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Fake Cy's Must Be Stopped! (Community)
Fake Cy's Must Be Stopped! // CommunitybrockawMay 24, 2000, 7:45pm
I Think We Should Get AWCOM Should make a warning message such as
'If You use Cy's In Your World And Did Not Win Them Your World Will BE Removed' builderzMay 25, 2000, 12:08am
And lose a reasonable amount of their income? I don't think so. Taking
away someone's world would be too harsh a punishment. True, something should be done; but taking people's worlds away isn't going to fix this problem. Mentioning something about the issue in AW's Content Guidelines ( might work. Also, world owners that have received the CY Award...password protect the CY Award model (if it isn't already) to hamper people from trying to steal it. -Builderz [View Quote] > I Think We Should Get AWCOM Should make a warning message such as > 'If You use Cy's In Your World And Did Not Win Them Your World Will BE > Removed' alphabit phalphaMay 25, 2000, 12:09am
Ok...time for me to add some input on this matter...........
The Cy Statue has become a VERY loved object in Activeworlds Community. Loved because what it represents:) Also loved...because of it's beauty:) I've been pondering on what to do about non earned Cy's showing up in worlds. So they are reported to me..I visit World Owners who obligingly remove them...thank you to all world owners who feel this way about the prestigous Cy:) I would love some input here from all of you on how this should be handled. Here's some ideas Iv'e had..... 1.) A world found with an unearned Cy is reported to me...I go talk with the World Owner...If they refuse to remove it..they make themselves and anyone who is part of thier world community ineligible in the future of ever receiving one? 2.) We tag the Statue with a sign that says something like " For Authentication please visit" 3.) We allow it to be a building object and used freely and use the "Special" Statues as all Cys by category? 4.) Make sure the Community is aware of the unearned Cy and let them speak to the world owner?.....One at a time........:) 3.) We plant a bomb in it and if it's placed unearned it blows up?:) It's really hard to take something so loved from the Community...because the Community is what makes the Cys happen:) Please.....please post some suggestions here:) The Statue is copywrit in the fact that Raven Shadow was awarded a Cy Award for Excellence in Creative Vision and Application in the category of: Object Design/Texture Application on June 5th 1999 for all of his Statues he created and donated to our Community. P.S. I don't think it is AWCom, Inc.'s responsibility...I think it is ours as a Community to deal with this. What do you all think?:) Thank you, AlphaBit Phalpha [View Quote] count draculaMay 25, 2000, 12:09am
Uuuh! I think I will find one and put it in my outhouse,just to get some
excitement. Brockaw kirjoitti viestissä <392c4d78 at>... >I Think We Should Get AWCOM Should make a warning message such as >'If You use Cy's In Your World And Did Not Win Them Your World Will BE >Removed' > > > alphacentuariMay 25, 2000, 12:09am
Hmmm, mabey thats a weeee little bit harsh, mabey just having them remove
the fake ones? [View Quote] just inMay 25, 2000, 2:46am
I like the bomb idea best :o)
But failing that - you Bit talking to the world owner and others visiting the offending world and talking to the world owner seems like the best option. If they still don't remove the Cy (are there any being abused now?) then perhaps a Cy Committee member could delete it for them? Don't AWCI staff (who are on the committee) have ED in all worlds? I think at that stage the naughty world owner would really get the message its not okay. Regards, Justin [View Quote] chris waddellMay 25, 2000, 1:09pm
Virtual beheadings! have those guilty be brought before a virtual
guillotine and beheaded!. Or maybe virtual burning! Like the inquisition. tie the cy thief to a pole and light em up! Smelling the burning vertices and polygons in the air, will ward off other vile villains. In all seriousness, is it really that important? This is a virtual universe, with virtual accomplishments. I have been nominated a couple times, and ppl tell me right and left i should have one. But i don't steal it. Its good ppl think it means allot, but really... Its just virtual. I could essentially hold my own awards show for a bunch of universes, "unsanctioned" by AWCOM. they could be bigger better awards. But what's the worth, Ppl who didn't win would just steal em. Face up, look away form your PC's for a sec, look out the window, lookit the real world... Step away, then come back and realize, its just VR bottom line Thanx for coming ZeRo [View Quote] whoMay 25, 2000, 1:09pm
