jeiden // User Search

jeiden // User Search

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Visual Basic Bot Programming

Apr 25, 2001, 3:35pm
Well if you aren't the founder of the UFP then you shouldn't use his
username. Also those help files were written using technical terms. Not
everyone can understand what those terms mean.

Also how out of date are those help files? You have to think, the reason
people ask is cause they know that they would answers that are more up to
date than the help files.

Cause if I remember MrGrimm hasn't had the time to update them himself. And
if I remember when you were asking yourself and got responses that were kind
and gave you what you needed.

So its only fair that you pass the favor on to the next wave of newbies that
come through that door.

Till then I say boycott your stuff, and change your nick cause I don't like
it when some one is ruining one of my friends reps by pretending to be him.
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Visual Basic Bot Programming

Apr 25, 2001, 9:06pm
No Makaveli was not open so you shouldn't have made it with spaces if I
found someone with started using "J e i d e n" I would go and make sure that
they had their account revoked because I am the original Jeiden and don't
want other people using even a altered version of my name.

We already had a makaveli so you should have chosen a more original name
instead of ripping off my friend's nick.

Basically if you use any part of his name you are impersonating him. And
using his reputation.

And the suggestion to boycott was to not use anything you create or more
likely rip off. Cause if you rip off nicks what else will you rip off? So
change your nick or I will insure you get flames from all the members of the
UFP and the REAL Makaveli.
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Visual Basic Bot Programming

Apr 25, 2001, 10:53pm
Listen kid the guy that had the nick first was a cit longer than me. And was
the Founder of the UFP of which I am a member. And as far as I am concerned
your trying to impersonate him.

And the only reason I cut you some slack in the first place was because I
had confused you with him. So change your damned nick you twit. You can't go
ripping off nicks of people already in the AW community.

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Visual Basic Bot Programming

Apr 25, 2001, 11:53pm
[View Quote] Man you are a twit aren't you? He is STILL using the NICK! So your are
ripping him off! even a variation with spaces in it is a rip off. Why do you
think ppl were so upset at that AWCI now allows "." in names? because ppl
could then rip off nicks!

Your a no good little thief, so change the damned nick or I will find away
to get your cit revoked!

Protecting Children

Jun 18, 2000, 8:30pm
Great idea, but how are we gonna get AWCOM to do it?

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name color change

Jul 6, 2000, 6:43am
Why not have them do the same thing ICQ does it has several different =
status modes and it is very clear what they mean.

Green flower =3D Online

Green flower with smilie =3D Free to chat (or COME TALK TO ME I'M =

Green flower with paper =3D afk

Green flower with N/A =3D don't even bother I'm long gone.

Green flower with string tied to finger =3D busy (only important stuff =

Green flower with X =3D really busy (sent only EMERGENCY messages)

Green flower with eyeball =3D nah nah I'm here but you can't see me

Red flower =3D offline (btw aren't you glad the weren't any more Green =

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AW not a game

Jul 11, 2000, 10:37pm
Ya know Eep if you had time you should give classes on how to write good =
come backs let alone what else you could teach then we could shut fools =
up with a few choice words.

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ppw upgrades

Feb 24, 2001, 5:58pm
If you have ED rights and the other person has Builder rights you can
already do 1.

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Jul 15, 2001, 12:34am
After a month or two of being unable to get back into these ngs I finally
get myself back in!

So what have I missed?

Wazzup people!

Feb 5, 2002, 1:33am
Hey all whats up?

anything new happen in AW since the last time I was in? Did the Juno fiasco
end or did those kids learn to behave?

_________________________________________ Tarl Grenier ICQ#:62735926 Current
ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +278314262735926 More ways
to contact me:

What's up with all the Gor worlds?

Jun 7, 2000, 11:40am
I understand their behavior when they are in the Gorean worlds, because I
read some of the books , they if I remember correctly (and please don't
scream if I get it wrong its been a few years and I have read thousands of
books since then) written by a one J Norman or Norman J, either way all this
is done because they either read the book (discontinued thank you very
much), or were told that just how you operate!

And the only reason I know this was that my parents were both Gor nuts to
the point of naming me after the main character! To my ever regret for the
duration of my childhood.

Basically though they should be considerate of others, as in leaving your
slavebots at the door to non-Gor worlds.

My two-cents on the subject.

Tarl F.G. a.k.a. Jeiden

P.S. If any Gorean nut shows up on my world and is not polite they will be
banned for as long as the world exists. Leave Gor at the door or don't come

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Hardware problems...

Jun 24, 2000, 3:37pm
hmmm sounds like you had a bad surge protector, next time try three or four
in a series THAT might help, I had a set up similar to that till a power
spike melted five of them damaged the sixth and was finally stopped by the
seventh(and last) and that was just the ones for my modem ;)

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Protecting Children

Jun 18, 2000, 8:30pm
Great idea, but how are we gonna get AWCOM to do it?

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Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion (was Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!)

