jfk2*
Yah know you don't have to act like a jacka$$, if you are going to tell some
one about andras' ngs. All you have to say is, "If you want a faster
response why not try the ngs at andras.net."
You don't use the opportunity to piss off all the old timers who will now
most likely decide not to help you because of your jacka$$ attitude.
*shakes his head in booglement* Leave the ngs for a month or two and a wave
of newbie idiots march in. No wonder Eep's back to his old self. And if I am
loosing patience with you newbies then you must be really bad.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B649B08jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Hello Mike... You are going to generate alot of STUPID IDIOTS ANSWERING
> And i've seen this happen so many times over it isn't funny.
> Like many people... He dosen't want to wait for many days to get some
> decent answer... HE WANTS IT NOW.
> OK... That could only be don in a script for a Preston bot to use. It
> be done... Just you have to either do the Preston Bot script yourself or
> find someone who will do that script for you. The general commands
> that you enter yourself in the commands section you could do...
> But it might not be what you want. So it would be running a script
> AND yes... I do agree that the AW Community BOTS one is alot slow. If you
> want a NewsGroups one that is a little more faster...
> Try this...
> andras.net = Another AW & MORE Community Newsgroups.
> AND this is the real proper one for all the people that want to start
> It has a FLAMES area just for that... And i've run my HUGE mouth there as
> well... At least it makes me feel like my old time tv show i used to love
> here in the USA called The Morton Downey Show = Mr.BIG MOUTH Morton
> mike zimmer <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in
<3b19ce8e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:30pm
Still until you Juno idiots showed up we had 60% fewer flamewars than at
present. Sure we have a few battles over some subjects but we all had
respect for the people we were debating with. And that was because they
earned that respect with intelligent posts that while not always nice still
gave the answer we needed.
But you Juno twits don't even follow the ng guidlines let alone have
anything intelligent to say. So why not crawl back to the slime pit you
oozed out of and let us get back to intelligent and more mature
Just cause your an 11 yr old who finally learned how to turn his computer
on. Doesn't mean you know jack about whats going on.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B66B47Cjfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Everyone who posts in the newsgroups sooner or later [Some of us
> it's sooner than later] will act like a JACK$$$!!!
> But it also has to do with CAN YOU SIT BACK AND LAUGH AT YOUSELF?
> I can. That is what makes for many happy moments in my life.
> I can laugh at being a complete JACK$$$!!!!!
Jun 4, 2001, 1:50pm
You haven't been here long have you. I'm the guy that used to defend the
newbies, and usually was on opposite sides with Eep. But in this case I am
forced to side with him.
And he has had me on his filter list for probably nearly a yr now.
Basically I am the watch dog that resurfaces every few months to see what
the hell is up. And get really pissed off when a$$holes like you and your
twit friends come in and start disrupting the ng as if its just a game for
As Eep says go on through.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1bac4d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You know it's SNERTS like you that change the subject and start flameing
> people that are the problem, not JFK. You haven't said 1 intelligent thing
> since I saw you rear your ugly head here, why don't you just crawl back to
> the pit you oozed out of.
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1ba98a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> still
Jun 4, 2001, 3:50pm
Don't know if there is one that does that but the you can filter so it
doesn't register to the reader that they posted, and so don't download their
Try adding him to your block list for the newsreader your using and see if
it helps..
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b1bc5dc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just a quick, off-topic question.
> Is there a newsreader that when you filter someone, it deletes all replies
> to that person also? I would love it so I could slap jfk's ugly ass on
> filter list.
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at swcity.net
> www.swcity.net
> jfk2 <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
> news:90B66B47Cjfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
Jun 4, 2001, 12:57pm
You know your 90% all caps is very annoying. Mind cutting it down?
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B649A81jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> I love Chucks Party reply... And i'm going to let everyone see what a
> NEWSGROUPS THING LOOKS LIKE. I know that everyone in every country will
> be able to access this one & it is an example of a real community
> news.unitel.co.kr
> Everyone I know in here can access that & i have tested that entire thing
> While not as great as i would like it to be... IT IS A FREEBIE THAT
> CAN ACCESS... Go through that and LEARN what a real newsgroups
> community this is like. I know from being on the net some 11 - 13 yrs
> Ohhh.... Some of you are just going to want to ask me this
> How did i do that thing above...
> I have this ROBOT [BOT] that searches for all the FREE PUBLIC WIDE OPEN
> NEWSGROUPS SERVERS OUT THERE and it does some basic tests and that
> is how i find these things out..... LMAO!!!!!!!
