copyright violation (Community)

copyright violation // Community

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Oct 13, 2003, 12:23pm
Oh, please... Spare me the details of your sickness...

[View Quote]

tag sva

Oct 13, 2003, 12:25pm
congratulation's you and Mr Bruce should have
competition to see who can make the longest posts.

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 12:34pm
The system logs every single hit to it. Your ISP is required by law to
provide your personal information to us should we request such.

Sorry, but wrong again: in almost all countries, only a court order can
do that - and a court order will only be issued when there is ample
proof for any violation (in many countries, simple log entries alone are
*not* considered to proof anything). Not to speak that a serious
offender would use a mixer/proxy anyway.

As with the lawsuits filed by and on behalf of music companies against
users of KAZAA, we may perhaps file lawsuits upon anyone entering our
ASP server unlawfully and using that illegal entry to harass our company
and/or our customers.

And after that, you declare them terrorists and send airplanes? :-) BTW,
I am sorry to burst your bubble here, but to pursue any copyright
violation, you must be in possession of at least the circulation rights.
Next, simply entering an unprotected website without inflicting damage
does not constitute any crime or even violation in most countries in the
world (copying material does not inflict any damage per se - only for
the holder of the circulation rights).

What RIAA is doing is a different pair of shoes (and has a different
underlying intention) - and it is more than unlikely that they will
succeed in the medium and long term anyway.

Also, what you write about images in a cache is almost nonsense, since
all images used in the AW program are forehand *publicly* accessible
from a website, in fact, they MUST be publicly accessible or they would
not work at all. This how the system works and everybody who uses the AW
program and is aware of that (that it is not *possible* to protect them
and that they *must* be publicly accessible). And this goes double to
artists who will know very well how the system works.
The same is, btw, true for sequences and sounds, for which the system,
in the way it is engineered, does not provide any protection at all and
have, thus, to be considered publicly accessible too.

File by law a copyright form and send each original image to the library
of congress as required by law prior to any publishing!

Nonsense - see my previous post.

How to have FUN

YES! We come closer to the point of everything - FUN is the key here for
by far the most people, not commercialism. It should also be realized
that AW in its current implementation is widely NOT MEANT and generally
NOT SUITED to make money by contributing artwork. Nevertheless it can
work, amongst understandeable people who are willing to reward a good
work, but these conditions cannot be considered to be the pre-condition.
As I have written before, striking with a law club will not help at all,
not because of the uncertain legal situation and not because of the
multinational nature.

But, what I am mainly wondering when reading these posts here is why
people constantly have to assure the others how lawful they are
themselves, how meritful and how successful in their commercial ventures
and how bad the others are, how unlawful, how bad, how unethical and
what else there is - and this seems to be what the newsgroup is for (or
has become?).

As if the community of AW has nothing else to worry about, as if the
people who donate time and money to the community would not have other
objectives, and as if the constant struggle about whose sand tower is
the tallest (there is probably even a world "SandGor" who deals with
this topic...) was the most important thing in the world that can be
discussed here.

Everybody is whining that the AW community is detoriating, yet almost
everybody gladly goes the extra mile to hit another member. What about
concentrating all powers to induce improvement, to change things and
make them better? And THEN, AFTER that is achieved, there will be a lake
big and vital enough that everybody can catch all the fish he wants even
without picking on the "competition" or "dear neighbour".

But as I see it, quite a few people are not able or willing to think or
act beyond the next door neighbour and immediately engage in close range
combat whenever another person comes into view.

I think it is a shame, and sadly, there is a lot of truth in the words
of another group member who claimed that the threads here do have an
extraordinary entertainment value.

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 12:35pm
LOL I guess you wanted to prove in type that you would and do!
Try some exlax... might help clear some things up for you... use only as
recommended.. see you Doctor if you suffer any medical conditions first :)

