eep // User Search
eep // User Search
Jul 19, 2004, 5:54pm
Well, what is the mentality behind the "media" command then? I don't recall it being on the feature vote page: http://activeworlds.com/FeatureVote/ :P
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> "to appease some idiotic investor"? Eepenheit 911
> Where do you come up with this stuff?
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40F60D35.837ECB6F at spam.com...
> ALL "sound"-command sounds, which I found immediately after enabling a
> global ambient sound) is just stupid.
> version--it's a RELEASED version...
> (-"any") possible in order to appease some idiotic investor--other bugs be
> damned (and, yet again, new ones created from new features).
Jul 19, 2004, 5:57pm
Heh...hey, want to hire me to do some AW scripting? :P
For those interested, the MP mod is at http://tnlc.com/eep/mp/
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> and he makes a groovy Max Payne mod!
> :P
[View Quote]> "xelag" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
> news:vibef01niie6tvtppsirdt39edl9so7gd3 at 4ax.com...
Jul 19, 2004, 11:51pm
Since when did AWI know? ;)
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> Since when did most AW users actually know what would actually benefit the
> Active Worlds program?
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC2472.A99E426 at spam.com...
> recall it being on the feature vote page:
> http://activeworlds.com/FeatureVote/ :P
Jul 19, 2004, 11:52pm
Then why wasn't it on the feature vote?
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> Are you kidding? People have been asking for video on objects for YEARS
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC2472.A99E426 at spam.com...
> recall it being on the feature vote page:
> http://activeworlds.com/FeatureVote/ :P
Jul 19, 2004, 11:53pm
Blah blah blah...it's all crap compared to AW's basic design: multi-user level editing, which is what AWI should be focusing primarily on. Everything else is secondary fluff.
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> Seriously though.
> The addition of streaming opens up the possibility of combining external
> media with VR environments that was not previously possible. For example if
> a recording artist had a world (and a 3.6 server... heh) then they could do
> such things as live concerts mixing AW content (and hence Multiple Users)
> with their media...
> It also opens up the possibility for these AW Radio's to actually play
> through... well.. radios (of the RWX kind)... so if someone say put a radio
> at GZ on an activate command... people could shut the heck up with spamming
> links to them all.
> Also of course, getting streaming sound is kinda preemptive to getting the
> VoIP implimented, to get users experienced and expecting live-feed audio.
> Mainly though, producers have the ability now to link their output, directly
> to the user, and get real-time feedback from the chat and such.
> Then all the other crap like video confrencing blah blah blah.
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:40fc2808 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 19, 2004, 11:54pm
Someone else already made it. Read the page. :P
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> Whats with the delay for MP2? I have been waiting a long time
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC253B.64A24FE4 at spam.com...
Jul 20, 2004, 7:54pm
Aw, man, don't make me smack you...:P
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> wow! the easy to read dark gray on black template!
> :P
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC78E2.F2C0B20B at spam.com...
Jul 20, 2004, 7:58pm
Well, who created that page? One would think the creator would know what people are asking for, eh? But take AW News' latest poll about the "media" command;
Out of 20 votes, only 6 think it's cool. 11 people think there are more useful things to add to AW.
Coincidence? I think not...
[View Quote]e n z o wrote:
> No idea
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC784C.3259F332 at spam.com...
Jul 21, 2004, 3:02pm
Visit the page to find out.
[View Quote]themask wrote:
> Where's the remained 3 votes?
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FD92FE.BD3E9310 at spam.com...
> people are asking for, eh? But take AW News' latest poll about the "media"
> command;
> http://awnews.org/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-Polls&file=index&req=r
> esults&pollID=32&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
> useful things to add to AW.
Jul 8, 2004, 4:36pm
Wrong newsgroup; use news://news.activeworlds.com/wishlist
[View Quote]robbie wrote:
> I had an idea, wanted to know whether people would find it useful.
> The 'View Home Page' feature has not really served much purpose in AW other
> than to link your personal website. What would people think to a Profiles
> website much like the one MSN Messenger users can customise except with
> questions relating to what you do in AW.
> Thus when people view eachothers profiles, they can find out more about
> citizens they've just met or are about to contact.
> Questions could include favourite worlds, favourite VR pass-time,
> accomplishments and multiple links to favourite websites.
> What do y'all think?