> http://www.slip.net/~rain/nh
> It is called NEWSHUNTER and it hunts down FREE Public Domain NEWSGROUPS
> that everyone can access...
> And after all you little WHIMPY KIDDIES SEE THE REAL NEWSGROUPS for a
> You will love this CLOSED & REGULATED one alot better.
> chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in
> <3b1a1225 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:12pm
Cut the useless crap kid. You must really have waaaaaaaayyyyy too much time
one your hands. You typed up a multi-page redunecy, instead of just say,
"hey Just In your link is broken." Why must you go and write nearly a
megabyte of text when you only need to type out 31 bytes. Talk about
ineffiencent, and on top of the fact you keep going:
CAPS no caps CAPS no caps CAPS no caps CAPS no caps ad infinium
When will you get a clue that your a twink and get a friggin life?
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B6505C0jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> I'm going to reply in here...
> I'm NOT DEFENDING Just In or any one else... But many times from my
> experiance on the internet & newsgroups and other message forums...
> People post a url just like Just In did... BUT they never follow through
> the entire thing to see just what it does NOR where it goes to.
> Or here is something i can be guilty of...
> Just In has been on AW for many years. And he has seen that thing in AW
GZ for
> so long and that URL many times and YES he ASSUMES it to still do what it
> used to do 2 - 4 yrs ago...
> Just like i gave out that url for NEWSHUNTER... I didn't check it first...
> I copied & paste it from the readme file...
> I'm hoping it still works... And the last time the guy who makes it is at
> a v4 of it out... [I DON'T LIKE v4 AND SO I PREFER v3 OF IT]
> Yes... Just In should wake up as should all of us... And before giving out
> info should check through the entire URL and check it. See that it cleans
> up PORN... And if it dosen't HE SHOULD NOT HAVE POSTED IT or checked out
> something that would CLEAN UP PORN..
> But like most of us... I WILL ADMIT... I don't allways follow all the way
> down that url i posted for NEWSHUNTER...
> So in here i will check it...
> http://www.slip.net/~rain/nh
> That is the url for NEWSHUNTER... Now lets see what results we have by
> checking that entire thing....
> OK... Just In didn't recheck his facts and is proven wrong...
> I didn't either and i cought my mistake a few posts later...
> Sorry, You're not allowed to access this Page!
> The Possible causes are:
> The page may not be for the public. Please check with the owner of the
page if
> you really need access.
> If you're trying to access your own page and get this error, please check
> file permission and make sure that its world readable (Permissions = 755).
> Thank you for using our Server.
> OK... I MAKE A BIG BOO BOO and i will afdmit it....
> Ohhh.... I have to tell all of you nice people...
> YES... There are BOTS other than those used in AW & other UNIVERSES...
> NewBots, Intelligent Agents and Artificial Intelligence Resources
> I've been into this stuff for years...
> Here are some OFF AW & OTHER UNIVERSE BOTS...
> Hmmmmm but this isn't the right location for BOTS is it...
> Ohhh well... So i'm making another BOO BOO...
> So be it.
> http://bots.internet.com/newsletter/repv1n6.htm
> http://www.wnabb.freeserve.co.uk/programs.htm
> THIS One Has NewsHunter v4a there...
> So after i did some more checking AS Just In should have done... BUT HE
> he would have found out what GARBAGE TEAM really does...
> I checked and found i too made a big BOO BOO and i will admit it.
> Too often people don't like to admit their OOPS...
> I will admit my OOPS...
> Will Just In admit his?
> Time will tell....
> m a r c u s <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in
> <3b1b36fd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:13pm
Isn't it funny that the only SNERT in the entire ng is you?
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1acb7f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> DUH really now you think that might be the freaking problem to begin with?
> Perfect SNERT reply defending the actions of AW.com which happen to be no
> action at all LOL
> "agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1a504b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> somewhere, contact the authorities... Seems the specific instance you were
> talking about was dealt with, just not in the way you wanted.
> news:3b1a1be5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 4, 2001, 1:34pm
yeah how smart do you have to be to turn on a computer and click and icon?
Not very since your able to do it.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B672E98jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Chuck... I love chatting to MORONS
> It shows me just how smart i really am after all
> chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in
> <3b1ba8c6 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:36pm
yah you forgot to laugh because you know its true, that your a lonely, four
eyed twit who couldn't handle talking to people f2f because they'd beat the
shit out of you for all the BS you spout day in and day out.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1baa2c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That was so funny I forgot to laugh.