[View Quote] > Oh, please... Spare me the details of your sickness...
[View Quote]

ldy scamp

Oct 13, 2003, 12:42pm
After reading all this harrassment from others,yes I consider it harrassment
What the hell is wrong with some of you people do you not have a life?And
who the hell is Bowen some geek behind a Moniter that has nothing better to
do then spew garbage at people?The Issue at hand is textures not stolen
models which by the way you people should check into the trader sorts
really,those that trade objects with others etc .Ok Textures ,I have gotten
textures of objects that people have stolen form aw and others but not once
have i gotten an object from Insanity that was textured with someone
elses,he makes his own.His Textures have always been new and a little
different.The on line texuters he has up ar not for stealing and using on
models but for those on his path to use for create texture lines.Insanity
has thousands upon thousands on his path from users etc file names dont tell
him what is what and I recall one time I asked if I cluld use a certain
texture that I ran across and he told me no,that's dianes.So whatever you
are saying is not being done out of blatant disrespect but accidental ,Why
dont you look through pick out your copyrighted textures,and make sure
you've got the proof and ask him to remove them from public veiw eh?.
[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 12:45pm
You fail to be aware of U.S. law. Already proven last month that ISP's must hand over the
requested information for the court filings. Each lawsuit filed last month against the
users of Kazaa in North Texas was in the amount of $250,000.00 Check your local news
station for the copy if you missed it. As for foreign countries... I think the U.S. is
showing the world it has no limits in reaching out to defend American's rights. As for
copyrights.. It is a U.S. Laws which is adopted throughout treaties through all free
nations. Granted there are always violators. That is why lawyers graduate every day...
U.S. Law is simple to find... just go to any library and read up on it. As for ignorance
of the law. That is never a defense. Will those suits be dropped? Possibly so... but if
you are a home owner.. defending your assets against a large suit is costly no matter
what. Wisdom dictates not to steal... being wise is not a requirement... Fines and
imprisonment are deterrents however.

[View Quote] > The system logs every single hit to it. Your ISP is required by law to
> provide your personal information to us should we request such.
> <<<
> Sorry, but wrong again: in almost all countries, only a court order can
> do that - and a court order will only be issued when there is ample
> proof for any violation (in many countries, simple log entries alone are
> *not* considered to proof anything). Not to speak that a serious
> offender would use a mixer/proxy anyway.
> As with the lawsuits filed by and on behalf of music companies against
> users of KAZAA, we may perhaps file lawsuits upon anyone entering our
> ASP server unlawfully and using that illegal entry to harass our company
> and/or our customers.
> <<<
> And after that, you declare them terrorists and send airplanes? :-) BTW,
> I am sorry to burst your bubble here, but to pursue any copyright
> violation, you must be in possession of at least the circulation rights.
> Next, simply entering an unprotected website without inflicting damage
> does not constitute any crime or even violation in most countries in the
> world (copying material does not inflict any damage per se - only for
> the holder of the circulation rights).
> What RIAA is doing is a different pair of shoes (and has a different
> underlying intention) - and it is more than unlikely that they will
> succeed in the medium and long term anyway.
> Also, what you write about images in a cache is almost nonsense, since
> all images used in the AW program are forehand *publicly* accessible
> from a website, in fact, they MUST be publicly accessible or they would
> not work at all. This how the system works and everybody who uses the AW
> program and is aware of that (that it is not *possible* to protect them
> and that they *must* be publicly accessible). And this goes double to
> artists who will know very well how the system works.
> The same is, btw, true for sequences and sounds, for which the system,
> in the way it is engineered, does not provide any protection at all and
> have, thus, to be considered publicly accessible too.
> File by law a copyright form and send each original image to the library
> of congress as required by law prior to any publishing!
> <<<
> Nonsense - see my previous post.
> How to have FUN
> <<<
> YES! We come closer to the point of everything - FUN is the key here for
> by far the most people, not commercialism. It should also be realized
> that AW in its current implementation is widely NOT MEANT and generally
> NOT SUITED to make money by contributing artwork. Nevertheless it can
> work, amongst understandeable people who are willing to reward a good
> work, but these conditions cannot be considered to be the pre-condition.
> As I have written before, striking with a law club will not help at all,
> not because of the uncertain legal situation and not because of the
> multinational nature.
> But, what I am mainly wondering when reading these posts here is why
> people constantly have to assure the others how lawful they are
> themselves, how meritful and how successful in their commercial ventures
> and how bad the others are, how unlawful, how bad, how unethical and
> what else there is - and this seems to be what the newsgroup is for (or
> has become?).
> As if the community of AW has nothing else to worry about, as if the
> people who donate time and money to the community would not have other
> objectives, and as if the constant struggle about whose sand tower is
> the tallest (there is probably even a world "SandGor" who deals with
> this topic...) was the most important thing in the world that can be
> discussed here.
> Everybody is whining that the AW community is detoriating, yet almost
> everybody gladly goes the extra mile to hit another member. What about
> concentrating all powers to induce improvement, to change things and
> make them better? And THEN, AFTER that is achieved, there will be a lake
> big and vital enough that everybody can catch all the fish he wants even
> without picking on the "competition" or "dear neighbour".
> But as I see it, quite a few people are not able or willing to think or
> act beyond the next door neighbour and immediately engage in close range
> combat whenever another person comes into view.
> I think it is a shame, and sadly, there is a lot of truth in the words
> of another group member who claimed that the threads here do have an
> extraordinary entertainment value.
[View Quote]

count dracula

Oct 13, 2003, 12:47pm
I definetly think Insanity is in the lead now :)

