You can't make this stuff up... (General Discussion)

You can't make this stuff up... // General Discussion

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goober king

Aug 9, 2002, 9:11pm
More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

This has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. If you can
stop from involuntarily wretching while reading this, you are not human.

Goober King
Can't even joke about this...
robrod at


Aug 10, 2002, 1:55am
I agree goob and just think some of them use AW and other universes to do
this .............................
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goober king

Aug 10, 2002, 2:07am
*sigh* Let's not bring that up again, please. That was not my intention
by posting this. :P

[View Quote] > I agree goob and just think some of them use AW and other universes to do
> this .............................
[View Quote]
Goober King
Some people just can't let go...
robrod at


Aug 10, 2002, 3:05am
There are places where it can be reported.

It is necessary that everyone keeps his eyes open in order
to keep the internet a free place. I know some links where
you can report discrimitating or nazi web pages and you can
report abuse too.

So if anyone finds something like that, don't just close the
page and be disgusted but do something, report it.
Fortunately there are only very few people who use the web
for bad things so it should be possible to kick them out.

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Aug 10, 2002, 9:06am
Something that also shock me is the "The investigation began in November

> More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

I am not that pessimistic.
Like for everything, bad actions and more generally bad news are always
reported all around the world, but not the good ones.
That gives everybody the feeling that only bad things happen, which is not


Aug 10, 2002, 1:16pm
yes there are places to report such IF one cares enough not to ignore it
another thing is the FBI is entering such sites now so maybe we will get
some of those ppl out
[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2002, 5:34pm
More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

Anyone seen lately? Remember 2nd ww? Remember Sadam gassing
woman&children? Be sure mankind is and will be capable of the most
horrendous crimes. Not denying that childabuse (>was victim) is a horrible
crime, in all levelminded consideration, when 10% of the worlds population
uses 90% of the resources (thereby denying most of the world the rest just
because they can)they should be silent in shame and not put a big show
about 30 children getting abused

just my 10 cts worth


Aug 10, 2002, 8:48pm
Ugh at rotten dot com. I dunno why they don't pull that off the net..
- Syntax -

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Aug 10, 2002, 9:01pm
They cant, theres noting illegal going on, its not like they kill people
then take pictures.
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just in

Aug 11, 2002, 2:09am
Agreed Chazrad.

Whilst any child abuse in any form is deplorable and perpetrators of such
crimes should be severly punished (including those criminals in goob's
article), I am always frustrated that some abuses are loudly and broadly
publicised and decried, whilst other more urgent abuses are ignored and
allowed to continue.

Children are dying of starvation, disease, and war every day in their
thousands - why no uproar?

Children lose parents every day through war, divorce or abandonment in their
thousands - why no uproar?

I regard withdrawal of love from a child the biggest child abuse of all, yet
divorce and seperation is legal! I speak from the experience of my parents
divorcing, and I have not experienced anything worse than that in my life.
Whilst I recognise that divorce is never a simple issue, with abuses of
rights in every quarter, its the children that suffer most.

~ Justin

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Aug 11, 2002, 4:03am
and the snake arises i knew you would
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just in

Aug 11, 2002, 7:35am

We once were good friends. I'm not sure what I said or did that has upset
you so since then. If you have a problem with me I am online in AW enough
for you to come talk directly with me about it. There's no need to make
underhand comments like the one in this posting.

I do care, and I am not a snake. I do have feelings too.

~ Justin

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Aug 11, 2002, 7:40am
LMAOFF i didnt call you name lol Mother said something bout the guilty
dog barks first LOLOL
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just in

Aug 11, 2002, 7:58am
hmmm... lets see... Linn you referred to "you" in your original posting.
The "you" would in almost all circumstances refer to the previous poster,
unless you specifically named someone else. The previous poster was me.
Now you label me as "guilty" - guilty of what Linn? Guilty of being a
snake? Guilty of having an opinion maybe? Or guilty of being offended by

If you were not refering to me, and you were not calling me a snake, I
retract my posting suggesting you did. Please tell us Linn - who were you
referring to if it was not me?

If you want to say something - say it and be clear about! If you want to
say it here - go ahead. If you want to talk to me in private - do that!
But don't do this sneaky crap and stop this "beating around the bush" thing
not answering the questions I put to you - that only makes you look stupid.

~ Justin

[View Quote]


Aug 11, 2002, 8:53am
the reason sexual abuse of children is decried more than any other form of
child abuse, and more than any other trauma that can occur to a child, is
because nothing causes as much short or long term emotional damage to a
child than sexual abuse.

there is no other abuse or trauma that is more urgent.


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wizard myrddin

Aug 11, 2002, 9:16am
Stop trying to create yet another flamming war in this NG Just in.

We all have read in many previous postings what happens when even your name
is assocated with the diverted subject of this thread.

At least some contributors in the thread to use a valid email address so
that any thoughts can be addressed to them directly anf keep it out of the

If anyone decides not to reply to telegrams, that is there personel choice
and not one that should be taken to the NG.

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alphabit phalpha

Aug 11, 2002, 10:02am
Hey Wizard:)

Did I miss a post or something?
From what I saw, the person who threw the first stone was Linn in her
comment "and the snake arises i knew you would" (following Just In's

wizard myrddin

Aug 11, 2002, 10:17am
not really interested how throw the first stone, I've said what I am going
to say in this thread as it only fuels it, as Flagg as said dont fuel
anything and I shall respect this point.

Matter Closed

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alphabit phalpha

Aug 11, 2002, 10:21am

shred no@1.munged

Aug 11, 2002, 12:36pm
[View Quote] There are things far worse than divorce. I speak from experience.

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