[View Quote] I should hope not! Private worlds should be operated by those that privately own them and not be open to such a possibility from an "unknown" citizen. If what you say is true I will immediately gain a list of all committee members and put their cit num's on the eject list for all worlds I perform caretaker duties for. Only authorised citizens should have that kind of power in a private world. > > I think at that stage the naughty world owner would really get the message > its not okay. I think in most cases a world owner would delete any such object upon request, but upon looking again at the CY website I don't see any copyright information, therefore I doubt if you have the authority to remove the object. As the Count said, maybe the statue might look good in the outhouse, sounds like the most useful place for it. > > Regards, Justin > [View Quote] -- Cheers, #--------aka Who----------# Ricta /#--email ricta at\ / #----fidonet 3:640/954----# \ / #--Gold Coast, Australia--# \ count draculaMay 25, 2000, 1:10pm
I suppose we are all talking about the guy holding a ball over his
head,right?If so,I was told that objects from AW Universetu is free for anyone to use.Go to and models,there you will find a zip called think if one first is granted permission to use objects and then been punished for using them,is very wrong. I want to add that I have no use for that particular object,but I think here is a conflict.Get a life people! Once again confuced Drac AlphaCentuari kirjoitti viestissä <392c8b5c at>... >Hmmm, mabey thats a weeee little bit harsh, mabey just having them remove >the fake ones? > > > [View Quote] (the wanderer)May 25, 2000, 1:10pm
AlphaBit_Phalpha at (AlphaBit Phalpha) wrote in
<392c8b43 at>: [snip] >I've been pondering on what to do about non earned Cy's showing up in >worlds. >So they are reported to me..I visit World Owners who obligingly >remove them...thank you to all world owners who feel this way about the >prestigous Cy:) [snip] >1.) A world found with an unearned Cy is reported to me...I go talk with >the World Owner...If they refuse to remove it..they make themselves and >anyone who is part of thier world community ineligible in the future of >ever receiving one? > [snip] > >4.) Make sure the Community is aware of the unearned Cy and let them >speak to the world owner?.....One at a time........:) > [snip] >The Statue is copywrit in the fact that Raven Shadow was awarded a Cy >Award for Excellence in Creative Vision and Application >in the category of: >Object Design/Texture Application >on June 5th 1999 for all of his Statues he created and donated to our >Community. > >P.S. I don't think it is AWCom, Inc.'s responsibility...I think it is >ours as a Community to deal with this. >What do you all think?:) > I believe that you have already answered the question quite well and from your opening statements, it appears that you've already implemented option 1 and that it is indeed working. The Cy Awards are a community award and alwasy have been; as such it is, as you state, up to the community to police the situation. -- The Wanderer Travel Well and may your Journeys be safe! iceyMay 25, 2000, 1:10pm
Maybe with a passworded object it would work better...
icey [View Quote] > I Think We Should Get AWCOM Should make a warning message such as > 'If You use Cy's In Your World And Did Not Win Them Your World Will BE > Removed' myrthMay 25, 2000, 4:25pm
Citizen #1 has universe admin, this means they have caretaker in every world which allows them to give rights. It is aw's universe
and aw's program. Not having this is asking for even more trouble... [View Quote] (the wanderer)May 25, 2000, 4:25pm
Count_Dracula at (Count Dracula) wrote in
<392d4251$1 at>: >I suppose we are all talking about the guy holding a ball over his >head,right?If so,I was told that objects from AW Universetu is free for >anyone to use.Go to and models,there you will >find a zip called think if one first is granted permission to >use objects and then been punished for using them,is very wrong. I want to >add that I have no use for that particular object,but I think here is a >conflict.Get a life people! > Good point, if it has been placed on the AWU path, which has always been "open" for the plucking of objects and rightly so, without a password then it is effectively a public domain object. Having said that, what is to prevent someone from simply throwing a scale and color command into the current Cy av and producing their own "original" golden/chartreuse/mauve Cy statue? The real issue is one of respect: Does an individual respect the community? Does an individual respect the desire of a part of the community to recognize others and as such the Cy award? Obiviously there are those who will not claiming that they exist outside the community. I feel a rant approaching at high speed, so I'll cut this short. Only those who exist in total isolation are not part of a community. Being totally isolated is not as easy as it might seem. One must ask, "Am I a positive or a negative influence in the community?" -- The Wanderer Travel Well and may your Journeys be safe! agent1May 25, 2000, 4:26pm
