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Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 8, 2001, 2:38am
If they moderate doesn't that mean you might be out too? Legitimate Q.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 8, 2001, 2:29am
Just because you have the right (because its out in the open) or the
ability, doesn't mean you should. It's reasonable and customary to get
permission - similar to quoting someone in print.

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I'm first ?

Jun 21, 2001, 7:20am
No....sorry to burst your bubble but, sumtin's wrong. All the firsts from
yesterday are gone....guess its not as fixed as they originally thought.
All except worldbuilders are empty now again (for me).

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More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 11:57pm
Exactly! Bothers the heck out of me that some lady can put a hot cup of
coffee between her knees while exiting a drive thru, burn herself, SUE and
WIN a million bucks! Now they insist on giving me a lukewarm, half-filled
cup of coffee in a cardboard holder. Hot is hot whether its 150° or 250°.
Heh, it doesnt take a brain surgeon to figure out where hot drinks don't
belong. I agree society needs to stop catering to ppl w/brain leaks and let
them utilize their common sense, or lack of. Trojan warnings are probably
beneficial to worlds with large newbie volume, but im pretty tired of seeing
it in aw in general......especially over lukewarm coffee!


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AW Down?

Jul 11, 2001, 7:12am
Hanging at login ~ anyone else?


AW Down?

Jul 11, 2001, 7:47am
n/m grr

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Did you ever notice...

Jul 14, 2001, 11:12am
Aside from the bickering back and forth about what is more useful content k
for k, the main point to me is that Usenet ettiquette exists for the common
good of the whole. This particular HTML posting may be junk but if HTML
were a regular way of life in newsgroups, someone somewhere would miss out
on valuable content due to the hardship HTML causes them. Common courtesy
in RL = you don't order pizza and have it delivered to your neighbor COD
and in the NG= You don't post in HTML because they may not have the time,
space or $$ to pick off the anchovies.
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To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 11:56pm
Robin Florez

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What happend to America??

Jul 23, 2001, 12:56am
If you want to pull up the posts from back around May sometime, I left a
long one about my final days.....I have not received an email response to my
letter. I heard there was a phantom sighting of Gineric in AW a few weeks
ago, but no one i have spoken to has heard a word. I did hear that where
Jetta moved to in Canada has no ISP??? and hi btw Rypp :)

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Jul 27, 2001, 12:05am
omg with a name like mine I can't possibly ignore this post. Eep, I have
enjoyed my visits to Hole and Cubed and very much admire the work you have
done there. But you are definitely on the wrong track on this one.
Weakness is more an attribute of someone who can't tolerate the differences,
imperfections, and idiosyncracies of other people; of someone who can't play
well with others. Humor, along with a few other things, is a nice little
perk that makes the world go round and helps us get through times of major
suckage. An exhibitor of humor during times of difficulty shows great
strength. You don't have to participate, however please don't call those
that do weak. and back home and take a have 2
(two) milk jugs on your labeled full and one labeled empty :

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Jul 27, 2001, 6:57am
Well, I don't agree on your very limited definition for the reason of humor.
Humor is also for pure entertainment, it makes money (see Hollywood run).
You can find humor in your sound effects and actions in Hole and in many
other places in AW simply as entertainment. Humor can be used as a defense,
but that's certainly not all inclusive. It can be a choice on how someone
wishes to view life because it's more enjoyable than the alternative period.
I'm glad we are not all clones though. That would make for a pretty boring

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Jul 27, 2001, 8:59pm
You didnt read the whole thread or at least the portion where Eep changed
the subject from Pollen to Humor ( July 26th). This was his first post re:
Humor.....yes, the definition changed as we went. No big deal - i'm quite
comfortable with my understanding of what just took place.

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Calling Your Bluff

Aug 3, 2001, 4:53pm

There are always 2 sides to every story, and although I wouldn't be able to
stand behind every complaint being made against AWC not having the first
hand knowledge, I signed the letter based on some limited observation here,
no response to a support mail I sent as a new world owner and the basic
spirit behind the letter you composed of drawing a bridge to gap the
differences. Their response was quite opposite the picture that was
painted, so frankly I have been sitting back on the sideline watching how
everything played out.