My eyes get tired reading "books" in the NGs, maybe they could record this
and post a link to a MP3 instead, then one could listen to this while
renovating a car or something like that....just an idea

tag sva <morespam at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3f8ab5c9$1 at
> congratulation's you and Mr Bruce should have
> competition to see who can make the longest posts.
> -snip-
[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 12:49pm
Oh so the porn Fritz the Cat (which is cartoon) is not an x-rated movie?
hmmmmmm I still wouldn't let my kids watch it!

[View Quote]
[View Quote] > I must have missed that part; the man produce so much text that it is
> to keep up, however, I have a hard time beliving that this would be what
> on the OP by default. I more like think this is an option for
> worlds?
> I personally do not care if the only avatar in the worlds I host would be
> huge dick; it is the business of the worldowner. Since there is a x-rated
> option in the worldfeatures, I assume it is ok to have x-rated worlds; why
> else would AWI in the first place have an option for that ?
> We could of course argue the ratings until we die (what I think is
> might not be that in someone elses opinon and vice verca etc etc)
> Drac
> bowen <ten.sardna at newob> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3f8a32b8 at
> never
> the
> opinion
> from if
> something
> nudity
> in.

count dracula

Oct 13, 2003, 12:54pm
Hey hey ! I never said anything like that LOL
I more less said the same as you; that I do not consider a nude avatar
x-rated etc... maybe you answered the wrong person?

insanity <nospam at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3F8AA50F.F74D5913 at
Our site stating that will will not host X rated materials is correct. As
written by law, we will not host any "X" rated materials. These are "X"
rated by
"LAW" meaning images and movies etc. A cartoon avatar showing natural
resemblance or gestures in NOT X rated by any laws which we are aware of.
People WAKE UP !!! People are dying today!!! The world is at WAR!!! Stop
hate bashing!!! Try being nice and helping your fellow man have safe fun
enjoyment.. put forth some effort to be good... stop your abusive ways!

[View Quote] > I must have missed that part; the man produce so much text that it is
> to keep up, however, I have a hard time beliving that this would be what
> on the OP by default. I more like think this is an option for
> worlds?
> I personally do not care if the only avatar in the worlds I host would be
> huge dick; it is the business of the worldowner. Since there is a x-rated
> option in the worldfeatures, I assume it is ok to have x-rated worlds; why
> else would AWI in the first place have an option for that ?
> We could of course argue the ratings until we die (what I think is
> might not be that in someone elses opinon and vice verca etc etc)
> Drac
> bowen <ten.sardna at newob> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3f8a32b8 at
> never
> the
> opinion
> from if
> something
> nudity
> in.

stefan aka joker

Oct 13, 2003, 1:01pm
*shivers for the american law* lol

count dracula

Oct 13, 2003, 1:28pm
insanity <nospam at> kirjoitti
viestissä:3F8AB79B.684BD99C at
> You fail to be aware of U.S. law. Already proven last month that ISP's
must hand over the
> requested information for the court filings. Each lawsuit filed last month
against the
> users of Kazaa in North Texas was in the amount of $250,000.00 Check your
local news
> station for the copy if you missed it. As for foreign countries... I
think the U.S. is
> showing the world it has no limits in reaching out to defend American's
rights. As for
> copyrights.. It is a U.S. Laws which is adopted throughout treaties
through all free
> nations. Granted there are always violators. That is why lawyers graduate
every day...
> U.S. Law is simple to find... just go to any library and read up on it. As
for ignorance
> of the law. That is never a defense. Will those suits be dropped? Possibly
so... but if
> you are a home owner.. defending your assets against a large suit is
costly no matter
> what. Wisdom dictates not to steal... being wise is not a requirement...
Fines and
> imprisonment are deterrents however.
Well, all people do not live in a country control of citizens, brainwashing
and corruption is the main thing the goverment do.
Americans would not even recognize freedom if it hit them in the face.