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1ba5ae at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 4, 2001, 1:44pm
Sorry bub but you have to know a bit more to be able to run an apache server
on windows 98 without having the computer crash once.
And thats how I host my own OP.
So get a life before some one gets it for you.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1bab5c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yes and you need to find the off switch, lol
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1baa8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> on
> know
Jun 4, 2001, 1:59pm
Lets see it takes one second to push a button and one second to click an
icon. So that means your not smart at all. And if you think your smart just
cause you found the power cord, how many computers have to taken apart and
put back together and have them working even better than before? Probably
ZERO, the same number as your IQ.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B676B82jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> I'm happy you are giving me much credit with SMARTS... It takes much
> turn on a computer and click an icon...
> But it takes a very tiny amount of smarts to PULL THE PLUG TO YOUR
> And you can't seem to do that right. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
> <3b1baa8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 2:05pm
Since wing? Pardon but I have been here for over a year. I know more about
AW and its netiquette than you. As any of the old timers and they will tell
you about my rep as the crusader for the underdog.
Only I use facts and documented proof not BS speculations and ramblings no
one wants to hear. When some one wants to know a piece of the law. I post
the ENTIRE friggin laws in context with links so they can see for
So shut the fuck up and go find a girlfriend so you can finally use your
virginity and grow up.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1baf4a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I don't know who you are or who you think you are, and personally could
> careless. The only one BSing and spouting off at people is you. That's all
> I've seen from you, every freaking post. Marcus has had a legitimate gripe
> about the porn situation on AW owned worlds and all he's gotten is
> for trying to report it to no avail by anyone in the AW community. All you
> want to do is tell everyone they are wrong, that does not help the
> and you are the biggest BSer I have seen hit the NGs since wing, lol
> fun yet, I am, comon talk some more shit so I can put your dick in it,
> understand that better ass wipe :)
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1bab0a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> four
> the
Jun 4, 2001, 2:11pm
Actually not only is my computer working perfectly but it hosts a webserver
as well. And it takes more know how to get a server to run on winslop then
it does to click an icon.
And only an idiot twit would suggest dunking a computer in any kind of
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B674C84jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> #1 It takes lots of smarts to find the POWER ON BUTTON...
> #2 It then lots of more SMARTS to find the correct icon as there are many
> to choose from
> Hmmmmm
> I don't have to locate the power cord... That is in the BACK of my
> But what does taking apart a computer & putting it back together
> have to do with turning one on or off... As in your case... You might
> taking a trip to ALASKA and then DUNKING your computer in the ARTIC CLEAN
> SEA WATER and let it sit for 3 days... After that you turn it on WHILE
> WATER... And that should fix your computer problems & make it work far
> better than before. Then you IQ will indeed be HUGE!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
> <3b1bb058$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 2:21pm
If they pay the cash for a cit then they get access otherwise they have to
really get on the good side of someone who does.
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1bb52a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Looks good, is there a "REAL" Active Worlds area there? I briefly looked
> down the list, and I couldn't find it. Perhaps, and hopefully I missed it.
> I would much rather use that NG from just the peek I took.
> And Inactive Worlds, if you are reading, why not put categories here like
> there are in the one at news.unitel.co.kr? and allow tourists, it's
> pointless chatting with only people I can chat with in AW.
> This would allow others outside of the program to understand the shitty
> service of yours before they buy an account and milk your pockets with
> money. We could also tell them of the porn you don't remove.
> "jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
> news:90B649A81jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> now...
> change...
Jun 4, 2001, 2:36pm
Welcome to the ng Cara. Too bad more newbies don't take the time to do there
homework like you just did.
[View Quote]"cara" <mcm-cara at post.olivant.fo> wrote in message
news:3B1BB74D.4247CAB9 at post.olivant.fo...
> At aw gz you will find the pk pole. If you ask for a pk and none are
> chances are that someone will tell you to click the pole to go to the pk
> webpage....or they will give you the pk web page adress.
> On that page is a link called *help with object removal* and it takes you
> to the GET page. There you wil find a link to a form to fill out with what
> objects you want removed.
> If you find a pk and complain about one or more objects you want removed,
> vandalism or porn etc. they will (or should) direct you to the GET page.
> So next time you know where to turn for a problem like that.