I am not a techie but am a long-time citizen and new world owner who has
noticed a large change in AW over time and is concerned about the future of
one of my favorite places to be. What time is the meeting, or is it limited
to only techie type individuals?



Calling Your Bluff

Aug 3, 2001, 6:33pm
thanks...doesn't look like i can make the time tonite (school orientation
stuff) - maybe i can get a log from someone on the community portion.

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[CU] First Citizen Union Meeting

Aug 4, 2001, 10:39am
Sounds like some good stuff was accomplished in the first meeting. Wish i
could have attended but read the log. Here's my 2 cents worth of
observations for whatever they are worth in no special order and i look
forward to the next mtg:

~ CU has to be a true representation of the entire community - not just
programming, not just fluff. If it's not a true representation, then it
just becomes the same entity we are trying to get to listen to us. Sounds
like the categories of concern cover a wide enough range to meet all needs.

~ But how do you be a true representation of a large community yet remain
effective? Totally open meetings are necessary and fair but also can be
sooo cumbersome to get anything done. I like the idea of submitting
suggestions to the website. Why not take it a step further and create
agenda items from this list of suggestions in order to stay on track -
agenda could be posted in advance for those to decide if they want to attend
the open mtg or not. Suggestions that dont make it on the agenda could roll
over to next meeting. Roberts rules of order sort of thing.....or using a
model from RL town meetings.

~Community has to come together better and agree to certain rules in order
to be effective. We are not all going to agree with each other but we can
agree to certain rules of behaviour so that the wider community portion of
the meeting can remain open and something can be accomplished for the good
of all. Petty bickering and going off track will only work against us. I
think there should be some basic open meeting rules and eject if they aren't
followed. Thats the way real life works.

~Appointing reps that are eventually elected seems fair and allows for
getting the ball rolling faster.

~On AW website they brag on the COMMUNITY as being an incredibly active
group of individuals who provides itself on its community spirit. I assume
they do this to draw in more people. If they want to continue using
COMMUNITY as an advertising tool AND be credible, they really have to be
responsive to this idea.


New Pricing...

Feb 7, 2002, 12:54am
I'm happy to see they made a compromise. The changes are much more
reasonable with the exception of the additional cost to world owners for
allowing tourist access. Feel I already paid that when I purchased a 25
user world 6 months ago. Pro-rated discount should be in order for reducing
a feature I already had. Now that we do have to pay though, shouldn't we
get some type of color coding on the world list to indicate we are " tourist


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Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 9, 2005, 1:55pm
THEY? There are many fine GK's who follow the guidelines and enjoy doing
their job
with objectivity and desire to help the new user settle in. Jumping on the
band wagon to
make generalizations about the entire group is not fair, nor is it helpful.
However, if you
have a specific experience or example, THEN let's hear it and please report
it - as do I.

Also, please be sure you know of what you speak. Ejection guidelines are
always the same between organizations - and having a behind the scenes
of some of the "illegal" ejections mentioned in this thread , I can with
confidence say they
were perfectly warranted and legal. I do not buy into the "Tallan has other
GK Ejection Allies"
conspiracy theory.

I have been receiving a lot of flak about an ejection by people who are
simply jumping on the
bandwagon and don't investigate the details before they all of a sudden
become an expert and
voice their opinion. The log speaks for itself and is submitted after each
I sleep very well at night. I find it a bit amusing and ironic that some
of the same people
who are screaming for objectivity on the part of the GK's, are in fact make
statements like - if you eject
me than you are not my friend.( I'm here singin' like Tina *What's Friends
got to do with it?*) ....or....
"he has been a long time citizen and is a very respectable person".....ummm
maybe so, but have you
seen the Million $ Madam's lil black book? Yes we need improvement but
there are many on board who
really care and will continually work towards that.

Sorry for the long post, but i believe we all need to be productive in our
resolution of these and all

"I'm glad to hear the Chief of Police is a good personal friend of yours.
At least you know someone who can post your bail."

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May 25, 2005, 1:53am
I want the slippers lol
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Cy Award Pics

Jul 5, 2006, 1:43am
If you missed the event, feel free to take a look:



Jul 5, 2006, 1:43am


Jul 8, 2006, 3:08am
Well if it had worked the first time I wouldnt have needed to test it.
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Jul 5, 2006, 1:43am


Jul 5, 2006, 1:43am

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