Sure, U.S law is just sooo great. A murderer can get away on a technical
detail, if the lawyer is smart enough. The law in USA is not so much about
justice anymore, it is about winning or loosing. It also about who has
money, how else can one explain that most people in deathrows are black less
Lawyers graduate each days because people have started to sue eachother in
hope of easy money. I burned myself on your coffee, I demand 1 million
dollars. I tried to dry my cat in the microwave owen and it died, I demand 1
million dollars. I stuck my hand under lawnmower, now it is gone, I demand 1
million dollars.
All this stupidity has spred out to Europe now also, if you buy a chainsaw,
you get a 300 pages manual with 2 pages of how to start and use it, and 298
pages of what not to do with it. It has stickers all over it "do not eat "
"do not sit on it" " do not keep it on your head" etc

What comes to the music indistry, and their crusades against people, it is
an example on how someone with money can do anything they wish.
I was a member in , there was a small "community" sharing and
talking music. They were forced to remove the MP3 because of this crusade.
What do the music industry win with this? Nothing, absolutely nothing. There
was a lot of music it is very hard or impossible to find in music shops.
There was also newer music. I sometimes downloaded a few MP3s and if I liked
the band much , I bought the CD; so MP3s actually made me buy more Cds not
less. No way I am going to a music shop and randomly pick out some CDs that
I have never heard of.

I bet next thing will be singing in the shower; soon neigbours will report
you to the musiccops, and if you have not paid the fees for the songs you
have sung, you will do time in jail



Oct 13, 2003, 1:51pm
Ahh evil... Athiest! Athiest!, me athiest!



[View Quote]

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Oct 13, 2003, 1:57pm
[View Quote] Certainly not anywhere near as bad as European Union laws. Software
patents, good job Europe. Good thing it was squashed.

I know you want to join my army.

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Oct 13, 2003, 2:00pm
[View Quote] > After reading all this harrassment from others,yes I consider it harrassment
> What the hell is wrong with some of you people do you not have a life?And
> who the hell is Bowen some geek behind a Moniter that has nothing better to
> do then spew garbage at people?The Issue at hand is textures not stolen
> models which by the way you people should check into the trader sorts
> really,those that trade objects with others etc .Ok Textures ,I have gotten
> textures of objects that people have stolen form aw and others but not once
> have i gotten an object from Insanity that was textured with someone
> elses,he makes his own.His Textures have always been new and a little
> different.The on line texuters he has up ar not for stealing and using on
> models but for those on his path to use for create texture lines.Insanity
> has thousands upon thousands on his path from users etc file names dont tell
> him what is what and I recall one time I asked if I cluld use a certain
> texture that I ran across and he told me no,that's dianes.So whatever you
> are saying is not being done out of blatant disrespect but accidental ,Why
> dont you look through pick out your copyrighted textures,and make sure
> you've got the proof and ask him to remove them from public veiw eh?.

That's me, geek extraordinaire. I do suppose it's better than being a
Gorean slut... behind a computer, spewing nothing but garbage. Hurrah.

I know you want to join my army.

bowen ten.sardna@newob

Oct 13, 2003, 2:04pm
[View Quote] > Our site stating that will will not host X rated materials is correct. As
> written by law, we will not host any "X" rated materials. These are "X" rated by
> "LAW" meaning images and movies etc. A cartoon avatar showing natural anatomy
> resemblance or gestures in NOT X rated by any laws which we are aware of.
> People WAKE UP !!! People are dying today!!! The world is at WAR!!! Stop this
> hate bashing!!! Try being nice and helping your fellow man have safe fun and
> enjoyment.. put forth some effort to be good... stop your abusive ways!

Congratulations, you're violating US law. Hump is certainly X-rated and
so is "full erection" usually considered such. Hey, there's also
search... but why beat a dead horse.

I know you want to join my army.


Oct 13, 2003, 2:28pm
Bowen your remarks are offensive....and not in the least humorous.

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 2:31pm
The fact is, Bowen, that these are YOUR opinions and not worth the pixels used to convey them.

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 3:19pm
me too :-P

-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 3:20pm
But that's with probable cause... I think, lol.

-.Duo. (342836)


Oct 13, 2003, 3:24pm
You fail to be aware of U.S. law.

Which, apart from considerations of this specific ruling, does not help
when the person in question does not live in the USA (for example,
requests from Verizon to turn over data from an ISP in Germany was not
even considered by the court due to lack of evidence) - or is using a
mixer or out-of-state proxy.

As for copyrights.. It is a U.S. Laws which is adopted throughout
treaties through all free nations.