anthony bathgate (wing cmdr)May 25, 2000, 9:00pm
Integrating a password into the aw path would be 1) Impossible concidering
that awci just added a couple hundred obs, and they only mess with it once in a blue moon. 2) Would not stop the spread because its already passwordless on HUNDREDS of other object paths. (Except the ones i admin, where the ob wont even be added till one gets won) [View Quote] > Maybe with a passworded object it would work better... > icey > [View Quote] (will martin)May 25, 2000, 9:00pm
On 25 May 2000 00:46:11 -0400, "Just In" <Justefyde at>
[View Quote] <snip> >But failing that - you Bit talking to the world owner and others visiting >the offending world and talking to the world owner seems like the best >option. Certainly, talking to the world owner about it would be an excellent tactic. However, one should NOT visit the offending world to do so. Installing a fake Cy is a means of stimulating interest in the world, thereby encouraging people to visit and explore. If you find a fake Cy and continue to visit that world, then you have done precisely what the world owner wanted -- even if you only visit to condemn the fake Cy. Instead, we ought to shun the offending world. Send the owner telegrams; talk with the owner in other worlds; but DON'T actually go to the offending world! Building, and more importantly *showing* our buildings to others, is the most important attraction in owning a world. A world is pointless (and lonely) if no one ever visits it. Let owners do as they please in their worlds, but make it clear that if faking a Cy is a good way turn your world into an obscure backwater. Selanit <snip> >Regards, Justin brockMay 25, 2000, 10:50pm
You See I Think We Should Just TELL them that then they would belive it and
not put a statue in the world [View Quote] john viperMay 26, 2000, 8:32am
For some people VR is the closest thing to real they have.......... I personally take it very
seriously, when im in the AWB i forget its a comp program and feel like im walking around and stuff _________________________ John Viper <-- Coming Soon! - - Go to to receive FREE newsletters via email! Go to to make $$$ using YOUR OWN computer and sigining subscribers in YOUR OWN emails! [View Quote] whoMay 26, 2000, 8:33am
You are stating multiple people have use of Citizen #1 - especially all
those on the CY committee can gain access to it. Is this another abuse of power? Join the CY committee and thus gain full rights in every world? Sounds like a real good "community" organisation in this case... [View Quote] -- Cheers, #--------aka Who----------# Ricta /#--email ricta at\ / #----fidonet 3:640/954----# \ / #--Gold Coast, Australia--# \ count draculaMay 26, 2000, 11:08am
I understand that people take it very seriously,unfortunatly it seems some
people take their bitchy attitde with them on-line. I have wodered why;is it becaise they are wimps in the non-virtual enviroment and do not dare to say anything there or is it so that they are bitches all the time,in "real-life" and on-line.I have no idea,maybe someone can tell me? I need to add that I also take learning in AW seriously,but I think one should not forget that for most people AW is a place to come and relax in,chatting with friends and building for their own amusment.Taking something seriously does not mean that one need to be hunting someones head all the time,blaming others and trying to be better than others. Best Regards Old Hippie Drac John Viper kirjoitti viestissä <392e52b5$1 at>... >For some people VR is the closest thing to real they have.......... I personally take it very >seriously, when im in the AWB i forget its a comp program and feel like im walking around and stuff >_________________________ >John Viper > <-- Coming Soon! >- - >Go to to receive FREE newsletters via >email! >Go to to make $$$ using YOUR OWN computer and sigining subscribers >in YOUR OWN emails! [View Quote] alphabit phalphaMay 26, 2000, 11:08am