Jun 28, 2000, 12:40am
Lucky I don't run this NG Legion because you would have been banned because
your "we" statements imply that I agree with you and.... SURPRISE I

Your assumption that we all agree just proves three things (1) you are
immature, (2) you have no clue what you are talking about and (3) you don't
even know how to write a good flame at all.

Eep may seem like a jerk sometimes but he does make valid points. And he has
done a great deal of research so HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT. Though
we may not all agree with him or like him (for me the jury is still out on
that one) he has a right to point out what he sees wrong and if he also
points to away to make it better or fix it then he is doing what we all
should do. Though maybe not in that annoying way he does it.

I have used game level editors myself (not the super ones though) and even
they are easier than building in AW. Point & click you have a castle, point
& click you have a ocean, point & click and you have an army. It would be
nice if the browser was like this. Click the object you want and click the
spot you want it then go about working on the finer details such as rotation
and height.

So don't go knocking off people if you don't have all the facts, and don't
imply I or anyone else agrees with you if we have not explicitly told you we
do. It just shows that you are a jack# at at .


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Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion (was Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!)

Jun 28, 2000, 6:44pm
I'm not going to get into the first part of the message cause that would
lead to somewhere I don't want to go (namely pissing off someone who is
being polite).

But about the level editing I was using the castle, oceans, and army as
examples. The last part of that statement "Click the object you want and
click the spot you want it then go about working on the finer details such
as rotation and height." meant that instead of having to remember all those
*.rwx names you click the name pp# and it pops into the world where you want
it. then you work on the placement of the object.

oh btw I do admit to the swearing but I wasn't screaming just haven't
figured out how to get my email program to bold or underline yet. If I put
something all in caps its not screaming its trying to emphasize something
with a program that doesn't like to let me underline or bold something.

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Re: level editors (was Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion)

Jun 30, 2000, 12:20am
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Re: level editors (was Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion)

Jul 1, 2000, 11:22am
I said I had used level editors and not the super ones I didn't say they
were 3D or not.

btw just how would I go about doing that? since so far replies to my
messages are usually fine and only look chopped up when its the third or
fourth time they have been replied to and there doesn't seem to be an option
to even do that. Believe me I looked.

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Re: Let the Bandwidth-wasting Begin! (was Re: Doesn't matter eep. :))

Jul 7, 2000, 12:38pm
To every one stop replying to Eep (least when he is being annoying) and =
he will have to find something else to do. And no more bandwidth would =
be wasted.

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Please <snip> where appropriate!

Jul 21, 2000, 3:42pm
Hey did anyone else get a security warning when they tried to read =
Agent1's post?

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multiple browsers

Dec 14, 2000, 12:19am
Oh you mean the cloner program don't you? If I remember when tried that one
out I got to 12 browsers before my computer crashed from lack of free

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Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 13, 2000, 11:41pm
Oh no don't tell me that THAT stupid argument is still going on? Its as
nearly as bad as all the attacks on what has become known as Wicca. Please
don't tell me that their gonna start burning people on stakes again just
because they don't like how they live their lives?

People that hate an entire group of people just because of their beliefs are
just following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Blinding themselves to the
suffering they are inflicting on others, because they feel their way is the
only way.

I bet the only time they will look up from the crap they are feeding
themselves is when a nuke has just been dropped on their heads and they are
already dead.

[View Quote]

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 15, 2000, 1:53am
If you read my post through you would have seen that I said "People that
hate an entire group of people just because of their beliefs are just
following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Blinding themselves to the
suffering they are inflicting on others, because they feel their way is the
only way."

Sure the Goreans may be acting stupid but you shouldn't bash them repeatedly
in the head with insults, flames and discrimination! Hate in and of itself
is the ONLY really evil that is occurring.

People need ways of winding down and relaxing, if that is by watching the
mindless crap that is sometimes put on tv, mountain climbing, or roleplaying
be it Gor or just old fashion DnD, then so be it. Live and let live. Or as
the Wiccans say if it harms none then so let it be.

Now realise I intensely dislike Gor for my own reasons (i.e. I was named
after the main character as one) but I will not make any Gorean feel
unwelcome for just saying Tal(hello). Amrith (which is a PRIVATE world) may
have a "Leave Gor at the door" rule but that is a private world and as such
I make the rules there.

But if I remember correctly AWBingo is a PUBLIC world with a rule of NO
DISCRIMINATION ALLOWED! Remember AWCOM is based in the US and as such must
follow both State and Federal laws. And as far as the letter of those laws
go, if you discriminate for any reason you will get thrown in jail and get a
really nasty fine.

So unless you wish AWCI to cease to exist and AW be destroyed because of
your hate, the SHUT THE at #$% UP! Because if AW were to ban Gor then that IS
what is going to happen. The Goreans would file a class action
discrimination lawsuit against AWCI and the US Government would be forced to
take the side of the Goreans and order AWCI to close its doors forever or
let the Goreans back in.

Think this IS just like what happened to the blacks in the 1960's and what
did the gov't do? But FORCE everyone at GUN POINT to let them into the
schools and restaurants that they were banned from.