Fact is, that the USA respected the international treaties as one of the
last countries - the USA joined the Berner Treaty (const. 1886) eg. in
the year 1989.

I think the U.S. is showing the world it has no limits in reaching out
to defend American's rights.

Fact is, that more and more independent countries refuse these
(imperialistic) attempts to impose views of an own law system on other
countries. In the medium run already the USA will either have to stand
singled out or find a common sense with other nations (which is what
international treaties are for anyway).

Wisdom dictates not to steal

Wisdom says also: it is not stealing, but a copyright infringement.
Attempts to shift opinion in a particular direction by words of
obfuscation or newspeak may have a big tradition, but doesn't make a
wrong case right.


Oct 13, 2003, 3:25pm
So you are saying that the opinions are worthless because they are Bowens?
You don't know everything you know... I would say that Bowen is right. In
fact, "Hump" would count as XXX rated.

-.Duo. (342836)


Oct 13, 2003, 3:31pm
and that is your opinion also....not the law.

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 3:35pm
I bet next thing will be singing in the shower; soon neigbours will
report you to the musiccops, and if you have not paid the fees for the
songs you have sung, you will do time in jail

I hope you are careful in the public now already, since Big Brothers
eyes portrait you good enough to read your lips, do not dare to even
speak rhymes or other text pieces that are protected <g>.

And for music - over here, there are already large groups of people who
have stopped buying either protected or all music in an act of protest -
the music industry just shot herself in the foot and will not see
revenues considerably raising again. Apart from all other reasons,
people simply have less money to spend (only the wages of managers, but
not the ones of workers raised in the past years, but a manager will not
buy as many CDs as 200 workers, although he earns the same), and, even
more important, spend their money on much more different things than 10
or 20 years ago (eg. portable phones, internet access, branded
mainstream articles).


Oct 13, 2003, 3:37pm
> Wisdom dictates not to steal
> <<<
> Wisdom says also: it is not stealing, but a copyright infringement.
> Attempts to shift opinion in a particular direction by words of
> obfuscation or newspeak may have a big tradition, but doesn't make a
> wrong case right.

Well, you don't steal anything if you aren't somewhat socially retarded or
otherwise insane, so wisdom doesn't really make a difference. The problem is
that a lot of people believe all in 'folk psychology' which has no evidence
backing any of it at all, while real psychology goes known by few, even
though it has more evidence then any folk psychology. You are more correct.
Some people understand stealing as wrong, while others are socially retarded
and don't understand that it is wrong. Why do you think people can kill
hundreds of thousands of people, or rape 8 year olds? They don't understand
that these things are wrong. Many of the people who steal and share music do
NOT know it is against the law. Others don't care that it is against the
law, which is social retardation (to a certain degree).


Oct 13, 2003, 3:39pm
Umm - you are aware, that the USA has them already (latest example: the
challenge of MS about the IExplorer link-start capability)? And, who,
you think, started the initiative to introduce these patents in the EU?

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 4:18pm
I was not disagreeing with you Drac,,, was more a post clarifying our mea=
ning of
not hosting X rated :) I appreciate your stable thought process and sta=
for right :)

[View Quote] > Hey hey ! I never said anything like that LOL
> I more less said the same as you; that I do not consider a nude avatar
> x-rated etc... maybe you answered the wrong person?
> Drac
> insanity <nospam at> kirjoitti
> viestiss=E4:3F8AA50F.F74D5913 at
> Our site stating that will will not host X rated materials is correct. =
> written by law, we will not host any "X" rated materials. These are "X"=

> rated by
> "LAW" meaning images and movies etc. A cartoon avatar showing natural
> anatomy
> resemblance or gestures in NOT X rated by any laws which we are aware o=
> People WAKE UP !!! People are dying today!!! The world is at WAR!!! S=
> this
> hate bashing!!! Try being nice and helping your fellow man have safe =
> and
> enjoyment.. put forth some effort to be good... stop your abusive ways!=

[View Quote]


Oct 13, 2003, 4:21pm
No, they won't put you in jail.. they'll suck you down the drain :)