> Oh and i'm a first time poster in this newsgroup so if i made any mistakes
> with me :-)
Jun 4, 2001, 2:41pm
heh that all? those are just plug and play stuff that run without any
special setup.
Try to set up an apache server with MySQL,PHP,PERL,and SSL options and then
get back to me when you learn how to get ten of them to run on a windows 98
compaq presario without it crashing.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B67CDA1jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> WOW!!!! So you just said you have a little smarts!!! Hmmmm....
> Try hosting 3 AW Worlds on my computer... AND my own version of
> And no it is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC... I don't want any MORONS posting
> on my server. And yes... It it takes LOTS of smarts to run all of that on
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
> <3b1bb31d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 2:48pm
You still have to do your homework and learn what your talking about before
you can get people to listen to what you have to say.
*thinks abit*
Alright then I deliver this challege to all newbies. I do not believe that
any of you (except maybe Cara who seems to have done her homework, but we
still have to see on that point) can go a week without spewing BS for any
topic or for any reason. I really doubt you ppl can constructively post in
this newsgroup in a polite manner.
So are you all brave enough to take the challege, or are you all just a
bunch of babies crying for your mommies.
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1bb904 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> first time poster, but you didn't just spew that info off the whims of
> noodles. Someone else told you.
> You are totally missing the point of my post. Someone who DOES NOT, I
> repeat, DOES NOT know about this GET system should be able to send one
> single message to a PK, JUST 1 PK, and it should be dealt with.
> They should have someone they know who can remove the smut. You make it
> hard on the people reporting, and they won't take on the effort to do it.
> If I didn't complain like I did, then it would still be there. That is
> point, not that people who know don't have a way going about it. People
> that don't know, will not report since they don't know where to go to
> they repeatedly do as I did. I don't think this should have to happen.
> "cara" <mcm-cara at post.olivant.fo> wrote in message
> news:3B1BB74D.4247CAB9 at post.olivant.fo...
> available,
> right
> i.e.
> bear
Jun 4, 2001, 2:57pm
and why would we be interested in a wannabe ng? there are only two AW
newservers worth reading and thats news.activeworlds.com and andras.net
Stop filling these threads with useless info especially if your not going to
let anyone use what your talking about.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B684D66jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> OK.... For all the NORMAL people out there & all the MORONS as well...
> My NEWSGROUPS SERVER uses the name of news.jfkmusic.com... BUT you won't
> get anything as yet for 2 reasons.
> 1 - Still testing it and that happens when i get get off of AW or the
> other universes long enough to test it...
> 2 - It is open for ONE person right now... Gerald Kieffer/sysadmin
> and my PASSWORD is NOT sysadmin and i carry all of the MIDI sound
> AND my software is NEWSPRO and i pull from apx 20 free public domain
> newsgroups and one that i'm a member of Road Runner News from
> twcny.rr.com. So i can get a very nice selection of MIDI's
> AND to keep all MORONS from even trying it... I log on the web page of my
> DOMAIN NAME conntrol and check the box for NEWS.jfkmusic.com ON OR OFF...
> OFF = you get nothing. NADA. On = You get something when you try me...
> Sorry... You don't belong here yet. If you think you belong...
> Then go down to the post office... And have them send you to Belong.Com
> and you will find a place you can belong to real fast.
> When i decide to open this up... I'll most likely invite my local friends
> first.
> jfk2 <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in
> <90B67CDA1jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 3:26pm
m a r c u s the challege went into effect the moment that email got posted.
So things before the part that has the challenge don't count.
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1bc10e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well you just failed your own challenge. I was posting to Active Worlds,
> and have always been trying to, not you idiot.
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1bbbfb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> before
> it.
> pk
> page.
Jun 4, 2001, 10:03pm
chucks the challenge was simplely a test to see if you could be mature. And
to give you a hint to something that would give you more respect from the
old timers and those that were here before.
At the moment no one as any scred of respect for any of you newbies. I just
gave you guys a chance to gain that respect and see if you guys would prove
your intelligent people and at least try to go along.
Seems you proved that I was right 99% of you newbies are babies that should
go home to their mommies cause they can't handle the real world.
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1be600 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> screw off jeiden, you know it all wanna be. Polite this you arrogant shit.
> We don't need people like you to critisize us, we have enough of your kind
> here already. Why don't you offer some info instead of telling us we don't
> have any. You are filtered as of now.
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1bbbfb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> before
> it.
> pk
> page.
