panther1403 // User Search

panther1403 // User Search

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Unfair AWHS Practices

May 5, 2003, 2:12pm
life's not fair. =P

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An idea

May 5, 2003, 3:59pm
Iv been reading the posts about ppl who are concerned about the future of AW
and I have a suggestion for AWI. I can sum my suggestion up in 1 word. Here
it is: Advertising

An idea

May 5, 2003, 4:04pm
Well here's a little more for my idea. Maybe ppl could donate money to help
pay for the advertising. Or maybe ppl could take it upon themselves (if its
ok with AWI) to get advertising for AW. Just an idea I thought I would post.

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Please lay off the personals?

May 7, 2003, 1:45pm

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Problem with sending files

May 7, 2003, 5:18pm
DSL makes no difference. i have DSL and can send fine when i open up the
ports on my router. i just open up port 2000-9999 to make sure i got the
right one =P

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Problem with sending files

May 8, 2003, 9:27am
oh and all i have is a laptop and it works fine for me

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Problem with sending files

May 8, 2003, 9:29am
he might not be opening up the ports to the right computer

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Problem with sending files

May 8, 2003, 9:30am
i only get that error when the ports on my router are not open

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A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 15, 2003, 11:42am
i know a possible reason for this. its because the OP is in 2 different
places. part of it is hosted in the US and the other part is in Germany.
haven't you ever seen on the news when they are doing a live feed from some
other part of the world that when the host asks a question it takes a few
seconds for the person out in the field to respond. the same thing applies
to the internet. the farther away the host is from you the longer its going
to take the data to get to you.

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Heres what happens with you dont like Gks

Dec 29, 2003, 1:47pm
I would have ejected you also.

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