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Can some one make me a xelagot script?

Nov 2, 2002, 3:21pm
id like a script that detects swearing. when someone swears id like the bot
to materialize (the bot normally being invisible), give a warning, and
follow them while saying "Doobie doobie do" every 30 or 15 seconds. this is
sort of meant to be a joke and a deterrent to swearing. if the person swears
3 more times id like the bot to eject them then vanish again.

can anyone make this script for me? I would be in your debt.

Can some one make me a xelagot script?

Nov 9, 2002, 5:22am
the world im going to use it in isn't big enough for more than one doobie
doobie doer

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Can some one make me a xelagot script?

Nov 9, 2002, 5:24am
I only need it to work with one of the 3 x1 bots

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anyone treid this bot before?

Mar 13, 2003, 5:09pm
who made this bot?

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bots and chat in the world

Apr 18, 2003, 8:37pm
I heard once that in 3.4 bots would be able to intercept chat and swearing
before it appeared in the chat window. Are there any bots that can do this
and how do I set it up? Is there a bot that can censor the swearing instead
of giving eject warnings?

bots and chat in the world

Apr 18, 2003, 8:53pm
is there a way i can get a copy of this bot?

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bots and chat in the world

Apr 18, 2003, 8:55pm
or are there any bots already out that can do this?

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Apr 19, 2003, 4:49pm
Is chazbot still under developement? I have used the beta and it looks great
but still has lots of bugs. The web site for it hasnt been updated for a
long time.


Apr 22, 2003, 10:10am
hmmm is it realy worth $30?

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Apr 22, 2003, 10:13am
a limit of 2 visitors? sure makes it hard to beta test.

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teach me. please.

Apr 28, 2003, 12:03pm
is there someone who can teach me how to write xelagot scripts? i can usualy
be found in AAWR.

teach me. please.

Apr 28, 2003, 12:26pm
Oh and I do have basic programming knowledge. By basic I mean C128 and
QBasic =P. I know the structure of programs and how to use goto and gosub
and all that stuff. The problem is, from what I have read and am still
reading in the xelagot help files, its not as straightforward as
if a=2 then goto blablabla else yaddayaddayadda
a="Welcome to AW"
print a.
The help files are a little confusing. I need someone who can teach me.
please. I am desperate.

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need new paint ball bot or fixed ultimate paint ball bot

Dec 28, 2003, 7:00pm
iv been using the ultimate paint ball bot for some time before August when
the last update came out. since then i haven't been able to use it because
it crashes every 5 minutes. iv tried reinstalling it and everything. i need
either a fixed ultimate paintball bot or a totally new paintball bot. can
anyone help? is shoemakervillage going to update the bot?

New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 20, 2004, 12:23pm
Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
Here's a list of what it does do far.

The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
texture and freezes.
The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
march 21, 2004, the equinox.
The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
not meters, miles.

If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.

New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 20, 2004, 12:25pm
I forgot to add that the script can be changed to use weather data for any
of the locations that the National Weather Service has data for.

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New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 22, 2004, 10:18am
I may release it when I am finished. first I have to fix it so it gets the
right data from the weather report when it rains because when that happens
there is an extra line in the report that throws the rest of the script way

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New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 22, 2004, 11:40am
yes i know it doesn't but it sure as hell looks good the way its working now

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Weather script for Xelagot

Jan 31, 2004, 9:22am
Well here it is. I have decided to release it. There are two files you need.
first the main script file:
then the file with the sun position and lighting data that the script uses
to make the sun and moon move across the sky:
put both of these files in your X1s script directory.

Now for what the bot does. Every hour the bot will dload the weather report
from the National Weather Service. The script comes set to dload the weather
data for Boise, ID but it can be changed. There is a note in the script
about how to change it to your local weather. In my original post about this
script I said that the visibility is real life meaning 1 mile equals 1609
meters. I have changed that to 1 mile equals 100 meters because the maximum
vis in AW is just over a mile so it was never getting foggy. As I also said
in the first post the water freezes when the temp goes below 32 F and the
first cloud layer moves with the wind direction and speed. The script also
includes some verbal commands. There are 3 commands for the weather
(/weatherreport, /weatherforcast, and /nowcast << this one uses a weather
report that's only updated in bad weather.) and one to set you avatar (/av
avatarnumberhere) which I added just for the hell of it. I may add a few
more features to the bot like having it check for weather alerts and maybe
do something different for each one. For example if there's a tornado
warning or watch I may make it build sirens. It may also make announcements
about bad weather. I'm still working on how to add those features because
the National Weather Service uses different TXT files for each of the
different kind of warning and i have to find one that covers them all and i
have to make the bot stop using the weather warning info when it expires
which is listed at the top of the warning txt. But anyway here's the script.
I would advise you to find your local weather info and set the bots url to
use that because Boise's weather doesn't vary much during the winter. Its
usually grey.