Jun 4, 2001, 10:07pm
Wing I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the idiot that I replied to.
Sure there are people out there that are smarter than me.
But you can't get into a I am smarter than thou match. Basiclly chucks
thinks he's the bomb when he doesn't know jack shit about AW.
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b1be5b4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And you need to know buttloads more to run a Duron 700 at a clockspeed of
1200 and recover from a knacked CPU and hard drive in
> under an hour while at the same time fielding PC repair clients and phone
calls asking why the hell the webserver has been down for
> so long (It's temporary home in my basement between colocation facilities
had a minor electrical issue, hadda run a new circuit for
> it)
> But, when did this become a pissing contest about technical knowledge?
Anyway, figure I'll just post this in case someone's
> wondering why I'm so bent this week, spent my weekend with a mess on my
> "jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:3b1bacc4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 5, 2001, 12:06am
Sorry but I am no way related to Just In.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B6D568Djfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Maybe this NUT JOB should join up with Just In... BTW... Does Just In
> have a brother? Geesh.... seems like that to me that e does...
> AND this NUT JOB CASE is his brother.
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
> <3b1c22cc at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 12:59pm
You do know that unless you were the one who build the stuff, that Just In
can sue your ass.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B665B0Cjfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> For those of you who can't find any land in Alpha World...
> Start building at Summer Estates or SummerVille. I'm sure OneSummer
> be happy to demolish that build and allow you to build your place...
> OR start building in Justin Place...
> He [Just In] won't mind either.
> In his case i just happen to have BOT COPIED THE ENTIRE THING TOO...
> As recent as 2 days ago. [[[I think i just opened my mouth a little wide
> here as well when it comes to BOT COPY THINGS]]]
> And then i'm sure you will find all the land you will ever need or want.
> s p a r k <crazyglue3 at hotmail.com> wrote in
> <3b1a7889 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:32pm
He your lucky that they are really putting an effort into it or your ass
would be in jail instead of sitting around all day being a broke imbecile.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B6746EAjfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Yes... I do know that Just In could sue my ass...
> But lets see just what he would get from my ass...
> The State Attorney General for New York has been filing papers on me for
> years for not paying my hospital bill... And every summer since 1995 they
> have been sending me the Summons To Appear In State Court to answer
> the charge of not payment to my hospital bill... I simply toss that CR*P
> into the trash can and never bother to attend. And then i have a few
> dozen bill collectors that have summoned me to court... I do likewise...
> Toss their summones into the trash heap. By now 06/04/2001 i could
> really wallpaper every inch of where i live and then some...
> BUT Just In would want to get some money from me...
> OK... This is what Just In would get from me...
> The courts can't even get it from me... So i suppose Just In would have
> a little better luck...
> In NEW YORK STATE at least this happens....
> My income is less than 15,000 per year... And my income is SSD
> To someone NOT in the USA that means Social Security Dissability Income.
> So now this is what Just In would get in a court of law...
> And most likely i wouldn't bother to attend it... $0.00
> WHY... Any income that you get from Welfare, Workmans Comp, SSD, SSI,
> Social Security up to $15,000 per year can not be touched [pay creditors
> being SUED]
> SO Just In would pay big money... And in Australia that is about DOUBLE
> what us USA people pay for a lawyer... ONLY to end up with $0.00
> Is not exactly what i would call very smart. What would be smarter thing
> would be for me to send Just In ohhhhh..... $2.00 USA = about $1.00
> money and he could bet the horses or the kangaroos or something... And if
> it comes out the winner... Keep the cash.
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
> <3b1ba25f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>:
Jun 4, 2001, 1:54pm
Hey that lawyer must have been on crack cause if you can't pay you goto
jail. Its that simple.
[View Quote]"jfk2" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:90B6717E6jfk2jfkmusiccom at news.activeworlds.com...
> Ohhh.... I forgot to mention here... Everytime i get these notices...
> I've called up the lawyers that want to put me on BANKRUPCY...
> And i ask them... And in the USA you can get a FREE 1st consoltation...
> Well... That is what all of them have told me right along...
> My income is too low for the state or the creditors or anyone [included
> people sueing my butt] to collect anything.
> SO yes... I'll be nice and very kind and give Just In some $$ and he can
> wager it or invest it in Stocks or something... If he makes a killing...
> HE gets to keep the cash. The most i could possibly help him out with is
> about $10.00 = about $5.00 Australian money.
> jeiden <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in
<3b1ba9fa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>: