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Programming Languages

Feb 10, 2003, 8:30pm
> If its used right (classes, classes, classes), C++ is a very productive
> language and quick to learn with the right grounding. My thoughts ... feel
> free to contradict.

Sounds good, was certainly more fun to read/listen to then my C++ teacher's 2.5 hour
lecture on ints.


Programming Languages

Feb 18, 2003, 1:06am
[View Quote] He likes to use dynamic memory allocation a lot... that seems to be his downfall too.
Bowen thinks .duo. should stick to static sized variables.


Programming Languages

Feb 19, 2003, 12:16am
[View Quote] What can I say, we like what we do best.



Feb 15, 2003, 12:34pm
> Do you know about advanced handling of arrays and OOP proceedures for events

I'm sure you don't need OOP, but it would make it easier.



Feb 18, 2003, 7:07pm
I've provided the VB OCX until grimmsoft is back up and running.


Query on comwrapper

Feb 25, 2003, 3:13pm
[View Quote] Er... um. I think maybe you're doing that wrong if you need to be in global mode.
Global mode doesn't need query.


Query on comwrapper

Feb 27, 2003, 6:11pm
[View Quote] Not necessarily, at least not when I used it. It gets object clicks and all those
types of events without the need to query first.


Query on comwrapper

Feb 28, 2003, 11:06pm
[View Quote] Ok, so you were half right. (I've always wanted to do what TZ does, annoying isn't


VB Object Name

Feb 28, 2003, 6:28pm
[View Quote] Yeah, we got it down.


teleport.cgi script?

Mar 22, 2003, 4:56pm
[View Quote] Joeman has a PHP one available:


teleport.cgi script?

Mar 22, 2003, 6:20pm
[View Quote] I assume it works on any open browser.



Apr 6, 2003, 11:13pm
[View Quote] There's a direction?



Apr 7, 2003, 12:44am
[View Quote] Hoping you have all the headers/bodies. At least with outlook.



Apr 10, 2003, 11:37pm
[View Quote] It went down. The OCX is on my site, if that's what you need.



Apr 11, 2003, 12:04am
[View Quote] We're all waiting on that one too.


Internet Explorer

Apr 12, 2003, 7:06pm
[View Quote] A working CD-Key for VC++ 6.0 was something like 666-6666666. (just hold down all
6's, I believe this worked for win95 as well)


Internet Explorer

Apr 15, 2003, 12:05am
[View Quote] Nothing, the zip code reminded me of the MS keys.


Grimmsoft AW SDK OCX 3.4

Apr 15, 2003, 4:19pm
[View Quote] Yay, we converted one.


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 3:31am
[View Quote] Why would you need a witness... I wonder. Worried about trojans? You should make it
a requirement for the club members to share code openly.


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 4:16pm
[View Quote] Then it's nothing more than an executable sharing club. Sure, you could claim it a
programmer club, but unless they're sharing the source... there's no point. Isn't
the point of clubs to learn from your peers?


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 4:41pm
[View Quote] Which actually helps people learn. If you picked up an HTML book right now, or just
copy and pasted HTML from others' websites... who do you think would learn HTML
faster from trial and error? The one who copy and pasted, right? Because he's
experimenting. The one who's doing it from a book is learning what the book wants
him to know and maybe not what he needs to know to do anything worthwile. It's great
you can put tables together to show predefined statistics, but can you put tables
together to show a webpage worth visiting?


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 4:42pm
[View Quote] Yeah, KAH has to finish his new system which I have no idea on what he's doing.
Maybe we can incorperate the club into that instead of seperating them off from the
rest of the community, or something.


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 17, 2003, 11:27pm
[View Quote] Then how does not requiring open source code help?


Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 18, 2003, 1:26am
[View Quote] The best way to learn is through trial and error, not through what people tell you.
You can learn from both, but the better of the two is on your own.


afk gesture?

Apr 20, 2003, 1:30am
[View Quote] Should be better to make it a read-only state? Maybe even putting an "AFK" across
their AV.


grimmsoft documentation

Apr 29, 2003, 2:04am
[View Quote] Doesn't sound like something I did.


Apr 28, 2003, 3:39am
Just to let people know is down until I either renew the
domain and hosting or get a new one.


Bingo Bot

May 20, 2003, 3:45am
[View Quote] Visual Basic programmers need to get into the habit of including those
runtimes and libraries needed for their programs. One does not want to
spend 20 hours looking around MSDN for the files they need.


Bingo Bot

May 20, 2003, 4:17pm
[View Quote] You have every need. Provide 3 packages. One with runtimes, one
without, and one with the source. Some people need the runtimes, some
people don't, some people don't need the source.


Bingo Bot

May 20, 2003, 8:27pm
[View Quote] I guess you don't want people to use it then.


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