Weather script for Xelagot

Jan 31, 2004, 10:44am
If you use the script id like to know what world your using it in so i can
come and check it out.
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Weather script for Xelagot

Feb 1, 2004, 12:20pm
ok. I have done as you suggested Xelag and I have created a page with
instructions and links to the Real Weather Script

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Weather script for Xelagot

Feb 1, 2004, 12:26pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

ok i have found the problem and fixed it. anyone who dloaded the script =
before this post was posted needs to redload the script

[View Quote] 11:04:46 VRT: ERROR in while ASClientList: EAccessViolation - Access =
violation at address 00403DAC in module 'x1.exe'. Read of address =

i need help

[View Quote] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1276" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>ok i have found the problem and fixed =
it. anyone=20
who dloaded the script before this post was posted needs to redload the=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV>"king small guy" &lt;<A=20
href=3D"mailto:craigrood at">craigrood at</A>&g=
[View Quote] also<BR>&gt; said<BR>&gt; &gt; in the first post the water freezes =
when the=20
temp goes below 32 F and the<BR>&gt; &gt; first cloud layer moves with =
wind direction and speed. The script also<BR>&gt; &gt; includes some =
commands. There are 3 commands for the weather<BR>&gt; &gt; =
/weatherforcast, and /nowcast &lt;&lt; this one uses a weather<BR>&gt; =
report that's only updated in bad weather.) and one to set you avatar=20
(/av<BR>&gt; &gt; avatarnumberhere) which I added just for the hell of =
it. I=20
may add a few<BR>&gt; &gt; more features to the bot like having it =
check for=20
weather alerts and maybe<BR>&gt; &gt; do something different for each =
one. For=20
example if there's a tornado<BR>&gt; &gt; warning or watch I may make =
it build=20
sirens. It may also make<BR>&gt; announcements<BR>&gt; &gt; about bad =
I'm still working on how to add those features because<BR>&gt; &gt; =
National Weather Service uses different TXT files for each of =
the<BR>&gt; &gt;=20
different kind of warning and i have to find one that covers them all=20
and<BR>&gt; i<BR>&gt; &gt; have to make the bot stop using the weather =
info when it expires<BR>&gt; &gt; which is listed at the top of the =
txt. But anyway here's the<BR>&gt; script.<BR>&gt; &gt; I would advise =
you to=20
find your local weather info and set the bots url to<BR>&gt; &gt; use =
because Boise's weather doesn't vary much during the winter. =
Its<BR>&gt; &gt;=20
usually grey.<BR>&gt; &gt;<BR>&gt; &gt;<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;=20


Weather script for Xelagot

Feb 1, 2004, 12:50pm
that was a sub i was going to use but instead i got rid of it. i forgot to
remove the gosub line but iv fixed that now and updated the script file that
is on

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Weather script for Xelagot

Feb 2, 2004, 9:19am
make sure you have the lightdata.txt dloaded and saved in the same directory
as the weather script. I have skyboxes disabled because i wanted to try
using the sky colors. to enable skyboxes find the sub called
changeattributes and in that sub there's a line that reads #skybox $sky.
Remove the # from that line. then save the script and reload it into your
bot and it should use skyboxes

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Off World Teleport

Apr 28, 2003, 1:50pm
that would realy screw things up when trying to use a closed world to bounce

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Speed up the browser/world server

Apr 28, 2003, 1:48pm
wouldnt all this make it slower. if you can fit more objects into a cell
wouldnt that make it harder to render and thus slower. i dont think its a
matter of the action and description box slowing things down, its a matter
of the actual object it self.

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Block telegrams by citizen number

Apr 28, 2003, 1:37pm
its all by citnumber. your browser just shows it to you by citname, but i
bet its all handeled by the citnumber. it has to be otherwise it would cause
problems (namely the one in this thread)

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world user list

Apr 28, 2003, 1:57pm
like AFK

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Proposal: AW2

Apr 28, 2003, 1:13pm
>Requiring the most recent
>DirectX, CPU(P3 or better processor), video(Geforce2+/Radeon 9000+) and
>OS(Windows XP/2000)

well for one most ppl don't have those. my comp (laptop. its all i have and
i like it that way. besides it kicks ass) is brand new and i dont even have
that. i have a P4 2.4Ghz (one requirement met), 512Mb ram, 32mb Mobility
Radeon 7500 (Oops. oh well looks like i wont be using AW2. And i dont think
its as easy to upgrade a laptop as it is a desktop), Windows XP (I know
microsoft is a b**ch but it works a lot better than the other widows OSes iv
used (starting from my first comp to the one i had before this one, iv used
Windows 3.4, 95, 98, 98SE and ME.) Its also a lot more stable than all the
rest.) ((like that =P. im having fun with my posts. kind of lame. =P))
those requirements really limit how many ppl can actualy use AW2. i doubt
many are willing to go out and buy a new computer just to use AW, but you
never know.

Proposal: AW2

Apr 28, 2003, 1:16pm
crap i sent my post before reading this one. lol did i totaly restate what
you just said. =P

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Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)

Apr 28, 2003, 12:33pm
in my world i had a problem with a tourist on dialup. they would enter the
world and vandalize. id eject them. they would reconnect and change their
name and enter the world again and keep vandalizing. and i know that was the
same person because what are the chances that at least 20 times in a row a
tourist would be ejected and then a few minutes later another tourist enters
and vandalizes.

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