Jul 8, 2004, 11:30pm
Yea, I'll agree considering Rick reinstated my newsgroup access. ;)
Now if I can just get back on the beta program...
....eh, I don't wanna push it yet. Besides, I don't know how involved I'll be with AW again...I'm still pissed about the piss-poor object password security and AW hacking...
Plus, while AW has gotten some features that've been on my AW improvements (http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/improve.html) for years, AW still has MANY bugs and a LONG way to go...
[View Quote]ciena wrote:
> I hear some of u complaining that u can't get any satisfaction from awi or
> that u cant get ahold of them on the ph., well i just wanna say i called 4
> or 5 times today trying to get a new world running and spoke to Rick each
> time and he was nothing but very nice and very helpful and very cordial to
> me and went out of his way to solve my problem. If u read this Rick i just
> wanna say Thanx Rick u rock! :).....
Jul 8, 2004, 10:53pm
I probably mentioned this in these newsgroups years ago when I had access, but Starheart asked in Andras' AW worldbuilders newsgroup (news://news.andras.net/AW.Worldbuilders) so I thought I'd mention it here too.
Use 3D-Analyze: http://www.tommti-systems.com/main-Dateien/files.html to render AW without textures, in wireframe mode, force anistropic texture filtering (makes AW look a LOT better!), and more.
Would be nice if AW had support for these modes, but...
Jul 9, 2004, 3:29am
Of course it's safe--sheesh. But just scan it for yourself if you don't trust me. <shrug>
[View Quote]c p wrote:
> thanks for the help, but is this thing safe? has anyone checked it? are
> there any viruses? or other bad things in it?
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40EDEA83.A87B9423 at spam.com...
> but Starheart asked in Andras' AW worldbuilders newsgroup
> (news://news.andras.net/AW.Worldbuilders) so I thought I'd mention it here
> too.
> render AW without textures, in wireframe mode, force anistropic texture
> filtering (makes AW look a LOT better!), and more.
Jul 9, 2004, 5:14am
You must not know me, c p. I don't put people on. http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/ to learn some things. :P
[View Quote]c p wrote:
> Ok thanks :-) I also scanned with Norton 10 times so I hope this isn't a
> very good put on
> "tony m" <morales78705 at plz2nospam.austin.rr.com> wrote in message
> news:40ee2f1e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> trust me. <shrug>
> there any viruses? or other bad things in it?
Jul 10, 2004, 1:59am
If anyone does, Mauz probably has it, but she's still on vacation...I think.
[View Quote]builderz wrote:
> Does anyone have a chat log/transcript of the AW 2004 Festival Opening?
> Also, does anyone have a transcript or recording of the interview with
> Rick (E N Z O) and the AWI employee that was on AWVR? Thanks.
Jul 12, 2004, 10:11pm
[View Quote]tengel wrote:
> Many have telegram me and ask me if I will my web online again. And of
> course it will.
> My old tipssenteret.no was shut down in march 2004 and will never be online
> again, at least not before some one else buy that domain.
> That olds domain name I didn't feel, did have anything to do with AW, so
> today I have start up a new one, that will have all the stuff my old have,
> but also a lot more will come, just be patience as my day only have 24 hours
> even I wish it should be 48.
> Anyway, you all is free to look at it, and during the summer all of the
> goodies should be added to the web.
> Web: http://3D-nordic.com
Jul 14, 2004, 12:18am
Don't make me smack you...
[View Quote]rossyboy wrote:
> WEB-SIGHT!!!111
> http://rb.vwtv.org/mandeye/
> --
Jul 19, 2004, 4:19am
4m 1st attempt (what the hell?)...42m 2nd attempt ;)
[View Quote]andras wrote:
> http://www.wagenschenke.ch/
> 29 meter first attempt :)
Jul 19, 2004, 7:41am
Does anyone have a larger version of http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/saxon.jpg from http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/sites.html? I might have lost it years ago but am not sure if I ever had a larger version or not. I've tried the Internet Archive Wayback Machine but no luck.
Jul 19, 2004, 5:14pm
[View Quote]lady nighthawk wrote:
> Is this the same place? http://www.tnlc.com/Lara/awpics/saxon.jpg I did a
> google search, seems to be more of the view but a small pix also. Perhaps
> you can resize with a good graphics progy?