You can ban individuals for breaking the rules but you can't ban them
because of a LABEL that you have put on them. For all you know the Gor you
are bashing to day may well be a Doctor that could save your life someday.

And if you were doing to me what you are doing to them I sure as heck would
let you die!

Myssie you lost your friends not because they CHOSE Gor but because you are
not willing to accept them as they are and support them in what ever they
do. I know that I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who hated even a
part of me. Friendship is the total acceptance of another person. If you
cannot accept a persons pluses as well as their faults then you are not a
true friend.

Gor may have started out as a game but it has evolved at least in AW in to a
culture. And like all cultures it has both its postive and negitive aspects,
but it is not our place to decide to judge what they are.

Do any of you know what its like to be around people that actually hate you
and you are unable to make them understand the truth?

I may not be a Gorean but I do know what it is like to be the object of
whispered conversations and the object of someone's hatred, day in and day
out. Never being able to do anything in their eyes that was right. The
constant heartache almost killed me.

So when you bash them its like witnessing the horror that I lived through
happening to someone else. So even though I hate Gor to my core, I will
defend them until someone puts a bullet in my head.

So before you attack something think, of the pain you may be causing to
those that you are directing your hate at. Because though wounds of the
flesh may heal, wounds that you inflict on the mind may never heal.

Trust me I know.

[View Quote] I dont mind Gor or Goreans at all, I dont care what they do, but i do care
where they go.
Yes please keep goreanisms to Gor worlds.
Children dont need to see this.

Or be lured into being apart of it, ( Yes i know the age limits)

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 15, 2000, 3:22am
It is truly sad that you do not care, but the company headquarters is in the
US so they must follow US law. Just because you are separated by a computer
screen you must remember that there are people on the other end of the line.
You seem to have forgotten that.

Just because you are in a different country you think you are exempt from
prejudice and hate? And I did not say that Gor was a hobby, I stated that it
may have started as a game but it has become a culture all its own.

True I may not like it, but I have enough respect for my fellow humans to
allow them to live in peace. Without throwing taunts and insults at them.

And I am surprised that someone from Canada has so little respect for others
as you do. And before you say what right I have to say that, my family came
from northern New Brunswick and even though the last couple of generations
have been born in the US. We still have maintained the belief that you must
respect others (even those that would fight and try to destroy you,
especially them).

If Canada is no longer teaching its children that then you will all soon go
through times worse than anyone in the worst US slum could imagine.

And the reason I am referring to Gor is that this is a thread about Gor. And
unless I say what I am talking about and keep to the point you would have no
idea what the heck I was talking about.

I mention Wicca because I have found them to be some of the most level
headed people I have met. It is too bad more people don't have some of the
same values as they do. Then we wouldn't be at each other's throats all the

Also you learn more by being quiet and listening to what is going on with an
open mind, then you do by screaming how much you hate everything.

The quiet ones know more about what's going on then they let on. I know I'm
usually quiet making sure I know as much as I can before I speak at all. I
may not be perfect, but then no one is so do not expect them to be.

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Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 15, 2000, 3:23am
Gor is not Nazism, bashing them because they exist is.

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Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 15, 2000, 5:05am
There are lurkers in probably every chatroom in existence. And a good number
of them are scumbags waiting to pounce on the unwary.

Just because one of them pops up and uses Gor as a hunting ground, doesn't
mean they are all like that.

If you really wanted to protect the children, you would explain to them the
dangers of the internet in such away as they keep it in mind when you are
not there. Kids are smarter that adults give them credit for, its just
experience that most of them lack. And it is that lack of experience
combined with the manipulation of those who use the net as a hunting ground
that gets them killed or worse.

If they know that certain actions equal danger then usually they avoid it.

You just got to explain it in a way that they will not just understand but
also want to listen. If you scream at them they won't listen. Cause if you
aren't understanding of them. They will find someone who is and that person
could be exactly the person your afraid of, then again maybe not.

If you listen to them, they will listen to you.


Dec 18, 2000, 8:45pm
Sounds sorta like Risk.

[View Quote] You create countries or join up with other ones.... And try to evolve your
country to be the biggest one by conquering other countries.... It's kinda
hard to explain, but if you have any specific questions feel free to ask


where are all these idiots coming from?

Dec 21, 2000, 10:14pm
Maybe a peace or gate keeper could explain to the PSes of Junodome the do's
and don't's of AW?
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Dec 18, 2000, 11:14pm

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Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (long!)

Dec 23, 2000, 8:40am
> jeiden - One of our own who left for a time, but has now returned, and
> still the same as ever! But whatever you do, don't mention Gor around
> him...

lol.. I'm not that bad am I? And actually I never left just was very quiet
for awhile.

Anyway got a kick out of your post let me know when the update to it comes


USWF is comming to a end unless...

Dec 31, 2000, 12:33pm
Gor did you say Gor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehehe just kidding

But seriously shut up about Gor.
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