[View Quote] > insanity <nospam at> kirjoitti
> viestiss=E4:3F8AB79B.684BD99C at
> must hand over the
> against the
> local news
> think the U.S. is
> rights. As for
> through all free
> every day...
t. As
> for ignorance
> so... but if
> costly no matter
> Fines and
> Well, all people do not live in a country control of citizens, brainwas=
> and corruption is the main thing the goverment do.
> Americans would not even recognize freedom if it hit them in the face.
> Sure, U.S law is just sooo great. A murderer can get away on a technica=
> detail, if the lawyer is smart enough. The law in USA is not so much a=
> justice anymore, it is about winning or loosing. It also about who has
> money, how else can one explain that most people in deathrows are black=
> wealthy?
> Lawyers graduate each days because people have started to sue eachother=
> hope of easy money. I burned myself on your coffee, I demand 1 million
> dollars. I tried to dry my cat in the microwave owen and it died, I dem=
and 1
> million dollars. I stuck my hand under lawnmower, now it is gone, I dem=
and 1
> million dollars.
> All this stupidity has spred out to Europe now also, if you buy a chain=
> you get a 300 pages manual with 2 pages of how to start and use it, and=
> pages of what not to do with it. It has stickers all over it "do not ea=
t "
> "do not sit on it" " do not keep it on your head" etc
> What comes to the music indistry, and their crusades against people, it=
> an example on how someone with money can do anything they wish.
> I was a member in , there was a small "community" sharin=
g and
> talking music. They were forced to remove the MP3 because of this crusa=
> What do the music industry win with this? Nothing, absolutely nothing. =
> was a lot of music it is very hard or impossible to find in music shops=
> There was also newer music. I sometimes downloaded a few MP3s and if I =
> the band much , I bought the CD; so MP3s actually made me buy more Cds =
> less. No way I am going to a music shop and randomly pick out some CDs =
> I have never heard of.
> I bet next thing will be singing in the shower; soon neigbours will rep=
> you to the musiccops, and if you have not paid the fees for the songs y=
> have sung, you will do time in jail
> Drac

stefan aka joker

Oct 13, 2003, 4:24pm
i dont care about software patents ?

strike rapier

Oct 13, 2003, 4:24pm
[View Quote] Dont start what you cant stop....

> The FACTUAL information is this. Our user texture galleries are PRIVATE.
There is
> clear notice that it is illegal for anyone to enter that ASP server
> permission.

Actually... only with password protection on... but a SQL injection would
render that useless...

> It is not a web html server but a private program system. Our world
> owners clearly know what they have purchased and what they have not. This
is a
> courtesy to the world owners of the licensed items and their builders
designed to
> aide them in their use of the AW software. These people have purchased the
rights to
> use the items and textures in their worlds. I am quite sickened by the
panic and
> attacks I have received.

Sickening? Ohhh, please die!

> No one has ever used one of your models on our systems
> illegally ever! You and others know well that AW provides your textures in
> everyone's cache! We do not offer out the images. We offer a gallery so
that users
> can observe names and therefore use the AW software the way it is meant!
> I am sick of the jealousy and HATE! "RENTED PATH" is such a FALSE
header. Please

As I said... im waiting...

> pull your head out of the sand! 99.9% of users "RENT" their path space!
In FACT...
> 100% of users are on "RENTED" services from their ISP's! Even the ISP's
"Rent" the
> bandwidth throughput from backbone providers. set
> up the system years ago to allow users a chance to enjoy owning a world
without the
> hassles of learning to be a computer geek!
> We do this so that people can have
> FUN!!! Not to be wrongfully attacked by people running amuck in panic and
fear due
> to their own ignorance of facts! Users pay less than 7 pennies per day to
> access to our huge and original path systems!

Far too much if you ask me :)

> ALL private models have been
> protected for users and we have NEVER had a single loss of data! Our
galleries are a
> "PRIVATE" program server

No... its a HTTP server... I just asked it for some info and it gladly

> provided solely to our world owners who have lawfully
> purchased the license to use the AW software and the models in their
> possession. I will no tolerate abuses against them! Realize that by your
> the site you are deliberately and knowingly violating the law by entering
a system
> clearly posted as private and ordering you to exit! The system logs every
> hit to it.

Ha ha ha...

> Your ISP is required by law to provide your personal information to us
> should we request such.

Mine ain't!

> As with the lawsuits filed by and on behalf of music
> companies against users of KAZAA, we may perhaps file lawsuits upon anyone
> our ASP server unlawfully and using that illegal entry to harass our
company and/or
> our customers.

Now your just inviting someone to take down your server...

> We PROTECT the rights of our lawful users to the best of our
> abilities!

Ha... haha... Im no security expert... but I could most likely beat your
security system and create a better on in minutes.

