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need new paint ball bot or fixed ultimate paint ball bot (Bots)
need new paint ball bot or fixed ultimate paint ball bot // Botspanther1403Dec 28, 2003, 7:00pm
iv been using the ultimate paint ball bot for some time before August when
the last update came out. since then i haven't been able to use it because it crashes every 5 minutes. iv tried reinstalling it and everything. i need either a fixed ultimate paintball bot or a totally new paintball bot. can anyone help? is shoemakervillage going to update the bot? scuzDec 30, 2003, 6:12pm
My megabot has a paintball bot in it but as of now it doesnt have grenades,
frenzys, ect but i hope to add that before winter breaks over. Just gota finish all this dumb homework >___< ~Homework sucks... erm.. Scuz [View Quote] brantFeb 7, 2004, 9:41pm
While I'd like to fix that bot, unfortunately it's become obsolete as a
result of MrGrimm changing the format of his VB wrapper from OCX to COM. It would be nearly impossible to change every command that it sent to the SDK. I might be able to fix specific errors without adding any functionality beyond AW 3.2 if you send me a telgram. Perhaps in the future, I'll start over from scratch in of Sorry, -Brant [View Quote] strike rapierFeb 8, 2004, 8:27am
Dude... it took me like 5 days to port about 15,000 lines of SDK code to the
new COM DLL. Its not what you could call hard if you understand the comparisons between the OCX and the COM models. - Marky R [View Quote] strike rapierFeb 8, 2004, 8:35am
right then....
get attributes... replace each property with its new equivilent set attributes, replace each 'sdk.awloginapplication = ' with 'sdk.aw_string_set$(AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, ' then just add the brackets where it tells you to. (probably end of the line) yer see... if your really crafty you could make something to parse your code and when it finds AwAvatarName it parses it by the capitals, and upper cases it all, with a _ before each... but I didnt do that, was much quicker for me to do it using find / replace. - MR [View Quote] brantFeb 18, 2004, 5:47pm
Hey Strike,
I think that this would take significantly longer than five days. First of all, how many hours did you work in those days? True, it isn't as difficult as it might sound to change attribute settings like AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION over to the new format. But it still takes time, and with as many lines as the paintball application has, it will take hours. But far more difficult is the changed way that multiple instances are handled in the COM DLL. The old OCX simply allowed the programmer to create an array of AWSdkOcx5 objects, each representing one bot. When an avatar click was received, the Index was received by the application, and it was relatively easy to reply. But with the new DLL, I would have to add hundreds of instance change statements, and would have to make sure that the correct instance is being referred to at any given location in the code. Most likely, I'll forget to change to the correct instance at one point and it will cause some obscure bug I'll never find. No matter how you put it, this multiple instances problem, combined with the obsolescence of Visual Basic 6, makes it more feasible to start from scratch in Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Visual C#.NET in the future. -Brant [View Quote] strike rapierFeb 18, 2004, 9:24pm
When I am coding at my maximum output... 17 or 18 hours a day...
Those however only took about about 20 hours to convert everything. PS: I just use an array of COM objects without problem. - Mark R [View Quote] |