Well, that's a different view--and I lost her large pic for that too. :(
> Mauz has three saxon pix here http://mauz.info/awpics1997.html although I'm
> not sure if this relates to what you are looking for or if hers is something
> else, worth sending your way none the less. Scroll down to saxon pix. Google
> rocks!
Yea, none of those are it either, unfortunately. Already tried Google...
Thanks anyway.
[View Quote]> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FB94D9.93F1398F at spam.com...
> http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/sites.html? I might have lost it years ago but am not
> sure if I ever had a larger version or not. I've tried the Internet Archive
> Wayback Machine but no luck.
Jul 19, 2004, 5:16pm
Yea, I think I lost it when I went from GeoCities to tnlc.com...but that was in, like, 1998 so...dunno...maybe I never had it...maybe I'm confusing it with http://tnlc.com/Lara/awpics/saxon.jpg (which I KNOW used to be larger)...hmmm. :/
Ah well. Thanks.
[View Quote]andras wrote:
> eep wrote:
> In Feb. 8. 2001 you did not have the hires version - if it helps.
Jul 19, 2004, 11:42pm
Read the last sentence of my original post...
[View Quote]johnf wrote:
> Have you tried "Wayback Machine" for your Geocities page?
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC1B3F.B31293CE at spam.com...
Jul 19, 2004, 11:50pm
Yea, turns out Mauz had the larger Lara saxon.jpg but not mine. Ah well...she has some other Saxon pics I didn't know about. :)
[View Quote]lady nighthawk wrote:
> Perhaps contact your *cohorts at the time* ... Lara and Mauz ... seems to me
> they (and maybe even you?) might have some graphics saved to disks or CDs
> ... if you're lucky!? Good Luck!
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC1B8A.EF6CBF81 at spam.com...
> was in, like, 1998 so...dunno...maybe I never had it...maybe I'm confusing
> it with http://tnlc.com/Lara/awpics/saxon.jpg (which I KNOW used to be
> larger)...hmmm. :/
> from http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/sites.html? I might have lost it years ago but
> am not sure if I ever had a larger version or not. I've tried the Internet
> Archive Wayback Machine but no luck.
Jul 20, 2004, 7:47pm
Right...should've been more clear; yes, I searched both URLs on IAWB.
[View Quote]johnf wrote:
> Nowhere there did you mention that you'd tried it on your GeoCities page...
> nor did you mention your GeoCities page. Later you mentioned your GeoCities
> page but failed to mention if you had tried the "Wayback Machine" for that
> instead of your tnlc one.
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:40FC761F.2E7A0ED9 at spam.com...
Jul 19, 2004, 5:45pm
Good god...is this the same ol' Facter (Factor?) who was into drugs and all that crap? I think you did WAY too many if you type like this now... ;)
[View Quote]facter wrote:
Jul 22, 2004, 9:27pm
http://www.activeworlds.com/newsletter/0604/060404.html incorrectly states:
"June 27th, 1999 was the public release of AlphaWorld."
AlphaWorld was opened when AW started in 1995:
o 0628 (0627 11 PM PDT) First "official" release to the public of AlphaWorld
- http://mauz.info/awhistory.html#1995
Jul 23, 2004, 12:35am
Hmm, where's July's newsletter?
[View Quote]onesummer wrote:
> Thanks for bringing that to my attention the typo .... I've corrected that in August Newsletter..
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:41004AB0.9217EEE2 at spam.com...
Jul 23, 2004, 3:23am
OK, you're getting annoying, hu. Lay off the off-topic posts, eh?
Jul 23, 2004, 6:26am
Note the lack of a "generation.discussion" newsgroup. This "community" newsgroup is about the AW (that's "Active Worlds") community, not the US president Bush or whatever else you want to talk about NOT related to AW.
[View Quote]hu wrote:
> Excuse me... this is a "community" NG and I'm not defined by your obviously
> very very tiny idea of what "community" means...
> You are annoyingly tiny eep!
> "eep" <no at spam.com> wrote in message news:41009E5A.F4F78BC1 at spam.com...
Jul 23, 2004, 2:11pm
Welcome to my filter, putz.
[View Quote]hu wrote:
> Well, this is the only place that one can discuss relative topics - though
> this topic will defiantly affect AW if Bush gets back into the White House -
> you'll all be drafted into his next war with Iran... Remember I said that
> when IT HAPPENS if you don't vote him out!
> "johnf" <johnf at 3d-reality.nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:4100f7c8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...