> Their license purchases give them the rights to use their items as they
> wish within their worlds!
> Until you and other people make demands on AW to stop placing your images
in open
> cache, all images will be made available to aide the builders in their
> creative ways. I say this because for us to be forced to harm our user
base would
> be discriminating and punishing them alone while you do knowingly allow
all to
> receive copies of all images into cache! I do not see the artists
complaining to
> the software company, AW

No... cause pretty much everyone appart from you dosent have a problem with
it... there are far easier ways to steal object paths... (Im digging a grave
for myself here, aint I Bill?)

> , for allowing a cache image gallery on every computer!
> Therefore you best cease harassing our company! We are doing nothing
> unethical, illegal, or infringing upon copyright laws whatsoever!

Your company terms say that you will take possesion of a world... thats I L

> We are simply
> aiding our lawful users their right to have access to the filenames they
paid for!
> NOW if people wish to start making claims then let me suggest a bit of
> advice to the novices who feel they can create their own laws. 1. Become a
> professional. 2. Learn how to uniquely prefix filenames so that computers
> filter. Too many ignorant people believing computers should be hand picked
> They are "computers" they compute... they are automated systems. People
are being
> so "unrealistic" in their expectations its become absurd. 3. File by law a
> form and send each original image to the library of congress as required
by law
> prior to any publishing!

Nope... your mistaken, no documentation is required.

> Wake up and realize that posting to the web is an act of
> "publication" 4. Seek legal advice and education about the law. Do not
try and make
> it up as you go. 5. Do not threaten unless you have legal grounds or you
may find
> your home and assets at risk quickly!

Hows that gonna work... the FBI will come arrest all the h4x0rs you know,
leaving say... all the proper ones to take you out?

> If you demand that we remove the images you
> best have used due diligence to demand that the software company not allow
the "art"
> gallery on every copy of their browser. When you create works KNOWING
that your
> images are for "USE" within worlds, do not cry when they are being
displayed to
> facilitate that "USE"
> NOW, if you can show me how any law is being violated

Reffer to part about none transferable licences...

> by our showing our users the
> images that they paid to use so that they can lawfully use them. AND, you
> provide lawful proof that you have legally created the images using fully
> systems and software. AND, you can provide proof that the copyrights are
> actually your's and not a compilation of work or alteration of someone
> work(s), THEN we will consider honoring your request which ultimately
will harm the
> users who have paid you to use them.
> The WCOL Textures galleries are there for lawful users. We are not the
first to have
> galleries to facilitate our users. We will not be the last. We are not
offering the
> images to anyone!. We have spent considerable time and money to insure
that ALL
> property is protected. We have used our "BEST EFFORTS" to protect ALL
artists works.
> WE ask that you not be narrow minded in you thought process and that you
NOT follow
> the campaign of HATE and Discrimination so clearly set forth by the mob of
a few!
> You will find that you will NOT be able to show any evidence whatsoever
that even
> one single image has ever been wrongfully used. Unless deliberately done
now, after
> the fact, in an attempt to harm our company or our users.
> Please people... AW is dying a fast death because of all the bickering and
> acts put forth by the user base populating and publishing their hate in
> newsgroups and amongst the software universe.

Strange, I thought the user count was going up!

> Heartfall Productions has worked hard
> for many years to make building easier for users. Many of whom have died
of cancer,
> but enjoyed our easy access to world ownership and building for their
enjoyment in
> their last days! We are here to help! We are here for 365 day immediate
support! We
> are here so that people can EnJoY* during a day an age when suffering is
so great in
> the world.
> I ask that the people of this virtual place think... learn... and educate
> minds and open their hearts!

Hearts? Why the hell do we need to open our hearts, we use our eyes and
engage our brains... then rip you to pieces.

> I ask that they stop following mob rule... that they
> think before they attack, or condemn out of ignorance and fear! You will
not be
> hurting me... you are simply hurting the users, grandmothers, handicap
> children, foreign country citizens, everyone of all walks of life...

I am really REALLY considering having someone investigate your business
practices by paying on the 'need for support for dissabled'

> who came here
> and paid their license fees to EnJoY. They do not deserve the abuses...
> deserve what they pay for!
> If you have a gripe... complain to Bill Gates for making temp folders on
> software.

> For the immediate pop up "save as" icons over images. Complain to AW for
> their ART cache. Complain to people like Andras who wrote in these news
groups how
> to convert RAS to JPG.

Erm... twit... AW dosent use any MFC! Its all the programmers work, the only
thing MS about it is the IDE.