Excuse me.....but all of the folks on the Cy Committee have no more powers in aw prime and its sister worlds then you or I:) Now please....know the people on the Cy Comittee as people who give of thier time from the kindness of thier hearts and thier love for all of you ......nothing more. Anyone ever applying to serve the Community on this Comittee that shows that "power" is thier driving force behind belonging......are simply not accepted:) Please help to dispell this rumor immediately. Thank you:) AlphaBit Phalpha [View Quote] agent1May 26, 2000, 11:08am
Multiple people have the AWLD privilege password. I don't see why everyone on the Cy Awards Comittee would have it (what would they
need it for?). Perhaps only the leader(s) has the PPW because they may need it for some reason. -Agent1 [View Quote] myrthMay 26, 2000, 7:14pm
just inMay 27, 2000, 9:42pm
[View Quote]
Hmmm, did I start this rumour? I think yes but only because someone did
not read what I typed! I said "Don't AWCI staff (who are on the committee) have ED in all worlds?" Now admittedly I gave myself a wrong impression from visiting the Cy Award web page because when I saw that page the following names appeared in bright big bold lettering: E N Z O, Cryonics, Lucrezia Borgia, Chloe, and AlphaBit Phalpha. I mistakenly believed this was some sort of core committee rather than simply a thanks and recognition of those people. So AWCI staff who logically would have ED rights I presumed made up the bulk of the core committee. In the end only ONE AWCI staff member is on the Cy Award committee, and that is Lu. So, do I really want Lu to go around to any bad boy world owners that use the Cy Award object in way that is not its intended purpose? No I do not! What I would like to see is for Raven Shadow to stand up for copyright on his objects and the people so authorised to act on his behalf in stopping any infringements to do their job. I would also suggest some better marking of special objects so that no confusion can be made. i.e. where an object yard does display a special object that an appropriate sign is there stating that its use is restricted and that it may only be used with special permission. I think kellee might be able to help with this. Regards, Justin whoMay 30, 2000, 11:30am
> Hmmm, did I start this rumour? I think yes but only because someone did
> not read what I typed! I said "Don't AWCI staff (who are on the committee) > have ED in all worlds?" Hmm.. no you didn't say that at all, maybe you should quote what you typed rather than rephrasing it to represent what you meant :) Anyway - its over with now. And I do read what is typed. -- Cheers, Who (the wanderer)May 30, 2000, 5:41pm
ricta at (Who) wrote in <3933c291$1 at>:
> > >Hmm.. no you didn't say that at all, maybe you should quote what you >typed rather than rephrasing it to represent what you meant :) > >Anyway - its over with now. > >And I do read what is typed. > LOL, he did quote exactly what he said which I have included below Message-ID: <392cb013 at> >I like the bomb idea best :o) > >But failing that - you Bit talking to the world owner and others >visiting the offending world and talking to the world owner seems like >the best option. If they still don't remove the Cy (are there any being >abused now?) then perhaps a Cy Committee member could delete it for >them? Don't AWCI staff (who are on the committee) have ED in all >worlds? > >I think at that stage the naughty world owner would really get the >message its not okay. > >Regards, Justin > -- The Wanderer Travel Well and may your Journeys be safe! iceyJun 2, 2000, 11:17pm
Build an updated object "cy award" and give a password ..wouldn't help?
[View Quote] > Integrating a password into the aw path would be 1) Impossible concidering > that awci just added a couple hundred obs, and they only mess with it once > in a blue moon. 2) Would not stop the spread because its already > passwordless on HUNDREDS of other object paths. (Except the ones i admin, > where the ob wont even be added till one gets won) > [View Quote] anthony bathgate (wing cmdr)Jun 3, 2000, 4:20pm
A new object would work, but the old ones would still spread like wildfire. Oh
yeah, I was in a world that was displaying a fake Cy about 6 months ago, and when you came to tell us to deleet it, we simply made it invisible. Might wanna look closer. Eventually i got the morons to delete it, about half an hour later. [View Quote] > Build an updated object "cy award" and give a password ..wouldn't help? > [View Quote] andy king (ako)Jun 4, 2000, 8:04pm
I'm getting deja-vu here ... LOL ... things very similar to this happened in
Cybertown, another virtual community, which is why I left. I come on the PC to escape from people moaning and suchlike, so I don't want to come online and just read a lot of moans! -- Andy [View Quote] andy king (ako)Jun 4, 2000, 8:04pm
If you try to build with objects with "z" at the start, Building Inspector
tells you off ... -- Andy [View Quote] |