Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached) (Community)

Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached) // Community

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Oct 3, 2004, 1:09pm
Are you trying to personally attack me, Anduin? If you can't read the
subject line BEFORE you press the shortcut key, then you shouldn't be

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Oct 3, 2004, 1:37pm
emm, no, what about the people who download all the new messages before
reading them? you shouldn't put 400kb attachements, PERIOD!
and how was that a personal attack from Anduin? O_o


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Oct 3, 2004, 2:48pm
Firstly, I don't see anything on Outlook Express that enables downloading
ALL messages before reading them. I was forced to download and read each
messages individually. I doubt all other programs have these options. Think
before you reply, eh?

Secondly, I do not *care*. I do not have website to host images for it so I
cannot post here if I can't host my images. I doubt many free website
providers would allow hostings for images IF it is not for webpage. I do not
*care* either that you have programs other than Outlook Express because I
will only accept Outlook Express comptability and cable internet rather than
those idiots using other than Outlook Express for newsgroup *and* using
anything *slower* than cable. My posts are designed for cable and outlook
express users *only*. Capiche?

Thirdly, I believe Anduin is targeting at me. Besides, wasn't that the same
guy who ran USWF or something? I can't remember the name of network but I
did flamed that guy several years. So I guess he still has grudge against
me. But again, I might have gotten wrong Anduin. I believe that guy I was
referring to used to be called Anduin Lothair or something like that. Can't
recall which one is that. My apologies to him if that's not the one I have
known earlier. I'm tried of so many name changes lately. Many names were
suddenly vacated by someone who was changing their name and was eventually
taken by someone else. Those idiots who keep changing the name. Hmm, I'm not
sure if that bot by Ananas keeping tabs on name-changers are still working
in this AW version. Will have to see.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Oct 3, 2004, 2:50pm
I also forgot to mention that only headers are downloaded BEFORE you
downloads the message for reading. Duh.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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mike zimmer

Oct 3, 2004, 3:22pm
You make me laugh :-D

-Meik Zimmer

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Oct 3, 2004, 3:32pm
now, you're just acting like a dipshit, and yes, that is kinda a personal
ok, in outlook, you see that thing that says (unless
you named it something else), right above the list of newsgroups? click on
it. there, thats how you downloads messages before reading them. you can
CHOOSE to either download all the messages, or just the new ones, or, just
the headers (which is kinda pointless), after you set it up, you click on
synchronise account, and voila..
oh, and the check box thingies, check the newsgroups you want to

yes, Anduin is the guy who used to run USWF, but i really don't see how you
could have possibly seen what he was saying to be a personal attack.
and if you don't care, then most people will just end up emm, well, putting
you on thier "list". you might not want that.


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Oct 3, 2004, 6:14pm
That's because he is a dipshit... Paranoid one at that. *L*

Hmm... let me think here, because I know someone who is on dialup since
cable is not in her area... So that would mean Legion is calling her an
idiot. :0 Plus! She loves to have fun with the ability to be able to change
her cit name, so he's also calling her an idiot for that!

It's a good thing that CaseyAngel is on a holiday weekend so she's unable to
see Legion called her an idiot. Tsk. Ill mannered twerp <--- Learnt
politeness from Legion =D

((((((((((((((((((((((To my non idiot Casey)))))))))))))))))) I love you!!!

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Oct 3, 2004, 7:50pm
LOL you think that most other newsreaders will have LESS features than
Outlook Express? Sorry, but that's extemely ignorant...

[View Quote] > Firstly, I don't see anything on Outlook Express that enables downloading
> ALL messages before reading them. I was forced to download and read each
> messages individually. I doubt all other programs have these options. Think
> before you reply, eh?

tony m

Oct 3, 2004, 10:52pm
Legion isn't exactly someone who does his homework before writing a report about it.

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Oct 4, 2004, 2:33am
Alright, forget it. I gives up arguing with our AW folks but I'll emphasize
that NO ONE can force me to change my preference. It is my choice. It's
either living with that choice of mine OR filtering me. Regardless, I do not
care. I'm not gonna let anyone forces changes on me. Capiche? Good, then.
This is my last post on this topic and I will not respond to anyone on this
topic. I'm going elsewhere on this newsgroup. REMEMBER, simply filter me or
else. I will not surrender my right to make decision about what file format
to post a picture or whatever in to the general audience. Once again, for
the last time, simply filter me or shut up. It's that simple. So drive

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Oct 4, 2004, 9:11pm
bah, good idea *adds legion to "list"*


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Oct 4, 2004, 10:10pm
omg you actually typed up a novel post over something so frivolus. You
humor me. Please continue to do this *instead* of making those jokes of
yours, and you'll have me laughing all day :D

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Oct 5, 2004, 8:00am
so what was the original point of this thread ????? Seems all including the
author has forgotten.

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Oct 5, 2004, 2:20pm
Let's not forget:

the image could have been cropped
lossey compression could have been used (even extremely lossey
compression could have got the point accross)

[View Quote] > Are you trying to personally attack me, Anduin? If you can't read the
> subject line BEFORE you press the shortcut key, then you shouldn't be


Oct 14, 2004, 7:07pm
So, what you are saying is that floating point errors are cause of most
of the problems including, but not limited to, inability to physically move
your own avatars in straight line AND developing gaps and seams in the

Interesting... I didn't think physical movement of the avatars and
objects have the same roots. I mean I would think mathematical equation for
avatars and objects are totally separate unless.... you actually mean the
programmers made the floating point errors all over the program, not just in
coding for objects but also avatars and etc.

Sounds like you're saying the programmers did crappy mathematical
equations all the time, not just in same area of the program. So it's
actually widespread.

I'm sorry I don't know much about programming but I just wanted to make
it a bit clear for me. I am a bit crappy on technical terms. ;)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Oct 24, 2004, 9:06pm
Yes, AW and RW programmers have sucked in terms of floating point errors for years. Math is math--and programming is FULL of it, floating point errors or otherwise.

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Oct 24, 2004, 10:44pm
[View Quote] Good morning!!! - this thread is 11 days old :)
"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Oct 28, 2004, 3:43am
So? I don't come here that much anymore and it's not like this place is hopping with time-sensitive info...<shrug>

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