> If you LOOK and EDUCATE your minds and read.. you will see
> historical record where I have fought against people posting how to steal.
I was a
> special guest speaker at the CY Awards a few years back.. my topic..
"Copyrights" on
> the internet. How to protect your work and what you are NOT allowed to do.
Yet most
> of you steal an image, redo it and claim it is yours anyway.
> I am not your enemy! I am a person who gives 100% of myself to others
and have all
> my life! I have worked hard to make AW a better place... fighting a
loosing battle
> too! Because of the few who lurk here in the newsgroups and around in
> bashing and attacking and teaching people how to steal! I educate all
our users on
> how to be SAFE. How to PROTECT their property. How to have FUN and AVOID
the Bad
> People here that deliberately lurk to harm users. Every single world owner
> service can tell you that I have spent time with each, personally, giving
them tips
> on how to safely manage their worlds. I have spent considerable hours and
> months with programmers like Roland seeking fixes to cure theft issues
like the
> open cache! I encouraged him to re-do the seqs methods so that they could
be better
> designed and protected. The designs abilities to seqs and re-writes are
here now..
> sadly I was informed that the cache protection was not authorized by the
> leadership. So ASK AW to protect your work! It is their software that
allows the
> cache thefts!
> NOW, That being said... IF designers wish us to block their "PROVEN"
> materials... and BLOCK their buyer's & respective builder's access to
seeing the
> image names... THEN, those designers MUST use unique prefixed filenames
and submit
> in writing, via U.S. Mail, a list along with a signed affidavit swearing
to the fact
> that they are the sole owner of legal copyright. Upon receipt of that
> affidavit, we gladly remove any images they have claim to from the
galleries and
> place notice on the gallery site that all images from that designer are
> available at the designers demand, regardless of the impact that has to
> licensees' and their builders. That will allow ALL parties to be aware of
> reasons why their access has changed. That will also allow buyers to
beware of whom
> will cause their world building creative experiences to be restricted
> diminished. Personally I believe that is a mistake. I do not believe that
> would want to purchase from designers who try and RULE how they operate
> PRIVATELY owned, bought and paid for worlds. Heartfall hosts more than
$30,000.00 of
> privately owned licensed AW materials. We have proudly done so without a
single loss
> of that data for many years. Why designers are in a panic now based on a
> posting... and wish to harm their buying public is beyond me... Perhaps
it is all
> out of fear and rage created by a few mob leaders.. wishing to harm..
rather than
> awaken to logic and reason.
> ALL Affidavits must be mailed via U.S. Mail, signed and notarized. We
> mailing via the U.S. Postal service for the protection and laws provided
for under
> "mail fraud" guidelines. We hope that this will limited any such requests
to only
> legitimate claims and therefore reduce the risks to our users from being
> discriminated against. Discrimination is a very serious offense and act
> violates the individual freedoms or persons. We will use our best efforts
to fight
> discriminations of any kind which can harm any person. This is all meant
to aide the
> protection of actual copyright owners as well as the legal licensee's
> Any designer who wishes to have further discussion in this matter is
welcome to
> phone us directly. If they have limited financial resources and reside in
the United
> States they may contact us and provide a phone number to reach them at. I
> gladly phone them personally at my expense to help them better understand
> logistics, laws and reasons we provide such thorough care and protection
as best we
> can. Our contact information is clearly available, published on our web
site at
> I would also like to WARN buyers to beware of purchasing from any web site
that does
> not clearly offer you adequate forms of contact such as: A:) mailing
address B:)
> phone numbers to contact the company you are about to do business with.
Specially if
> you are purchasing using a credit card. This is internet commerce
safety -101. ALSO
> beware of purchasing on the Internet, any produce that does not clearly
state it's
> license of use and fails to list it's sales and return policies. Protect
> Be a wise and informed consumer. Demand professionalism in return for your
> ALL legit business will gladly provide you with this information in an
easy to
> locate page.
> Let's try and make this virtual environment a better place for all! Let's
> together and rid ourselves of the HATE mongers, bigots, racists and cyber
> that lurk around here! Let's show support to those working hard to
protect user!
> Let's NOT follow behind the mob of narrow minded hate!
> I wish you all well... I sincerely hope that this has enlightened the
readers and
> done some good for the betterment of all.
> Peace, health & healing....
> Lars Wyka aka InSaNiTy

strike rapier

Oct 13, 2003, 4:27pm
E N ZO likes it...? heh

- Mark

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